11 research outputs found

    Morphological abnormalities in gonads of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) in the northern Baltic Sea.

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    Reproductive disorders are a major environmental concern in the Baltic Sea, due to heavy anthropogenic influence and long- and short-term variations taking place in the natural environment. We report here an increasing prevalence of gonadal malformations in the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras),a key species of the Baltic ecosystem and important in commercial fishery.</p

    Scenario simulations of future salinity and ecological consequences in the Baltic Sea and adjacent North Sea areas-implications for environmental monitoring

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    Substantial ecological changes occurred in the 1970s in the Northern Baltic during a temporary period of low salinity (S). This period was preceded by an episodic increase in the rainfall over the Baltic Sea Watershed area. Several climate models, both global and regional, project an increase in the runoff of the Northern latitudes due to proceeding climate change. The aim of this study is to model, firstly, the effects on Baltic Sea salinity of increased runoff due to projected global change and, secondly, the effects of salinity change on the distribution of marine species. The results suggest a critical shift in the S range 5-7, which is a threshold for both freshwater and marine species distributions and diversity. We discuss several topics emphasizing future monitoring, modelling, and fisheries research. Environmental monitoring and modelling are investigated because the developing alternative ecosystems do not necessarily show the same relations to environment quality factors as the retiring ones. An important corollary is that the observed and modelled S changes considered together with species' ranges indicate what may appear under a future climate. Consequences could include a shift in distribution areas of marine benthic foundation species and some 40-50 other species, affiliated to these. This change would extend over hundreds of kilometres, in the Baltic Sea and the adjacent North Sea areas. Potential cascading effects, in coastal ecology, fish ecology and fisheries would be extensive, and point out the necessity to develop further the "ecosystem approach in the environmental monitoring". (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Environmental conditions, population density, and prey type influence the lipid reserves of Baltic herring in the northern Baltic Sea

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    Change of climate is expected to influence the energy content of fish by affecting the environmental conditions  here lipids are produced, transferred, accumulated and consumed. We examined the lipid content of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) spawning in the Archipelago Sea during a period of declining salinity, high variability in temperature, and increasing population size in the Bothnian Sea. Contemporary samplings of zooplankton in the feeding area (Mäkinen et al. 2017) enabled comparisons of fatty acid (FA) composition between herring and its prey Limnocalanus macrurus, which forms a major source of energy in the Bothnian Sea in May-June (Rajasilta et al. 2015).</p

    Formation of lipid reserves, fatty acid composition and reproduction of Limnocalanus macrurus (Copepoda, Calanoida) during summer in the Bothnian Sea, northern Baltic Sea

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    Limnocalanus macrurus is a cold-stenothermic copepod that in the Baltic Sea occurs abundantly in low-salinity areas, such as the Bothnian Bay and the Bothnian Sea, where it is one of the most important species of the pelagic ecosystem. Projections for the future of the Baltic Sea suggest that a further decline of salinity will enable the species to expand its distribution southward to the Central Baltic, where it eventually could replace copepod species, e.g. Pseudocalanus acuspes, having higher salinity requirements. Lipids may get a central role in this process as they are crucial in the production and transfer of energy in the food webs. We studied the formation of the lipid reserves in L. macrurus in the Bothnian Sea, with a special emphasis on the fatty acid composition in reproductive adults and their potential food. Our primary interest was the spring and summer season, as it is the main production and feeding period of the plankton community in the southern Bothnian Sea. The study was started at the time of the spring bloom of phytoplankton during May and it was continued until September, when the plankton production ceases.</p

    Avoimen toimintakulttuurin palveluiden itsearviointityökalu

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    Toimintakulttuurin avoimen linjauksen tueksi on kehitetty palveluiden itsearviointityökalu, joka huomioi kaikkien aiempien avoimen tieteen kansallisten linjausten suositukset. Työkalun tarkoituksena on auttaa tutkimusorganisaatioita palveluiden itsearvioinnissa, kehittämisessä ja saataville asettamisessa.</p

    Sosiaalihuollon analoginen arkistointi : 9.5.2023 Analogisten tietoaineistojen säilymisen turvaaminen

