6,294 research outputs found

    The effects of dust evolution on disks in the mid-IR

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    In this paper, we couple together the dust evolution code two-pop-py with the thermochemical disk modelling code ProDiMo. We create a series of thermochemical disk models that simulate the evolution of dust over time from 0.018 Myr to 10 Myr, including the radial drift, growth, and settling of dust grains. We examine the effects of this dust evolution on the mid-infrared gas emission, focussing on the mid-infrared spectral lines of C2H2, CO2, HCN, NH3, OH, and H2O that are readily observable with Spitzer and the upcoming E-ELT and JWST. The addition of dust evolution acts to increase line fluxes by reducing the population of small dust grains. We find that the spectral lines of all species except C2H2 respond strongly to dust evolution, with line fluxes increasing by more than an order of magnitude across the model series as the density of small dust grains decreases over time. The C2H2 line fluxes are extremely low due to a lack of abundance in the infrared line-emitting regions, despite C2H2 being commonly detected with Spitzer, suggesting that warm chemistry in the inner disk may need further investigation. Finally, we find that the CO2 flux densities increase more rapidly than the other species as the dust disk evolves. This suggests that the flux ratios of CO2 to other species may be lower in disks with less-evolved dust populations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Inbreeding in the White Leghorn Fowl

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    A study, extending over a 10-year period, has been made of the effect of inbreeding in the White Leghorn breed of domestic fowl. The major object of this investigation was to study the effect of various intensities of inbreeding on the following characters: Fertility, hatchability, viability, days to first egg, egg production, egg size and body size. In the present investigation the degree of inbreeding was, in general, less intense than that from brother and sister or parent and offspring matings. One intensely inbred family, however, with the equivalent of brother and sister mating, was maintained successfully for nine generations. Six more or less distinct families, each with a somewhat different type and intensity of inbreeding but with a similar foundation ancestry, were developed. All individuals were selected primarily on the basis of high hatchability of their eggs, upon general vigor of the individual bird and of the offspring of each pair of birds. Other characters besides vigor and hatchability also were considered whenever practical. The ancestry of all the birds in the present generation of these 6 families may be traced to four males and seven females. One of the four original males (No. 823), however, has a greater degree o£ relationship to the present generation than any of the other foundation birds. This relationship still averages approximately 55 percent, with the lowest degree of relationship being 29 percent and the highest 61 percent. The relationship of the present generation to the other three foundation males does not exceed 5 percent. The relationship between brothers and sisters in the present generation chicks of the separate families ranges from 74 to 94 percent. The average inter-se relationship between the present chicks which are not sibs is above 50 percent. The inbreeding coefficients of the present birds range from 41 percent for the least inbred to 82 percent for the most intensely inbred family. There was no general decrease in percent of eggs fertile as the degree of inbreeding increased ; in fact some inbred families have shown an increase in percent of eggs fertile. There was a slow but gradual decline in the average percent hatchability of fertile eggs set for all inbreds as the inbreeding increased. The average hatchability for all inbreds, however, was in most cases well above 60 percent. In six of the families studied there was no general decrease in hatchability, which demonstrates that it is possible to maintain a reasonably safe level of hatchability under a system of intense inbreeding. There was a significant decrease in the number of days to first egg. The most intensely inbred birds on the average matured sexually 16 days earlier than the birds of the original non-inbred foundation stock. There was a general but not a consistent decrease in number of eggs laid during a given period as the inbreeding increased. An exception was observed for the 70 percent inbred group which compared favorably with the original non-inbred foundation birds in egg production. There was no marked decrease in 200-day egg production for anyone of the six separate families as a result of the inbreeding. The data on egg weight suggest no general decrease or increase in average egg weight as a result of the inbreeding. The results indicate that intensive inbreeding did not decrease materially the growth rate or adult body weight of the birds used in this experiment. With the exception of the 80 percent group, there was no increase in mortality in any of the groups up to 24 weeks of age. The pullet year mortality, however, showed a marked rise for the more intensely inbred birds with the exception of that group of birds having an inbreeding coefficient of 70 percent

