


Mobile technology is a technology that is very popular at the moment. Now, many mobile applications are outstanding. Seeing the development of mobile applications more rapidly, so this final project lifted the title of Guitar Player Applications Using Java Technology Mobile namely how to make an application to play a musical instrument guitar on mobile device. There are four main modes in this application, there are the Single Chromatic and Single Diatonic to play tones and Full Chromatic and Full Diatonic to play chords of song. In Full Chord Chromatic/Diatonic, there are features, record and playback functions. Single/Full Chromatic is one of the menus that playing chromatic tones/chord of songs, while Single/Full Diatonic is one of the menus that playing diatonic tones/chord of songs. Workings of this application is by taking / loading an audio file (*. mid) and visual files (*. png) in their respective directories. In Single Chromatic and Full Chord Chromatic have record facilities (to record tones/chords that have been played), playback facilities (playing back tone/chords that have been played), save (to save tone / chords that have been played and can be played back on the menu Load Tones / Chords. On Full Chord Chromatic menu options there are facilities to provide choice of type of chord that is played (Chord Major / Minor). There are 2 addition menu, Uji Nada in this menu user can test their tone with real tone and Text Play where user can play tone of song with text (*.txt) file. From the test results and analysis through the questionnaire, there are three aspects of respondents rating. Every aspect of the assessment is divided into four groups, namely "very good" with a score of 4, "good" with a score of 3, "enough" with a score of 2 and "less" with a score of 1. Averaging the highest at 3.17 for the learning aspect, the lowest average in the aspects of software engineering and averaging 3.08 to 3.12 as many aspects of visual communication. Seen that these three aspects have been addressed with a "good" (score 3) which means that Guitar Player application can be run well so you can help the musicians and non-musicians in a practical way to learn guitar. Key words: Guitar Player Application, Single Chromatic, Single Diatonic, Full Chromatic, Full Diatonic, Java Mobil

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