175 research outputs found

    Polychlorinated Terphenyls (PCTs): Backbone Angle of ortho and nonortho Chlorination

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    Polychorinated Terphenyls is considered as one of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and have been banned in the use mostly in United State and Europe countries. A study of the ortho chlorination toward backbone angle has been done in order to obtain the information of –C-C- angle of between aromatic groups of terphenyls. Five hexachlorinated terphenyl standards have been deployed for the purpose. Firstly, five terphenyl standards of 2,2",3,3",5,5"-hexachlorinated-meta-, 2',3,3",5,5',5"-hexachlorinated- para-, 2',3,3",4,4",5'-hexachlorinated-para-, 2,2”,3,3”,5,5”-hexachlorinaated-para-, 3,3´,3”,5,5´,5”-hexachlorinated-para- have been measured by GC-FTIR. From the data obtained, IR spectra of each standard were then compared to the theoretical calculation with Gaussian Program. The result showed that IR spectra of all five standard congeners were fit to the each spectra of the theoretical calculation. Based on the theoretical IR spectra obtained, furthermore, backbone angle of each five standards were able to be obtained related to the position of the chlorination pattern of the backbone. The angle between aromatics groups because of ortho chlorination or without ortho chlorination was clearly different. The ortho chlorination contributed to angle resulted in the lowest structure energy level around 51°-58°. Without ortho chlorination, the angle is around 36°


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    SEAN has moved forward by establishing the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in 28 January 1992. The main objective of AFTA is to promote ASEAN countries competitive advantages by eliminating tariff and non-tariff barrier under AFTA’s Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme. Indonesia participation in AFTA is worth noting since CEPT covers significant amount of Indonesian exports and imports. This paper investigates Indonesia trade performances under AFTA employing intra-industry trade analysis. It uses three digit SITC derived from UN COMTRADE. The results show that during 1992–2010, Indonesia and ASEAN trade was highlighted by intra rather than inter-industry trade, particularly for manufacture commodity. Further inter-temporal analysis confirms this finding with increasing trend of intra-industry trade for non-manufactured commodity. Nonetheless, Indonesian sectoral performance was less competitive compare to other ASEAN countries. This study suggests that Indonesia may enhance the advantage of being AFTA’s member by, for example, creating a conducive investment environment

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Guru Madrasah Aliyah Negeri di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan

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    This research aims to recognize the influence of the transformational school principal style leadership and working’s motivation to the teachers’ of senior Islamic high school state in the South Jakarta which consists of 143 people. Because of the large samples which consist of 105 people, the writer uses Slovin formula in this research and the way of data taken is based on school unit proportionally. The research variable includes the transformational school principal style leadership (X1), Working’s motivation (X2) and the discipline of teachers’ dedication (X3). Then the writer uses questionnaire to get the data. This research hypothesis is (1) there is a direct influence, the transformational school principal style leadership to the discipline of teachers’ dedication, (2) there is a direct influence between working’s motivation and the discipline of teachers’ dedication, (3) there is direct influence between the transformational school principal style leadership and working’s motivation. The each hypothesis 1,2,3 are tested by simple regression and partial correlation. However, the writer uses the analysis for the next. The writer uses the survey as his method with the data analysis inferentially. The research result which is found is the first research result concludes that there is a positive influence between the transformational school principal style leadership (X1) and the discipline of teachers’ dedication (X3), with the coefficient iv correlation is 0.639 , on α = 0.05, and the determination coefficient is 0.408. It shows that 40.8 % of the discipline of teachers’ dedication is strengthened by the transformational school principal style leadership with coefficient channel 0.344 and correlation is 0.639. The result of second hypothesis concludes that there is a positive influence between working motivation (X2) and the discipline of teachers’ dedication (X3) with the coefficient correlation is 0.529 on α = 0.05, the determination coefficient is 0.279. it shows that 27.9 % is strengthened by the working’s motivation with coefficient channel 0.529 and the correlation is 0.529. the result of third hypothesis concludes that there is a positive influence between independent variable of the transformational school principal style leadership (X1) and working’s motivation (X3) with the coefficient correlation is 0.656 the determination coefficient is 0.430. it shows that 43.0 % of the discipline of teachers’ dedication is strengthened by the transformational school principal style leadership and the working teachers’ motivation with coefficient channel is 0.656 and the correlation is 0.185. This research recommends all the school principals to improve the transformational style leadership ability in order to do their policies and to improve the teachers of Islamic senior high school state ’ motivation in the south Jakarta in order to create the good and discipline wor


