236 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Hasil Pembelajaran Terhadap Peserta Didik Cerdas Istimewa (PDCI) dari Aspek Intelektual, Soft Skill, dan Spiritual di SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan evaluasi hasil belajar peserta didik cerdas istimewa, baik dari segi intelektual, soft skill dan aspek spiritual di SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta, yang pelaksanaan pembelajarannya dilakukan melalui program percepatan belajar (akselerasi) dari tiga tahun menjadi dua tahun. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung (observasi partisipasi), wawancara mendalam dan penelitian dokumen. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan setiap saat, dimana peneliti hadir sebagai bagian dari SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Sedangkan wawancara dilakukan dengan beberapa responden yang terkait, seperti koordinator program, guru mata pelajaran, pengampu ekstra kurikuler, alumni maupun siswa program akselerasi. Penelitian dokumen dilakukan dengan melihat hasil evaluasi tertulis yang pernah dilakukan, terutama untuk evaluasi akhir studi atau hasil ujian akhir serta studi lanjut yang dapat dijadikan sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan peserta didik dalam menempuh studinya. Data pendukung lain berupa dokumentasi (foto-foto) kegiatan out bond, pramuka, ibadah serta kegiatan lain yang terkait dengan pengembangan soft skill maupun spiritual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik cerdas istimewa pada jenjang SMP, khususnya di SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta mampu mengikuti program percepatan belajar (akselerasi) dari tiga tahun menjadi dua tahun, dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat tertentu. Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran terhadap peserta didik cerdas istimewa dengan percepatan waktu belajar menunjukan bahwa (1) dari segi intelektual tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan hasil pembelajaran peserta didik kelas reguler, (2) dari segi soft skill dapat dikembangkan dengan baik, namun perlu pendampingan yang serius, (3) dari segi spiritual hasilnya cukup baik, meskipun harus dilakukan pemantauan yang ruti

    Similar but not the same: The study of weavings cultural materials diversity in Sumba

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    This paper aims to show that cultural materials, which are often considered cultural and area-bounded, turn out to have a diversity that depends on each place's social, cultural, economic, and geographical dynamics. This paper will focus on cultural materials in the form of Sumba weaving cloth. This paper is based on research with a qualitative approach, especially with observation methods in several weaving centers in Sumba and in-depth interviews with weaving artisans. The result of this study is that Sumba weavings cloth has local characteristics that depend on environmental potential, social, economic, historical, and cultural aspects, as well as the knowledge of its weavers from each region in Sumba. This diversity is reflected in the manufacturing techniques, coloring techniques, and various motifs adorn the weaving process

    Similar but not the same: The study of weavings cultural materials diversity in Sumba

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    This paper aims to show that cultural materials, which are often considered cultural and area-bounded, turn out to have a diversity that depends on each place's social, cultural, economic, and geographical dynamics. This paper will focus on cultural materials in the form of Sumba weaving cloth. This paper is based on research with a qualitative approach, especially with observation methods in several weaving centers in Sumba and in-depth interviews with weaving artisans. The result of this study is that Sumba weavings cloth has local characteristics that depend on environmental potential, social, economic, historical, and cultural aspects, as well as the knowledge of its weavers from each region in Sumba. This diversity is reflected in the manufacturing techniques, coloring techniques, and various motifs adorn the weaving process

    KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS SATWALIAR DI KAWASAN KEBUN KELAPA SAWIT DAN STATUS PERLINDUNGANNYA (Studi Kasus: Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT. Sawit Sukses Sejahtera Kabupaten Kutai Timur-Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)

