1,079 research outputs found

    Coal chemical industry membrane concentrates: characterisation and treatment by ozonation and catalytic ozonation processes

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    Rationale. The enactment of increasingly stringent regulations has prompted the implementation of membrane technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO) in the management of coal chemical industry (CCI) wastewaters with the goal of achieving zero liquid discharge (ZLD). However, this practice inevitably results in the production of high salinity concentrates containing refractory organic matter. Methodology. In this study, we characterised the organic composition of RO concentrates obtained from the CCI using a variety of methods including liquid chromatography– organic carbon/nitrogen detection (LC-OCND) and investigated the degradability of organic compounds present in these concentrates by ozonation and catalytic ozonation processes. Results and discussion. Organic analysis using LC-OCND revealed that humic-like substances and low molecular weight neutral compounds were the dominant constituents in the CCI concentrates examined. Measurement of degradability of the CCI concentrate by a pure ozona- tion process showed low treatment efficiency (~20% dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal) as a result of the refractory nature of the organic compounds present in the wastewater. The degradation of these organics by a catalytic ozonation process employing a commercially available Fe-oxide based catalyst was higher than that observed by pure ozonation although the extent of organics removal (DOC removal ~47%) is still low due to the refractory nature of the organics as well as the influence of salts on the catalyst performance. Techno-economic analysis of the pure ozonation and catalytic ozonation processes indicated that the total cost of implementation of the ozonation processes (homogeneous or heterogeneous) for CCI concentrate treatment is negligible compared with the overall cost of the complete ZLD process

    Use of voltammetric solid-state (micro)electrodes for studying biogeochemical processes: Laboratory measurements to real time measurements with an in situ electrochemical analyzer (ISEA)

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    Solid-state voltammetric (micro)electrodes have been used in a variety of environments to study biogeochemical processes. Here we show the wealth of information that has been obtained in the study of sediments, microbial mats, cultures and the water column including hydrothermal vents. Voltammetric analyzers have been developed to function with operator guidance and in unattended mode for temporal studies with an in situ electrochemical analyzer (ISEA). The electrodes can detect the presence (or absence) of a host of redox species and trace metals simultaneously. The multi-species capacity of the voltammetric electrode can be used to examine complex heterogeneous environments such as the root zone of salt marsh sediments. The data obtained with these systems clearly show that O2 and Mn2+ profiles in marine sedimentary porewaters and in microbial biofilms on metal surfaces rarely overlap indicating that O2 is not a direct oxidant for Mn2+. This lack of overlap was suggested originally by Joris Gieskes\u27 group. In waters emanating from hydrothermal vents, Fe2+, H2S and soluble molecular FeS clusters (FeSaq) are detected indicating that the reactants for the pyrite formation reaction are H2S and soluble molecular FeS clusters. Using the ISEA with electrodes at fixed positions, data collected continuously over three days near a Riftia pachyptila tubeworm field generally show that O2 and H2S anti-correlate and that H2S and temperature generally correlate. Unlike sedimentary environments, the data clearly show that Riftia live in areas where both O2 and H2S co-exist so that its endosymbiont bacteria can perform chemosynthesis. However, physical mixing of diffuse flow vent waters with oceanic bottom waters above or to the side of the tubeworm field can dampen these correlations or even reverse them. Voltammetry is a powerful technique because it provides chemical speciation data (e.g.; oxidation state and different elemental compounds/ions) as well as quantitative data. Because (micro)organisms occupy environmental niches due to the system\u27s chemistry, it is necessary to know chemical speciation. Voltammetric methods allow us to study how chemistry drives biology and how biology can affect chemistry for its own benefit

    Concealed concern: Fathers' experience of having a child with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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    Despite increased research into families of chronically ill children, more needs to be known about the father’s experience. We address this issue through asking: ‘What is it like to be the father of a child with juvenile idiopathic arthritis?’ (JIA). Four members of eight families with an adolescent diagnosed with JIA, including seven fathers, were interviewed and transcripts analyzed using grounded theory. This study suggests that fathers of children with JIA experience several severe losses which are exacerbated through comparisons they make between their own situation and that of fathers of healthy children. In addition, the fathers faced several constraints which reduced their opportunities to communicate with their ill child through shared activities. Fathers appeared to conceal their distress by adopting strategies of denial and distraction however their adjustment was facilitated, to some extent, by social support. They could also develop greater acceptance of their situation over time as the care of their ill child became assimilated into family life and constraints upon their life gradually reduced through the increased maturity of their son or daughter with JIA. These findings have implications for healthcare professionals and voluntary organizations