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya keadaban warga negara yang terlihat dari perilaku yang tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kelestarian lingkungan . Hal tersebut mengakibatkan kerusakan ekosistem alam termasuk di Kota Bandung sehingga membutuhkan langkah nyata guna menjadi solusi. Salah satu upaya mengatasi persoalan tersebut yaitu program urban farming oleh komunitas Bandung Berkebun. Maka dari itu penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat konsep, pelaksanaan, hambatan, dan dampak dari program bagi pembinaan keadaban kewarganegaraan (civic virtue) di bidang lingkungan. Grand teori penelitian ini adalah sosial hijau (Comte, Durkhiem, Webber, Marx, Foucoult, Mills), biosentrisme (Naes dan Boockhin), masyarakat beresiko (Ulrich Beck), dan kewarganegaraan ekologi (Dobson). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif (qualitative approach) dengan metode studi kasus (case study). Adapun proses pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Pada tahapan analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data, dan verifikasi/kesimpulan data. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan oleh peneliti mengenai proses pembinaan keadaban kewarganegaraan (civic virtue) di bidang lingkungan menggambarkan bahwa konsep makro program ini menargetkan tiga aspek sasaran. Pertama, program ini adalah gerakan edukasi kepada masyarakat Kota Bandung untuk menyadari peluang melakukan penghijauan di tengah kota. Kedua, menjadi gerakan di bidang ekologi mengingat manfaatnya bagi penjagaan ruang terbuka hijau yang dapat mengurangi polusi dan menyediakan beragam manfaat lain di bidang kesehatan. Ketiga, dampak program ini memberikan kepada pegiatnya kesempatan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan keluarga dan menggerakkan usaha di bidang pangan (agrobisnis). Oleh sebab itu, gerakan ini kemudian diakomodir oleh Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan (Dispertapa) Kota Bandung dalam program Bandung Kampung Urban farming (BKUF). Upaya edukasi melalui memberian pengetahuan lingkungan (enviromental knowledge) dan keterampilan lingkungan (environmental skill) yang selanjutnya membentuk perubahan sikap terhadap lingkungan (environmental attitude) lewat partisipasi positif dan bertanggung jawab (environmental participation). Program ini menjadi sarana pembentukan warga negara yang peduli terhadap lingkungan (ecological citizenship) karena menumbuhkan sikap moral ekologis dalam diri pegiatnya sehingga secara individu maupun kelompok mau dan mampu menjalankan gerakan pro lingkungan. Dampak-dampak program bagi masyarakat juga tidak terbatas pada dampak ekologi, tetapi juga memberi dampak secara edukasi, ekonomi, sosial, dan psikologi. Adapun implikasi bagi PKn yaitu sebagai bentuk pendidikan di ranah non formal untuk penyiapan warga negara yang responsif terhadap kondisi sosial kultural di masyarakat. Sosial kultural merupakan salah satu kajian dalam PKn, yaitu mengkaji aspek-aspek kemasyarakatan yang berguna bagi pengembangan profil kewarganegaraan yang beradab (civic virtue). Keberhasilan program ini dalam membentuk warga negara yang memiliki kepedulian lingkungan berpotensi diikuti oleh gerakan-gerakan yang mengambil tujuan di bidang lain. Gerakan sosial kultural melalui peran serta warga negara saat ini dapat dipandang sebagai urgensi dari status warga negara global sehingga problem-problem di masyarakat dapat segera diselesaikan. ; This research is motivated by the lack of civility visible citizens of irresponsible behavior towards the environment. This resulted in the destruction of natural ecosystems including in Bandung that require concerted action in order to be a solution. One effort to overcome these problems is urban farming program by Bandung community gardening (Bandung Berkebun). Therefore this study is intended to look at the concept, implementation, barriers, and the impact of the program for the development of civic virtue in the field of environment. Grand social theory of this study is green (Comte, Durkhiem, Webber, Marx, Foucoult, Mills), biosentrism (Naes and Boockhin), risk society (Ulrich Beck), and ecological citizenship (Dobson). The approach used in this study is qualitative approach with the case study method. The process of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. At the stage of data analysis using data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and verification/conclusion of the data. Results of the study were found by investigators about the coaching process refinement citizenship (civic virtue) in the field of environment illustrates that the concept of macro program is targeted three aspects of the target. First, this program is a movement to educate people to realize the opportunities Bandung reforest in the city center. Second, be movement in the field of ecology considering the benefits to secure a green open space that can reduce pollution and provide a variety of other health benefits. Third, the impact of this program gives pegiatnya opportunity to improve family food security and moving businesses in the food sector (agribusiness). Therefore, the movement is then accommodated by the Department of Agriculture and Food Security (Dispertapa) Bandung in Bandung Kampung Urban Farming program (BKUF). Educational effort through environmental knowledge and skills environment which in turn form a change of attitude towards the environment (environmental attitude) through positive and responsible participation (environmental participation). This program is a means of forming citizens who care about the environment (ecological citizenship) because of growing ecological moral attitude so that individual or group willing and able to run a pro-environment movement. Program impacts for the community is also not limited ecological impact, but also make an impact in educational, economic, social, and psychological. The implications for Civics is a form of education in the realm of non-formal for the preparation of citizens who are responsive to socio-cultural conditions in the community. Is one of the cultural social studies in civics, which examines the social aspects that are useful for the development of civic virtue. The success of this program in the form of citizens who have environmental concerns could potentially be followed by movements that take aim at other fields. Cultural social movements through the participation of citizens can currently be seen as the urgency of the status of global citizens that the problems in the community can be resolved

