76 research outputs found

    Effects of a Four-Week High-Dosage Zinc Oxide Supplemented Diet on Commensal Escherichia coli of Weaned Pigs

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    Strategies to reduce economic losses associated with post-weaning diarrhea in pig farming include high-level dietary zinc oxide supplementation. However, excessive usage of zinc oxide in the pig production sector was found to be associated with accumulation of multidrug resistant bacteria in these animals, presenting an environmental burden through contaminated manure. Here we report on zinc tolerance among a random selection of intestinal Escherichia coli comprising of different antibiotic resistance phenotypes and sampling sites isolated during a controlled feeding trial from 16 weaned piglets: In total, 179 isolates from “pigs fed with high zinc concentrations” (high zinc group, [HZG]: n = 99) and a corresponding “control group” ([CG]: n = 80) were investigated with regard to zinc tolerance, antimicrobial- and biocide susceptibilities by determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). In addition, in silico whole genome screening (WGSc) for antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) as well as biocide- and heavy metal tolerance genes was performed using an in-house BLAST-based pipeline. Overall, porcine E. coli isolates showed three different ZnCl2 MICs: 128 μg/ml (HZG, 2%; CG, 6%), 256 μg/ml (HZG, 64%; CG, 91%) and 512 μg/ml ZnCl2 (HZG, 34%, CG, 3%), a unimodal distribution most likely reflecting natural differences in zinc tolerance associated with different genetic lineages. However, a selective impact of the zinc-rich supplemented diet seems to be reasonable, since the linear mixed regression model revealed a statistically significant association between “higher” ZnCl2 MICs and isolates representing the HZG as well as “lower ZnCl2 MICs” with isolates of the CG (p = 0.005). None of the zinc chloride MICs was associated with a particular antibiotic-, heavy metal- or biocide- tolerance/resistance phenotype. Isolates expressing the 512 μg/ml MIC were either positive for ARGs conferring resistance to aminoglycosides, tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, or harbored no ARGs at all. Moreover, WGSc revealed a ubiquitous presence of zinc homeostasis and – detoxification genes, including zitB, zntA, and pit. In conclusion, we provide evidence that zinc-rich supplementation of pig feed selects for more zinc tolerant E. coli, including isolates harboring ARGs and biocide- and heavy metal tolerance genes – a putative selective advantage considering substances and antibiotics currently used in industrial pork production systems

    A framework for multispecies assessment and management

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    The report describes a framework that can be used to identify the most important trade-offs in ecosystem based fisheries management. The framework contains a description of how to identify the border between the science and policy domains, how to identify objectives and set goals for management, and how to communicate the management advice. Consultations with stakeholders showed that multi-species management advice needs to be precautionary, provide yields close to MSY, be in accordance with ecosystem constraints and be possible to communicate clearly to managers and policymakers. The use of the framework is demonstrated through examples from three different ecosystems: the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Barents Sea

    High-Zinc Supplementation of Weaned Piglets Affects Frequencies of Virulence and Bacteriocin Associated Genes Among Intestinal Escherichia coli Populations

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    To prevent economic losses due to post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) in industrial pig production, zinc (Zn) feed additives have been widely used, especially since awareness has risen that the regular application of antibiotics promotes buildup of antimicrobial resistance in both commensal and pathogenic bacteria. In a previous study on 179 Escherichia coli collected from piglets sacrificed at the end of a Zn feeding trial, including isolates obtained from animals of a high-zinc fed group (HZG) and a corresponding control group (CG), we found that the isolate collection exhibited three different levels of tolerance toward zinc, i.e., the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) detected was 128, followed by 256 and 512 mu g/ml ZnCl2. We further provided evidence that enhanced zinc tolerance in porcine intestinal E. coli populations is clearly linked to excessive zinc feeding. Here we provide insights about the genomic make-up and phylogenetic background of these 179 E. coli genomes. Bayesian analysis of the population structure (BAPS) revealed a lack of association between the actual zinc tolerance level and a particular phylogenetic E. coli cluster or even branch for both, isolates belonging to the HZG and CG. In addition, detection rates for genes and operons associated with virulence (VAG) and bacteriocins (BAG) were lower in isolates originating from the HZG (41 vs. 65% and 22 vs. 35%, p < 0.001 and p = 0.002, resp.). Strikingly, E. coli harboring genes defining distinct pathotypes associated with intestinal disease, i.e., enterotoxigenic, enteropathogenic, and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (ETEC, EPEC, and STEC) constituted 1% of the isolates belonging to the HZG but 14% of those from the CG. Notably, these pathotypes were positively associated with enhanced zinc tolerance (512 mu g/ml ZnCl2 MIC, p < 0.001). Taken together, zinc excess seems to influence carriage rates of VAGs and BAGs in porcine intestinal E. coli populations, and high-zinc feeding is negatively correlated with enteral pathotype occurrences, which might explain earlier observations concerning the relative increase of Enterobacterales considering the overall intestinal microbiota of piglets during zinc feeding trials while PWD rates have decreased

    Corrosion and corrosion fatigue properties of additively manufactured magnesium alloy WE43 in comparison to titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V in physiological environment

