102 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSaat ini sistem pengendalian pada fasilitas hotel Puri Srijaya masih menggunakansistem manual yaitu dengan cara menekan tombol on/off pada setiap perangkat elektronik disemua kamar serta banyaknya customer yang meninggalkan kamar hotel atau checkouttanpa mematikan alat elektronik.Untuk membantu mengatasi masalah tersebut, dirancang suatu peralatan instrumentasiberupa alat pengontrol listrik pada hotel mengunakan interface USB Berbasis PemrogramanDelphi dengan ATMega 8. Alat ini diharapkan dapat mengontrol pemakaian listrik pada HotelPuri Srijaya, sehingga dapat membantu memonitoring dan memberikan informasi yang akuratuntuk pemakaian listrik dengan tujuan agar pengeluaran listrik hotel dapat terkontrol denganbaik. Pengaturan nyala komponen elektronika, sudah dapat berfungsi dengan baik sesuai denganyang diharapkan.Kata Kunci : Interface USB, ATMega 8.ABSTRACTRecently the facilities control system of Puri Srijaya hotel still use the manual systemby pressing the on / off button on every electronic device in all of the rooms, and in additionmany customers left the rooms or checkout without turning off electronic devices.To overcome These problems, instrumentation tool in the form of the Electric devicesController is designed using the USB interface based on Delphi Programming-language and byATMEGA 8. This tool controls the consumption of the electricity usage on Puri Srijaya hotel, soit can help to monitor and provide the accurate information about the electricity consumption inorder to control the electricity expenditure. The switching management of electronic devices isalready works well as is expected.Keywords: USB Interface, ATMega


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    Origami adalah seni melipat kertas dari Negara Jepang yang dapat dimainkan setiap kalangan umur dan mulai diajarkan kepada anak-anak sejak umur 3 tahun. Seni melipat ini memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang beragam tergantung dari macam lipatan yang dilakukan agar menjadi satu objek tertentu sehingga diperlukannya tutorial untuk membantu pelipatan origami. Saat ini memang banyak media tutorial origami baik mempelajari dari media buku, internet, maupun video. Namun tentunya semua media yang ada selama ini memiliki kekurangan seperti proses lipatan tidak ditampilkan jelas, tidak terdapat penjelasan tertulis, ataupun tutorial yang ada hanya menampilkan sisi depan origami saja, dan lain lain. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi tutorial origami di Android yang berbasis Andengin dimana Andengine dapat membantu menjalankan animasi pada tutorial serta membantu mendeteksi gerakan sentuhan pada layar. Aplikasi yang dibuat ini diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah dan meminimalkan kekurangan yang ada pada metode pembelajaran origami yang ada saat ini. Dari hasil verifikasi dan validasi yang dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa aplikas ini dapat membantu proses pembelajaran origami. Fitur animasi, tampilan 3 dimensi, navigasi next, back, putar dan ulangi, serta pelipatan kertas dengan mendrag, dapat membantu pengguna khususnya anak-anak berusia 3 hingga 6 tahun untuk belajar origami. Aplikasi ini juga memudahkan para pembimbing untuk mengajarkan origami kepada adik, anak, atau murid mereka


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    ABSTRACT In this study the authors aimed to determine the effect of using beef bone aggregate as an added ingredient for sand (fine aggregate) as well as an added ingredient for making ready mix concrete. The percentage levels of beef bones used in this study were 4%, 6% and 17%. In the manufacture of the test object is done by mixing the binder (cement), sand (fine aggregate and cow bone ash), gravel (coarse aggregate) and water using the experimental method. Samples of specimens were made using cylindrical molds (molds) and treated. The concrete compression test was carried out using a press machine, the mix design plan for making concrete was planned at 30 MPa. The total test objects made in this study were 20 pieces. The results of the test object with a cow bone ash content of 4% obtained compressive strength results of 7.58MPa 8.775 MPa 11.21 MPa 10.92 MPa and 10 MPa with an average value of 9.7 MPa. From the results of the addition of 6% beef bone ash, the results were 9.79 MPa, 9.73 MPa, 8.03 MPa, 9.23 MPa and 13.36 MPa and an average value of 10 MPa, for results with an addition of 17% cow bone ash was 10.3 MPa, 18.11 MPa, 15.28 MPa, 16.53 MPa and 19.13 MPa with an average yield of 15.87 MPa Keyword: Concrete, Cow Bone Ash, Compresive masive, Aggregate

    Pengaruh Oreintasi Pasar dan Inovasi Produk Terhadap Keunggulan bersaing Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Pemasaran Pada UMKM Pengrajin Anyaman Pandan Rajapolah Tasikmalaya

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh wacana mengenai AFTA 2015. yang menandakan persaingan yang semakin ketat dalam dunia bisnis secara global. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keunggulan bersaing UMKM Pengrajin anyaman pandan Rajapolah Tasikmalaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran melalui orientasi pasar dan inovasi produk dalam menghadapi persaingan tersebut.Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari 180 unit UMKM Pengrajin anyaman pandan Rajapolah Tasikmalaya sebagai sampelnya yang menjadikan pemilik usaha sebagai responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa jalur (Path Analysis) dengan bantuan program Lisrel 8.8.Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa model penelitian mempunyai kesesuaian fit yang baik dan hipotesis penelitian dapat dibuktikan. Kesimpulan yang diambil adalah orientasi pasar dan inovasi produk berpengaruh positif terhadap keunggulan bersaing dengan orientasi sebagai faktor dominan, selanjutnya orientasi pasar, inovasi produk keunggulan bersaing berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pemasaran dengan keunggulan bersaing sebagai faktor dominan

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Yang Dimoderasi Oleh Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pada Pandemi Covid-19