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    Esitykset Tilaisuuden avaus Arkistokelpoiset materiaalit, suojamateriaalit, arkistotilat, homevauriot ja sisäilmaongelmat, István Kecskeméti (Kansallisarkisto) Case: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen arkistotilojen suunnittelu ja käytännön ratkaisut, Marjut Vuorinen (THL) Ohjausmateriaaleista apua työhön, Johanna Nylund (THL) </ul

    Kliinisten hoitotyön taitojen kehittäminen etä- ja hybridiopetuksessa Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulussa ja Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulussa : DIGIHOI - ÄLÄ JÄTÄ -hankkeen kokoomajulkaisu

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    Covid-19-pandemia on aiheuttanut haasteita hoitotyön kliinisten taitojen opettamiselle ja oh-jaamiselle ammattikorkeakouluissa. Tutkinnon saavuttamiseksi kliinisten taitojen harjoittelutun-neille osallistuminen on usein pakollista ja nämä tunnit toteutetaan perinteisesti lähiopetuk-sena. Mikäli lähiopetukseen osallistuminen ei ole mahdollista, tämä vaikeuttaa opintojen etene-mistä. Joitakin lähityöskentelyä vaativia asioita on kuitenkin mahdollista opettaa, ohjata ja opis-kella myös etä- ja hybridiopetuksena (kuva 1.) hyödyntäen digitaalisia menetelmiä. (DIGIHOI –ÄLÄ JÄTÄ -hankkeen hankesuunnitelma, 2022.) Tutkimusten mukaan digitaalisten menetelmien mukaan ottaminen opettamiseen on myös johtanut parempiin oppimistuloksiin ja siten lisännyt opiskelijoiden motivaatiota opiskeluun (Coyne ym., 2020; Martinengo ym., 2020; McDonald ym., 2018; Rouke, 2020). Viitteitä löytyy myös siitä, että hybridiopetus koetaan parempana ope-tusmetodina oppimisen näkökulmasta kuin perinteinen lähiopetus (Martinengo ym., 2020; McDonald ym., 2018)

    Influence of environmental conditions, population density, and prey type on the lipid content in Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) from the northern Baltic Sea

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    Global climate change can affect the energy content of fish by altering their lipid physiology and lipid consumption. We investigated the effects of different environmental stressors on the lipid content of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) from spawning ground samples that were collected annually in the northern Baltic Sea. During 1987-2014, the average lipid content in herring muscle decreased from 5-6% (w.wt.) to 1.5% (w.wt.). Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) indicated that sea water salinity and the size of the herring stock explained best the declining trend of lipid content. We estimated that the amount of the lipid storage incorporated in the spawning stock decreased by approximately 45% during the study, with respective energy content decreases. Fatty acid composition analysis revealed that herring lipids contained a high proportion of EPA (20:5n-3) and DHA (22:6n-3), which originated from its main summertime prey, Limnocalanus macrurus. The results illustrate various climate change-induced processes leading to changes in the lipid content of the Baltic herring and, consequently, to changes in the energy flows of the northern Baltic ecosystem.</p

    Avoimen toimintakulttuurin palveluiden itsearviointityökalu

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    Toimintakulttuurin avoimen linjauksen tueksi on kehitetty palveluiden itsearviointityökalu, joka huomioi kaikkien aiempien avoimen tieteen kansallisten linjausten suositukset. Työkalun tarkoituksena on auttaa tutkimusorganisaatioita palveluiden itsearvioinnissa, kehittämisessä ja saataville asettamisessa.Tämä on suositus avoimen tieteen toimintatavan toteuttamiseen suomalaisten tutkimusorganisaatioiden ja yritysten välisessä tutkimus-, kehitys- ja innovaatiotoiminnassa (TKI-toiminnassa). Suosituksessa kerrotaan, miten yritysyhteistyössä syntyviä tutkimustuloksia ja -aineistoja voidaan hyödyntää ja/tai levittää turvallisesti, tehokkaasti sekä mahdollisimman avoimesti. Suositus on kirjoitettu yhteistyössä avoimen tieteen koordinaation, avoimuus yritysyhteistyössä -työryhmän ja suomalaisen tiedeyhteisön sekä elinkeinoelämän kesken.publishedVersio