313 research outputs found

    La violence des femmes et des lesbiennes : analyses et enjeux politiques contemporains ?

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    Travailler sur la violence dans les relations lesbiennes, c’est aussi s’interroger sur la violence des femmes dans ses enjeux sociaux et politiques. En effet, cette dernière est un phénomène qui suscite de plus en plus de débats, où différents discours, perspectives et théories analysent la réalité de façon diamétralement opposée (des analyses féministes aux plus antiféministes). Il apparaît important alors de discuter et de mesurer les enjeux de cette question tant sur le plan des politiques sociales, du service social et de la réalité sociale qu’en ce qui concerne la vision des rapports sociaux de sexe, car, à l’issue de ce débat, les analyses qui feront le poids auront des incidences, notamment sur les orientations et réorientations des politiques sociales en matière de violence conjugale. Ce texte propose ainsi de jeter un regard sur ces enjeux et les perspectives qui se dessinent et d’élaborer un cadre d’analyse du féminisme matérialiste et du lesbianisme politique pour rendre compte de la violence des lesbiennes dans un cadre domestique.To work on violence in lesbian relationships means also to put into question women’s violence in its social and political context. Women’s violence is indeed a more and more debated phenomenon - in which different discourses, Perspectives and theories analyze this reality in a diametrically opposed fashion (from feminist analysis to the most non-feminists ones). Thus it seems important to discuss and understand the different aspects of this question, on the level of social policies, social work and social reality. It is also important to take into consideration  gender order. In short,  the debate opens on an analysis of great influence, that will influence the orientations and re-orientations of the social policies about domestic violence.  This text invites to consider these issues and offers to develop a framework using materialistic feminism and political lesbianism in order to account for lesbian violences in a domestic context

    What Can We Learn from Marine Geophysics to Study Rifted Margins?

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    This chapter describes the main geophysical methods used when studying offshore rifts and rifted margins. Geophysical data are often the only constraints available for interpretation of offshore rifted continental margins. Seismic reflection, refraction and potential fields are all valuable datasets carrying relevant information. In the absence of rock samples, geophysical methods are the only way to study rifted margins. They provide indirect imaging of the crust and sediments, as well as potential field data. There is a large spectrum of interpretations for rifted margins. Sometimes it is linked to the large diversity of rifted margins, sometimes it is linked to different geological scenarios. It is thus important to understand how each geological or geophysical object is recognized and their possible interpretation. In marine geophysics, the free-air gravity anomaly is computed from raw data

    L’entretien itinérant : pour une construction d’un dispositif méthodologique de narration des habitants dans la ville patrimoniale

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    Nous souhaitons comprendre ce que veut dire aujourd’hui habiter une ville patrimoniale en questionnant d’une part ce qui se passe entre le chercheur et l’habitant de la ville patrimoniale d’Avignon à travers la parole suscitée lors d’un dispositif d’enquête (l’entretien itinérant) ; et d’autre part montrer que l’habitant est ainsi à la fois et en même temps un pratiquant ordinaire de la ville qui s’approprie l’espace ; un usager qui se distingue selon les pratiques et les fréquentations qu’il a de l’espace et un citoyen qui se pose en responsable de la question humaine. Nous interrogeons l’ensemble des relations qui s’établissent entre le chercheur et l’habitant dans une attitude réflexive : qu’est-ce qui se joue dans la médiation du dispositif méthodologique effectué dans la ville patrimoniale ? Quels types de relations, quels rôles se mettent en place dans l’économie de l’entretien itinérant ? En quoi l’ensemble de cette réflexivité permet de comprendre ce que veut dire habiter une ville ? La première partie s’attache à discuter épistémologiquement la notion d’habitant. Il s’agit de clarifier ici ces notions utilisées dans des disciplines aussi diverses que la géographie, la philosophie, la sociologie. La seconde partie explique comment le chercheur a fait émerger la parole de l’habitant sur sa pratique de la ville au moyen d’un dispositif méthodologique de narration : l’entretien itinérant. La mise en œuvre de celui-ci, co-construction du chercheur et de l’habitant, permet de repérer l’ensemble de relations qu’il est intéressant de mettre à jour. Elles vont de l’expertise au partage d’émotions.‪This paper considers what it means today to live in a heritage city not only by investigating what takes place between the researcher and residents of the heritage city of Avignon through the discourse generated by a survey consisting of itinerant interviews, but also by showing that residents are also ordinary practitioners of the city who appropriate space, users who are distinguished according to the practices and uses they exhibit in that space, and citizens positioned as being in charge of the human question. The paper questions all of the relations created between the researcher and residents in a reflexive manner. What plays out in the mediation of the methodological process conducted in a heritage city? What types of relations and roles are set up in the enunciation of itinerant interviews? In what sense does this reflexivity make it possible to include what it is to live a city? The first part of the paper discusses the concept of resident. The aim is to clarify these concepts as used in disciplines as various as geography, philosophy, and sociology. The second part explains how the researcher allows residents' experience to emerge in their utterances on urban practices through the methodological device of narration as used in itinerant interviews. The implementation of such interviews, which implies co-construction by researcher and resident, makes it possible to locate all of the whole of relations that can be revealed and that range from expertise to emotions.

