250 research outputs found

    Stabilization of i-motif structures by 2'-β-fluorination of DNA

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    i-Motifs are four-stranded DNA structures consisting of two parallel DNA duplexes held together by hemi-protonated and intercalated cytosine base pairs (C:CH(+)). They have attracted considerable research interest for their potential role in gene regulation and their use as pH responsive switches and building blocks in macromolecular assemblies. At neutral and basic pH values, the cytosine bases deprotonate and the structure unfolds into single strands. To avoid this limitation and expand the range of environmental conditions supporting i-motif folding, we replaced the sugar in DNA by 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose. We demonstrate that such a modification significantly stabilizes i-motif formation over a wide pH range, including pH 7. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments reveal that 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose adopts a C2'-endo conformation, instead of the C3'-endo conformation usually found in unmodified i-motifs. Nevertheless, this substitution does not alter the overall i-motif structure. This conformational change, together with the changes in charge distribution in the sugar caused by the electronegative fluorine atoms, leads to a number of favorable sequential and inter-strand electrostatic interactions. The availability of folded i-motifs at neutral pH will aid investigations into the biological function of i-motifs in vitro, and will expand i-motif applications in nanotechnology.This work is dedicated to the Memory of Alfredo Villasante, valuable collaborator and friend. FUNDING Funding for open access charge: NSERC Discovery grant (to M.J.D., A.K.M.); CIHR DDTP Training Grant (to H.A., R.H.V.); MINECO [BFU2014-52864-R to C.G.]; CSIC-JAE contract (to N.M.P.). Conflict of interest statement. None declaredS

    Efficient Identification of Critical Residues Based Only on Protein Structure by Network Analysis

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    Despite the increasing number of published protein structures, and the fact that each protein's function relies on its three-dimensional structure, there is limited access to automatic programs used for the identification of critical residues from the protein structure, compared with those based on protein sequence. Here we present a new algorithm based on network analysis applied exclusively on protein structures to identify critical residues. Our results show that this method identifies critical residues for protein function with high reliability and improves automatic sequence-based approaches and previous network-based approaches. The reliability of the method depends on the conformational diversity screened for the protein of interest. We have designed a web site to give access to this software at http://bis.ifc.unam.mx/jamming/. In summary, a new method is presented that relates critical residues for protein function with the most traversed residues in networks derived from protein structures. A unique feature of the method is the inclusion of the conformational diversity of proteins in the prediction, thus reproducing a basic feature of the structure/function relationship of proteins

    High-utilizing Crohn's disease patients under psychosomatic therapy*

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Few studies have been published on health care utilization in Crohn's disease and the influence of psychological treatment on high utilizers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The present sub study of a prospective multi center investigation conducted in 87 of 488 consecutive Crohn's disease (CD) patients was designed to investigate the influence of the course of Crohn's disease on health care utilization (hospital days (HD) and sick leave days (SLD) collected by German insurance companies) and to examine the conditions of high-utilizing patients. Predictors of health care utilization should be selected. Based on a standardized somatic treatment, high health care utilizing patients of the psychotherapy and control groups should be compared before and after a one-year treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Multivariate regression analysis identified disease activity at randomization as an important predictor of the clinical course (r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.28, p < 0.01). Health care utilization correlated with duration of disease (p < 0.04), but the model was not significant (r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.15, p = 0.09). The patients' level of anxiety, depression and lack of control at randomization predicted their health-related quality of life at the end of the study (r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.51, p < 0.00001). Interestingly, steroid intake and depression (t1) predicted the combined outcome measure (clinical course, HRQL, health care utilization) of Crohn's disease at the end of the study (r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.22, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Among high utilizers, a significantly greater drop in HD (p < 0.03) and in mean in SLD were found in the treatment compared to the control group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The course of Crohn's disease is influenced by psychological as well as somatic factors; especially depression seems important here. A significant drop of health care utilization demonstrates the benefit of psychological treatment in the subgroup of high-utilizing CD patients. Further studies are needed to replicate the findings of the clinical outcome in this CD subgroup.</p

    Visualizing spatially correlated dynamics that directs RNA conformational transitions

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    RNAs fold into three- dimensional ( 3D) structures that subsequently undergo large, functionally important, conformational transitions in response to a variety of cellular signals(1-3). RNA structures are believed to encode spatially tuned flexibility that can direct transitions along specific conformational pathways(4,5). However, this hypothesis has proved difficult to examine directly because atomic movements in complex biomolecules cannot be visualized in 3D by using current experimental methods. Here we report the successful implementation of a strategy using NMR that has allowed us to visualize, with complete 3D rotational sensitivity, the dynamics between two RNA helices that are linked by a functionally important trinucleotide bulge over timescales extending up to milliseconds. The key to our approach is to anchor NMR frames of reference onto each helix and thereby directly measure their dynamics, one relative to the other, using 'relativistic' sets of residual dipolar couplings ( RDCs)(6,7). Using this approach, we uncovered super- large amplitude helix motions that trace out a surprisingly structured and spatially correlated 3D dynamic trajectory. The two helices twist around their individual axes by approximately 536 and 1106 in a highly correlated manner ( R = 0.97) while simultaneously ( R = 0.81 - 0.92) bending by about 94 degrees. Remarkably, the 3D dynamic trajectory is dotted at various positions by seven distinct ligand- bound conformations of the RNA. Thus even partly unstructured RNAs can undergo structured dynamics that directs ligand- induced transitions along specific predefined conformational pathways.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62506/1/nature06389.pd

