894 research outputs found

    Person identification using deep neural networks on physiological biomarkers during exercise

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    Much progress has been made in wearable sensors that provide real-time continuous physiological data from non- invasive measurements including heart rate and biofluids such as sweat. This information can potentially be used to identify the health condition of a person by applying machine learning algorithms on the physiological measurements. We present a person identification task that uses machine learning algorithms on a set of biomarkers collected from 30 subjects carrying out a cycling experiment. We compared an SVM and a gated recurrent neural network (RNN) for real-time accuracy using different window sizes of the measured data. Results show that using all biomarkers gave the best results from any of the models. With all biomarkers, the gated RNN model achieved ∌90% accuracy even in a 30 s time window; and ∌92.3% accuracy in a 150 s time window. Excluding any of the biomarkers leads to at least 7.4% absolute accuracy drop for the RNN model. The RNN implementation on the Jetson Nano incurs a low latency of ∌45 ms per inference

    La formation procĂ©durale par simulation au prĂ©-externat pour rĂ©duire l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et renforcer la confiance des Ă©tudiants par rapport Ă  leurs habiletĂ©s techniques

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    Introduction: Pre-clerkship procedural skills training is not yet a standard across Canadian medical school curricula, resulting in limited exposure to procedures upon entering clerkship. While simulated skills training has been documented in the literature to improve performance in technical ability, anxiety and confidence have yet to be investigated despite their documented impact on performance and learning. This study therefore aims to evaluate the effect of pre-clerkship procedural skills training on medical student anxiety and confidence. Methods: A procedural skills training program was designed based on an evidence-based near-peer, flipped classroom model of education. Ninety-two second-year medical students volunteered for the study. Fifty-six were randomized to the training group, and 36 were randomized to the control group. Students in the training group attended seven procedural skills tutorials over seven months. The control group represented the average medical school student without standardized procedural training. Student anxiety and confidence were assessed at the beginning and end of the program using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory and Confidence Questionnaires. Results: Students who participated in the procedural skills program demonstrated greater reductions in their state anxiety and greater improvements in confidence compared to the control group. Conclusion: Longitudinal procedural skills training in the simulation setting has demonstrated improvements in anxiety and confidence among pre-clerkship medical students. These added benefits to training have the potential to ease medical students’ transition into clerkship, while also contributing to a safer and more effective clinical experience. Therefore, future integration of standardized pre-clerkship procedural skills training within medical school curricula should be considered.Introduction : Les cursus de prĂ©-externat des facultĂ©s de mĂ©decine canadiennes ne prĂ©voient pas systĂ©matiquement de formation sur les habiletĂ©s techniques avant, si bien qu’à leur arrivĂ©e Ă  l’externat, les Ă©tudiants ont une exposition limitĂ©e aux gestes techniques. Tandis que l’amĂ©lioration des aptitudes techniques par la simulation est bien documentĂ©e, il n’y a aucune Ă©tude sur l’effet de ces simulations sur l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et la confiance malgrĂ© leur impact avĂ©rĂ© sur la performance et l’apprentissage. Cette Ă©tude vise donc Ă  Ă©valuer l’effet d’une formation sur les habiletĂ©s techniques au prĂ©-externat sur l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et la confiance des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine. MĂ©thodes : Une formation sur les habiletĂ©s techniques a Ă©tĂ© conçue sur la base d’un modĂšle d’enseignement fondĂ© sur les donnĂ©es probantes, par les quasi-pairs suivant une approche de classe inversĂ©e. Quatre-vingt-douze Ă©tudiants en deuxiĂšme annĂ©e de mĂ©decine ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude sur une base volontaire. Cinquante-six d’entre eux ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©partis au hasard dans le groupe qui devait recevoir la formation, et 36 dans le groupe contrĂŽle. Les Ă©tudiants du groupe qui a reçu la formation ont assistĂ© Ă  sept tutoriels Ă©talĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de sept mois. Le groupe tĂ©moin reprĂ©sentait l’étudiant en mĂ©decine moyen sans formation normalisĂ©e axĂ©e sur les habiletĂ©s techniques. L’anxiĂ©tĂ© et la confiance des Ă©tudiants ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es au dĂ©but et Ă  la fin du programme Ă  l’aide du questionnaire State Trait Anxiety Inventory (questionnaire sur l’anxiĂ©tĂ© chronique et rĂ©actionnelle) et d’un questionnaire sur la confiance. RĂ©sultats : Chez les Ă©tudiants qui ont participĂ© au programme de formation sur les habiletĂ©s techniques, la baisse de l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et l’amĂ©lioration de la confiance en soi ont Ă©tĂ© plus importantes que chez les Ă©tudiants du groupe contrĂŽle. Conclusion : La formation longitudinale axĂ©e sur les habiletĂ©s techniques en contexte de simulation a eu des effets positifs en ce qui concerne l’anxiĂ©tĂ© et la confiance chez les Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine au prĂ©-externat. La formation offre l’avantage supplĂ©mentaire de faciliter la transition des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine vers l’externat, tout en contribuant Ă  rendre l’expĂ©rience clinique plus sĂ»re et plus efficace. Il serait donc intĂ©ressant pour les facultĂ©s de mĂ©decine d’intĂ©grer dans le cursus une formation normalisĂ©e axĂ©e sur les habiletĂ©s techniques au prĂ©-externat

