336 research outputs found

    Global Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites

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    The class and social structure of developing nations has undergone profound transformation in recent decades as each nation has incorporated into an increasingly integrated global production and financial system. National elites have experienced a new fractionation. Emergent transnationally-oriented elites grounded in globalized circuits of accumulation compete with older nationally-oriented elites grounded in more protected and often state-guided national and regional circuits. This essay focuses on structural analysis of the distinction between these two fractions of the elite and the implications for development. I suggest that nationally-oriented elites are often dependent on the social reproduction of at least a portion of the popular and working classes for the reproduction of their own status, and therefore on local development processes however so defined whereas transnationally-oriented elites are less dependent on such local social reproduction. The shift in dominant power relations from nationally- to transnationally-oriented elites is reflected in a concomitant shift to a discourse from one that defines development as national industrialization and expanded consumption to one that defines it in terms of global market integration

    Zn-triggered critical behavior of the formation of highly coherent domains in a Mg1-xZnxO thin film on Al2O3

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    A series of Mg1-xZnxO (x=0, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15) thin films were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on a (0001) sapphire substrate, and the structural characteristics of Mg1-xZnxO thin films were investigated by synchrotron x-ray diffraction. The increasing amount of Zn was found to gradually enhance the structural coherence of Mg1-xZnxO films. For a sample with 15 at. % of Zn, in particular, the formation of highly coherent domains in Mg1-xZnxO was observed to be triggered, with an accompanying phase separation of ZnO. An integrated intensity analysis predicted that the critical concentration x(c) of Zn at which the phase separation occurred was 0.086+/-0.015, and that the highly coherent domains in Mg1-xZnxO accounted for 12+/-1%.open11910sciescopu

    The value of Antarctic research

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    This report examines the value of Antarctic research from several different perspectives. The values of those working in Antarctica are considered, as is the value of Antarctica itself. Antarctica is seen to be one of the last wilderness areas of the world. This alone gives Antarctica intrinsic value. The importance that this ecosystem has to the rest of the planet, as a driver of sea currents and atmosphere, gives Antarctica a high value to all peoples of the world, especially to the scientists who conduct research there. The values of all the stakeholders involved in Antarctic research are important to consider, as they motivate the actions of the future. A further perspective of the value of Antarctic research can be given by assessing the research achieved. Although existing metrics have known flaws to consider, assessment of Antarctic research has provided valuable information on trends in research, the productivity of different researchers, organizations, and countries, and influence within the Antarctic Treaty System, (ATS). New measures of assessing research can help broaden the scope of impact, and lead to greater recognition of the value of the overall intellectual contribution of Antarctic research. As there are a large range of stakeholders who have an influence on Antarctic research, it is important to examine how each different set of values plays out in an Antarctic context. The values which stakeholders hold influence governance decisions as well as defining the focus of Antarctic research. They are therefore important to consider. Because of the large number of stakeholders and the values at play, the whole system is dynamic. This report also looks at the political worth and economic value of Antarctic research. Science and collaboration are the currency of diplomacy in Antarctica. They serve New Zealand’s and many other governments’ aims well. Especially for small nations, working within an effective rules-based system such as the ATS is the best way of influencing others. The main economic value added of Antarctic science generally is likely to be through helping to minimise the impacts of climate and other human-induced global environmental changes. Marine resources and tourism are also significant but mining land-based minerals is unlikely while the ATS and its Protocols remain in force

    Globalization and the sociology of Immanuel Wallerstein: A critical appraisal

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    By the turn of the 21st century the concept of globalization had earned its place in the social sciences and debate turned more squarely to the theoretical significance of globalization. Yet not all scholars were happy with the notion of globalization. Some claim that is merely a new name for earlier theories and concepts. Among those who reject new paradigmatic thinking on the current age is Immanuel Wallerstein, the world-renowned sociologist and ‘father’ of the worldsystem paradigm. This article is intended as an appraisal of Wallerstein’s oeuvre in the context of the debate on global transformations in the late 20th and early 21st centuries and from the vantage point of the present author’s own critical globalization perspective. The first three parts summarize and assess Wallerstein’s theoretical system and his many contributions to macro, historical and comparative sociology, to development studies and international political economy. The fourth discusses Wallerstein’s assessment of the evolution of the world capitalist system in recent decades, including his views on the concept of globalization, and the fifth focuses on earlier and more recent critical appraisals of his work, including the present author’s own, in light of the recent transformations in world capitalism identified with globalization

    Critical analysis of the influence of transnational capitalism on institutions and organizations

