581 research outputs found

    NGC 1866: First Spectroscopic Detection of Fast Rotating Stars in a Young LMC Cluster

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    High-resolution spectroscopic observations were taken of 29 extended main sequence turn-off (eMSTO) stars in the young (\sim200 Myr) LMC cluster, NGC 1866 using the Michigan/Magellan Fiber System and MSpec spectrograph on the Magellan-Clay 6.5-m telescope. These spectra reveal the first direct detection of rapidly rotating stars whose presence has only been inferred from photometric studies. The eMSTO stars exhibit H-alpha emission (indicative of Be-star decretion disks), others have shallow broad H-alpha absorption (consistent with rotation \gtrsim 150 km s1^{-1}), or deep H-alpha core absorption signaling lower rotation velocities ( \lesssim 150 km s1^{-1} ). The spectra appear consistent with two populations of stars - one rapidly rotating, and the other, younger and slowly rotating.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue -- I. A sample of systems with components' masses between 1 and 2 M_\odot

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    We derive the absolute physical and orbital parameters for a sample of 18 detached eclipsing binaries from the \emph{All Sky Automated Survey} (ASAS) database based on the available photometry and our own radial velocity measurements. The radial velocities (RVs) are computed using spectra we collected with the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope and its \emph{University College London Echelle Spectrograph} and the 1.9-m SAAO Radcliffe telescope and its \emph{Grating Instrument for Radiation Analysis with a Fibre Fed Echelle}. In order to obtain as precise RVs as possible, most of the systems were observed with an iodine cell available at the AAT/UCLES and/or analyzed using the two-dimensional cross-correlation technique (TODCOR). The RVs were measured with TODCOR using synthetic template spectra as references. However, for two objects we used our own approach to the tomographic disentangling of the binary spectra to provide observed template spectra for the RV measurements and to improve the RV precision even more. For one of these binaries, AI Phe, we were able to the obtain an orbital solution with an RV rmsrms of 62 and 24 m s1^{-1} for the primary and secondary respectively. For this system, the precision in Msin3iM \sin^3{i} is 0.08%. For the analysis, we used the photometry available in the ASAS database. We combined the RV and light curves using PHOEBE and JKTEBOP codes to obtain the absolute physical parameters of the systems. Having precise RVs we were able to reach \sim0.2 % precision (or better) in masses in several cases but in radii, due to the limited precision of the ASAS photometry, we were able to reach a precision of only 1% in one case and 3-5 % in a few more cases. For the majority of our objects, the orbital and physical analysis is presented for the first time.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables in the main text, 1 table in appendix, to appear in MNRA

    Stellar models of multiple populations in globular clusters - I. The main sequence of NGC 6752

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    We present stellar atmosphere and evolution models of main-sequence stars in two stellar populations of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6752. These populations represent the two extremes of light-element abundance variations in the cluster. NGC 6752 is a benchmark cluster in the study of multiple stellar populations because of the rich array of spectroscopic abundances and panchromatic Hubble Space Telescope photometry. The spectroscopic abundances are used to compute stellar atmosphere and evolution models. The synthetic spectra for the two populations show significant differences in the ultraviolet and, for the coolest temperatures, in the near-infrared. The stellar evolution models exhibit insignificant differences in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H–R) diagram except on the lower main sequence. The appearance of multiple sequences in the colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of NGC 6752 is almost exclusively due to spectral effects caused by the abundance variations. The models reproduce the observed splitting and/or broadening of sequences in a range of CMDs. The ultraviolet CMDs are sensitive to variations in carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen but the models are not reliable enough to directly estimate abundance variations from photometry. On the other hand, the widening of the lower main sequence in the near-infrared CMD, driven by oxygen variation via the water molecule, is well described by the models and can be used to estimate the range of oxygen present in a cluster from photometry. We confirm that it is possible to use multiband photometry to estimate helium variations among the different populations, with the caveat that the estimated amount of helium enhancement is model dependen

    Evolution of long-lived globular cluster stars III. Effect of the initial helium spread on the position of stars in a synthetic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