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    Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) of metals enables the manufacturing of highly complex geometries which opens new application fields in the medical sector, especially with regard to personalized implants. In comparison to conventional manufacturing techniques, L-PBF causes different microstructures, and thus, new challenges arise. The main objective of this work is to investigate the influence of different manufacturing parameters of the L-PBF process on the microstructure, process-induced porosity, as well as corrosion fatigue properties of the magnesium alloy WE43 and as a reference on the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. In particular, the investigated magnesium alloy WE43 showed a strong process parameter dependence in terms of porosity (size and distribution), microstructure, corrosion rates, and corrosion fatigue properties. Cyclic tests with increased test duration caused an especially high decrease in fatigue strength for magnesium alloy WE43. It can be demonstrated that, due to high process-induced surface roughness, which supports locally intensified corrosion, multiple crack initiation sites are present, which is one of the main reasons for the drastic decrease in fatigue strength

    Induction of Strain-Transcending Antibodies Against Group A PfEMP1 Surface Antigens from Virulent Malaria Parasites

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    Sequence diversity in pathogen antigens is an obstacle to the development of interventions against many infectious diseases. In malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the PfEMP1 family of variant surface antigens encoded by var genes are adhesion molecules that play a pivotal role in malaria pathogenesis and clinical disease. PfEMP1 is a major target of protective immunity, however, development of drugs or vaccines based on PfEMP1 is problematic due to extensive sequence diversity within the PfEMP1 family. Here we identified the PfEMP1 variants transcribed by P. falciparum strains selected for a virulence-associated adhesion phenotype (IgM-positive rosetting). The parasites transcribed a subset of Group A PfEMP1 variants characterised by an unusual PfEMP1 architecture and a distinct N-terminal domain (either DBLα1.5 or DBLα1.8 type). Antibodies raised in rabbits against the N-terminal domains showed functional activity (surface reactivity with live infected erythrocytes (IEs), rosette inhibition and induction of phagocytosis of IEs) down to low concentrations (<10 µg/ml of total IgG) against homologous parasites. Furthermore, the antibodies showed broad cross-reactivity against heterologous parasite strains with the same rosetting phenotype, including clinical isolates from four sub-Saharan African countries that showed surface reactivity with either DBLα1.5 antibodies (variant HB3var6) or DBLα1.8 antibodies (variant TM284var1). These data show that parasites with a virulence-associated adhesion phenotype share IE surface epitopes that can be targeted by strain-transcending antibodies to PfEMP1. The existence of shared surface epitopes amongst functionally similar disease-associated P. falciparum parasite isolates suggests that development of therapeutic interventions to prevent severe malaria is a realistic goal

    Disproportionate cardiac hypertrophy during early postnatal development in infants born preterm.

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    Background Adults born very preterm have increased cardiac mass and reduced function. We investigated whether a hypertrophic phenomenon occurs in later preterm infants and when this occurs during early development. Methods Cardiac ultrasound was performed on 392 infants (33% preterm at mean gestation 34±2 weeks). Scans were performed during fetal development in 137, at birth and 3 months of postnatal age in 200, and during both fetal and postnatal development in 55. Cardiac morphology and function was quantified and computational models created to identify geometric changes. Results At birth, preterm offspring had reduced cardiac mass and volume relative to body size with a more globular heart. By 3 months, ventricular shape had normalized but both left and right ventricular mass relative to body size were significantly higher than expected for postmenstrual age (left 57.8±41.9 vs. 27.3±29.4%, P<0.001; right 39.3±38.1 vs. 16.6±40.8, P=0.002). Greater changes were associated with lower gestational age at birth (left P<0.001; right P=0.001). Conclusion Preterm offspring, including those born in late gestation, have a disproportionate increase in ventricular mass from birth up to 3 months of postnatal age. These differences were not present before birth. Early postnatal development may provide a window for interventions relevant to long-term cardiovascular health

    SARS-Coronavirus Replication Is Supported by a Reticulovesicular Network of Modified Endoplasmic Reticulum

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    Positive-strand RNA viruses, a large group including human pathogens such as SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV), replicate in the cytoplasm of infected host cells. Their replication complexes are commonly associated with modified host cell membranes. Membrane structures supporting viral RNA synthesis range from distinct spherular membrane invaginations to more elaborate webs of packed membranes and vesicles. Generally, their ultrastructure, morphogenesis, and exact role in viral replication remain to be defined. Poorly characterized double-membrane vesicles (DMVs) were previously implicated in SARS-CoV RNA synthesis. We have now applied electron tomography of cryofixed infected cells for the three-dimensional imaging of coronavirus-induced membrane alterations at high resolution. Our analysis defines a unique reticulovesicular network of modified endoplasmic reticulum that integrates convoluted membranes, numerous interconnected DMVs (diameter 200–300 nm), and “vesicle packets” apparently arising from DMV merger. The convoluted membranes were most abundantly immunolabeled for viral replicase subunits. However, double-stranded RNA, presumably revealing the site of viral RNA synthesis, mainly localized to the DMV interior. Since we could not discern a connection between DMV interior and cytosol, our analysis raises several questions about the mechanism of DMV formation and the actual site of SARS-CoV RNA synthesis. Our data document the extensive virus-induced reorganization of host cell membranes into a network that is used to organize viral replication and possibly hide replicating RNA from antiviral defense mechanisms. Together with biochemical studies of the viral enzyme complex, our ultrastructural description of this “replication network” will aid to further dissect the early stages of the coronavirus life cycle and its virus-host interactions

    Barriers and opportunities for implementation of a brief psychological intervention for post-ICU mental distress in the primary care setting – results from a qualitative sub-study of the PICTURE trial

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