152 research outputs found

    The prevalence of AGN feedback in massive galaxies at z~1

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    We use the optical--infrared imaging in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey field, in combination with the new deep radio map of Arumugam et al., to calculate the distribution of radio luminosities among galaxies as a function of stellar mass in two redshift bins across the interval 0.4<z<1.2. This is done with the use of a new Bayesian method to classify stars and galaxies in surveys with multi-band photometry, and to derive photometric redshifts and stellar masses for those galaxies. We compare the distribution to that observed locally and find agreement if we consider only objects believed to be weak-lined radio-loud galaxies. Since the local distribution is believed to be the result of an energy balance between radiative cooling of the gaseous halo and mechanical AGN heating, we infer that this balance was also present as long ago as z~1. This supports the existence of a direct link between the presence of a low-luminosity ('hot-mode') radio-loud active galactic nucleus and the absence of ongoing star formation.Comment: 10 pages, MNRAS, in pres

    The Mass Assembly of Fossil Groups of Galaxies in the Millennium Simulation

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    The evolution of present-day fossil galaxy groups is studied in the Millennium Simulation. Using the corresponding Millennium gas simulation and semi-analytic galaxy catalogues, we select fossil groups at redshift zero according to the conventional observational criteria, and trace the haloes corresponding to these groups backwards in time, extracting the associated dark matter, gas and galaxy properties. The space density of the fossils from this study is remarkably close to the observed estimates and various possibilities for the remaining discrepancy are discussed. The fraction of X-ray bright systems which are fossils appears to be in reasonable agreement with observation, and the simulations predict that fossil systems will be found in significant numbers (3-4% of the population) even in quite rich clusters. We find that fossils assemble a higher fraction of their mass at high redshift, compared to non-fossil groups, with the ratio of the currently assembled halo mass to final mass, at any epoch, being about 10 to 20% higher for fossils. This supports the paradigm whereby fossils represent undisturbed, early-forming systems in which large galaxies have merged to form a single dominant elliptical.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Obscured quasars at high redshift in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey

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    Obscured quasars hidden in deep X-ray surveys can be recovered by looking at mid-infrared wavelengths, where dust re-radiates the absorbed radiation. Here we present a sample of obscured quasars in the redshift range 1 < z < 4 based on data from the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey (UDS), the deepest near-IR survey over ~ 1 sq. deg. to date. Candidates that are primarily selected by their 24 μm emission are probed by decomposing their spectral energy distribution (SED) to disentangle the emission from the AGN and its host galaxy. We show preliminary results on their host galaxy properties as well as their clustering, showing that obscured quasars are found in galaxies located in the green valley, residing in dark matter haloes not different from normal galaxies at those redshift

    Photochemical Organocatalytic Functionalization of Pyridines via Pyridinyl Radicals

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    We report a photochemical method for the functionalization of pyridines with radicals derived from allylic C–H bonds. Overall, two substrates undergo C–H functionalization to form a new C(sp2)–C(sp3) bond. The chemistry harnesses the unique reactivity of pyridinyl radicals, generated upon single-electron reduction of pyridinium ions, which undergo effective coupling with allylic radicals. This novel mechanism enables distinct positional selectivity for pyridine functionalization that diverges from classical Minisci chemistry. Crucial was the identification of a dithiophosphoric acid that masters three catalytic tasks, sequentially acting as a Brønsted acid for pyridine protonation, a single electron transfer (SET) reductant for pyridinium ion reduction, and a hydrogen atom abstractor for the activation of allylic C(sp3)–H bonds. The resulting pyridinyl and allylic radicals then couple with high regioselectivit

    Aryloxide-promoted catalyst turnover in Lewis base organocatalysis

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    The authors thank Syngenta and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis (CRITICAT, grant code EP/L016419/1) (WCH) for funding. The European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) ERC Grant Agreement No. 279850 is also acknowledged (ADS). ADS thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award.This short review highlights select examples of enantioselective Lewis base promoted reactions that use tertiary amine (cinchona alkaloids, isothioureas and DMAP/PPY derivatives) or NHC catalysts and employ aryloxide promoted catalyst turnover from an acyl ammonium or azolium intermediate. This review focuses on the range of strategies that have been developed within this area, and discusses their evolution and contextPostprintPeer reviewe

    Isothiourea-catalyzed enantioselective α-alkylation of esters via 1,6-conjugate addition to para-quinone methides

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    Funding: We thank the ERC under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/E.R.C. grant agreement n° 279850, AstraZeneca and EPSRC [EP/M506631/1 (J.N.A.)], Syngenta and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis [CRITICAT, EP/L016419/1 (W.C.H.)], and EPSRC [EP/M508214/1 (C.M.)] for funding. A.D.S. thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award. We thank the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University.The isothiourea-catalyzed enantioselective 1,6-conjugate addition of para-nitrophenyl esters to 2,6-disubstituted para-quinone methides is reported. para-Nitrophenoxide, generated in situ from initial N-acylation of the isothiourea by the para-nitrophenyl ester, is proposed to facilitate catalyst turnover in this transformation. A range of para-nitrophenyl ester products can be isolated, or derivatized in situ by addition of benzylamine to give amides, in up to 99% yield. Although low diastereocontrol is observed, the diastereoisomeric ester products are separable and formed with high enantiocontrol (up to 94:6 er).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The formation of bulges, discs and two-component galaxies in the CANDELS Survey at z < 3

