2,443 research outputs found

    Gentrification of peri-urban spaces in France: the surroundings of Nancy

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    The process of gentrification in the peri-urban districts of French cities has scarcely been touched upon in recent research, which has hitherto seen the phenomenon as typically associated with core urban areas. The tendency has been to view the periphery through the lens of the social crisis of the banlieues. In contrast, the present article focuses on gentrification in the metropolitan area of Nancy (Grand Est region) as a development that also plays a role in municipalities around major cities and especially around regional metropolitan centres. Starting with a survey of current research approaches, the article first pinpoints some gaps and methodological imbalances that need to be tackled, before embarking on the case study of peri-urban Nancy. Statistical data and empirical surveys in the form of qualitative interviews indicate how Nancy's peri-urban districts have developed a logic of separation, exclusion and social decoupling - typical features of gentrification - particularly in connection with the construction of new single-family houses as a supplement to existing residential stock. Key questions here concern individual motives for choosing a particular residential location, and the creeping "segregation from above" that accompanies this process. The image of France's peri-urban spaces that arises from this study stands in explicit contrast to the received, markedly negative connotations of the "urban periphery".Gentrifizierungsprozesse in periurbanen RĂ€umen Frankreichs fanden in der Forschung bisher kaum Beachtung; sie wurden als naheliegende Prozesse in KernstĂ€dten verstanden und untersucht. Zudem wurde eher die Krise der VorstĂ€dte, der banlieues, beachtet, womit Stigmatisierung und Ausgrenzung analyseleitend wurden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird nun hingegen am Beispiel des Umlandes der Metropole Nancy (Region Grand Est) Gentrifizierung als Entwicklung herausgestellt, die sich ebenfalls als konstitutiv fĂŒr periurbane RĂ€ume und damit kleinere Umlandgemeinden von StĂ€dten bzw. insbesondere Metropolen andeutet. Vor dem Hintergrund einer Beleuchtung bisheriger ForschungszugĂ€nge werden zunĂ€chst ForschungslĂŒcken herausgearbeitet. Anhand der Auswertung statistischer Daten und empirischer Erhebungen mittels qualitativer Interviews im Umland von Nancy wird im Anschluss fallstudienbezogen gezeigt, wie sich periurbane Gemeinden, insbesondere in Verbindung mit dem Bau neuer EinfamilienhĂ€user in ErgĂ€nzung zu bestehender Bausubstanz, in eine Gentrifizierungslogik der Ab- und Ausgrenzung einschreiben, welche individuellen BeweggrĂŒnde Wohnstandortwahlen beeinflussen und wie sich eine "Segregation von oben" immer mehr ausbreitet. Es entsteht so ein verĂ€ndertes Bild periurbaner RĂ€ume, das im expliziten Kontrast zu einer eher negativ konnotierten "urbanen Peripherie" steht

    La protection des données pertinentes de la FSSF sous la loupe

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    La FĂ©dĂ©ration suisse des sages-femmes a analysĂ© ses procĂ©dures internes, en adaptant celles qui le nĂ©cessitaient Ă  la future version rĂ©visĂ©e de la loi fĂ©dĂ©rale sur la protection des donnĂ©es. Comment l’UniversitĂ© des sciences appliquĂ©es de Zurich protĂšge-t-elle les donnĂ©es lorsqu’elle interprĂšte la statistique des sages-femmes indĂ©pendantes? Et comment le prestataire du logiciel MoonCare procĂšde-t-il

    Synergistic activity of antibiotics combined with ivermectin to kill body lice

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    International audienceIvermectin and doxycycline have been found to be independently effective in killing body lice. In this study, 450 body lice were artificially fed on a Parafilm TM membrane with human blood associated with antibiotics (doxycycline, erythromycin, rifampicin and azithromycin) alone and in combination with ivermectin. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation and spectral deconvolution were performed to evaluate bacterial transcriptional activity following antibiotic intake by the lice. In the first series, a lethal effect of antibiotics on lice was observed compared with the control group at 18 days (log-rank test, P ≀ 10 −3), with a significant difference between groups in the production of nits (P = 0.019, Kruskal–Wallis test). A high lethal effect of ivermectin alone (50 ng/mL) was observed compared with the control group (log-rank test, P ≀ 10 −3). Fluorescence of bacteriocytes in lice treated with 20 ␟g/mL doxycycline was lower than in untreated lice (P < 0.0001, Kruskal–Wallis test). In the second series with antibiotic–ivermectin combinations , a synergistic lethal effect on treated lice (log-rank test, P < 10 −6) was observed compared with the control group at 18 days, associated with a significant decrease in the production of nits (P ≀ 0.001, Kruskal–Wallis test). Additionally, survival of lice in the combination treatment groups compared with ivermectin alone was significant (log-rank test, P = 0.0008). These data demonstrate that the synergistic effect of combinations of antibiotics and ivermectin could be used to achieve complete eradication of lice and to avoid selection of a resistant louse population

    Le Sud et ses fictions. À propos des nouvelles de Eudora Welty

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    Jean-Marc Victor est spĂ©cialiste de la littĂ©rature amĂ©ricaine. Sa thĂšse portait sur « l’esthĂ©tique de la trace » dans l’Ɠuvre de la romanciĂšre, nouvelliste, photographe et essayiste amĂ©ricaine Eudora Welty, dont il est un spĂ©cialiste reconnu (1999 ; 2009a). Il a ensuite explorĂ© et frĂ©quentĂ© des textes d’auteurs assez proches comme Flannery O’Connor (Bellehigue, Victor, 2004). En parallĂšle, il a dĂ©frichĂ© un autre chantier de recherche, l’analyse de photographies, en particulier celles qui repr..

    Schutz von SHV-relevanten Daten unter der Lupe

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    Der Schweizerische Hebammenverband hat seine internen Prozesse analysiert und wo nötig der kĂŒnftig in Kraft tretenden Revision des Schweizerischen Bundesgesetzes ĂŒber den Datenschutz angepasst. Wie schĂŒtzt die ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften die Daten bei der Auswertung der Statistik der frei praktizierenden Hebammen? Und wie verfahren die Anbieter der Softwares MoonCare und Artemis Hebamme

    Influence of urbanization on the epidemiology of intestinal helminths of the red fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) in Geneva, Switzerland

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    Dixenous helminths that depend on rodent intermediate hosts are supposed to be negatively affected by urbanization due to lower supply of rodents in urbanized environments. Prevalence rates of dixenous, non-strictly monoxenous, and monoxenous helminths in 228 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) along a gradient of increasing urbanization were assessed by morphological parasite identification in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. Multivariate analyses for the five most prevalent helminth species or genera revealed a significant decrease of prevalence rates for the dixenous helminths Echinococcus multilocularis and Taenia spp. from the rural (52.1 and 54.3%, respectively) to the urban area (30.0 and 20.0%, respectively), but not for the monoxenous nematode Uncinaria stenocephala (overall prevalence of 78.2%) and the non-strictly monoxenous nematode Toxocara canis (overall prevalence of 44.3%). The lower prevalence of Toxascaris leonina in the urban area (8.0%) compared to the rural area (59.6%) raises the question of whether rodent paratenic hosts play a major role for the population dynamics of this specie