    Les plans de gestion patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco : un outil de développement territorial au service des collectivités locales ?

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    La gestion des sites inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO permet de refonder une méthodologie de travail entre l’État et les gestionnaires des sites : à travers un état des lieux de l’existant qui met en évidence les points forts et les points faibles en termes de réglementation et de gestion, l’auteur montre comment le plan de gestion constitue un véritable projet scientifique et culturel du site classé en proposant une stratégie pour la protection, la restauration et la mise en valeur du patrimoine

    The crustal structure of the north-eastern Gulf of Aden continental margin: insights from wide-angle seismic data

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    International audienceThe wide-angle seismic (WAS) and gravity data of the Encens survey allow us to determinethe deep crustal structure of the north-eastern Gulf of Aden non-volcanic passive margin.The Gulf of Aden is a young oceanic basin that began to open at least 17.6 Ma ago. Itscurrent geometry shows first- and second-order segmentation: our study focusses on theAshawq–Salalah second-order segment, between Alula–Fartak and Socotra–Hadbeen fracturezones. Modelling of theWAS and gravity data (three profiles across and three along the margin)gives insights into the first- and second-order structures. (1) Continental thinning is abrupt(15–20 km thinning across 50–100 km distance). It is accommodated by several tilted blocks.(2) The ocean–continent transition (OCT) is narrow (15 km wide). The velocity modellingprovides indications on its geometry: oceanic-type upper-crust (4.5 km s−1) and continentaltypelower crust (>6.5 km s−1). (3) The thickness of the oceanic crust decreases from West(10 km) to the East (5.5 km). This pattern is probably linked to a variation of magma supplyalong the nascent slow-spreading ridge axis. (4) A 5 km thick intermediate velocity body (7.6to 7.8 kms−1) exists at the crust-mantle interface below the thinned margin, the OCT and theoceanic crust. We interpret it as an underplated mafic body, or partly intruded mafic materialemplaced during a ‘post-rift’ event, according to the presence of a young volcano evidencedby heat-flow measurement (Encens-Flux survey) and multichannel seismic reflection (Encenssurvey). We propose that the non-volcanic passive margin is affected by post-rift volcanismsuggesting that post-rift melting anomalies may influence the late evolution of non-volcanicpassive margins

    Effects of helium-oxygen on respiratory mechanics, gas exchange, and ventilation-perfusion relationships in a porcine model of stable methacholine-induced bronchospasm

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    Objective: To explore the consequences of helium/oxygen (He/O2) inhalation on respiratory mechanics, gas exchange, and ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationships in an animal model of severe induced bronchospasm during mechanical ventilation. Design: Prospective, interventional study. Setting: Experimental animal laboratory, university hospital. Interventions: Seven piglets were anesthetized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated, with all ventilator settings remaining constant throughout the protocol. Acute stable bronchospasm was obtained through continuous aerosolization of methacholine. Once steady-state was achieved, the animals successively breathed air/O2 and He/O2 (FIO2 0.3), or inversely, in random order. Measurements were taken at baseline, during bronchospasm, and after 30min of He/O2 inhalation. Results: Bronchospasm increased lung peak inspiratory pressure (49±6.9 vs 18±1cmH2O, P<0.001), lung resistance (22.7±1.5 vs 6.8±1.5cmH2O.l−1.s, P<0.001), dynamic elastance (76±11.2 vs 22.8±4.1cmH2O.l−1, P<0.001), and work of breathing (1.51±0.26 vs 0.47±0.08, P<0.001). Arterial pH decreased (7.47±0.06 vs 7.32±0.06, P<0.001), PaCO2 increased, and PaO2 decreased. Multiple inert gas elimination showed an absence of shunt, substantial increases in perfusion to low VA/Q regions, and dispersion of VA/Q distribution. He/O2 reduced lung resistance and work of breathing, and worsened hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis. Conclusions: In this model, while He/O2 improved respiratory mechanics and reduced work of breathing, hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis increased. Close attention should be paid to monitoring arterial blood gases when He/O2 is used in mechanically ventilated acute severe asthm
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