113 research outputs found

    Dynamic characteristics of sulfur, iron and phosphorus in coastal polluted sediments, north China

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    The cycling of sulfur (S), iron (Fe) and phosphorus (P) in sediments and pore water can impact the water quality of overlying water. In a heavily polluted river estuary (Yantai, China), vertical profiles of fluxes of dissolved sulfide, Fe2+ and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in sediment pore water were investigated by the Diffusive Gradients in Thin films technique (DGT). Vertical fluxes of S, Fe, P in intertidal sediment showed the availability of DRP increased while the sulfide decreased with depth in surface sediment, indicating that sulfide accumulation could enhance P release in anoxic sediment. In sites with contrasting salinity, the relative dominance of iron and sulfate reduction was different, with iron reduction dominant over sulfate reduction in the upper sediment at an intertidal site but the reverse true in a freshwater site, with the other process dominating at depth in each case. Phosphate release was largely controlled by iron reduction

    Paired dissolved and particulate phase Cu isotope distributions in the South Atlantic

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    © 2018 The Authors Copper (Cu) is both an essential micronutrient and toxic to photosynthesizing microorganisms at low concentrations. Its dissolved vertical distribution in the oceans is unusual, being neither a nutrient-type nor scavenged-type element. This distribution is attributed to biological uptake in the surface ocean with remineralisation at depth, combined with strong organic complexation by dissolved ligands, scavenging onto particles, and benthic sedimentary input. We present coupled dissolved and particulate phase Cu isotope data along the UK-GEOTRACES South Atlantic section, alongside higher resolution dissolved and particulate phase Cu concentration measurements. Our dissolved phase isotope data contribute to an emerging picture of homogeneous deep ocean δ65Cu, at about +0.65‰ (relative to NIST SRM 976). We identify two pools of Cu in the particulate phase: a refractory, lithogenic pool, at about 0‰, and a labile pool accessed via a weak acidic leach, at about +0.4‰. These two pools are comparable to those previously observed in sediments. We observe deviations towards lighter δ65Cu values in the dissolved phase associated with local enrichments in particulate Cu concentrations along the continental slopes, and in the surface ocean. Copper isotopes are thus a sensitive indicator of localised particle-associated benthic or estuarine Cu inputs. The measurement of Cu isotopes in seawater is analytically challenging, and we call for an intercalibration exercise to better evaluate the potential impacts of UV-irradiation, storage time, and different analytical procedures

    Suspended particulate matter, sedimentation and early diagenetic processes in the Kalix River estuary, northern Sweden

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    Many important reactions controlling the transfer of elements from the continents to coastal waters and the oceans are taking place in estuaries. For many elements, estuaries can act as filters, capable of reducing the river load of dissolved and particulate elements to the oceans. Although sedimentation is an important process in estuaries, early diagenetic processes in sediments may be responsible for the remobilization of redox-sensitive elements back into estuarine waters. This thesis focuses on the behaviour of suspended and settling particulate Fe - Mn oxides and organic matter in the stratified, low-salinity (< 3‰) Kalix River estuary. In addition, the early diagenetic cycling of Fe, Mn, organic C and trace metals was also studied. Samples of the dissolved (< 0.45 μm) and suspended phase were collected along vertical profiles at three stations in the estuary. Settling particulate matter was collected by the use of sediment traps. Pore-water and solid phase sediment data were used to study early diagenetic processes. The estuary appears to be relatively inefficient as a trap for river transported, particulate, oxide- and organic-associated elements. Suspended, slow-settling particles rich in Fe - Mn oxides and organic matter to a large extent are flushed through the estuary in the seaward flowing surface water. Organic matter is an important carrier of Cu, which appears to be due in part to biological uptake of Cu. Flocculation of dissolved Fe, Si and Al is of little or no significance, while Mn is desorbed from suspended particles early in the estuarine mixing of freshwater and brackish water. A study of the varved, undisturbed sediments deposited in the central part of the estuary shows that the deposition of trace metals has decreased since the late 1970's. Despite active post-depositional redox cycling of Fe and Mn, efficient oxidation processes in the surface sediment prevent diffusion of dissolved Fe and Mn back into the water column. Reduction/ dissolution of Fe oxides is a slow process, resulting in burial of Fe oxides in permanently deposited, anoxic sediments. Post-depositional mobilization of trace metals in the bottom sediment is controlled by the type of carrier phase and the redox conditions in the sediment. The post-depositional mobility of trace metals is low - moderate, except for As, which is associated with redox-sensitive Fe oxides. Copper is associated with with labile organic matter, and early diagenetic remobilization of Cu appears to be entirely controlled by oxic decomposition of organic matter close to the sediment - water interface.Godkänd; 1996; 20070428 (ysko

