51 research outputs found

    International mobility of scholars: Gender and family status as differentiating factors?

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    Mobilność międzynarodowa polskich naukowców stanowi z jednej strony szansę dla rozwoju polskiej nauki, m.in. dzięki promowaniu jej w świecie oraz udziałowi polskich uczonych w międzynarodowych projektach i dyskursach o zasięgu międzynarodowym. Z drugiej jednak strony występuje zagrożenie odpływem najlepszych do innych krajów, gdzie warunki prowadzenia badań są dużo lepsze niż w Polsce, i nie chodzi tu wyłącznie o zarobki, ale o dostęp do sprzętu badawczego, najnowszej literatury, możliwość współpracy z najlepszymi oraz atmosferę swobodnej wymiany myśli. W związku z ową dwoistością znaczenia roli mobilności dla polskiej nauki, zasadne wydaje się przyjrzenie szansom zawodowym oraz karierom akademickim polskich naukowców. W dalszym ciągu bowiem brakuje systematycznie i kompleksowo przeprowadzanych badań mobilności oraz udziału pracowników naukowych w międzynarodowych projektach współpracy naukowej, w tym również zwracających szczególną uwagę na podobieństwa i różnice między kobietami i mężczyznami w kontekście gotowości do mobilności, co w obliczu coraz większego udziału kobiet w nauce i szkolnictwie wyższym nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. Autorka analizuje rolę rodziny i płci mobilnych naukowców w procesie podejmowania decyzji i oceny przydatności wyjazdu na zagraniczne stypendium.On the one hand, international mobility of Polish researchers represents a development opportunity for Polish Sciences and humanities (through promotion of Poland’s scholarly achievements around the world and Polish scholars’ participation in international projects and debates). On the other hand, however, mobility also entails the risk of the best scholars to migrate to other countries where research conditions and facilities are much better than those available in Poland. Motivations do not boil down to higher to salaries but are also related to access to research facilities and most recent academic literaturę, opportunities to work with the most renowned scholars, in an atmosphere of unconstrained intellectual exchange. Considering this double role of mobility for Polish research and academia, it seems reasonable to take a look at the occupational opportunities and academic careers of Polish scholars. We still lack systematic and comprehensive studies on Polish scholars’ mobility and their participation in international academic co-operation, including studies which include the gender perspective and draw attention to similarities and differences between women and men in the context of readiness for mobility. This is increasingly important given the growing share of women in the academia and in higher education at large. The author analyses the role of gender and family status of mobile scholars in the decision-making process and assessment of potential usefulness of an international fellowship

    Wartość autoteliczna czy instrumentalna? Rola studiów doktoranckich w opinii kierowników studiów i doktorantów

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    The discussed in the article issues of the significance of doctoral studies are becoming part of a wider economic, political and social international context. A particularly important factor here is the expectations of the labour market determined by contemporary developmental processes and a need to accommodate to challenges of the global competition, the growth in importance of new technologies, as well as growing classification and competence requirements. The purpose of the article is a reconstruction of the role of doctoral studies in Poland, both from the perspective of doctoral faculty advisors, and doctoral students. The authors are answering the question how much the value of doctoral studies is determined as autotelic, and how much as instrumental. Reconstructing the role and the significance of doctoral studies, the authors are using the results of their own research, including, among others, the analysis of motives for starting doctoral studies, as well as the evaluation of their usefulness. On the basis of this research a typology of doctoral students, in which attitudes towards doctoral studies were taken into account, was established. First, the authors are presenting the results of individual, deepened interviews, conducted with managers of doctoral studies at three leading Warsaw universities, next - with doctoral students. The comparison of statements of persons representing universities with views of doctoral students allowed to determine whether the visions of doctoral studies of these two groups representing the supply side (managers) and the demand side (doctoral students) are similar.Podejmowana w artykule problematyka znaczenia studiów doktoranckich wpisuje się w szerszy międzynarodowy kontekst gospodarczy, polityczny i społeczny. Szczególnie ważnym czynnikiem są tu oczekiwania rynku pracy wyznaczone przez współczesne procesy rozwojowe i konieczność dostosowania się do wyzwań globalnej konkurencji, wzrostu znaczenia nowych technologii, a także rosnących wymagań kwalifikacyjnych i kompetencyjnych. Celem artykuły jest rekonstrukcja roli studiów doktoranckich w Polsce zarówno z perspektywy kierowników studiów doktoranckich, jak i doktorantów. Autorki odpowiadają na pytanie, jak dalece wartość studiów doktoranckich określana jest jako autoteliczna, a jak bardzo jako instrumentalna. Rekonstruując rolę i znaczenie studiów doktoranckich autorki posługują się wynikami badań własnych, których przedmiotem była między innymi analiza motywów podjęcia studiów doktoranckich, jak i ocena ich przydatności. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań powstała typologia doktorantów, w której wyróżniono postawy wobec studiów doktoranckich. W pierwszej kolejności autorki przedstawiają wyniki indywidualnych wywiadów pogłębionych, przeprowadzonych z kierownikami studiów doktoranckich na trzech wiodących warszawskich uczelniach, w drugiej – z doktorantami. Porównanie wypowiedzi osób reprezentujących uczelnie z poglądami doktorantów pozwoliło określić, czy podobne są wizje studiów doktoranckich tych dwóch grup reprezentujących stronę podaży (kierownicy) i popytu (doktoranci)