    Three-dimensional cephalometric evaluation of maxillary growth following in utero repair of cleft lip and alveolar-like defects in the mid-gestational sheep model

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    Objective: To evaluate maxillary growth following in utero repair of surgically created cleft lip and alveolar (CLA)-like defects by means of three-dimensional (3D) computer tomographic (CT) cephalometric analysis in the mid-gestational sheep model. Methods: In 12 sheep fetuses a unilateral CLA-like defect was created in utero (untreated control group: 4 fetuses). Four different bone grafts were used for the alveolar defect closure. After euthanasia, CT scans of the skulls of the fetuses, 3D re-constructions, and a 3D-CT cephalometric analysis were performed. Results: The comparisons between the operated and nonoperated skull sides as well as of the maxillary asymmetry among the experimental groups revealed no statistically significant differences of the 12 variables used. Conclusions: None of the surgical approaches used for the in utero correction of CLA-like defects seem to affect significantly postsurgical maxillary growth; however, when bone graft healing takes place, a tendency for almost normal maxillary growth can be observed. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Implication of Non-electrostatic Contribution to Deionization in Flow-Electrode CDI: Case Study of Nitrate Removal From Contaminated Source Waters

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    While flow-electrode capacitive deionization (FCDI) operated in short-circuited closed cycle (SCC) mode appears to hold promise for removal of salt from brackish source waters, there has been limited investigation on the removal of other water constituents such as nitrate, fluoride or bromide in combination with salt removal. Of particular concern is the effectiveness of FCDI when ions, such as nitrate, are recognized to non-electrostatically adsorb strongly to activated carbon particles thereby potentially rendering it difficult to regenerate these particles. In this study, SCC FCDI was used to desalt source waters containing nitrate at different concentrations. Results indicate that nitrate can be removed from source waters using FCDI to concentrations <1 mg NO3-N L−1 though a lower quality target such as 10 mg L−1 would be more cost-effective, particularly where the influent nitrate concentration is high (50 mg NO3-N L−1). Although studies of the fate of nitrate in the FCDI system show that physico-chemical adsorption of nitrate to the carbon initially plays a vital role in nitrate removal, the ongoing process of nitrate removal is not significantly affected by this phenomenon with this lack of effect most likely due to the continued formation of electrical double layers enabling capacitive nitrate removal. In contrast to conventional CDI systems, constant voltage mode is shown to be more favorable in maintaining stable effluent quality in SCC FCDI because the decrease in electrical potential that occurs in constant current operation leads to a reduction in the extent of salt removal from the brackish source waters. Through periodic replacement of the electrolyte at a water recovery of 91.4%, we show that the FCDI system can achieve a continuous desalting performance with the effluent NO3-N concentration below 1 mg NO3-N L−1 at low energy consumption (~0.5 kWh m−3) but high productivity


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    The purpose of this research were the impact of service quality toward :ustomer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamalcnur Branch, 2J Analyze the impact of irust toward customer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamakmur Branch, 3) Analyze rhe impact of service quality and trust toward customer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamakmur Branch, 4) Identified the variable that had dominance impact toward customer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamakmur Branch. Purpose sampling method ',vas used on this research. The numbers of sampling were 155 respondents. Multiple regression analysis was used as research method on this study. The result of study can be summaries: 1) There was significant impact of service quality toward customer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamakmur Branch with the value of coefficient was 0,467; 2J There was significant impact of tn-rst toward customer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamakmur Branch with the value of coefficient was 0,382,3) There was significant impact of service quality and trust toward customer satisfaction at BTPN Bank of Argamalnnur Branch with the value of inpact was 67 ,2o/o and 32,8o/a of the rest was influence by other factors, 4) Based on the study found that the service quality had more strong impact to customer satisfaction rather than of trust at BTPN Bank of Argamakmur Branch