    Study Of Changes In The Environmental Function Of The Gegerkalong Girang Road Corridor, Bandung City

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    The city of Bandung has a special attraction for migrants from other regions to carry out various activities. This is because the city of Bandung was made as a center for education, tourism and culture, a trade center, and also as a center of government in West Java Province. The need for economic improvement in an urban area that was originally not developed and is now developing indirectly there are changes in land use or land use in various ways including by changing the function of the original home to a shop house and even turning into a shop or land commercial. This is influenced by the existence of activities or activities of an educational and religious tourism area where this occurs due to the large number of requests to support activities in the area

    Citra Bagong sebagai Suara Wong Cilik pada Kanal YouTube Dalang Seno

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    Along with the emergence of new media, wayang kulit play have also undergone changes and adjustments to the format. Through media such as YouTube, wayang kulit shows are no longer shown as 8-9 hour long shows. This media change does not cause a paradigmatic change to the role of Punakawan, but also provides a fresher interpretation space for Punakawan (clowns) as today’s social communicators. This paper aims to examine how Bagong, one of character of Punakawan, underwent a transformation in the wayang kulit play that was broadcasted on the Dalang Seno YouTube channel, which was initiated by Ki Seno Nugroho. In this channel, Bagong is no longer shown as a side character, but as the main character in the wayang kulit narrative. In addition, this paper wants to explore the extent to which Bagong seeks as a social communicator in the context of postcolonial society as shown on the Dalang Seno channel in the midst of a pandemic.

    Motivasi Kebutuhan Keamanan Kerja, Kompensasi, dan Disiplin Kerja Dalam Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Karyawan pada Bank BJB Kantor Cabang Cibinong

