462 research outputs found

    Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in SOE Mining Sector in Indonesia: Commitment of Social-legal Awareness

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    Through its Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER), the company actively contributes to addressing social vulnerability issues in communities. However, when we know that companies are financially impacted, it is interesting to do research on the motivation of companies in providing CSER funds, especially State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), continue to run their CSER programs, whether it is merely an obligation due to regulatory orders or whether there are other motives. This research was conducted from the perspective of the sociology of law. The result shows that the obligation of CSER in several regulations is not merely the lawgiver's desires but comes from social awareness, given that kinship has existed for a long time. Even though there are no explicit restrictions addressing requirements or sanctions to implement CSER in the SOE Law, SOEs in the mining sector demonstrate their commitment to social awareness by continuing to carry out their CSER program in 2020 and 2021

    Habitat characteristic of two selected locations for sea cucumber ranching purposes

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    Sea cucumbers face heavily overfished because of their high prices and very strong market demand. One effort suggested to overcome this problem is sea ranching. The objectives of present works were to determine biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of prospective location for sea ranching of sea cucumber Holothuria atra. Two location at Jepara Waters (Teluk Awur and Bandengan WateRs of Jepara Regency) were selected. The determination of chemical (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen of water, phosphate, nitrate,nitrite and ammonium of water and sediment, organic matters of sediment), physical (transparancy, sedimen grains size, water current direction and its velocity), biologycal characteristic (coverage of seagrass and its macroalgae associated, phytoplankton as well as chlorophyl-a and phaeopytin of water and sediment) ware determined. The result of present work showed that some characteristic were matched with requirement as sea ranching location of sea cucumber because the density of sea cucumber in the sea is a function of habitat features. For sediment feeding holothurians of the family Aspidochirotida, the biologycal characteristic act as very important considerations by providing sea cucumber food. High cholophyl-a and phaeopytin in sediment also represent a prosperous habitat for sea cucumber ranching

    Penggunaan metode Ibtidai untuk meningkatkan keterampilan santri dalam membaca kitab kuning : Studi quasi eksperimen di kelas 8 Pesantren Miftahuttaufiq Cibiru Bandung

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    ملخص البحث ويديا ننجسيح : استخدام طريقة الابتداء لترقية مهارة الطلاب في قراءة كتب التراث (دراسة شبه تجربة على تلاميذ الصف الثامن في معهد مفتاح التوفيق الإسلامي شيبروا باندونج). كان تعليم كتب التراث أمرًا صعبًا لطلاب في المعهد الإسلامي لا سيما في حسب قواعد اللغة الاعربية وهما النحو والصرف. إضافة إلى ذلك،اختارت الباحثة طريقة البحث من بدائل طريقة التعليم كتب التراث هذه الطريقة هي طريقة الابتداء. وهذه الطريقة ترقي مهارة الطلاب في قراءة النصوص. الأغراض عن هذا البحث هي معرفة واقعية مهاراة الطلاب في قراءة كتب التراث قبل وبعد استخدام طريقة الابتداء ولمعرفة ترقية مهارة الطلاب في قراءة كتب التراث للصف الثامن في معهد مفتاح التوفيق الإسلامي شيبروا باندونج. ويعتمد هذا البحث على أساس التفكير أن استخدام الطريقة الابتداء يرقي مهارة الطلاب في قراءة كتب التراث. وهذا البحث هو بحث كمي وطريقتهه المستخدمة هي طريقة شبه التجريبة بتصميم مجموعة واحدة تعتمد على نتائج الاختبار القبلي والاختبار البعدي لمادة القراءة. وأما أساليبه فهي الملاحظة و المقابلة والاختبار و التوثيق. ومن نتايج هذا البحث أن تحصيل الطلاب في الاختبار القبلي تدل على درجة منخفضة، دلت قيمة المتوسط على قدر 39،03 لأنها تقع بين 30-60 في معيار التفسير. وأما مهارة الطلاب في الاختبار البعدي تدل على درجة جيدة، دلت عليها قيمة المتوسط على قدر 71،73 لأنها تقع بين 70-80 في معيار التفسير.. وهناك قيمة "ت" الحسابية (13،91) < "ت" الجدولية (2,06) أو قيمة "ت" الحسابية أكبر من "ت" الجدولية فتدل هذه النتيجة على أن الفرضية الصفرية مردودة. فهناك فرق بين قدرة التلاميذ على قراءة كتب التراث قبل استخدام طريقة الابتداء وبعدها. ويعرف أن المتوسط ن – د 0،63 أو 63٪. فهذه النتجة تدل على أنّ تصنيف المعتدل هي 0،30 < د ≤ 0،70

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Manajemen Nyeri terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Perawat

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of pain management training on improving nurses' competency in adult diseases in Padang Pariaman hospital. The Method This study uses a quasi-experimental design with one group pre-post test design approach. The results of this study obtained statistically shows that there is an increase in the cognitive, affective and skills of pain management by nurses (p &lt;0.05). Variable knowledge of nurses increased with a value of 8,647 ± 3,427, attitudes 7,882 ± 3,789 and skills 14,06 to 16,76. The conclusion of this study that Off the job training is very potential for improving nurse competence in pain management, especially in improving cognitive competence, effectiveness, and pain management skills. Continuous training and evaluation of the application of pain management are expected to improve the ability of nurses to carry out pain management. Keywords: Pain Management Training, Cognitive, Affective, Skill, Competenc

    Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in SOE Mining Sector in Indonesia: Commitment of Social-legal Awareness

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    Through its Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER), the company actively contributes to addressing social vulnerability issues in communities. However, given that businesses are also impacted financially, it is interesting to find out why companies, especially State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), continue to run their CSER programs, whether it is merely an obligation due to regulatory orders or whether there are other motives. This research was conducted from the perspective of the sociology of law. The result shows that the obligation of CSER in several regulations is not merely the lawgiver's own desires but comes from social awareness, given that kinship has existed for a long time. Even though there are no explicit restrictions addressing requirements or sanctions to implement CSER in the SOE Law, SOEs in the mining sector demonstrate their commitment to social awareness by continuing to carry out their CSER program in 2020 and 2021


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    Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil coran logam adalah cetakan yang digunakan. Kesalahan dalam pembuatan cetakan bisa menyebabkan terjadinya cacat pada proses pengecoran. Penyebab utama terjadinya cacat pada proses pengecoran yaitu sifat-sifat dari cetakan seperti permeabilitas, kekuatan tekan cetakan, dan sintering poin yang rendah serta distribusi butiran pasir tidak sesuai. Sifat-sifat cetakan itu sendiri sangat tergantung pada distribusi besar butir pasir cetak, persentase zat pengikat dan persentase kadar air, sehingga perlu adanya penelitian untuk mendapatkan jenis pasir cetak yang cocok sebagai cetakan pasir pada pengecoran logam


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    This research was conducted to improve students' thinking skills using the STEM approach. Critical thinking is one of the abilities that students need to have in the 21st century. This research was conducted on fifth grade students at UPTD SDN 7 Nagrikaler Purwakarta, with a total of 24 students. The research was conducted using classroom action research (PTK), which was conducted in two cycles. The data collection technique uses observation sheets to determine which aspects will be examined by teachers and students, as well as tests to measure students' critical thinking abilities. In the first cycle, student learning outcomes obtained a score of 66.7%, and in the second cycle, student learning outcomes obtained a score of 83.3%, so the results of this study indicate that the STEM approach can improve the critical thinking skills of fifth grade students in science learning

    Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobenthos Di Perairan Wilayah Morosari Desa Bedono Kecamatan Sayung Demak

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    The pond area of Bedono waters become a shallow water, due to the influence of high tide (rob). This condition affect the macrozoobenthos, one of the animals that live in the area. The objective of this research is to look for the macrozoobenthos community structure of in the Region Morosari Waters, Bedono District of Sayung, Demak. Twenty five polychaeta species were found in this research, 7 species of bivalves, 6 species of gastropods and 1 species of crustacean, with abundances ranging between 36-1331 ind/m2 with diversity index value (H \u27) in each research ranged from 2.95 (moderate diversity level) to 0.83 (low diversity level), with evennes index (e) ranged from 0.46 (moderate evennes index) to 1.00 (high evennes index). Domination index (C) ranged from 0.15 (this value shows that no domination index) to 0.69 (this value shows that domination index)

    Environmental Characteristic of Phyllophorus sp. (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Phyllophoridae) Habitat in the Madura Strait, Indonesia

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    Information on the environmental characteristics of many sea cucumber habitat is limited, despite these species exhibiting rapid exploitation and may lead to depletion. The present study combined a survey on many seawaters and sediment characteristics of habitat valuable aspidochirote holothurian, Sea Ball Cucumber, Phyllophorus sp. to compare with location with no sea cucumber in Madura Strait, Indonesia. Data from detailed surveys were used to compare both locations with measures of physical and chemical seawater parameters including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids, light transparency, and depth of water. The comparison was also carried out on physical and chemical parameters of surface sediment, i.e. phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll-a, grain size, total organic matter, and carbon-organic content. The data then were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U-Non Parametric Test with SPSS v. 16.  The result revealed that there were significant differences between sediment characteristics of Sea Ball Cucumber habitat and no Sea Ball cucumber location, but not for seawater. Seawater parameter value in Madura Strait showed in the range required for its life. This analyzes proved the importance of sediment characteristics for Phyllophorus sp. As benthic deposit feeders, they did not only utilize substrate underneath the body for its habitat but also primarily to supply their natural food.

    Morfometric of Placuna placenta from Wulan Estuary, Demak, Indonesia

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    Bivalves are easily found along Central Java’s coast and are an ecologically and economically important marine group of organisms. One of them was Placuna placenta, the Window Pane Scallops. It is commonly consumed, and the shell of this species is manufactured for many handicrafts. The present work reports the morphometric and size class of P. placenta in the Wulan estuary, Demak. The samples were collected using a dredge from seven sampling sites and then were measured for their shell length. The P. placenta’s shell is considerably inequivalve, thin, fragile, almost equilateral, rounded to saddle-shaped, and extremely compressed laterally. The umbones are low and submedian, and the outer surface is relatively smooth, with lamellate growth lines and occasionally fine radiating threads. The density of P. placenta was found to be varied with the sampling sites. The highest density coincided with high chlorophyll-a and the small and large class groups living in sampling sites 1, 2, and 7 for the small and 5, 6, and 10 for the big, respectively. The existence of the small size group in some sampling sites showed that it was the nursery ground for this species. Hence, it is urged to be conserved to maintain its stock