    Nya perspektiv men inarbetad praxis : en studie av utvecklingsstördas delaktighet och självbestämmande

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    Using the SFU project as a starting point, this study explores the conditions for increased participation and self-determination for people with developmental disabilities who live in group homes. The study was carried out in one municipality in a sparsely populated area in northern Sweden.Two qualitative methods were combined. Eight of the staff and three relatives were interviewed and fieldwork was performed in a group home for people with developmental disabilities before and after the project. The fieldwork provided a view of the everyday meetings and the social interaction in the given context and even provided knowledge of the possibilities for the service users to participate thereby increasing their self-determination. The interviews were intended to uncover deeper answers to the following research questions: What does participation and self-determination mean for the staff and the relatives of the service user? How does the municipality work to realize these goals and how do they succeed? Is there any opposition to work towards realizing these goals? If there are, what are the most important?The predominant impression was that the staff was very insecure about the content of the concepts participation and self-determination and the importance for the service user to exercise these possibilities. After the project was finished, some respondents noted that they had started a "user council" in one of the group homes. Another change was that the "climate" at the group home had become more open after all of the staff had received education, the main intervention in the project. A paradox was that the informants meant that it is important that the service user is allowed to participate and exercise selfdetermination; however, it is the staff who mainly make the decisions and the staff believed that they respected the users more. In addition, the staff are afraid the service user will begin to have too much control if they are allowed to decide about some questions and the staff believed that the service users do not participate and make decisions because a lack of self-confidence.The most important obstructions that inhibited self-determination were the character of the organization, the social situation, and the communication. Obstructions included the organization's lack of management and support and disruption about the needs of a plan and a structure of the work. There was a strong collective praxis in the organisation that work should avoid routines and that the routines are difficult to change because they provide safety. This could be one of the reasons that the education, which was the main intervention of the project, did not provide the impact that was intended. The goal of the project was to increase the service users' possibilities to practice self-determination and to encourage them to demand more complicated challenges than offered by the education. One way to reach the goals can be to encourage cooperation with the relatives and support and raise the enthusiasm for several of the staff to develop ways to work so they take care of and respect the choices that the service users make. When this happens, the service user will experience more self-determination and independence.Syftet med studien var att med utgångspunkt i SFU-projektet studera villkor och förutsättningar, för ökad delaktighet och självbestämmande, för utvecklings-störda som bor i gruppbostad. Studien genomfördes i en glesbygdskommun i norra Sverige och data genererades genom fältobservationer på en gruppbostad för utvecklingsstörda och intervjuer med åtta personal och tre gode män, före och efter projektets genomförande. Avsikten med fältobservationerna var att få insyn i de vardagliga mötena och den sociala interaktionen i den givna kontexten, samt en möjlighet att få kunskap om brukarnas möjligheter till delaktighet och självbestämmande. Intervjuerna genomfördes för att få ytterligare och fördjupade svar på forskningsfrågorna som var: Vilka innebörder har begreppen delaktighet och självbestämmande för personal och brukarnas företrädare, gode män? Hur går kommunen till väga för att realisera dessa mål och hur lyckas de? Finns det några motkrafter för att arbeta mot att dessa mål, och i så fall, vilka är de viktigaste? Det övervägande intrycket av intervjuerna var att det fanns en stor osäkerhet hos personalen om innebörden i begreppen delaktighet och självbestämmande, och betydelsen av att brukarna skulle ha dessa möjligheter. Exempel på konkreta förändringar som intervjupersonerna ansåg hade skett efter projektet avslutats var att de hade startat ett "boenderåd" och att klimatet på gruppbostaden hade blivit mera tillåtande. En paradox var dock att intervjupersonerna ansåg att det var viktigt att brukarna får vara med och bestämma samtidigt som det var personalen som i stor utsträckning bestämde. Dessutom ansåg de att personalen har börjat respektera brukarna mera. Ett annat motsägelsefullt uttalande var att personalen var rädda för att brukarna skall börja "styra" för mycket om de fick bestämma i vissa frågor, samtidigt som de menade att brukarna inte var med och bestämde därför att de har så dåligt självförtroende. De mest betydande hindren för brukarnas möjligheter till självbestämmande var av organisatorisk, social och kommunikativ karaktär. De organisatoriska hindren var exempelvis oklara roller, brist på ledning och handledning samt behovet av planering och struktur av arbetet. Det visade sig också att det fanns en stark kollektiv praxis, som bland annat innebar att arbetet var rutinstyrt, och de rutiner som hade skapats var svåra att förändra eftersom de upplevdes som en trygghet. Det kan vara en av anledningarna till att utbildningen, som var den största interventionen i projetet inte fick den avsedda effekten.Godkänd; 2007; 20070523 (ysko