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    Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi pegawai mengenai Motivasi, kompensasi dan disiplin kerja, serta untuk menganalisis pengaruh Motivasi, Kompensasi dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja secara simultan dan parsial Pada Bank bjb Kantor Cabang Cibinong. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai yang bekerja pada Pada Bank bjb Kantor Cabang Cibinong, menggunakan cara simple random sampling dan jumlah responden yang dijadikan sampel dihitung berdasarkan rumus slovin sebanyak 124 responden. Metode pengumpulan data dengan melalui pengamatan, studi pustaka dan kuesioner. Adapun analisisa data melalui : uji validitas, reliabilitas, analisa diskriptif, korelasi, dan regresi. Berdasarkan persepsi responden hasil analisa deskripsi, bahwa variabel disiplin kerja dan kompensasi perlu mendapat perhatian dari pimpinan. Dari hasil analisa regresi berganda (R2) sebesar 0.667, Motivasi (X1), Kompensasi (X2) dan Disiplin Kerja (X3) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja (Y) menunjukan pengaruh positif signifikan. Dengan persaman regresi diperoleh bahwa variabel motivasi lebih dominan bila dibandingkan dengan variabel disiplin kerja dan kompensasi. Dengan persamaan regresi adalah Y  = 6.243 + 0.586 x1 + 0.239 x2+ 0.018x3. Dari persamaan regresi diperoleh bahwa variabel motivasi lebih dominan bila dibandingkan dengan variabel disiplin kerja dan kompensasi

    Modifikasi Tungku Penggoreng Berbasis Ergonomi Pada UKM SMK

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    UKM Sido Maju Kencana Lampung is one of UKM that work in the banana chips production. That UKM have manufactured of banana chips using wok of fireplace with wood –fired. These funances use resulted in musculoskeletal camplaints and fatigue. So, it is necessary to repair the furnace fryer that can work with a convenient, save, healty, effective, efficient, and can increase the production of banana chips. Stove frying modified with 89,5 cm of length and 76 cm of hight, with the raw material drums. This furnance could reduced of musculoskeletal complains by 20% and it could increased production of banana chips by 42,1%


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    AbstrakKampung Margorukun yang dikenal sebagai kawasan hijau di Surabaya menjalankan pendidikan karakter kepada generasi muda dengan melibatkan anak-anak dalam kegiatan peduli lingkungan yang dilaksanakan di rumah dan lingkungan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui partisipasi warga Kampung Margorukun dalam Program Kampung Hijau dan strategi yang dilakukan orangtua dalam keluarga sebagai upaya membentuk karakter peduli lingkungan pada anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dan informan penelitian berjumlah 6 orang, dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk partisipasi warga dalam kegiatan peduli lingkungan meliputi (1) kerja bakti rutin; (2) penanaman dan perawatan tanaman; (3) pemilahan sampah; (4) perajangan sampah; (5) penggunaan komposter aerob; (6) pembuatan pupuk kompos; (7) penataan taman bermain; (8) arisan kader lingkungan dan PKK; (9) pembuatan tim yel-yel; (10) pengadaan Bank Sampah. Strategi pendidikan karakter peduli lingkungan dalam keluarga di Kampung Margorukun meliputi (1) keteladanan dari orangtua dan kader lingkungan Kampung Margorukun; (2) melalui penanaman kedisiplinan dengan mengikutsertakan anak dalam kegiatan-kegiatan peduli lingkungan di rumah dan masyarakat; (3) pembiasaan tanggung jawab melalui tugas membersihkan rumah; (4) integrasi dan internalisasi karakter peduli lingkungan.Kata kunci: Strategi Pendidikan Karakter, Peduli Lingkungan, Program Kampung HijauAbstractMargorukun village known as green areas in Surabaya running character education to young people by involving children in environment care activities in the home and community environment. The purpose of this study is determining the participation of people in Margorukun village “Kampung Hijau” Program and parenting strategies undertaken in an effort to shape the character of the family environment on child care. This research is a case study and research participants 6 (six) people, using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. Techniques of data analysis with data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results is showing that the forms of people participation in environmental awareness activities include (1) routine service work; (2) planting and care of plants; (3) sorting of rubbishes; (4) “perajangan”; (5) use of aerob composter; (6) composting; (7) the arrangement of the playground; (8) environmental and social gathering PKK cadres; (9) making the team yells; (10) Garbage Bank procurement. Character education strategies in families caring environment in Margorukun village including (1) the example of parents and village cadres Margorukun environment; (2) through the planting of discipline by engaging children in activities in the home care environment and society; (3) habituation responsibility through the task of cleaning the house; (4) integration and internalization of the characters care about the environment.Keywords : Character Education Strategy, Environment Care, Kampung Hijau Progra

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