    NMR Study of Ion Dynamics and Charge Storage in Ionic Liquid Supercapacitors.

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    Ionic liquids are emerging as promising new electrolytes for supercapacitors. While their higher operating voltages allow the storage of more energy than organic electrolytes, they cannot currently compete in terms of power performance. More fundamental studies of the mechanism and dynamics of charge storage are required to facilitate the development and application of these materials. Here we demonstrate the application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the structure and dynamics of ionic liquids confined in porous carbon electrodes. The measurements reveal that ionic liquids spontaneously wet the carbon micropores in the absence of any applied potential and that on application of a potential supercapacitor charging takes place by adsorption of counterions and desorption of co-ions from the pores. We find that adsorption and desorption of anions surprisingly plays a more dominant role than that of the cations. Having elucidated the charging mechanism, we go on to study the factors that affect the rate of ionic diffusion in the carbon micropores in an effort to understand supercapacitor charging dynamics. We show that the line shape of the resonance arising from adsorbed ions is a sensitive probe of their effective diffusion rate, which is found to depend on the ionic liquid studied, as well as the presence of any solvent additives. Taken as whole, our NMR measurements allow us to rationalize the power performances of different electrolytes in supercapacitors.A.C.F., J.M.G., C.M., P.M.B., H.W., and C.P.G. acknowledge the Sims Scholarship (A.C.F), EPSRC (via the Supergen consortium, J.M.G.), The School of Physical Sciences (University of Cambridge) for funding through an Oppen- heimer Research Fellowship (C.M.), The Marie Curie FP7 International Incoming Fellowship (P.M.B.), and the EU ERC (via an Advanced Fellowship to C.P.G.) for funding. A.C.F. and J.M.G. thank the NanoDTC Cambridge for travel funding. P.S. acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC, Advanced Grant, ERC-2011-AdG, Project 291543−IONACES).This is the final version. It first appeared at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.5b03958

    Définir les compétences procédurales essentielles dans la formation médicale canadienne de premier cycle

