1,501 research outputs found

    Theory and design of quantum cascade lasers in (111) n-type Si/SiGe

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    Although most work towards the realization of group IV quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) has focused on valence band transitions, there are many desirable properties associated with the conduction band. We show that the commonly cited shortcomings of n-type Si/SiGe heterostructures can be overcome by moving to the (111) growth direction. Specifically, a large band offset and low effective mass are achievable and subband degeneracy is preserved. We predict net gain up to lattice temperatures of 90 K in a bound-to-continuum QCL with a double-metal waveguide, and show that a Ge interdiffusion length of at least 8 Å across interfaces is tolerable

    Pressure-induced Jahn-Teller suppression in Rb2CuCl4( H2O )2: Pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect

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    In this work we investigate the variation of the local structure around Cu2+ as well as the crystal structure in Rb2CuCl4(H2O)2 through x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) as a function of pressure. We show that the application of pressure induces a local structural change in the Jahn-Teller (JT) CuCl4(H2O)22− complex from an axially elongated complex to a compressed one, yielding disappearance of the JT distortion related to the four in-plane Cl− ligands, which are responsible for the antiferrodistortive structure displayed by the crystal at ambient pressure. According to the Pseudo-Jahn-Teller (PJT) theory (electron-phonon coupling E⊗e), the presence of water ligands enhances the JT release at pressures well below the metallization pressure. The results are compared with recent pressure experiments on A2CuCl4 layered perovskites and heteronuclear CuCl4L2 complex series, L :Cl→H2O→NH3, and explained on the basis of the PJT model

    Pressure-induced phase-transition sequence in CoF2: An experimental and first-principles study on the crystal, vibrational, and electronic properties

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    We report a complete structural study of CoF2 under pressure. Its crystal structure and vibrational and electronic properties have been studied both theoretically and experimentally using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) methods, x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption at Co K-edge experiments, Raman spectroscopy, and optical absorption in the 0–80 GPa range. We have determined the structural phase-transition sequence in CoF2 and corresponding transition pressures. The results are similar to other transition-metal difluorides such as FeF2 but different to ZnF2 and MgF2, despite that the Co2+ size (ionic radius) is similar to Zn2+ and Mg2+. We found that the complete phase-transition sequence is tetragonal rutile (P42/mnm) → CaCl2 type (orthorhombic Pnnm) → distorted PdF2 (orthorhombic Pbca)+PdF2 (cubic Pa3¯) in coexistence → fluorite (cubic Fm3¯m) → cotunnite (orthorhombic Pnma). It was observed that the structural phase transition to the fluorite at 15 GPa involves a drastic change of coordination from sixfold octahedral to eightfold cubic with important modifications in the vibrational and electronic properties. We show that the stabilization of this high-pressure cubic phase is possible under nonhydrostatic conditions since ideal hydrostaticity would stabilize the distorted-fluorite structure (tetragonal I4/mmm) instead. Although the first rutile → CaCl2-type second-order phase transition is subtle by Raman spectroscopy, it was possible to define it through the broadening of the Eg Raman mode which is split in the CaCl2-type phase. First-principles DFT calculations are in fair agreement with the experimental Raman mode frequencies, thus providing an accurate description for all vibrational modes and elastic properties of CoF2 as a function of pressure

    Seasonal Distribution, Aggregation, and Habitat Selection of Common Carp in Clear Lake, Iowa

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    The common carp Cyprinus carpio is widely distributed and frequently considered a nuisance species outside its native range. Common carp are abundant in Clear Lake, Iowa, where their presence is both a symptom of degradation and an impediment to improving water quality and the sport fishery. We used radiotelemetry to quantify seasonal distribution, aggregation, and habitat selection of adult and subadult common carp in Clear Lake during 2005–2006 in an effort to guide future control strategies. Over a 22-month period, we recorded 1,951 locations of 54 adults and 60 subadults implanted with radio transmitters. Adults demonstrated a clear tendency to aggregate in an offshore area during the late fall and winter and in shallow, vegetated areas before and during spring spawning. Late-fall and winter aggregations were estimated to include a larger percentage of the tracked adults than spring aggregations. Subadults aggregated in shallow, vegetated areas during the spring and early summer. Our study, when considered in combination with previous research, suggests repeatable patterns of distribution, aggregation, and habitat selection that should facilitate common carp reduction programs in Clear Lake and similar systems

    From product recommendation to cyber-attack prediction: generating attack graphs and predicting future attacks