    The composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp

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    We discuss the composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp. We do this by fitting simultaneously the infrared emission spectrum measured by the infrared space observatory (ISO) and the measured degree of linear polarization of scattered light at various phase angles and 12 different wavelengths. The effects of particle shape on the modeled optical properties of the dust grains are taken into account. We constrain our fit by forcing the abundances of the major rock forming chemical elements to be solar. The infrared spectrum at long wavelengths reveals that large grains are needed in order to fit the spectral slope. The size and shape distribution we employ allows us to estimate the sizes of the crystalline silicates. The ratios of the strength of various forsterite features show that the crystalline silicate grains in Hale-Bopp must be submicron sized. We exclude the presence of large crystalline silicate grains in the coma. Because of this lack of large crystalline grains combined with the fact that we do need large amorphous grains to fit the emission spectrum at long wavelengths, we need only approximately 4% of crystalline silicates by mass. After correcting for possible hidden crystalline material included in large amorphous grains, our best estimate of the total mass fraction of crystalline material is approximately 7.5%, significantly lower than deduced in previous studies in which the typical derived crystallinity is 20-30%. The implications of this on the possible origin and evolution of the comet are discussed. The crystallinity we observe in Hale-Bopp is consistent with the production of crystalline silicates in the inner solar system by thermal annealing and subsequent radial mixing to the comet forming region.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Investigating the interstellar dust through the Fe K-edge

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    The chemical and physical properties of interstellar dust in the densest regions of the Galaxy are still not well understood. X-rays provide a powerful probe since they can penetrate gas and dust over a wide range of column densities (up to 1024 cm−210^{24}\ \rm{cm}^{-2}). The interaction (scattering and absorption) with the medium imprints spectral signatures that reflect the individual atoms which constitute the gas, molecule, or solid. In this work we investigate the ability of high resolution X-ray spectroscopy to probe the properties of cosmic grains containing iron. Although iron is heavily depleted into interstellar dust, the nature of the Fe-bearing grains is still largely uncertain. In our analysis we use iron K-edge synchrotron data of minerals likely present in the ISM dust taken at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. We explore the prospects of determining the chemical composition and the size of astrophysical dust in the Galactic centre and in molecular clouds with future X-ray missions. The energy resolution and the effective area of the present X-ray telescopes are not sufficient to detect and study the Fe K-edge, even for bright X-ray sources. From the analysis of the extinction cross sections of our dust models implemented in the spectral fitting program SPEX, the Fe K-edge is promising for investigating both the chemistry and the size distribution of the interstellar dust. We find that the chemical composition regulates the X-ray absorption fine structures in the post edge region, whereas the scattering feature in the pre-edge is sensitive to the mean grain size. Finally, we note that the Fe K-edge is insensitive to other dust properties, such as the porosity and the geometry of the dust.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Development of a stratospheric and mesospheric microwave temperature sounder experiment

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    A passive microwave spectrometer system for measuring global atmospheric temperature profiles from 0-75 km altitude was developed and analyzed. The system utilizes 12 channels near the 5 mm wavelength oxygen absorption band and is designed to provide global coverage by scanning perpendicular to the orbital track of a polar orbiting satellite. A significant improvement in the accuracy of theoretical atmospheric microwave transmittance functions was achieved through the development of a first-order approximation to overlapping line theory for the oxygen molecule. This approximation is particularly important in the troposphere and lower stratosphere where pressure-broadening blends nearby lines. Ground-based and aircraft observations of several resonances of stratospheric oxygen generally support the theory. The 23, 25, 29, and 31 atmospheric oxygen lines were measured and the frequencies of several such oxygen lines were measured with improved precision. The polarization and Zeeman splitting of the atmospheric 27 line was also observed

    The UARS microwave limb sounder version 5 data set: Theory, characterization, and validation

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    Nitric acid (HNO3) is a major player in processes controlling the springtime depletion of polar ozone. It is the main constituent of the Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) and a primary reservoir for reactive nitrogen. Potential variations in the stratospheric circulation and temperature may alter the extent and duration of PSCs activity, influencing the future ozone levels significantly. Monitoring HNO3 and its long-term variability, especially in polar region, is then crucial for better understanding issues related to ozone decline and expected recovery. In this study we present an intercomparison between ground based HNO3 measurements, carried out by means of the Ground-Based Millimeter-wave Spectrometer (GBMS), and two satellite data sets produced by the two NASA/JPL Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) experiments. In particular, we compare UARS MLS measurements (1991-1999) with those carried out by the GBMS at South Pole, Antarctica (90°S), Fall of 1993 and 1995. A similar intercomparison is made between Aura MLS HNO3 observations (2004 - to date) and GBMS measurements obtained during the period February 2004 - March 2007, at the mid-latitudes/high altitudes station of Testa Grigia (45.9° N, 7.7° E, elev. 3500 m), and during polar winters 2008/09 and 2009/2010 at Thule Air Base (76.5°N 68.8°W), Greenland. We assess systematic differences between GBMS and both UARS and Aura HNO3 data sets at seven potential temperature levels (θ) spanning the range 465 – 960 K. The UARS data set advected to the South Pole shows a low bias, within 20% for all θ levels but the 960 K, with respect to GBMS measurements. A very good agreement, within 5%, is obtained between Aura and GBMS observations at Testa Grigia, while larger differences, possibly due to latitude dependent effects, are observed over Thule. These differences are under further investigations but a preliminary comparison over Thule among MLS v3, GBMS, and ACE-FTS measurements suggests that GBMS measurements carried out during winter 2009 might not be reliable. These comparisons have been performed in the framework of the NASA JPL GOZCARDS project, which is aimed at developing a long-term, global data record of the relevant stratospheric constituents in the context of ozone decline. GBMS has been selected in GOZCARDS since its HNO3 dataset, although sampling different latitudes in different years, is the only one spanning a sufficiently long time interval for cross-calibrating HNO3 measurements by the UARS and Aura MLS experiments