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    This paper aims to analyze the development of capitalism and its influences on institutions and organizations from its beginnings to reach the highest stage in the processes of neoliberal economic globalization and the New Economy version with support of information and communication technologies. In raising this development from a critical analysis, it examines the impacts and effects on individuals, communities and the nation state. Subsequently it is questioned the scope of the imposed transnational neoliberal capitalism model. Finally, it is concluded that it needs a cultural transformation for not accepting the forms of domination, power and alignment of globalizing capitalism and to reconstruct the identity of communities through individual action and asserting collective self-determination, independence and self-management

    Mindfulness based interventions in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review

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    <b>Background</b> Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a stressful condition; depression, anxiety, pain and fatigue are all common problems. Mindfulness based interventions (MBIs) mitigate stress and prevent relapse in depression and are increasingly being used in healthcare. However, there are currently no systematic reviews of MBIs in people with MS. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of MBIs in people with MS.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> Systematic searches were carried out in seven major databases, using both subject headings and key words. Papers were screened, data extracted, quality appraised, and analysed by two reviewers independently, using predefined criteria. Study quality was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration risk of bias tool. Perceived stress was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes include mental health, physical health, quality of life, and health service utilisation. Statistical meta-analysis was not possible. Disagreements were adjudicated by a third party reviewer.<p></p> <b>Results</b> Three studies (n = 183 participants) were included in the final analysis. The studies were undertaken in Wales (n = 16, randomised controlled trial - (RCT)), Switzerland (n = 150, RCT), and the United States (n = 17, controlled trial). 146 (80%) participants were female; mean age (SD) was 48.6 (9.4) years. Relapsing remitting MS was the main diagnostic category (n = 123, 67%); 43 (26%) had secondary progressive disease; and the remainder were unspecified. MBIs lasted 6–8 weeks; attrition rates were variable (5-43%); all employed pre- post- measures; two had longer follow up; one at 3, and one at 6 months. Socio-economic status of participants was not made explicit; health service utilisation and costs were not reported. No study reported on perceived stress. All studies reported quality of life (QOL), mental health (anxiety and depression), physical (fatigue, standing balance, pain), and psychosocial measures. Statistically significant beneficial effects relating to QOL, mental health, and selected physical health measures were sustained at 3- and 6- month follow up.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> From the limited data available, MBIs may benefit some MS patients in terms of QOL, mental health, and some physical health measures. Further studies are needed to clarify how MBIs might best serve the MS population.<p></p&gt

    The nuclear immune receptor RPS4 is required for RRS1SLH1-dependent constitutive defense activation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) disease resistance (R) proteins recognize specific ‘‘avirulent’’ pathogen effectors and activate immune responses. NB-LRR proteins structurally and functionally resemble mammalian Nod-like receptors (NLRs). How NB-LRR and NLR proteins activate defense is poorly understood. The divergently transcribed Arabidopsis R genes, RPS4 (resistance to Pseudomonas syringae 4) and RRS1 (resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum 1), function together to confer recognition of Pseudomonas AvrRps4 and Ralstonia PopP2. RRS1 is the only known recessive NBLRR R gene and encodes a WRKY DNA binding domain, prompting suggestions that it acts downstream of RPS4 for transcriptional activation of defense genes. We define here the early RRS1-dependent transcriptional changes upon delivery of PopP2 via Pseudomonas type III secretion. The Arabidopsis slh1 (sensitive to low humidity 1) mutant encodes an RRS1 allele (RRS1SLH1) with a single amino acid (leucine) insertion in the WRKY DNA-binding domain. Its poor growth due to constitutive defense activation is rescued at higher temperature. Transcription profiling data indicate that RRS1SLH1-mediated defense activation overlaps substantially with AvrRps4- and PopP2-regulated responses. To better understand the genetic basis of RPS4/RRS1-dependent immunity, we performed a genetic screen to identify suppressor of slh1 immunity (sushi) mutants. We show that many sushi mutants carry mutations in RPS4, suggesting that RPS4 acts downstream or in a complex with RRS1. Interestingly, several mutations were identified in a domain C-terminal to the RPS4 LRR domain. Using an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay system, we demonstrate that the P-loop motif of RPS4 but not of RRS1SLH1 is required for RRS1SLH1 function. We also recapitulate the dominant suppression of RRS1SLH1 defense activation by wild type RRS1 and show this suppression requires an intact RRS1 P-loop. These analyses of RRS1SLH1 shed new light on mechanisms by which NB-LRR protein pairs activate defense signaling, or are held inactive in the absence of a pathogen effector