8 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurs’ achieved success: developing a multi-faceted measure

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    Firm performance is typically measured via objective financial indicators. However, researchers increasingly acknowledge that entrepreneurs do not measure their success solely in financial terms but that a range of often subjective indicators matter to them. This article contributes to the debate on entrepreneurial performance by studying how entrepreneurs assess their achieved success. ‘Entrepreneurs’ achieved success’ was conceptualized as a multi-faceted construct that includes entrepreneurs’ self-reported achievement of firm performance, workplace relationships, personal fulfilment, community impact, and personal financial rewards. It was measured via the Subjective Entrepreneurial Success–Achievement Scale (SES-AS). Over the course of three studies (N = 390) the factorial structure of ‘entrepreneurs’ achieved success’ was established and largely replicated in two cultures. Based on a nomological network, we documented relationships among ‘entrepreneurs’ achieved success’, quasi-objective indicators of firm performance, and entrepreneurs’ financial satisfaction, creativity, and health. Based on our research, we propose a new conceptual framework to study performance in the context of entrepreneurship. This framework acknowledges both the success criteria that entrepreneurs wish to achieve and those that they actually achieve, and extends our understanding of firm performance

    ABC Transporter Pdr10 Regulates the Membrane Microenvironment of Pdr12 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The eukaryotic plasma membrane exhibits both asymmetric distribution of lipids between the inner and the outer leaflet and lateral segregation of membrane components within the plane of the bilayer. In budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), maintenance of leaflet asymmetry requires P-type ATPases, which are proposed to act as inward-directed lipid translocases (Dnf1, Dnf2, and the associated protein Lem3), and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, which are proposed to act as outward-directed lipid translocases (Pdr5 and Yor1). The S. cerevisiae genome encodes two other Pdr5-related ABC transporters: Pdr10 (67% identity) and Pdr15 (75% identity). We report the first analysis of Pdr10 localization and function. A Pdr10-GFP chimera was located in discrete puncta in the plasma membrane and was found in the detergent-resistant membrane fraction. Compared to control cells, a pdr10∆ mutant was resistant to sorbate but hypersensitive to the chitin-binding agent Calcofluor White. Calcofluor sensitivity was attributable to a partial defect in endocytosis of the chitin synthase Chs3, while sorbate resistance was attributable to accumulation of a higher than normal level of the sorbate exporter Pdr12. Epistasis analysis indicated that Pdr10 function requires Pdr5, Pdr12, Lem3, and mature sphingolipids. Strikingly, Pdr12 was shifted to the detergent-resistant membrane fraction in pdr10∆ cells. Pdr10 therefore acts as a negative regulator for incorporation of Pdr12 into detergent-resistant membranes, a novel role for members of the ABC transporter superfamily