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    Modern information society depends on reliable functionality of information systems infrastructure, while at the same time the number of cyber-attacks has been increasing over the years and damages have been caused. Furthermore, graphs can be used to show paths than can be exploited by attackers to intrude into systems and gain unauthorized access through vulnerability exploitation. This paper presents a method that builds attack graphs using data supplied from the maritime supply chain infrastructure. The method delivers all possible paths that can be exploited to gain access. Then, a recommendation system is utilized to make predictions about future attack steps within the network. We show that recommender systems can be used in cyber defense by predicting attacks. The goal of this paper is to identify attack paths and show how a recommendation method can be used to classify future cyber-attacks in terms of risk management. The proposed method has been experimentally evaluated and validated, with the results showing that it is both practical and effective

    Modulation of the absorption coefficient at 13 Όm in Ge/SiGe multiple quantum well heterostructures on silicon

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    We report modulation of the absorption coefficient at 1.3 Όm in Ge/SiGe multiple quantum well heterostructures on silicon via the quantum-confined Stark effect. Strain engineering was exploited to increase the direct optical bandgap in the Ge quantum wells. We grew 9 nm-thick Ge quantum wells on a relaxed Si0.22Ge0.78 buffer and a contrast in the absorption coefficient of a factor of greater than 3.2 was achieved in the spectral range 1290–1315 nm

    Silicon optical modulators for high data rate applications

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    Abstract In this work we describe the carrier depletion MZI modulators, slow wave structures for modulation enhancement and the QCSE modulator which are under development in the European HELIOS project and the UK Silicon Photonics project. Introduction High performance silicon optical modulators are key to many silicon based photonic applications. Over the previous decade the development seen in the performance of silicon optical modulators has been vast. Several routes to modulation have been used to overcome the lack of a strong electro optic effect in silicon. These include the plasma dispersion effect, III-V hybrid device fabrication, SiGe devices, Polymer and Strain induced electro-optic effects. Reported performances now regularly range from 10Gbit/s up to 40Gbit/s. HELIOS, which is a European FP7 funded project and the UK silicon photonics project (UKSP), funded by the EPSRC both involve the development of the different photonic components required to form photonic circuits with a range of functionality. Within both projects there is strong modulator activity with carrier depletion based modulation, QCSE modulation and structures to gain enhancement of the modulation effect under development. Carrier depletion modulation Optical modulators based upon free carrier depletion are widely regarded as being the simplest approach to achieve high performance modulation in silicon. They operate by reverse biasing a diode structure which is incorporated in or around an optical waveguide. The depletion of free carriers therefore interacts with the propagating light causing a change in phase through the plasma dispersion effect. Within the HELIOS project two phase modulators based upon this approach are under investigation using both PN and PIPIN diodes. Cross sectional diagrams of these devices are shown in figure 1. The first structure is based in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) of 220nm thickness. The waveguide section and the slab to one side is doped p type. The slab on the other side of the waveguide is then doped n type setting up a pn junction at the edge of the waveguide rib. The concentration of the n type doping is made larger than the p type doping such that the depletion region extends mainly into the waveguide during reverse bias. These lightly doped p and n type regions extend out to meet highly doped regions which in turn provide ohmic contacts to coplanar waveguide electrodes which are used to drive the device. The devic

    Tuning the electrical conductance of metalloporphyrin supramolecular wires

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    In contrast with conventional single-molecule junctions, in which the current flows parallel to the long axis or plane of a molecule, we investigate the transport properties of M(II)-5,15-diphenylporphyrin (M-DPP) single-molecule junctions (M=Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn divalent metal ions), in which the current flows perpendicular to the plane of the porphyrin. Novel STM-based conductance measurements combined with quantum transport calculations demonstrate that current-perpendicular-to-the-plane (CPP) junctions have three-orders-of-magnitude higher electrical conductanc than their current in-plane (CIP) counterparts, ranging from 2.10−2 G0 for Ni-DPP up to 8.10−2 G0 for Zn-DPP. The metal ion in the center of the DPP skeletons is strongly coordinated with the nitrogens of the pyridyl coated electrodes, with a binding energy that is sensitive to the choice of metal ion. We find that the binding energies of Zn-DPP and Co-DPP are significantly higher than those of Ni-DPP and Cu-DPP. Therefore when combined with its higher conductance, we identify Zn-DPP as the favoured candidate for high conductance CPP single-molecule devices
