195 research outputs found

    An exploration of the impact of an online MBA course on intercultural sensitivity development

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    While research on online MBA courses is growing rapidly, teaching specific skills using online delivery formats is a relatively new stream of research in graduate business education. In this study, adult learning methods such as experiential activities, discussion, teamwork, and action learning were used in a seven-week online MBA course to explore in what ways intercultural sensitivity could be developed. A two-trial, pretest-posttest research mixed methods design was implemented in the summers of 2004 and 2005 at a Midwestern Jesuit university. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered and analyzed from thirty-eight participants (N=38). First, quantitative analysis of pretest-posttest scores from the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) (Hammer & Bennett, 1998, 2002, 2004), and demographic variables, revealed that sixty-eight percent (68%) of participants developed greater intercultural sensitivity while age, gender, and degrees of course engagement were predictors of IDI score change. Second, qualitative analysis of survey data found that the quality of virtual teamwork impacted perceived learning outcomes and most participants found the online MBA course to be a useful and complementary addition to traditional MBA face-to-face courses. Finally, six case studies were developed to explore IDI stage shift and construct explanatory schemas. Conclusions suggest that coping strategies, cooperative/collaborative efforts, flexible cognitive orientations, course engagement, introspective reflection, and cultural curiosity were factors that impacted intercultural sensitivity development. The results of the study confirm that intercultural sensitivity can be learned and measured using an online delivery format and the IDI. Recommendations to further develop this online MBA course include: 1) expand length of course, 2) incorporate role of intercultural coach, 3) include synchronous components, 4) provide clearer course expectations, 5) structure purposeful teams, and 6) enrich course content. Four directions for future research that emerged from the study include testing course effectiveness using larger graduate student samples, examining the effects of different team composition on intercultural sensitivity development, comparing a blended learning environment with purely online delivery, and conducting longitudinal studies to measure behavioral change

    Towards Remote Assessment of User Experiences of Visual Product Representations

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    Understanding consumer experiences of products is becoming increasingly important for producers acting on the global market. This paper presents a pilot study done as part of the development of a VIPET (Visual Internet Product Experience Tool), a future tool for remote user assessment of product experiences. The aim of the tool is to provide users with a convenient and intuitive approach to assess visual representations of products by allowing respondents to place visual representations of products in the form of images in relation to each other on a type of bipolar visual analogue scales in the form of 2x2 charts. The purpose of the study was to evaluate a prototype version of the visual interface of the tool using international respondents. The prototype tool was emailed to respondents in five countries, asking them to assess an everyday type of product, food packaging containers, against six parameters, measuring types of perceptual experience. The results of the study indicate that remote assessment of visual representations of products using a tool of this type is a promising approach. Even though some test results are presented the major interest of this paper is not in the assessments of the specific products as such, but rather the characteristics and quality of the assessment method itself and the implications for the development of a tool for assessing consumer experiences

    Design for the BOP and the TOP: Requirements handling behaviour of designers

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    The base (BOP) and the top (TOP) of the world income pyramid represent the people living in poverty and the people from developed countries, respectively. In the approach of business development combined with poverty alleviation, the design of products for the BOP plays an important role. There is an urgent need to develop an understanding of the process of designing products for the BOP. Requirements handling is an important ingredient of a design process. This research, using a protocol study, examined the differences between the requirements handling behaviour of designers when they design a product for the BOP and TOP markets. We found differences between their requirements handling behaviour in terms of their attention to different topics of requirements, and their handling of solution-specific and solution-neutral requirements

    Fostering Automatic Control Students to Become Innovators

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    Today, innovation is a key word for many universities, as it constitutes an important part of most universities’ public and scientific outreach task. Many universities are striving to increase the number of innovations generated at the university. A common method is to provide various support for research projects e.g.; providing researchers with information about international patent rights (IPR), offering administrative or financial help concerning patent applications, giving entrepreneurship and start-up support, etc. However, fostering innovators and entrepreneurs can start already in undergraduate/graduate courses, i.e. long before a student potentially reaches the research level. We believe that key factors for success in this matter are diversity and freedom. A course that strives to promote innovation capability must allow for students with different backgrounds and different curricula to meet and work together, and must allow for students to freely use their current knowledge within new contexts. This is generally not a setting provided in traditional undergraduate/graduate courses. This article describes the execution and outcome of an graduate course “international Market-Driven Engineering (iMDE)” in which diversity and freedom are key factors. The course is international and multi-disciplinary in terms of students, teachers and subjects. Graduate students with prior knowledge in automatic control constitute one important part of the course population. We believe that the diversity amongst the students, and their freedom when it comes to both innovation process and product, provides a promising platform in which seeds of ideas can grow into conceptual prototypes that build a solid foundation for full-scale innovations. On of the iMDE- projects, the Elderly Accessible Chair, or EA Chair, with its automated scanning and automatic seat- provider functionality, is one concrete example of this

    Optical tracking of deep-space spacecraft in Halo L2 orbits and beyond: the Gaia mission as a pilot case