    The role of diploma brand in the prospect of demographic slump in Poland (2010-2020)

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są zmiany w polskim szkolnictwie wyższym wynikające z umasowienia szkolnictwa wyższego, przeobrażeń strukturalnych gospodarki w kierunku modelu postindustrialnego oraz liberalnych reform sektora publicznego. Celem analiz jest pokazanie, że w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji coraz większe znaczenie będzie miała marka dyplomu uczelni. W Polsce marka dyplomu uczelni nie odgrywała dotąd znaczącej roli, ponieważ zaległości edukacyjne, a przede wszystkim koniunktura demograficzna, zapewniały wystarczająco wysoki poziom popytu na usługi edukacyjne w szkolnictwie wyższym. Ten okres już minął i w nadchodzących latach rywalizacja o studentów będzie coraz większa, a marka dyplomu już zaczyna odgrywać decydującą rolę w tym, które uczelnie pozostaną na rynku edukacyjnym, a które będą musiały przejść głęboką restrukturyzację lub po prostu zniknąć z rynku.This article focuses on changes in Poland’s higher education resulting from: the massification of higher education, structural transformations within the economy towards the post-industrial model, and liberał reforms of the public sector. The aim of this analysis is to show that the brand of a university diploma will become increasingly important in the context of growing competition. To date, the brand of a diploma has not played a significant role in Poland’s higher education as educational insufficiencies and, most notably, positive demographic trends, ensured a sufficient demand for higher education services. As this period is now gone, the coming years will see growing competition for students, and the brand of a diploma will determine (as we are beginning to see) which universities will survive on the educational market and which ones will have to undergo deep restructuring or, simply, disappear from the market

    Rola marki dyplomu w perspektywie niżu demograficznego w Polsce 2010-2020 (CPP RPS 65/2014)

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są zmiany w polskim szkolnictwie wyższym wynikające z umasowienia szkolnictwa wyższego, przeobrażeń struktury gospodarki w kierunku modelu postindustrialnego oraz liberalnych reform polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego. Celem analiz jest pokazanie, ze w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji coraz większe znaczenie będzie miała marka dyplomu uczelni. W Polsce marka dyplomu uczelni nie odgrywała dotąd znaczącej roli, ponieważ zaległości edukacyjne, a przede wszystkim koniunktura demograficzna zapewniały wystarczająco wysoki poziom popytu na usługi edukacyjne w szkolnictwie wyższym. Ten okres już minął i w nadchodzących latach rywalizacja o studentów będzie coraz większa, a marka dyplomu już zaczyna odgrywać decydującą rolę w tym, które uczelnie pozostaną na rynku edukacyjnym, a które będą musiały przejść głęboką restrukturyzację lub po prostu zniknąć z rynku

    Two in one: use of divalent manganese ions as both cross-linking and MRI contrast agent for intrathecal injection of hydrogel-embedded stem cells

