238 research outputs found

    Flame-Retardant Unsaturated Polyester Resins: An Overview of Past and Recent Developments

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    The chapter presents a positive effect of reduced flammability of thermoset resins, thanks to the use of halogen-free flame retardants (FRs) and multi-ingredient modifiers that combine conventional phosphorous/nitrogen additives interacting with nanofillers. The impact of these inhibitors on the level of flammability of polyester polymer compositions was defined by determining the value of limiting oxygen index (LOI), thermogravimetric analysis and cone calorimeter (CC) analysis of thermal destruction processes. Morphology of composites was assessed by scanning electron microscope and analysis of actual SEM micrographic images. The analysis of thermal decomposition of the materials under examination confirmed flammability-reducing properties of the hybrid flame retardants used, and a synergy effect was observed between conventional modifiers and nanofillers, specifically expandable graphite and synthetic precipitated silica. The multi-ingredient composition of flame retardants turned out to make significant progress in achieving the desired level of flammability in polyester resins. Nanocomposites are a new class of polymer systems

    „Córka jak należy”, jej mama i babcia, czyli kobiety na łamach czasopism dla dzieci w XIX i na początku XX wieku

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    Na artykuł składają się fragmenty pracy doktorskiej pt. Wizerunek kobiety w polskich czasopismach ilustrowanych (do roku 1918). Geneza i funkcje społeczne ilustracji, napisanej pod kierunkiem prof. Małgorzaty Komzy, Wrocław 2013.Ewa Maria Walczak – dr, nauczycielka-bibliotekarka, absolwentka studiów doktoranckich w Instytucie Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego; pracuje w Bibliotece Pedagogicznej w Górze, województwo dolnośląskie.Uniwersytet Wrocławski26127

    Zabezpieczenie społeczne w Polsce – uwarunkowania kulturowo-historyczne oraz ekonomiczne

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    In the first place, the paper analyses the cultural-historical background of the social security in Poland. Given the largely enrooted Catholicism of the country, the development of the social teaching of the Catholic Church is surveyed. It is followed by a short history of the social security legislation in Poland from 1918 to 1997, and finally the current economical conditions of the system are analysed. The paper concludes with the opinion, that the current system, providing large social endowments to various strata of the population, generally answers the expectations of the people as well as corresponds to Catholic social teaching.Artykuł rozpoczyna analiza tła historyczno-kulturowego zjawisk związanych z zabezpieczeniem społecznym w Polsce. Ze względu na znaczącą rolę religii katolickiej w naszym kraju, przedmiotem opisu jest najpierw nauczanie społeczne Kościoła katolickiego dotyczące tej materii. Następnie przedstawiono skróconą historię prawodawstwa związanego z zabezpieczeniem społecznym w Polsce w okresie od 1918 do 1997 r. oraz analizę sytuacji obecnej. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, że system zabezpieczenia społecznego w Polsce jest rozbudowany. Szeroki zakres świadczeń przeznaczonych dla różnych grup społecznych odpowiada zarówno ogólnym oczekiwaniom obywateli, jak i idei solidaryzmu społecznego wynikającej m.in. z katolickiej nauki Kościoła

    A Spectroscopic and Photometric Investigation of the Mercury-Manganese Star KIC 6128830

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    The advent of space-based photometry provides the opportunity for the first precise characterizations of variability in Mercury-Manganese (HgMn/CP3) stars, which might advance our understanding of their internal structure. We have carried out a spectroscopic and photometric investigation of the candidate CP3 star KIC 6128830. A detailed abundance analysis based on newly-acquired high-resolution spectra was performed, which confirms that the star's abundance pattern is fully consistent with its proposed classification. Photometric variability was investigated using four years of archival Kepler data. In agreement with results from the literature, we have identified a single significant and independent frequency f1f_1=0.2065424 d1^{-1} with a peak-to-peak amplitude of \sim3.4 mmag and harmonic frequencies up to 5f15f_1. Drawing on the predictions of state-of-the-art pulsation models and information on evolutionary status, we discuss the origin of the observed light changes. Our calculations predict the occurrence of g-mode pulsations at the observed variability frequency. On the other hand, the strictly mono-periodic nature of the variability strongly suggests a rotational origin. While we prefer the rotational explanation, the present data leave some uncertainty.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Endometriosis causing intussusception of the ileum into the colon