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    We tackle the problem of accurate optical tracking of distant man-made probes, on Halo orbit around the Earth-Sun libration point L2 and beyond, along interplanetary transfers. The improved performance of on-target tracking, especially when observing with small-class telescopes is assessed providing a general estimate of the expected S/N ratio in spacecraft detection. The on-going Gaia mission is taken as a pilot case for our analysis, reporting on fresh literature and original optical photometry and astrometric results. The probe has been located, along its projected nominal path, within 0.13 +/- 0.09 arcsec, or 0.9 +/- 0.6 km. Spacecraft color appears to be red, with (V-R_c) = 1.1 +/- 0.2 and a bolometric correction to the R_c band of (Bol-R_c) = -1.1 +/- 0.2. The apparent magnitude, R_c = 20.8 +/- 0.2, is much fainter than originally expected. These features lead to suggest a lower limit for the Bond albedo a = 0.11 +/- 0.05 and confirm that incident Sun light is strongly reddened by Gaia through its on-board MLI blankets covering the solar shield. Relying on the Gaia figures, we found that VLT-class telescopes could yet be able to probe distant spacecraft heading Mars, up to 30 million km away, while a broader optical coverage of the forthcoming missions to Venus and Mars could be envisaged, providing to deal with space vehicles of minimum effective area Aeff >= 10^6 cm^2. In addition to L2 surveys, 2m-class telescopes could also effectively flank standard radar-ranging techniques in deep-space probe tracking along Earth's gravity-assist maneuvers for interplanetary missions.Comment: In press for Advances in Space Research (w/ 15 colour figures and 1 table

    A Survey for Satellites of Venus

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    We present a systematic survey for satellites of Venus using the Baade-Magellan 6.5 meter telescope and IMACS wide-field CCD imager at Las Campanas observatory in Chile. In the outer portions of the Hill sphere the search was sensitive to a limiting red magnitude of about 20.4, which corresponds to satellites with radii of a few hundred meters when assuming an albedo of 0.1. In the very inner portions of the Hill sphere scattered light from Venus limited the detection to satellites of about a kilometer or larger. Although several main belt asteroids were found, no satellites (moons) of Venus were detected.Comment: Published in July 2009 (Sheppard, S. and Trujillo, C. 2009, Icarus, 202, 12-16.

    The Globalization of Steam Coal Markets and the Role of Logistics: An Empirical Analysis

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    In this paper, we provide a comprehensive multivariate cointegration analysis of three parts of the steam coal value chain - export, transport and import prices. The analysis is based on a rich dataset of international coal prices; in particular, we combine data on steam coal prices with freight rates, covering the period December 2001 until August 2009 at weekly frequency. We then test whether the demand and supply side components of steam coal trade are consistently integrated with one another. In addition, export and import prices as well as freight rates for individual trading routes, across regions and globally are combined. We find evidence of significant yet incomplete integration. We also find heterogeneous short-term dynamics of individual markets. Furthermore, we examine whether logistics enter coal price dynamics through transportation costs, which are mainly determined by oil prices. Our results suggest that this is generally not the case

    Impact ionization mass spectra of anorthite cosmic dust analogue particles

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    Anorthite, the Ca-rich end-member of plagioclase feldspar, is a dominant mineral component of the Lunar highlands. Plagioclase feldspar is also found in comets, meteorites and stony asteroids. It is therefore expected to contribute to the population of interplanetary (and circumplanetary) dust grains within the solar system. After coating micron- and submicron-sized grains of Anorthite with a conductive layer of Platinum, the mineral was successfully accelerated to hypervelocity speeds in the Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik’s Van de Graaff accelerator. We present impact ionization mass spectra generated following the impacts of anorthite grains with a prototype mass spectrometer (the Large Area Mass Analyser, LAMA) designed for use in space, and discuss the behavior of the spectra with increasing impact energy. Correlation analysis is used to identify the compositions and sources of cations present in the spectra, enabling the identification of several molecular cations (e.g., CaAlO2, CaSiO2, Ca2AlO3/CaAlSi2O2) which identify anorthite as the progenitor bulk grain material

    Mercury's low-reflectance material: Constraints from hollows

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    Unusually low reflectance material, within which depressions known as hollows appear to be actively forming by sublimation, is a major component of Mercury's surface geology. The observation that this material is exhumed from depth by large impacts has the intriguing implication that the planet's lower crust or upper mantle contains a significant volatile-rich, low-reflectance layer, the composition of which will be key for developing our understanding of Mercury's geochemical evolution and bulk composition. Hollows provide a means by which the composition of both the volatile and non-volatile components of the low-reflectance material (LRM) can be constrained, as they result from the loss of the volatile component, and any remaining lag can be expected to be formed of the non-volatile component. However, previous work has approached this by investigating the spectral character of hollows as a whole, including that of bright deposits surrounding the hollows, a unit of uncertain character. Here we use high-resolution multispectral images, obtained as the MESSENGER spacecraft approached Mercury at lower altitudes in the latter part of its mission, to investigate reflectance spectra of inactive hollow floors where sublimation appears to have ceased, and compare this to those of the bright surrounding products and the parent material. This analysis reveals that the final lag after hollow-formation has a flatter spectral slope than that of any other unit on the planet and reflectance approaching that of more space-weathered parent material. This indicates firstly that the volatile material lost has a steeper spectral slope and higher reflectance than the parent material, consistent with (Ca,Mg) sulfides, and secondly, that the low-reflectance component of LRM is non-volatile and may be graphite