    Ultraviolet HST Observations of the Jet in M87

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    We present new ultraviolet photometry of the jet in M87 obtained from HST WFPC2 imaging. We combine these ultraviolet data with previously published photometry for the knots of the jet in radio, optical, and X-ray, and fit three theoretical synchrotron models to the full data set. The synchrotron models consistently overpredict the flux in the ultraviolet when fit over the entire dataset. We show that if the fit is restricted to the radio through ultraviolet data, the synchrotron models can provide a good match to the data. The break frequencies of these fits are much lower than previous estimates. The implied synchrotron lifetimes for the bulk of the emitting population are longer than earlier work, but still much shorter than the estimated kinematic lifetimes of the knots. The observed X-ray flux cannot be successfully explained by the simple synchrotron models that fit the ultraviolet and optical fluxes. We discuss the possible implications of these results for the physical properties of the M87 jet. We also observe increased flux for the HST-1 knot that is consistent with previous results for flaring. This observation fills in a significant gap in the time coverage early in the history of the flare, and therefore sets constraints on the initial brightening of the flare.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ, changed lightcurve and caption in Figure

    CO ro-vibrational lines in HD100546: A search for disc asymmetries and the role of fluorescence

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    We have studied the emission of CO ro-vibrational lines in the disc around the Herbig Be star HD100546 with the final goal of using these lines as a diagnostic to understand inner disc structure in the context of planet formation. High-resolution IR spectra of CO ro-vibrational emission at eight different position angles were taken with CRIRES at the VLT. From these spectra flux tables, CO ro-vibrational line profiles, and population diagrams were produced. We have investigated variations in the line profile shapes and line strengths as a function of slit position angle. We used the thermochemical disc modelling code ProDiMo based on the chemistry, radiation field, and temperature structure of a previously published model for HD100546. Comparing observations and the model, we investigated the possibility of disc asymmetries, the excitation mechanism (UV fluorescence), the geometry, and physical conditions of the inner disc. The observed CO ro-vibrational lines are largely emitted from the inner rim of the outer disc at 10-13 AU. The line shapes are similar for all v levels and line fluxes from all vibrational levels vary only within one order of magnitude. All line profile asymmetries and variations can be explained with a symmetric disc model to which a slit correction and pointing offset is applied. Because the angular size of the CO emitting region (10-13 AU) and the slit width are comparable the line profiles are very sensitive to the placing of the slit. The model reproduces the line shapes and the fluxes of the v=1-0 lines as well as the spatial extent of the CO ro-vibrational emission. It does not reproduce the observed band ratios of 0.5-0.2 with higher vibrational bands. We find that lower gas volume densities at the surface of the inner rim of the outer disc can make the fluorescence pumping more effcient and reproduce the observed band ratios.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figure

    Resolving the compact dusty discs around binary post-AGB stars using N-band interferometry

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    We present the first mid-IR long baseline interferometric observations of the circumstellar matter around binary post-AGB stars. Two objects, SX Cen and HD 52961, were observed using the VLTI/MIDI instrument during Science Demonstration Time. Both objects are known binaries for which a stable circumbinary disc is proposed to explain the SED characteristics. This is corroborated by our N-band spectrum showing a crystallinity fraction of more than 50 % for both objects, pointing to a stable environment where dust processing can occur. Surprisingly, the dust surrounding SX Cen is not resolved in the interferometric observations providing an upper limit of 11 mas (or 18 AU at the distance of this object) on the diameter of the dust emission. This confirms the very compact nature of its circumstellar environment. The dust emission around HD 52961 originates from a very small but resolved region, estimated to be ~ 35 mas at 8 micron and ~ 55 mas at 13 micron. These results confirm the disc interpretation of the SED of both stars. In HD 52961, the dust is not homogeneous in its chemical composition: the crystallinity is clearly concentrated in the hotter inner region. Whether this is a result of the formation process of the disc, or due to annealing during the long storage time in the disc is not clear.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A &
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