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    Context. Globular clusters host multiple populations of long-lived low-mass stars whose origin remains an open question. Several scenarios have been proposed to explain the associated photometric and spectroscopic peculiarities. They differ, for instance, in the maximum helium enrichment they predict for stars of the second population, which these stars can inherit at birth as the result of the internal pollution of the cluster by different types of stars of the first population. Aims. We present the distribution of helium-rich stars in present-day globular clusters as it is expected in the original framework of the fast-rotating massive stars scenario (FRMS) as first-population polluters. We focus on NGC 6752. Methods. We completed a grid of 330 stellar evolution models for globular cluster low-mass stars computed with different initial chemical compositions corresponding to the predictions of the original FRMS scenario for [Fe/H] = −1.75. Starting from the initial helium-sodium relation that allows reproducing the currently observed distribution of sodium in NGC 6752, we deduce the helium distribution expected in that cluster at ages equal to 9 and 13 Gyr. We distinguish the stars that are moderately enriched in helium from those that are very helium-rich (initial helium mass fraction below and above 0.4, respectively), and compare the predictions of the FRMS framework with other scenarios for globular cluster enrichment. Results. The effect of helium enrichment on the stellar lifetime and evolution reduces the total number of very helium-rich stars that remain in the cluster at 9 and 13 Gyr to only 12% and 10%, respectively, from an initial fraction of 21%. Within this age range, most of the stars still burn their hydrogen in their core, which widens the MS band significantly in effective temperature. The fraction of very helium-rich stars drops in the more advanced evolution phases, where the associated spread in effective temperature strongly decreases. These stars even disappear from the horizontal branch and the asymptotic giant branch at 13 Gyr. Conclusions. The helium constraint is no suitable criterion for clearly distinguishing between the scenarios for GC self-enrichment because only few very helium-rich stars are predicted in the investigated framework and because it is difficult to derive the helium content of GC stars observationally. However, the helium constraint indicates some difficulties of the original FRMS scenario that require the exploration of alternatives

    Abundance patterns of multiple populations in Globular Clusters: a chemical evolution model based on yields from AGB ejecta

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    A large number of spectroscopic studies have provided evidence of the presence of multiple populations in globular clusters by revealing patterns in the stellar chemical abundances. This paper is aimed at studying the origin of these abundance patterns. We explore a model in which second generation (SG) stars form out of a mix of pristine gas and ejecta of the first generation of asymptotic giant branch stars. We first study the constraints imposed by the spectroscopic data of SG stars in globular clusters on the chemical properties of the asymptotic and super asymptotic giant branch ejecta. With a simple one-zone chemical model, we then explore the formation of the SG population abundance patterns focussing our attention on the Na-O, Al-Mg anticorrelations and on the helium distribution function. We carry out a survey of models and explore the dependence of the final SG chemical properties on the key parameters affecting the gas dynamics and the SG formation process. Finally, we use our chemical evolution framework to build specific models for NGC 2808 and M4, two Galactic globular clusters which show different patterns in the Na-O and Mg-Al anticorrelation and have different helium distributions. We find that the amount of pristine gas involved in the formation of SG stars is a key parameter to fit the observed O-Na and Mg-Al patterns. The helium distribution function for these models is in general good agreement with the observed one. Our models, by shedding light on the role of different parameters and their interplay in determining the final SG chemical properties, illustrate the basic ingredients, constraints and problems encountered in this self-enrichment scenario which must be addressed by more sophisticated chemical and hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Genetic-Algorithm-based Light Curve Optimization Applied to Observations of the W UMa star BH Cas

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    I have developed a procedure utilizing a Genetic-Algorithm-based optimization scheme to fit the observed light curves of an eclipsing binary star with a model produced by the Wilson-Devinney code. The principal advantages of this approach are the global search capability and the objectivity of the final result. Although this method can be more efficient than some other comparably global search techniques, the computational requirements of the code are still considerable. I have applied this fitting procedure to my observations of the W UMa type eclipsing binary BH Cassiopeiae. An analysis of V-band CCD data obtained in 1994/95 from Steward Observatory and U- and B-band photoelectric data obtained in 1996 from McDonald Observatory provided three complete light curves to constrain the fit. In addition, radial velocity curves obtained in 1997 from McDonald Observatory provided a direct measurement of the system mass ratio to restrict the search. The results of the GA-based fit are in excellent agreement with the final orbital solution obtained with the standard differential corrections procedure in the Wilson-Devinney code.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, uses emulateapj.st

    Individual quality assessment of autografting by probability estimation for clinical endpoints: a prospective validation study from the European group for blood and marrow transplantation.

