285 research outputs found

    A Diachronic Study of Appearance of the Dative Case with -st Form in Icelandic: in the Case of Relative Clause

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    Uremic serum-induced calcification of human aortic smooth muscle cells is a regulated process involving Klotho and RUNX2

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    © 2019 The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).Vascular calcification (VC) is common in subjects with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. It is an active process involving transdifferentiation of arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) into osteogenic phenotype. We investigated the ability of serum from CKD subjects to induce calcification in human SMCs in vitro (calcific potential of sera: CP), and associated changes in expression of Runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2), SM22a, and Klotho. Sera from subjects with CKD (18 stage 3, 17 stage 4/5, and 29 stage 5D) and 20 controls were added to human cultured SMCs and CP quantified. The CP of CKD sera was greater (P>0.01) than that of controls, though not influenced by CKD stage. Modification of diet in renal disease estimated glomerular filtration rate (MDRD-4 eGFR) (P>0.001), serum phosphate (P=0.042), receptor activator of nuclear factor ?appa-B ligand (RANKL) (P=0.001), parathyroid hormone (PTH) (P=0.014), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)/cholesterol ratio (P=0.026) were independent predictors of CP accounting for 45% of variation. Adding calcification buffer (CB: calcium chloride [7 mM] and β-glycerophosphate [7 mM]) increased the CP of control sera to approximate that of CKD sera. CP of CKD sera was unchanged. CKD sera increased RUNX2 expression (P>0.01) in human SMCs and decreased SM22a expression (P>0.05). Co-incubating control but not CKD serum with CB further increased RUNX2 expression (P>0.01). Both SM22a and Klotho expression decreased significantly (P>0.01) in the presence of CKD serum, and were virtually abolished with stage 5D sera. These findings support active regulation by CKD serum of in vitro VC by induction of RUNX2 and suppression of SM22a and Klotho.Peer reviewe

    Complex patterns of spontaneous initiations and terminations of reentrant circulation in a loop of cardiac tissue

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    A two-component model is developed that consists of a discrete loop of cardiac cells that circulates action potentials together with a cardiac pacing mechanism. Physiological properties of cells such as restitutions of refractoriness and of conduction velocity are given via experimentally measured functions. The dynamics of circulating pulses and their interactions with the pacer are regulated by two threshold relations. Patterns of spontaneous initiations and terminations of reentry (SITR) generated by this system are studied through numerical simulations and analytical observations. These patterns can be regular or irregular; causes of irregularities are identified as the threshold bistability of reentrant circulation (T-bistability) and in some cases, also phase-resetting interactions with the pacer.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 61 references; A version of this paper (same results) is to appear in the Journal of Theoretical Biology; arXiv V2 adds helpful commments to facilitate reading and corrects minor errors in presentatio

    Transcriptional Characteristics and Differences in Arabidopsis Stigmatic Papilla Cells Pre- and Post-Pollination

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    Pollination is an important early step in sexual plant reproduction. In Arabidopsis thaliana, sequential pollination events, from pollen adhesion onto the stigma surface to pollen tube germination and elongation, occur on the stigmatic papilla cells. Following successful completion of these events, the pollen tube penetrates the stigma and finally fertilizes a female gametophyte. The pollination events are thought to be initiated and regulated by interactions between papilla cells and pollen. Here, we report the characterization of gene expression profiles of unpollinated (UP), compatible pollinated (CP) and incompatible pollinated (IP) papilla cells in A. thaliana. Based on cell type-specific transcriptome analysis from a combination of laser microdissection and RNA sequencing, 15,475, 17,360 and 16,918 genes were identified as expressed in UP, CP and IP papilla cells, respectively, and, of these, 14,392 genes were present in all three data sets. Differentially expressed gene (DEG) analyses identified 147 and 71 genes up-regulated in CP and IP papilla cells, respectively, and 115 and 46 genes down-regulated. Gene Ontology and metabolic pathway analyses revealed that papilla cells play an active role as the female reproductive component in pollination, particularly in information exchange, signal transduction, internal physiological changes and external morphological modification. This study provides fundamental information on the molecular mechanisms involved in pollination in papilla cells, furthering our understanding of the reproductive role of papilla cell

    Regional differences in APD restitution can initiate wavebreak and re-entry in cardiac tissue: A computational study

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    Background Regional differences in action potential duration (APD) restitution in the heart favour arrhythmias, but the mechanism is not well understood. Methods We simulated a 150 × 150 mm 2D sheet of cardiac ventricular tissue using a simplified computational model. We investigated wavebreak and re-entry initiated by an S1S2S3 stimulus protocol in tissue sheets with two regions, each with different APD restitution. The two regions had a different APD at short diastolic interval (DI), but similar APD at long DI. Simulations were performed twice; once with both regions having steep (slope > 1), and once with both regions having flat (slope < 1) APD restitution. Results Wavebreak and re-entry were readily initiated using the S1S2S3 protocol in tissue sheets with two regions having different APD restitution properties. Initiation occurred irrespective of whether the APD restitution slopes were steep or flat. With steep APD restitution, the range of S2S3 intervals resulting in wavebreak increased from 1 ms with S1S2 of 250 ms, to 75 ms (S1S2 180 ms). With flat APD restitution, the range of S2S3 intervals resulting in wavebreak increased from 1 ms (S1S2 250 ms), to 21 ms (S1S2 340 ms) and then 11 ms (S1S2 400 ms). Conclusion Regional differences in APD restitution are an arrhythmogenic substrate that can be concealed at normal heart rates. A premature stimulus produces regional differences in repolarisation, and a further premature stimulus can then result in wavebreak and initiate re-entry. This mechanism for initiating re-entry is independent of the steepness of the APD restitution curve

    CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING). III. Dynamical effect on molecular gas density and star formation in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4303

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    We present the results of 12^{12}CO(JJ=1-0) and 13^{13}CO(JJ=1-0) simultaneous mappings toward the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 4303 as a part of the CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING) project. Barred spiral galaxies often show lower star-formation efficiency (SFE) in their bar region compared to the spiral arms. In this paper, we examine the relation between the SFEs and the volume densities of molecular gas n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) in the eight different regions within the galactic disk with CO data combined with archival far-ultraviolet and 24 μ\mum data. We confirmed that SFE in the bar region is lower by 39% than that in the spiral arms. Moreover, velocity-alignment stacking analysis was performed for the spectra in the individual regions. The integrated intensity ratios of 12^{12}CO to 13^{13}CO (R12/13R_{12/13}) range from 10 to 17 as the results of stacking. Fixing a kinetic temperature of molecular gas, n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) was derived from R12/13R_{12/13} via non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) analysis. The density n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) in the bar is lower by 31-37% than that in the arms and there is a rather tight positive correlation between SFEs and n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2), with a correlation coefficient of 0.8\sim 0.8. Furthermore, we found a dependence of n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) on the velocity dispersion of inter-molecular clouds (ΔV/sini\Delta V/ \sin i). Specifically, n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) increases as ΔV/sini\Delta V/ \sin i increases when ΔV/sini<100\Delta V/ \sin i < 100 km s1^{-1}. On the other hand, n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) decreases as ΔV/sini\Delta V/ \sin i increases when ΔV/sini>100\Delta V/ \sin i > 100 km s1^{-1}. These relations indicate that the variations of SFE could be caused by the volume densities of molecular gas, and the volume densities could be governed by the dynamical influence such as cloud-cloud collisions, shear and enhanced inner-cloud turbulence.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    PETREL for Astrophysics and Carbon Business

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    A multi-purpose 50kg class microsatellite hosting astrophysical mission and earth remote sensing, PETREL , will be launched in 2023. In the night side, PETREL observe the ultra-violet sky with a wide-field telescope covering 50 deg^2 for surveying transient objects related to supernovae, tidal disruption events, and gravitational wave events. Our UV telescope can detect the early phase UV emission from a neutron star merger occurred within 150 Mpc. In addition to the satellite observation, PETREL sends a detection alert including the coordinate and brightness of the UV transient to the ground via the real time communication network within several minutes after detection to conduct follow-up observations with the collaborating ground based observatories over the world. In the day side, PETREL observes the surface of the earth by using the tunable multi-spectral cameras and a ultra-compact hyperspectral camera. Our potential targets are the tropical forests (Green Carbon) and coastal zones (Blue Carbon) in the tropical areas to evaluating the global biological carbon strages. For this purpose PETREL will conduct multiple scale mapping collaborating with drones and small aircraft not only satellite. The obtained data will be used for academical research and for business applications. The technical difficulty of this satellite is that carries out multi-purpose with different requirements, such as astronomical observations which requires a quite high attitude stability and the earth observations requiring a high pointing accuracy, with limited resources. If it is possible, a novel small satellite system or a business style can be realized that can share the payload with academia and industry. PETREL has been adopted as Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Program No.3 led by JAXA, and development is underway with the aim of launching in FY2023

    Transcriptional characteristics and differences in Arabidopsis stigmatic papilla cells pre- and post-pollination

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    Pollination is an important early step in sexual plant reproduction. In Arabidopsis thaliana, sequential pollination events, from pollen adhesion onto the stigma surface to pollen tube germination and elongation, occur on the stigmatic papilla cells. Following successful completion of these events, the pollen tube penetrates the stigma and finally fertilizes a female gametophyte. The pollination events are thought to be initiated and regulated by interactions between papilla cells and pollen. Here, we report the characterization of gene expression profiles of unpollinated (UP), compatible pollinated (CP) and incompatible pollinated (IP) papilla cells in A. thaliana. Based on cell type-specific transcriptome analysis from a combination of laser microdissection and RNA sequencing, 15,475, 17,360 and 16,918 genes were identified as expressed in UP, CP and IP papilla cells, respectively, and of these, 14,392 genes were present in all three data sets. Differentially expressed gene (DEG) analyses identified 147 and 71 genes up-regulated in CP and IP papilla cells, respectively, and 115 and 46 genes down-regulated. Gene Ontology and metabolic pathway analyses revealed that papilla cells play an active role as the female reproductive component in pollination, particularly in information exchange, signal transduction, internal physiological changes and external morphological modification. This study provides fundamental information on the molecular mechanisms involved in pollination in papilla cells, furthering our understanding of the reproductive role of papilla cells