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    Intussusception of the caecum occurs about twenty times less frequently in adults as compared to children and in 90% of these cases is caused by intestinal tumors. Intussusception of the ileum usually causes intestinal obstruction which requires urgent surgical intervention. So far, only a few cases of intussusception due to the presence of endometrial tumor have been described. The clinical course, imaging and laboratory tests are not specific for endometriosis. The macroscopic appearance of the tumor during laparotomy is also not diagnostic. In case of endometriosis, the diagnosis can only be made on the basis of the histopathological examination of the excised tumor. In this report, we present the diagnostic process and treatment of a patient with intussusception of the ileum to the ascending and transverse colon due to cecal tumor. During the operation, the surgeon suspected a cancerous tumor and performed a right hemicolectomy. The final diagnosis of endometriosis was made on the basis of the histopathological analysis

    Histologic evaluation of the atrioventricular nodal artery in healthy humans and in patients with conduction disturbances

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    The anatomy of the conduction system of the heart so relevant in the contemporary invasive cardiology is not fully understood. It has turned out that ablation procedures bring new information as to its structure and function, but in some cases can result in complete a-v block. Atrioventricular nodal artery located within the nodal-perinodal tissue can probably be damaged during the ablation procedures. Therefore, we decided to explore in detail the morphology and the topography of the atrioventricular nodal artery in healthy humans and in patients with clinical traits of a-v conduction disturbances requiring permanent pacing. The microscopic study was carried out on 30 normal human hearts specimens (17F, 3M) from 17 to 86 years of age, and on 20 hearts with conduction disturbances (11F, 9M) from 39 to 85 years of age. We found that the number of the atrioventricular node arteries is different and independent of the extent that induces block causing conduction disturbances. The topography of the artery in perinodal zone was consistent in normal hearts, yet in hearts with conduction disturbances we observed about 2% of deviations in its location. It might be the reason for generation of iatrogenic complications after invasive cardiological procedures. The morphology revealed changes in 50% of the examined hearts and their vessel walls, which was declared to be connected with ageing. This correlated with certain stages of atherosclerosis as well as hypertension characteristic of elderly patients. We observed that in 33% of hearts from control group small parietal thrombi were detected and in 60% of paced group respectively. Hence, it seems that the procedures in perinodal zone should be performed in its proximal part because of a minor probability of direct and indirect (through nodal artery) damage of the atrioventricular structure of the junction

    Bibliografia prac Profesor Hanny Tadeusiewicz

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    Ludzie i książki: studia i szkice bibliologiczno-bibliograficzne: księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesor Hannie Tadeusiewicz; rozdziałBibliografia obejmuje dorobek piśmienniczy i dydaktyczny Profesor Hanny Tadeusiewicz z lat 1966-2009 w układzie chronologicznym. Część pierwsza rejestruje publikacje ogłoszone w latach 1966-2009. O zaszeregowaniu publikacji do dane - go roku decydowała data wydania – nie druku. W ramach każdego roku zastoso - wano następujący układ opisów bibliograficznych: publikacje w kolejności alfa - betycznej tytułów, głosy w dyskusji, rozmowy i recenzje oraz prace redagowane. W bibliografii wykorzystano informacje bazy danych Biblioteki Narodowej oraz materiały uzyskane bezpośrednio od Pani Profesor. Przy sporządzaniu spisu ko - rzystano także z roczników Bibliografii Bibliografii i Nauki o Książce . Część opisów bibliograficznych sporządzona została z autopsji. Część druga to bibliografia prac doktorskich i magisterskich przygotowanych pod kierunkiem Profesor Hanny Tadeusiewicz W opisach bibliograficznych, zgodnych z obowiązującymi normami, pominięte zostało tylko nazwisko profesor Hanny Tadeusiewicz jako autorki piśmiennictwa objętego spisem (pozostawiono je natomiast w przypadku prac redagowanych) czy promotora prac magisterskich i doktorskich