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    The aim of supportive autografting is to reduce the side effects from stem cell transplantation and avoid procedure-related health disadvantages for patients at the lowest possible cost and resource expenditure. Economic evaluation of health care is becoming increasingly important. We report clinical and laboratory data collected from 397 consecutive adult patients (173 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 30 Hodgkin lymphoma, 160 multiple myeloma, 7 autoimmune diseases, and 28 acute leukemia) who underwent their first autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT). We considered primary endpoints evaluating health economic efficacy (eg, antibiotic administration, transfusion of blood components, and time in hospital), secondary endpoints evaluating toxicity (in accordance with Common Toxicity Criteria), and tertiary endpoints evaluating safety (ie, the risk of regimen-related death or disease progression within the first year after PBSCT). A time-dependent grading of efficacy is proposed with day 21 for multiple myeloma and day 25 for the other disease categories (depending on the length of the conditioning regimen) as the acceptable maximum time in hospital, which together with antibiotics, antifungal, or transfusion therapy delineates four groups: favorable (≤7 days on antibiotics and no transfusions; ≤21 [25] days in hospital), intermediate (from 7 to 10 days on antibiotics and 7 days on antibiotics, >3 but 30/34 days in hospital after transplantation), and very unfavorable (>10 days on antibiotics, >6 transfusions; >30 to 34 days in hospital). The multivariate analysis showed that (1) PBSC harvests of ≥4 × 106/kg CD34 + cells in 1 apheresis procedure were associated with a favorable outcome in all patient categories except acute myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (P = .001), (2) ≥5 × 106/kg CD34 + cells infused predicted better transplantation outcome in all patient categories (P 500 mL) (P = .002), and (5) patients with a central venous catheter during both collection and infusion of PBSC had a more favorable outcome post-PBSCT than peripheral access (P = .007). The type of mobilization regimen did not affect the outcome of auto-PBSCT. The present study identified predictive variables, which may be useful in future individual pretransplantation probability evaluations with the goal to improve supportive care

    Sodium abundances of AGB and RGB stars in Galactic globular clusters II. Analysis and results of NGC 104, NGC 6121, and NGC 6809

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    Aims. We investigate the Na abundance distribution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in Galactic globular clusters (GCs) and its possible dependence on GC global properties, especially age and metallicity. Methods. We analyze high-resolution spectra of a large sample of AGB and red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Galactic GCs NGC 104, NGC 6121, and NGC 6809 obtained with FLAMES/GIRAFFE at ESO/VLT, and determine their Na abundances. This is the first time that the AGB stars in NGC 6809 are targeted. Moreover, to investigate the dependence of AGB Na abundance dispersion on GC parameters, we compare the AGB [Na/H] distributions of a total of nine GCs, with five determined by ourselves with homogeneous method and four from literature, covering a wide range of GC parameters. Results. NGC 104 and NGC 6809 have comparable AGB and RGB Na abundance distributions revealed by the K−S test, while NGC 6121 shows a lack of very Na-rich AGB stars. By analyzing all nine GCs, we find that the Na abundances and multiple populations of AGB stars form complex picture. In some GCs, AGB stars have similar Na abundances and/or second-population fractions as their RGB counterparts, while some GCs do not have Na-rich second-population AGB stars, and various cases exist between the two extremes. In addition, the fitted relations between fractions of the AGB second population and GC global parameters show that the AGB second-population fraction slightly anticorrelates with GC central concentration, while no robust dependency can be confirmed with other GC parameters. Conclusions. Current data roughly support the prediction of the fast-rotating massive star (FRMS) scenario. However, considering the weak observational and theoretical trends where scatter and exceptions exist, the fraction of second-population AGB stars can be affected by more than one or two factors, and may even be a result of stochasticity