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    Land cover in the area of PT Sawit Sukses Sejahtera before being converted into oil palm plantations around the year 2009 is generally open areas, shrub and degraded forest. Changes in land cover has been started since 1982 are due to the large fire in 1997 and then repeated the forest ecosystem degradation continued after the reform due to illegal logging and encroachment. Results of field observations indicate that the level of a wild life species richness is relatively low to very low and generally concentrate in areas with relatively good cover. These are as are generally secondary forest or plantation and the land is still owned by the general public. The concession area is an area containing wild life species richness is relatively low when compared to natural forest ecosystems. Then this area is also a habitat for the types of wild life that has been able to adapt to the conditions of this degraded. This region is habitat for 59 species of birds comprising 35 species belonging to 23 families, 16 species of mammals belonging to13 families and 8 species of reptiles belonging to 5 families. Then based on the results of data analysis with rare wild life/protected among the 59 species there that fall into the kind of rare/protected and included three local endangered due to habitat fragmentation and poaching.  Keywords: Ecosystem, Fragmentation, Land cover, Landscape and Species richness of wildlife

    Telaah Yuridis Perlindungan Konsumen Dalam Kegiatan Investasi Aset Kripto Di Indonesia

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    Abstract The development of financial technology continues to produce various innovations, especially in digital asset investment products, one of which is investment using crypto assets. Specifically, this research tries to examine issues related to consumer protection according to Law No.8/1999 in relation to investment activities using crypto assets. The research method uses normative juridical research methods based on juridical aspects such as norms, regulations, and legal theories related to crypto asset investment obtained from scientific papers, books, online media and others related to the object of study under study, namely consumer protection against investment activities using crypto assets. This research tries to explore the urgency behind the need for amendments as well as urging the government to make new, more comprehensive regulations regarding consumer protection in crypto asset investment, given the growth of investors which continues to increase from year to year. Problems also arise because the current Law No.8/1999 existed long before the digital transaction model emerged as it is now so that aspects of legal novelty are needed to ensure legal certainty for the community as a whole in every economic transaction activity, both conventional and digital. Keywords:; consumer protection; crypto assets; investment Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi finansial terus menghasilkan berbagai inovasi khususnya pada produk investasi aset digital yaitu investasi menggunakan aset kripto. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji permasalahan berkaitan dengan perlindungan konsumen menurut UU No.8/1999 dalam hubungannya dengan kegiatan investasi menggunakan aset kripto. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang berlandaskan pada aspek yuridis seperti norma-norma, peraturan-peraturan, dan teori hukum yang berhubungan dengan investasi aset kripto yang diperoleh dari karya ilmiah, buku, media online dan lain sebagainya berkaitan dengan objek kajian yang diteliti yakni perlindungan konsumen terhadap kegiatan investasi menggunakan aset kripto. Penelitian ini mencoba mengupas urgensi apa saja yang melatarbelakangi perlunya dilakukan amandemen sekaligus mendesak agar pemerintah membuat peraturan baru yang lebih komperhensif mengenai perlindungan konsumen pada investasi aset kripto, mengingat pertumbuhan investor yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Problematika pun muncul karena UU No.8/1999 yang berlaku saat ini telah ada jauh sebelum model transaksi digital muncul seperti sekarang sehingga diperlukan aspek kebaharuan hukum demi menjamin kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat secara menyeluruh dalam setiap kegiatan transaksi ekonomi baik yang bersifat konvensional maupun digital. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UU No.8/1999 dirasa belum dapat menjadi payung hukum bagi perlindungan konsumen pengguna aset kripto di Indonesia. Sedangkan Peraturan BAPPEBTI No.5/2019 hanya mengatur mengenai transaksi yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha yang berbadan hukum, sedangkan transaksi yang dilakukan oleh antarpribadi atau pihak ketiga belum terlindungi. Kata kunci: aset kripto; investasi; perlindungan konsume