    Determination of Conformational Equilibria in Proteins Using Residual Dipolar Couplings

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    In order to carry out their functions, proteins often undergo significant conformational fluctuations that enable them to interact with their partners. The accurate characterization of these motions is key in order to understand the mechanisms by which macromolecular recognition events take place. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy offers a variety of powerful methods to achieve this result. We discuss a method of using residual dipolar couplings as replica-averaged restraints in molecular dynamics simulations to determine large amplitude motions of proteins, including those involved in the conformational equilibria that are established through interconversions between different states. By applying this method to ribonuclease A, we show that it enables one to characterize the ample fluctuations in interdomain orientations expected to play an important functional role

    In Silico Elucidation of the Recognition Dynamics of Ubiquitin

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    Elucidation of the mechanism of biomacromolecular recognition events has been a topic of intense interest over the past century. The inherent dynamic nature of both protein and ligand molecules along with the continuous reshaping of the energy landscape during the binding process renders it difficult to characterize this process at atomic detail. Here, we investigate the recognition dynamics of ubiquitin via microsecond all-atom molecular dynamics simulation providing both thermodynamic and kinetic information. The high-level of consistency found with respect to experimental NMR data lends support to the accuracy of the in silico representation of the conformational substates and their interconversions of free ubiquitin. Using an energy-based reweighting approach, the statistical distribution of conformational states of ubiquitin is monitored as a function of the distance between ubiquitin and its binding partner Hrs-UIM. It is found that extensive and dense sampling of conformational space afforded by the µs MD trajectory is essential for the elucidation of the binding mechanism as is Boltzmann sampling, overcoming inherent limitations of sparsely sampled empirical ensembles. The results reveal a population redistribution mechanism that takes effect when the ligand is at intermediate range of 1–2 nm from ubiquitin. This mechanism, which may be depicted as a superposition of the conformational selection and induced fit mechanisms, also applies to other binding partners of ubiquitin, such as the GGA3 GAT domain

    "It doesn't do any harm, but patients feel better": a qualitative exploratory study on gastroenterologists' perspectives on the role of antidepressants in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background: Interest in psychological factors in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has increased in recent years. It has even been proposed that treating psychological co-morbidities with antidepressants may control disease activity and improve quality of life. Despite this, there is no data on gastroenterologists' attitudes to, and experiences with, antidepressant therapy in patients with IBD. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 gastroenterologists associated with metropolitan teaching hospitals. Qualitative content analysis was used to examine their responses. Results: Seventy-eight percent of gastroenterologists had treated IBD patients with antidepressants for pain, depression and/or anxiety, and insomnia. Antidepressants were reported to be useful in improving psychosocial well-being, quality of life, and self-management of the disease by patients. However, in this group of gastroenterologists, there appears to be skepticism towards psychological disorders themselves or antidepressant therapy having a central role in either the causation of IBD or its clinical course. Nevertheless, these gastroenterologists were receptive to the idea of conducting a trial of the role of antidepressants in IBD. Conclusion: While the majority of specialists have treated IBD patients with antidepressants, there is considerable skepticism with regard to efficacy of antidepressive therapy or the role of psychological factors in the outcome of IBD patients.Antonina A Mikocka-Walus, Deborah A Turnbull, Nicole T Moulding, Ian G Wilson, Jane M Andrews and Gerald J Holtman

    Using Entropy Maximization to Understand the Determinants of Structural Dynamics beyond Native Contact Topology

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    Comparison of elastic network model predictions with experimental data has provided important insights on the dominant role of the network of inter-residue contacts in defining the global dynamics of proteins. Most of these studies have focused on interpreting the mean-square fluctuations of residues, or deriving the most collective, or softest, modes of motions that are known to be insensitive to structural and energetic details. However, with increasing structural data, we are in a position to perform a more critical assessment of the structure-dynamics relations in proteins, and gain a deeper understanding of the major determinants of not only the mean-square fluctuations and lowest frequency modes, but the covariance or the cross-correlations between residue fluctuations and the shapes of higher modes. A systematic study of a large set of NMR-determined proteins is analyzed using a novel method based on entropy maximization to demonstrate that the next level of refinement in the elastic network model description of proteins ought to take into consideration properties such as contact order (or sequential separation between contacting residues) and the secondary structure types of the interacting residues, whereas the types of amino acids do not play a critical role. Most importantly, an optimal description of observed cross-correlations requires the inclusion of destabilizing, as opposed to exclusively stabilizing, interactions, stipulating the functional significance of local frustration in imparting native-like dynamics. This study provides us with a deeper understanding of the structural basis of experimentally observed behavior, and opens the way to the development of more accurate models for exploring protein dynamics
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