    Suspended particulate matter, sedimentation and early diagenetic processes in the Kalix River estuary, northern Sweden

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    Many important reactions controlling the transfer of elements from the continents to coastal waters and the oceans are taking place in estuaries. For many elements, estuaries can act as filters, capable of reducing the river load of dissolved and particulate elements to the oceans. Although sedimentation is an important process in estuaries, early diagenetic processes in sediments may be responsible for the remobilization of redox-sensitive elements back into estuarine waters. This thesis focuses on the behaviour of suspended and settling particulate Fe - Mn oxides and organic matter in the stratified, low-salinity (< 3‰) Kalix River estuary. In addition, the early diagenetic cycling of Fe, Mn, organic C and trace metals was also studied. Samples of the dissolved (< 0.45 μm) and suspended phase were collected along vertical profiles at three stations in the estuary. Settling particulate matter was collected by the use of sediment traps. Pore-water and solid phase sediment data were used to study early diagenetic processes. The estuary appears to be relatively inefficient as a trap for river transported, particulate, oxide- and organic-associated elements. Suspended, slow-settling particles rich in Fe - Mn oxides and organic matter to a large extent are flushed through the estuary in the seaward flowing surface water. Organic matter is an important carrier of Cu, which appears to be due in part to biological uptake of Cu. Flocculation of dissolved Fe, Si and Al is of little or no significance, while Mn is desorbed from suspended particles early in the estuarine mixing of freshwater and brackish water. A study of the varved, undisturbed sediments deposited in the central part of the estuary shows that the deposition of trace metals has decreased since the late 1970's. Despite active post-depositional redox cycling of Fe and Mn, efficient oxidation processes in the surface sediment prevent diffusion of dissolved Fe and Mn back into the water column. Reduction/ dissolution of Fe oxides is a slow process, resulting in burial of Fe oxides in permanently deposited, anoxic sediments. Post-depositional mobilization of trace metals in the bottom sediment is controlled by the type of carrier phase and the redox conditions in the sediment. The post-depositional mobility of trace metals is low - moderate, except for As, which is associated with redox-sensitive Fe oxides. Copper is associated with with labile organic matter, and early diagenetic remobilization of Cu appears to be entirely controlled by oxic decomposition of organic matter close to the sediment - water interface.Godkänd; 1996; 20070428 (ysko

    Nacksmärta : Styrketräningens effekt på nacksmärta - en litteraturstudie

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    Background: Neck pain has a prevalence at 15-30 % in diffrent populations with diffrent causes like whiplash or tension in the muscle. It has proven a positive association between reduced pain and inhibiting the endorphin systems with physical activity. No recent review has been made since 2015, so there was a need to compile recent studies in the field.  Objective: Searches for litterature were made in the databses PubMed, PEDro and CINAHL to find randomized controlled studied that investigated strengthening training of the neck and the thoracal part of the back in persons with neckpain. All of the included articles were appraised by the PEDro-scale and the level of reliability was graded using GRADEstud.  Results: Six studies were included in this review with 382 participants. In one of six studies a significant between group diffrence was seen, the results should be discussed according to the studie's diffrent intervention/control groups. Three studies showed high quality and three showed moderate quality according to PEDro-scale. The grading in evidence showed that strengthening training of the neck and the thoracic back as treament for neckapin has a high level of evidence (++) to not reduce pain according to GRADEstud. The variation in population and time resulted in point deduction for lack of precision.  Conclusion: The results shows that strengthening training of the neck and the thoracic back does not reduce neckpain. Only one of six studied could show a significant between group diffrence. According to GRADEstud a high level of evidence is shown that the treatment dose not give effekt. The results of this study should be drawn with caution due to a low number of studies and the lack of precision in the interventions.