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    Introduction: We conducted a national survey to characterize current Canadian procedural skills training in Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME). The goals were to identify the most important procedures students should know upon graduation and assess clinician-educator perceptions regarding implementation of a pre-clerkship procedural program. Methods: We distributed the survey to physician-educators across Canada’s 17 medical schools. Respondents were directed to an individualized survey that collected demographic data, physician-educator responses on essential procedural skills, as well as physician-educator opinions on the value of a pre-clerkship procedural training program. Results: The response rate for this survey was 21% (42 out of 201 distributed surveys were completed). The top 10 most important procedures identified by physician-educators included IV Access, Airway Management, Local anesthesia/field block, Casting, Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery, Testing for STIs, Phlebotomy, Suturing of Lacerations, Nasogastric Tube Insertion, and Venipuncture. Physician-educators supported a pre-clerkship procedural program. Conclusions: Identifying the most crucial procedural skills is the first step in implementing a competency-based procedural skills training program for Canadian medical students. With the list of essential skills, and the support for physician-educators in developing a pre-clerkship procedural skills curriculum, hopefully there can be future development of formalized curricula.Contexte: Nous avons menĂ© un sondage Ă  l’échelle nationale pour caractĂ©riser les compĂ©tences procĂ©durales canadiennes dans la formation mĂ©dicale de premier cycle. L’objectif Ă©tait de reconnaĂźtre les plus importantes procĂ©dures que les Ă©tudiants devaient connaĂźtre Ă  la fin de leur formation et d’évaluer les perceptions des cliniciens Ă©ducateurs au sujet de la mise en Ɠuvre de leur programme procĂ©dural avant les stages. MĂ©thodes : Nous avons distribuĂ© le sondage Ă  des mĂ©decins Ă©ducateurs dans les 17 Ă©coles de mĂ©decine du Canada. Les rĂ©pondants ont Ă©tĂ© dirigĂ©s vers un sondage individualisĂ© qui recueillait les donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, les rĂ©ponses des mĂ©decins Ă©ducateurs sur les compĂ©tences procĂ©durales essentielles, ainsi que les opinions des mĂ©decins Ă©ducateurs sur la valeur du programme de formation procĂ©durale avant les stages. RĂ©sultats : Le taux de rĂ©ponse Ă  ce sondage a Ă©tĂ© de 21 % (42 des 201 sondages distribuĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© remplis). Les dix plus importantes procĂ©dures recensĂ©es par les mĂ©decins Ă©ducateurs comprenaient l’accĂšs IV, l’assistance respiratoire, le bloc anesthĂ©sie locale/champ, le moulage de plĂątre, l’accouchement spontanĂ© par voie vaginale, les tests d’ITS, la phlĂ©botomie, la suture des lacĂ©rations, l’insertion d’une sonde nasogastrique et la ponction veineuse. Les mĂ©decins Ă©ducateurs soutenaient un programme procĂ©dural avant les stages. Conclusions : Établir les compĂ©tences procĂ©durales les plus essentielles reprĂ©sente la premiĂšre Ă©tape dans la mise en Ɠuvre d’un programme de formation dans les compĂ©tences procĂ©durales fondĂ© sur les compĂ©tences pour les Ă©tudiants canadiens en mĂ©decine. Avec la liste de compĂ©tences essentielles et le soutien des mĂ©decins Ă©ducateurs dans le dĂ©veloppement d’un programme de compĂ©tences procĂ©durales avant les stages, nous espĂ©rons qu’un programme structurĂ© sera Ă©laborĂ©

    The Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey: nine new quasars and the luminosity function at redshift 6

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    We present discovery imaging and spectroscopy for nine new z ~ 6 quasars found in the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey (CFHQS) bringing the total number of CFHQS quasars to 19. By combining the CFHQS with the more luminous SDSS sample we are able to derive the quasar luminosity function from a sample of 40 quasars at redshifts 5.74 < z < 6.42. Our binned luminosity function shows a slightly lower normalisation and flatter slope than found in previous work. The binned data also suggest a break in the luminosity function at M_1450 approx -25. A double power law maximum likelihood fit to the data is consistent with the binned results. The luminosity function is strongly constrained (1 sigma uncertainty < 0.1 dex) over the range -27.5 < M_1450 < -24.7. The best-fit parameters are Phi(M_1450^*) = 1.14 x 10^-8 Mpc^-3 mag^-1, break magnitude M_1450^* = -25.13 and bright end slope beta = -2.81. However the covariance between beta and M_1450^* prevents strong constraints being placed on either parameter. For a break magnitude in the range -26 < M_1450^* < -24 we find -3.8 < beta < -2.3 at 95% confidence. We calculate the z = 6 quasar intergalactic ionizing flux and show it is between 20 and 100 times lower than that necessary for reionization. Finally, we use the luminosity function to predict how many higher redshift quasars may be discovered in future near-IR imaging surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, AJ in pres