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between environmental performance and firm value as well as the relationship between environmental disclosure and firm value. The effect of each of these independent variables on the value of the company as well as the study's objective could also be moderated by the company size. There were 62 samples of companies that were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2019 and 2021. Data analysis was examined by using multiple linear regression analysis with Moderate Regression Analysis method using SPSS 25 for further details. As a result, disclosure and environmental performance on firm value were significantly positive. Next, firm size as a moderator of firm value strengthens its effect, which was significant positive. Meanwhile, the effect of environmental performance did not moderate firm value

    Konstruksi Makna Setara Melalui Perilaku Patriarkis Perempuan di Ruang Domestik dan Publik

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    Gender basically discusses the meaning of equality between women and men in various aspects of life. The existence of men and women are two entities that are often distinguished in terms of sex and the roles that must be performed gender so that the potential to cause disparity. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the construction of the meaning of "equal" in the study of gender equality is based on the perspective of men and women. This study uses a case study research method with in-depth interview techniques, observation, and literature review in the form of books, journals, and relevant articles. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of equality is generally closely related to women who are often treated unfairly and become inferior. The construction of the meaning of "equal" now turns out to be able to discredit men through the dogmatic state that develops in society. On the other hand the situation of gender equality is currently experiencing a shift in behavior, namely the emergence of superiority of women over men in the public and domestic spheres


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    Origami adalah seni melipat kertas dari Negara Jepang yang dapat dimainkan setiap kalangan umur dan mulai diajarkan kepada anak-anak sejak umur 3 tahun. Seni melipat ini memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang beragam tergantung dari macam lipatan yang dilakukan agar menjadi satu objek tertentu sehingga diperlukannya tutorial untuk membantu pelipatan origami. Saat ini memang banyak media tutorial origami baik mempelajari dari media buku, internet, maupun video. Namun tentunya semua media yang ada selama ini memiliki kekurangan seperti proses lipatan tidak ditampilkan jelas, tidak terdapat penjelasan tertulis, ataupun tutorial yang ada hanya menampilkan sisi depan origami saja, dan lain lain. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi tutorial origami di Android yang berbasis Andengin dimana Andengine dapat membantu menjalankan animasi pada tutorial serta membantu mendeteksi gerakan sentuhan pada layar. Aplikasi yang dibuat ini diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah dan meminimalkan kekurangan yang ada pada metode pembelajaran origami yang ada saat ini. Dari hasil verifikasi dan validasi yang dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa aplikas ini dapat membantu proses pembelajaran origami. Fitur animasi, tampilan 3 dimensi, navigasi next, back, putar dan ulangi, serta pelipatan kertas dengan mendrag, dapat membantu pengguna khususnya anak-anak berusia 3 hingga 6 tahun untuk belajar origami. Aplikasi ini juga memudahkan para pembimbing untuk mengajarkan origami kepada adik, anak, atau murid mereka


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    Traffic signs are one of the instruments in traffic road which give instruction to the driver in order to create safety and discipline on the road. The driver knowledge about traffic signs that still low can cause accident on the road that cause casualties. The purpose of this research is to make an application to recognize traffic signs using extraction feature of Principal Component Analysis and artificial neural network Learning Vector Quantization. The traffic sign recognition application was developed using preprocessing on the initial image with thresholding method using HSV Color Space to determine color of the traffic image, then do segmentation process using Blob Counter to determine the Region of Interest. The feature of initial image that had been through the process of pre-processing would be extracted using Principal Component Analysis. Feature of sign image was processed using Learning Vector Quantization as an algorithm for training and testing. The result of implementation was an application that can identify five kinds of traffic signs, i.e. no parking, stop, winding road, caution, go left. The testing used 50 images as data with the distribution of data used 10-Fold Cross Validation. The traffic sign recognition application that has been built showed that optimum LVQ configuration is 1x10 -3 as learning rate and 1x10 -5 as epsilon, the result of this configuration produces an average accuracy of 86% and average error rate of 14%


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    Mobile technology is a technology that is very popular at the moment. Now, many mobile applications are outstanding. Seeing the development of mobile applications more rapidly, so this final project lifted the title of Guitar Player Applications Using Java Technology Mobile namely how to make an application to play a musical instrument guitar on mobile device. There are four main modes in this application, there are the Single Chromatic and Single Diatonic to play tones and Full Chromatic and Full Diatonic to play chords of song. In Full Chord Chromatic/Diatonic, there are features, record and playback functions. Single/Full Chromatic is one of the menus that playing chromatic tones/chord of songs, while Single/Full Diatonic is one of the menus that playing diatonic tones/chord of songs. Workings of this application is by taking / loading an audio file (*. mid) and visual files (*. png) in their respective directories. In Single Chromatic and Full Chord Chromatic have record facilities (to record tones/chords that have been played), playback facilities (playing back tone/chords that have been played), save (to save tone / chords that have been played and can be played back on the menu Load Tones / Chords. On Full Chord Chromatic menu options there are facilities to provide choice of type of chord that is played (Chord Major / Minor). There are 2 addition menu, Uji Nada in this menu user can test their tone with real tone and Text Play where user can play tone of song with text (*.txt) file. From the test results and analysis through the questionnaire, there are three aspects of respondents rating. Every aspect of the assessment is divided into four groups, namely "very good" with a score of 4, "good" with a score of 3, "enough" with a score of 2 and "less" with a score of 1. Averaging the highest at 3.17 for the learning aspect, the lowest average in the aspects of software engineering and averaging 3.08 to 3.12 as many aspects of visual communication. Seen that these three aspects have been addressed with a "good" (score 3) which means that Guitar Player application can be run well so you can help the musicians and non-musicians in a practical way to learn guitar. Key words: Guitar Player Application, Single Chromatic, Single Diatonic, Full Chromatic, Full Diatonic, Java Mobil
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