    Pembuatan Web Pemasaran Pada Batik Puri Ngadirojo

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    Abstract - Puri Ngadirojo Batik shop is the center of the city Handicrafts Batik Pacitan engaged in the sale of batik cloth, which is not using or applying information technology to facilitate the process of selling and promotion. Treatment and management of online sales information system required a handling ease and effectiveness in order to obtain maximum results.The purpose of this research is to create a media campaign and web-based sales and benefit from media-based promotion and marketing of this website is to help shops Batik Puri Ngadirojo in marketing their products, to the general public. In this research will discuss what factors in making this website. So with this research, the application used can facilitate the promotion and marketing of consumer products as well as easy to buy the product. The expected outcome of the research and manufacture of this website is the employees and store owners can be helped in selling fashion products in the promotion, and the public is also easy to purchase products on store Batik Puri Ngadirojo. Abstrak - Toko Batik Puri Ngadirojo merupakan pusat Kerajinan Batik Tulis di kota Pacitan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan kain batik tulis, yang belum menggunakan atau menerapkan teknologi informasi untuk memudahkan berlangsungnya proses penjualan maupun promosi. Pengolahan dan pengelolaan system informasi penjualan online diperlukan sebuah kemudahan serta keefektifan dalam penaganannya guna memperoleh hasil yang maksimal.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat Media promosi dan penjualan yang berbasis website dan manfaat dari Media promosi dan pemasaran yang berbasis website ini adalah untuk membantu Toko Batik Puri Ngadirojo dalam memasarkan produk batik, kepada masyarakat luas.Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas tentang faktor apa saja dalam pembuatan website. Sehingga dengan penelitian ini, aplikasi yang digunakan bisa mempermudah proses promosi dan pemasaran produk serta konsumen mudah membeli produk. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian dan pembuatan website ini adalah karyawan dan pemilik toko bisa terbantu dalam menjual produk busana dalam  melakukan promosi, serta masyarakat juga mudah untuk membeli produk-produk batik pada Toko Batik Puri Ngadirojo.Kata kunci:  : Media Web Pemasara

    Optimization of Travelling Water Screen (TWS) Components Replacement in Cooling Water System (Case Study on PLTGU Muara Tawar Blok 1)

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    Traveling Water Screen (TWS) in cooling water system is one of the main cooling equipment of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) generator, which has a considerable impact towards the steam turbine’s power output and thermal efficiency of the generator in general. This research aims to understand the distribution of TWS component failure which occurs in the filtration process of the cooling water system under the current operating condition, and operational expenditures correlated with it. The analysis started with the collection of TWS maintenance data between 2003 to 2017. Then, the distribution of failure is characterized by using available statistical software. Mathematical models were used to determine optimum replacement policy for each component, based on failure distribution data and replacement/maintenance cost. The optimum replacement interval and minimum replacement cost varies between TWS components. The optimum replacement intervals for each component are as follows: 43.4245 days for bearing bushing; 19.9785 days for bolt, sock head M.16; 40.9505 days for bolt, sock head M.12; 27.6088 days for rubber seal; 48.4359 days for pin, straight plain, 25.4 mm; 88.4978 days for ram, wiremesh; 69.471 days for pin, straight plain, 27/30 mm; and 29.2394 days for nut, hex M.8. The minimum replacement costs for each component are as follows: Rp4,383,400/day for bearing bushing; Rp5,706,850/day for bolt, sock head M.16; Rp12,671,400/day for bolt, sock head M.12; Rp7,247,630/day for rubber seal; Rp6,308,610/day for pin, straight plain, 25.4 mm; Rp5,522,590/day for ram, wiremesh; Rp5,032,190/day for pin, straight plain, 27/30 mm; and Rp4,770,530/day for nut, hex M.8. These findings were further integrated into the implementation of optimum maintenance strategy, especially for stock control, manpower resources smoothing, and maintenance expenditure planning in order to keep the performance of the generato

    Praktik Copy Cataloging di Indonesia: Kajian Awal

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    Copy cataloging is an implementation of information technology in the cataloging of library materials. The world of international libraries has practiced copy cataloging in processing library materials. This study examines the practice of copy cataloging in Indonesian libraries. This research uses descriptive quantitative method using a questionnaire as a source of data collection. The results showed that 49.5% of respondents did not know the practice of copy cataloging and 50.5% of respondents knew the practice of copy cataloging. It was found that 33% of respondents were aware that the practice of copy cataloging had already done this. Another finding is that librarians who practice copy cataloging are using various library automation systems and 58% are using the National Library database as a source in copy cataloging