    Changes in global ocean bottom properties and volume transports in CMIP5 models under climate change scenarios

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    Changes in bottom temperature, salinity and density in the global ocean by 2100 for CMIP5 climate models are investigated for the climate change scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The mean of 24 models shows a decrease in density in all deep basins except the North Atlantic which becomes denser. The individual model responses to climate change forcing are more complex: regarding temperature, the 24 models predict a warming of the bottom layer of the global ocean; in salinity, there is less agreement regarding the sign of the change, especially in the Southern Ocean. The magnitude and equatorward extent of these changes also vary strongly among models. The changes in properties can be linked with changes in the mean transport of key water masses. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakens in most models and is directly linked to changes in bottom density in the North Atlantic. These changes are due to the intrusion of modified Antarctic Bottom Water, made possible by the decrease in North Atlantic Deep Water formation. In the Indian, Pacific and South Atlantic, changes in bottom density are congruent with the weakening in Antarctic Bottom Water transport through these basins. We argue that the greater the 1986-2005 meridional transports, the more changes have propagated equatorwards by 2100. However, strong decreases in density over 100 years of climate change cause a weakening of the transports. The speed at which these property changes reach the deep basins is critical for a correct assessment of the heat storage capacity of the oceans as well as for predictions of future sea level rise

    Eddington-limited accretion and the black hole mass function at redshift 6

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    We present discovery observations of a quasar in the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey (CFHQS) at redshift z=6.44. We also use near-IR spectroscopy of nine CFHQS quasars at z~6 to determine black hole masses. These are compared with similar estimates for more luminous Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars to investigate the relationship between black hole mass and quasar luminosity. We find a strong correlation between MgII FWHM and UV luminosity and that most quasars at this early epoch are accreting close to the Eddington limit. Thus these quasars appear to be in an early stage of their life cycle where they are building up their black hole mass exponentially. Combining these results with the quasar luminosity function, we derive the black hole mass function at z=6. Our black hole mass function is ~10^4 times lower than at z=0 and substantially below estimates from previous studies. The main uncertainties which could increase the black hole mass function are a larger population of obscured quasars at high-redshift than is observed at low-redshift and/or a low quasar duty cycle at z=6. In comparison, the global stellar mass function is only ~10^2 times lower at z=6 than at z=0. The difference between the black hole and stellar mass function evolution is due to either rapid early star formation which is not limited by radiation pressure as is the case for black hole growth or inefficient black hole seeding. Our work predicts that the black hole mass - stellar mass relation for a volume-limited sample of galaxies declines rapidly at very high redshift. This is in contrast to the observed increase at 4<z<6 from the local relation if one just studies the most massive black holes.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, AJ in pres

    Coupling dense point cloud correspondence and template model fitting for 3D human pose and shape reconstruction from a single depth image

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    International audienceIn this paper, we address the problem of capturing both the shape and the pose of a character using a single depth sensor. Some previous works proposed to fit a parametric generic human template in the depth image, while others developed deep learning (DL) approaches to find the correspondence between depth pixels and vertices of the template. In this paper, we explore the possibility of combining these two approaches to benefit from their respective advantages. The hypothesis is that DL dense correspondence should provide more accurate information to template model fitting, compared to previous approaches which only use estimated joint position only. Thus, we stacked a stateof-the-art DL dense correspondence method (namely double U-Net) and parametric model fitting (namely Simplify-X). The experiments on the SURREAL [1], DFAUST datasets [2] and a subset of AMASS [3], show that this hybrid approach enables us to enhance pose and shape estimation compared to using DL or model fitting separately. This result opens new perspectives in pose and shape estimation in many applications where complex or invasive motion capture setups are impossible, such as sports, dance, ergonomic assessment, etc