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    Cell therapy is a promising tool for treating central nervous system (CNS) disorders; though, the translational efforts are plagued by ineffective delivery methods. Due to the large contact surface with CNS and relatively easy access, the intrathecal route of administration is attractive in extensive or global diseases such as stroke or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, the precision and efficacy of this approach are still a challenge. Hydrogels were introduced to minimize cell sedimentation and improve cell viability. At the same time, contrast agents were integrated to allow image-guided injection. Here, we report using manganese ions (Mn2+) as a dual agent for cross-linking alginate-based hydrogels and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We performed in vitro studies to test the Mn2+ alginate hydrogel formulations for biocompatibility, injectability, MRI signal retention time, and effect on cell viability. The selected formulation was injected intrathecally into pigs under MRI control. The biocompatibility test showed a lack of immune response, and cells suspended in the hydrogel showed greater viability than monolayer culture. Moreover, Mn2+-labeled hydrogel produced a strong T1 MRI signal, which enabled MRI-guided procedure. We confirmed the utility of Mn2+ alginate hydrogel as a carrier for cells in large animals and a contrast agent at the same time.This research was funded by The National Centre for Research and Development, grant number 12/EuroNanoMed/2016

    Deleted in Liver Cancer 2 (DLC2) protein expression in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Deleted in Liver Cancer (DLC) proteins belong to the family of RhoGAPs and are believed to operate as negative regulators of the Rho family of small GTPases. So far, the role of the first identified member from the DLC family, DLC1, was established as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma. The function of its close family relative, DLC2 is unequivocal. In the present study we attempted to determine whether the loss of DLC2 is a common feature of hepatocellular carcinoma tissue. We examined two types of hepatocellular carcinoma- typical and fibrolamellar one. Our analysis revealed that DLC2 protein is not diminished in cancer tissue when compared to non-cancerous liver specimens. What is more, we observed DLC2 to be more abundantly expressed in cancer tissue, particularly in tumors with the inflammation background. In addition, we found that DLC2 gene status was diploid in virtually all tumor samples examined. Our results indicate that DLC2 is not diminished in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. It appears that members of the DLC family, although structurally highly related, may function differently in cancer cells

    Identifying future study designs for mental health and social wellbeing associated with diets of a cohort living in eco-regions:findings from the INSUM Expert Workshop

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    Diets influence our mental health and social wellbeing (MHSW) in multiple ways. A rising community concept, Eco-Regions, has gained interest. The research project “Indicators for assessment of health effects of consumption of sustainable, organic school meals in Ecoregions” (INSUM) aims to develop future-oriented research approaches to measure the potential health effects of more sustainable and healthy diets. This first part of the project focuses on MHSW with the goal to identify suitable study designs and indicators. The methodology is based on a 2-day workshop with an interdisciplinary group of experts. This paper describes commonly applied research methods on the nexus between diet and MHSW as presented by the experts and summarises key points from the discussions. The results show that the dominating tool to investigate MSHW is questionnaires. Questionnaires vary largely depending on the research design, such as participants or distribution channels. Cohort studies addressing families and including in-depth interventional and/or experimental studies may be suitable for an Eco-Region investigation. Those MHSW studies can be conducted and combined with measurements of somatic health effects. We conclude that indicators should be seen as complementary rather than independent. Explorative research designs are required to investigate complex Eco-Regions

