13 research outputs found

    Mechanistic Understanding of CO2 Adsorption and Diffusion in the Imidazole Ionic Liquid-Hexafluoroisopropylidene Polyimide Composite Membrane

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    The integration of molecular design and imidazole ionic liquids produces a synergistic effect to enhance and fine-tune the molecular sieve capability of polyimide (PI) membranes. The most difficult problem was to choose the right ionic liquids and moderate polymer combination. In this work, a series of systems of CO2 in [EMIM][Tf2N], [EMIM][BF4], and [EMIM][PF6] composited with 6FDA-based PI with different IL concentrations were discussed by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. The results indicated that the CO2 diffusion coefficient decreases with the compatibility of the PI structure with CO2 molecules and increases with an increased IL concentration of up to 75 wt %. Therefore, this study may provide guidance for the design of PI membranes

    Modulation-Doped Multiple Quantum Wells of Aligned Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    Heterojunctions, quantum wells, and superlattices with precise doping profiles are behind today's electronic and photonic devices based on III–V compound semiconductors such as GaAs. Currently, there is considerable interest in constructing similar artificial 3D architectures with tailored electrical and optical properties by using van der Waals junctions of low-dimensional materials. In this study, the authors have fabricated a novel structure consisting of multiple thin (≈20 nm) layers of aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes with dopants inserted between the layers. This “modulation-doped” multiple-quantum-well structure acts as a terahertz polarizer with an ultra-broadband working frequency range (from ≈0.2 to ≈200 THz), a high extinction ratio (20 dB from ≈0.2 to 1 THz), and a low insertion loss (<2.5 dB from ≈0.2 to 200 THz). The individual carbon nanotube films—highly aligned, densely packed, and large (2 in. in diameter)—were produced using vacuum filtration and then stacked together in the presence of dopants. This simple, robust, and cost-effective method is applicable to the fabrication of a variety of devices relying on macroscopically 1D properties of aligned carbon nanotube assemblies

    A Bootstrapping-based Method to Automatically Identify Data-usage Statements in Publications

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    &lt;b&gt;Purpose&lt;/b&gt;: Our study proposes a bootstrapping-based method to automatically extract datausage statements from academic texts.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Design/methodology/approach&lt;/b&gt;: The method for data-usage statements extraction starts with seed entities and iteratively learns patterns and data-usage statements from unlabeled text. In each iteration, new patterns are constructed and added to the pattern list based on their calculated score. Three seed-selection strategies are also proposed in this paper.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Findings&lt;/b&gt;: The performance of the method is verified by means of experiments on real data collected from computer science journals. The results show that the method can achieve satisfactory performance regarding precision of extraction and extensibility of obtained patterns.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Research limitations&lt;/b&gt;: While the triple representation of sentences is effective and efficient for extracting data-usage statements, it is unable to handle complex sentences. Additional features that can address complex sentences should thus be explored in the future.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Practical implications&lt;/b&gt;: Data-usage statements extraction is beneficial for data-repository construction and facilitates research on data-usage tracking, dataset-based scholar search, and dataset evaluation.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Originality/value&lt;/b&gt;: To the best of our knowledge, this paper is among the first to address the important task of automatically extracting data-usage statements from real data. &lt;b&gt;Purpose&lt;/b&gt;: Our study proposes a bootstrapping-based method to automatically extract datausage statements from academic texts.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Design/methodology/approach&lt;/b&gt;: The method for data-usage statements extraction starts with seed entities and iteratively learns patterns and data-usage statements from unlabeled text. In each iteration, new patterns are constructed and added to the pattern list based on their calculated score. Three seed-selection strategies are also proposed in this paper.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Findings&lt;/b&gt;: The performance of the method is verified by means of experiments on real data collected from computer science journals. The results show that the method can achieve satisfactory performance regarding precision of extraction and extensibility of obtained patterns.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Research limitations&lt;/b&gt;: While the triple representation of sentences is effective and efficient for extracting data-usage statements, it is unable to handle complex sentences. Additional features that can address complex sentences should thus be explored in the future.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Practical implications&lt;/b&gt;: Data-usage statements extraction is beneficial for data-repository construction and facilitates research on data-usage tracking, dataset-based scholar search, and dataset evaluation.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Originality/value&lt;/b&gt;: To the best of our knowledge, this paper is among the first to address the important task of automatically extracting data-usage statements from real data.</div

    Ultralow Thermal Resistance across the Solid-Ionic Liquid Interface Caused by the Charge-Induced Ordered Ionic Layer

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    The understanding and regulation of thermal transport across the solid-liquid interface, especially the electrical double layer (EDL) formed by ionic liquid (IL), is significant for the reasonable design of the efficient thermal dissipation capabilities in the field of chemical engineering. In the present work, by large-scale molecular dynamics simulation method, we reveal that rather than the strong solid-liquid interaction, the atomic structure of EDL dominates the entire interfacial thermal transport across the solid-IL interfaces. The simulation results show that as the surface charge increases, the interfacial thermal resistance (ITR) will decrease in two stages, first sharply and then slowly. The two-dimensional structure factors, the geometry state of cation, and the solid-liquid interfacial energy for different surface charges demonstrate that the evaluation of EDL agrees well with the trend of ITR Furthermore, the vibrational spectrum and frequency-dependent heat flow also indicate that the high-ordered EDL will enhance the interfacial thermal transport in all frequencies, that is, the high-ordered EDL structure can induce the ultralow thermal resistance and enhance the heat dissipation process. These results also enlightened the future rational design and thermal management of the new IL-based nanoelectrical devices as well as coolants used in the advanced chemical engineering processes, such as supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries, and so forth