187 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は、文献から抽出した熱傷場面の分析より熱傷を受傷した高齢者ならびに熱傷原因の特徴を明らかにし、高齢者の活動レベルや生活範囲を考慮した熱傷予防策を検討することである。医学中央雑誌Web 版等を使用し「熱傷」「予防」「高齢者」をキーワードにAND 検索を行った。得られた14件の論文をICF の「活動と参加」の項目分類に沿って分析した結果、高齢者の熱傷原因は、やかんの持ち運び中に転倒する等の【運動・移動】に伴う熱傷、飲食や入浴等の【セルフケア】に伴う熱傷、調理や家屋管理等【家庭生活】での熱傷、仕事等【主要な生活領域】での熱傷、仏壇からの引火等の宗教的行為を含む【コミュニティライフ・社会生活・市民生活】の中での熱傷に分類された。高齢者の熱傷は自立度が高く仕事を原因とするものもあり、幅広い活動と参加の中で起きていた。そのため、自立度に応じた危険予測や、高齢者の生活と人生を損なわない予防的な関わりの必要性が示唆された


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    目的:本研究の目的は、先行研究から血液透析を受ける認知症高齢者の透析中および透析の前後に生じたトラブルを明らかにし、看護の課題を検討することである。方法:医学中央雑誌Web 版を用い、タイトルに「認知症」と「透析」を含み、かつ会議録を除く看護分野の論文を検索した。該当した68 編の研究動向を分析し、さらに看護実践事例について記載のある原著論文7 編を用いて、透析に伴うトラブルを質的に分析した。結果:国内の論文は2005 年が最初であるが、68 編中55 編が「解説/ 特集」で掲載誌の大半が透析・腎不全の専門誌であった。また、質的分析から【認知機能障害や行動心理症状による透析の場までの到達困難】【水分・食事・服薬の自己管理能力低下に起因する腎疾患悪化の可能性】【透析用穿刺針の自己抜針など透析に伴う事故発生とその可能性】【透析に伴う異変の表明困難】【迷惑行為による他の透析患者との軋轢】の5 つのカテゴリーを認めた。考察:今後、充実をはかるべき看護の課題として、在宅サービスと透析施設の外来機能の開発、透析治療の場における職員体制、環境調整、さらには身体拘束を当たり前としない看護を創出する透析看護と認知症看護の協働が必要と考える

    Seasonal and Altitudinal Changes in Population Density of 20 Species of Drosophila in Chamundi Hill

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    A year long study was conducted to analyze the altitudinal and seasonal variation in a population of Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on Chamundi hill of Mysore, Karnataka State, India. A total of 16,671 Drosophila flies belonging to 20 species of 4 subgenera were collected at altitudes of 680 m, 780 m, 880 m and 980 m. The subgenus Sophophora was predominant with 14 species and the subgenus Drosilopha was least represented with only a single species. Cluster analysis and constancy methods were used to analyze the species occurrence qualitatively. Altitudinal changes in the population density, and relative abundance of the different species at different seasons were also studied. The diversity of the Drosophila community was assessed by applying the Simpson and Berger-Parker indices. At 680 m the Simpson Index was low at 0.129 and the Berger- Parker index was high at 1.1 at 980 m. Linear regression showed that the Drosophila community was positively correlated with rainfall but not elevation, Furthermore the density of Drosophila changed significantly in different seasons (F = 11.20, df 2, 9; P<0.004). The distributional pattern of a species or related group of species was uneven in space and time. D. malerkotliana and D. nasuta were found at all altitudes and can be considered as dominant species

    Near-surface hydraulic conductivity of Northern Hemisphere glaciers

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    The hydrology of near‐surface glacier ice remains a neglected aspect of glacier hydrology despite its role in modulating meltwater delivery to downstream environments. To elucidate the hydrological characteristics of this near‐surface glacial weathering crust, we describe the design and operation of a capacitance‐based piezometer that enables rapid, economical deployment across multiple sites and provides an accurate, high‐resolution record of near‐surface water‐level fluctuations. Piezometers were employed at 10 northern hemisphere glaciers, and through the application of standard bail–recharge techniques, we derive hydraulic conductivity (K) values from 0.003 to 3.519 m day−1, with a mean of 0.185 ± 0.019 m day−1. These results are comparable to those obtained in other discrete studies of glacier near‐surface ice, and for firn, and indicate that the weathering crust represents a hydrologically inefficient aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity correlated positively with water table height but negatively with altitude and cumulative short‐wave radiation since the last synoptic period of either negative air temperatures or turbulent energy flux dominance. The large range of K observed suggests complex interactions between meteorological influences and differences arising from variability in ice structure and crystallography. Our data demonstrate a greater complexity of near‐surface ice hydrology than hitherto appreciated and support the notion that the weathering crust can regulate the supraglacial discharge response to melt production. The conductivities reported here, coupled with typical supraglacial channel spacing, suggest that meltwater can be retained within the weathering crust for at least several days. Not only does this have implications for the accuracy of predictive meltwater run‐off models, but we also argue for biogeochemical processes and transfers that are strongly conditioned by water residence time and the efficacy of the cascade of sediments, impurities, microbes, and nutrients to downstream ecosystems. Because continued atmospheric warming will incur rising snowline elevations and glacier thinning, the supraglacial hydrological system may assume greater importance in many mountainous regions, and consequently, detailing weathering crust hydraulics represents a research priority because the flow path it represents remains poorly constrained

    Supraglacial weathering crust dynamics inferred from cryoconite hole hydrology

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    Water levels in cryoconite holes were monitored at high resolution over a 3-week period on Austre Brøggerbreen (Svalbard). These data were combined with melt and energy balance modelling, providing insights into the evolution of the glacier's near-surface hydrology and confirming that the hydrology of the near-surface, porous ice known as the 'weathering crust' is dynamic and analogous to a shallow-perched aquifer. A positive correlation between radiative forcing of melt and drainage efficiency was found within the weathering crust. This likely resulted from diurnal contraction and dilation of interstitial pore spaces driven by variations in radiative and turbulent fluxes in the surface energy balance, occasionally causing 'sudden drainage events'. A linear decrease in water levels in cryoconite holes was also observed and attributed to cumulative increases in near-surface ice porosity over the measurement period. The transport of particulate matter and microbes between cryoconite holes through the porous weathering crust is shown to be dependent upon weathering crust hydraulics and particle size. Cryoconite holes therefore yield an indication of the hydrological dynamics of the weathering crust and provide long-term storage loci for cryoconite at the glacier surface. This study highlights the importance of the weathering crust as a crucial component of the hydrology, ecology and biogeochemistry of the glacier ecosystem and glacierized regions and demonstrates the utility of cryoconite holes as natural piezometers on glacier surfaces

    Primary neuroendocrine neoplasm of the esophagus – Report of 14 cases from a single institute and review of the literature

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    Compression of Thin Section of Snow : A motion Picture

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    International Conference on Low Temperature Science. I. Conference on Physics of Snow and Ice, II. Conference on Cryobiology. (August, 14-19, 1966, Sapporo, Japan

    Plastic Deformation and Internal Fractures of Ice Crystal : A Motion Picture

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    International Conference on Low Temperature Science. I. Conference on Physics of Snow and Ice, II. Conference on Cryobiology. (August, 14-19, 1966, Sapporo, Japan