    cDNA sequencing improves the detection of P53 missense mutations in colorectal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently published data showed discrepancies beteween <it>P53 </it>cDNA and DNA sequencing in glioblastomas. We hypothesised that similar discrepancies may be observed in other human cancers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To this end, we analyzed 23 colorectal cancers for <it>P53 </it>mutations and gene expression using both DNA and cDNA sequencing, real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found <it>P53 </it>gene mutations in 16 cases (15 missense and 1 nonsense). Two of the 15 cases with missense mutations showed alterations based only on cDNA, and not DNA sequencing. Moreover, in 6 of the 15 cases with a cDNA mutation those mutations were difficult to detect in the DNA sequencing, so the results of DNA analysis alone could be misinterpreted if the cDNA sequencing results had not also been available. In all those 15 cases, we observed a higher ratio of the mutated to the wild type template by cDNA analysis, but not by the DNA analysis. Interestingly, a similar overexpression of <it>P53 </it>mRNA was present in samples with and without <it>P53 </it>mutations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In terms of colorectal cancer, those discrepancies might be explained under three conditions: 1, overexpression of mutated <it>P53 </it>mRNA in cancer cells as compared with normal cells; 2, a higher content of cells without <it>P53 </it>mutation (normal cells and cells showing <it>K-RAS </it>and/or <it>APC </it>but not <it>P53 </it>mutation) in samples presenting <it>P53 </it>mutation; 3, heterozygous or hemizygous mutations of <it>P53 </it>gene. Additionally, for heterozygous mutations unknown mechanism(s) causing selective overproduction of mutated allele should also be considered. Our data offer new clues for studying discrepancy in <it>P53 </it>cDNA and DNA sequencing analysis.</p

    Identifying Future Study Designs and Indicators for Somatic Health Associated with Diets of Cohorts Living in Eco-Regions: Findings from the INSUM Expert Workshop

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    Diets, but also overall food environments, comprise a variety of significant factors with direct and indirect impacts on human health. Eco-Regions are geographical areas with a territorial approach to rural development, utilizing organic food and farming practices, and principles and promoting sustainable communities and food systems. However, so far, little attention has been given to quantifying aspects of the health of citizens living in these sustainable transition territories. The project “Indicators for Assessment of Health Effects of Consumption of Sustainable, Organic School Meals in Eco-Regions” (INSUM) aims to identify and discuss research approaches and indicators that could be applied to effectively measure the somatic, mental, and social health dimensions of citizens in Eco-Regions, linked to the intake of organic foods in their diets. In this paper, we focus on the somatic (physical) health dimension. A two-day workshop was held to discuss suitable methodology with an interdisciplinary, international group of experts. The results showed the limitations of commonly used tools for measuring dietary intake (e.g., relying on the memory of participants), and nutritional biomarkers (e.g., variations in correlations with specific intakes) for research understanding dietary intake and the health effects of diets. To investigate the complexity of this issue, the most suitable approach seems to be the combination of traditional markers of physical and mental health alongside emerging indicators such as the microbiome, nutrigenomics, metabolomics, or inflammatory biomarkers. Using new, digital, non-invasive, and wearable technologies to monitor indicators could complement future research. We conclude that future studies should adopt systemic, multidisciplinary approaches by combining not only indicators of somatic and mental health and social wellbeing (MHSW) but also considering the potential benefits of organic diets for health as well as aspects of sustainability connected to food environments

    New mechanistic insights, novel treatment paradigms, and clinical progress in cerebrovascular diseases

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    The past decade has brought tremendous progress in diagnostic and therapeutic options for cerebrovascular diseases as exemplified by the advent of thrombectomy in ischemic stroke, benefitting a steeply increasing number of stroke patients and potentially paving the way for a renaissance of neuroprotectants. Progress in basic science has been equally impressive. Based on a deeper understanding of pathomechanisms underlying cerebrovascular diseases, new therapeutic targets have been identified and novel treatment strategies such as pre- and post-conditioning methods were developed. Moreover, translationally relevant aspects are increasingly recognized in basic science studies, which is believed to increase their predictive value and the relevance of obtained findings for clinical application.This review reports key results from some of the most remarkable and encouraging achievements in neurovascular research that have been reported at the 10th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Basic science topics discussed herein focus on aspects such as neuroinflammation, extracellular vesicles, and the role of sex and age on stroke recovery. Translational reports highlighted endovascular techniques and targeted delivery methods, neurorehabilitation, advanced functional testing approaches for experimental studies, pre-and post-conditioning approaches as well as novel imaging and treatment strategies. Beyond ischemic stroke, particular emphasis was given on activities in the fields of traumatic brain injury and cerebral hemorrhage in which promising preclinical and clinical results have been reported. Although the number of neutral outcomes in clinical trials is still remarkably high when targeting cerebrovascular diseases, we begin to evidence stepwise but continuous progress towards novel treatment options. Advances in preclinical and translational research as reported herein are believed to have formed a solid foundation for this progress