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    We examine a sample of 1495 galaxies in the CANDELS fields to determine the evolution of two-component galaxies, including bulges and discs, within massive galaxies at the epoch 1 < z < 3 when the Hubble sequence forms. We fit all of our galaxies’ light profiles with a single Sersic fit, as well as with a combination of exponential and Sersic profiles. The latter is done in order to describe a galaxy with an inner and an outer component, or bulge and disc component. We develop and use three classification methods (visual, F-test and the residual flux fraction) to separate our sample into one-component galaxies (disc/spheroids-like galaxies) and two-component galaxies (galaxies formed by an ‘inner part’ or bulge and an ‘outer part’ or disc). We then compare the results from using these three different ways to classify our galaxies. We find that the fraction of galaxies selected as two-component galaxies increases on average 50 per cent from the lowest mass bin to the most massive galaxies, and decreases with redshift by a factor of 4 from z = 1 to 3. We find that single Sersic ‘disc-like’ galaxies have the highest relative number densities at all redshifts, and that two-component galaxies have the greatest increase and become at par with Sersic discs by z = 1. We also find that the systems we classify as two-component galaxies have an increase in the sizes of their outer components, or ‘discs’, by about a factor of 3 from z = 3 to 1.5, while the inner components or ‘bulges’ stay roughly the same size. This suggests that these systems are growing from the inside out, whilst the bulges or protobulges are in place early in the history of these galaxies. This is also seen to a lesser degree in the growth of single ‘disc-like’ galaxies versus ‘spheroid-like’ galaxies over the same epoch

    Growing up in a megalopolis : environmental effects on galaxy evolution in a supercluster at z similar to 0.65 in UKIDSS UDS

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    We present a large-scale galaxy structure C1 J021734-0513 at z similar to 0.65 discovered in the UKIDSS UDS field, made of similar to 20 galaxy groups and clusters, spreading over 10 Mpc. We report on a VLT/VIMOS spectroscopic follow-up program that, combined with past spectroscopy, allowed us to confirm four galaxy clusters (M-200 similar to 10(14) M-circle dot) and a dozen associated groups and star-forming galaxy overdensities. Two additional filamentary structures at z similar to 0.62 and 0.69 and foreground and background clusters at 0.6 <z <0.7 were also confirmed along the line of sight. The structure subcomponents are at different formation stages. The clusters have a core dominated by passive galaxies and an established red sequence. The remaining structures are a mix of star-forming galaxy overdensities and forming groups. The presence of quiescent galaxies in the core of the latter shows that 'pre-processing' has already happened before the groups fall into their more massive neighbours. Our spectroscopy allows us to derive spectral index measurements e.g. emission/absorption line equivalent widths, strength of the 4000 angstrom break, valuable to investigate the star formation history of structure members. Based on these line measurements, we select a population of 'post-starburst' galaxies. These galaxies are preferentially found within the virial radius of clusters, supporting a scenario in which their recent quenching could be prompted by gas stripping by the dense intracluster medium. We derive stellar age estimates using Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based spectral fitting for quiescent galaxies and find a correlation between ages and colours/stellar masses which favours a top-down formation scenario of the red sequence. A catalogue of similar to 650 redshifts in UDS is released alongside the paper (via MNRAS online data).Peer reviewe

    Optimizing automatic morphological classification of galaxies with machine learning and deep learning using Dark Energy Survey imaging

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    There are several supervised machine learning methods used for the application of automated morphological classification of galaxies; however, there has not yet been a clear comparison of these different methods using imaging data, or a investigation for maximising their effectiveness.We carry out a comparison between several common machine learning methods for galaxy classification (Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), K-nearest neighbour, LogisticRegression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Neural Networks) by using DarkEnergy Survey (DES) data combined with visual classifications from the Galaxy Zoo 1 project(GZ1). Our goal is to determine the optimal machine learning methods when using imaging data for galaxy classification. We show that CNN is the most successful method of these ten methods in our study. Using a sample of _2,800 galaxies with visual classification from GZ1, we reach an accuracy of _0.99 for the morphological classification of Ellipticals and Spirals. The further investigation of the galaxies that have a different ML and visual classification but with high predicted probabilities in our CNN usually reveals an the incorrect classification provided by GZ1. We further find the galaxies having a low probability of being either spirals or ellipticals are visually Lenticulars (S0), demonstrating that supervised learning is able to rediscover that this class of galaxy is distinct from both Es and Spirals.We confirm that _2.5% galaxies are misclassified by GZ1 in our study. After correcting these galaxies’ labels, we improve our CNN performance to an average accuracy of over 0.99 (accuracy of 0.994 is our best result)
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