90 research outputs found

    A novel incentive-based demand response model for Cournot competition in electricity markets

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    This paper presents an analysis of competition between generators when incentive-based demand response is employed in an electricity market. Thermal and hydropower generation are considered in the model. A smooth inverse demand function is designed using a sigmoid and two linear functions for modeling the consumer preferences under incentive-based demand response program. Generators compete to sell energy bilaterally to consumers and system operator provides transmission and arbitrage services. The profit of each agent is posed as an optimization problem, then the competition result is found by solving simultaneously Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for all generators. A Nash-Cournot equilibrium is found when the system operates normally and at peak demand times when DR is required. Under this model, results show that DR diminishes the energy consumption at peak periods, shifts the power requirement to off-peak times and improves the net consumer surplus due to incentives received for participating in DR program. However, the generators decrease their profit due to the reduction of traded energy and market prices

    Rational consumer decisions in a peak time rebate program

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    A rational behavior of a consumer is analyzed when the user participates in a Peak Time Rebate (PTR) mechanism, which is a demand response (DR) incentive program based on a baseline. A multi-stage stochastic programming is proposed from the demand side in order to understand the rational decisions. The consumer preferences are modeled as a risk-averse function under additive uncertainty. The user chooses the optimal consumption profile to maximize his economic benefits for each period. The stochastic optimization problem is solved backward in time. A particular situation is developed when the System Operator (SO) uses consumption of the previous interval as the household-specific baseline for the DR program. It is found that a rational consumer alters the baseline in order to increase the well-being when there is an economic incentive. As results, whether the incentive is lower than the retail price, the user shifts his load requirement to the baseline setting period. On the other hand, if the incentive is greater than the regular energy price, the optimal decision is that the user spends the maximum possible energy in the baseline setting period and reduces the consumption at the PTR time. This consumer behavior produces more energy consumption in total considering all periods. In addition, the user with high uncertainty level in his energy pattern should spend less energy than a predictable consumer when the incentive is lower than the retail price

    Experimental modeling of a web-winding machine: LPV approaches

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    This chapter presents the identification of a web-winding system as a linear parameter varying (LPV) system with the reel radius as the time-varying parameter. This system is nonlinear, time-varying and input–output unstable. Two identification methods are considered: in the first one, an LPV model is estimated in a single step using a novel approach based on sparse identification and set membership optimality evaluation. In the second one, several local linear time-invariant (LTI) models are identified using classical identification algorithms, and the overall LPV model is constructed as a weighted sum of the local models. The two methods are applied to experimental data measured on a real web-winding machine

    identificación de uso de plantas medicinales en el municipio de San Pablo Bolívar.

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    fichas técnicas de plantas medicinales ruda, árnica, sábila, manzanillaEl presente estudio se realizó en el municipio de San Pablo (Bolívar) el cual se encuentra conformada por 7500 viviendas aproximadamente y cuenta con una población de 30.395 habitantes Se realizaron entrevistas a los tres únicos centros naturistas que se encuentran en el pueblo donde se realizaron preguntas abiertas de tipo aleatorias a los diferente dueños que son; El centro naturista la casa verde quien me atendió fue el doctor camilo Andrés Núñez médico naturista, La señora Ana lucia Cardona del centro naturista y el señor Jorge Bermúdez del centro naturista JOBER. Se pudo conocer que las personas que compran en estas tiendas naturistas son de escasos recursos donde estas dan el primer paso para los tratamientos naturales para enfermedades que con conocimientos de las plantas se pueden tratar. Las plantas encontradas en las diferentes tiendas son las más solicitadas en el municipio de San Pablo Bolívar en total son 20 las más utilizadas por la población donde se destacan que la forma más común de consumo estos tratamientos es de forma infusión. Desde hace muchos años estas tiendas han venido ofreciendo estos productos puesto que se evidencia que las personas tratadas han tenidos buenos resultados, estas plantas son traídas de la ciudad de Bucaramanga donde posteriormente son comercializadas en el municipio ya que son pocas las que se encuentran en la zona, su comercialización se basa en manojos como unidad de medida que tiene un valor de 1000enadelanteparalaventalapublico.Lainformacioˊnqueseobtuvodelaspersonasentrevistadasseconfirmoˊpormediointernetydeterceroselcualfueautentica.ThepresentinvestigationwascarriedoutinthemunicipalityofSanPablo(Bolıˊvar)whichismadeupofapproximately7500homesandhasapopulationof30,395inhabitants.Interviewswereconductedwiththeonlythreenaturistcentersinthetownwherequestionswereasked.Randomtypeopentothedifferentownersthattheyare;thegreenhousenaturistcenterwhoattendedmewasDr.CamiloAndreˊsNuneznaturopathicdoctor,Mrs.AnaLuciaCardonaofthenaturistcenterandMr.JorgeBermudezoftheJOBERnaturistcenter.Itwaslearnedthatthepeoplewhobuyinthesehealthfoodstoresareoflimitedresourceswheretheytakethefirststepfornaturaltreatmentsfordiseasesthatcanbetreatedwithknowledgeofplants.TheplantsfoundinthedifferentstoresarethemostrequestedinthemunicipalityofSanPabloBolıˊvarintotalare20themostusedbythepopulationwheretheyemphasizethatthemostcommonwaytoconsumethesetreatmentsisinfusion.Formanyyearsthesestoreshavebeenofferingtheseproductssinceitisevidencedthatthetreatedpeoplehavehadgoodresults,theseplantsarebroughtfromthecityofBucaramangawheretheyaresubsequentlymarketedinthemunicipalitysincetherearefewthatareinthezone,itscommercializationisbasedonbundlesasaunitofmeasurethathasavalueof1000 en adelante para la venta la publico. La información que se obtuvo de las personas entrevistadas se confirmó por medio internet y de terceros el cual fue autentica.The present investigation was carried out in the municipality of San Pablo (Bolívar) which is made up of approximately 7500 homes and has a population of 30,395 inhabitants. Interviews were conducted with the only three naturist centers in the town where questions were asked. Random type open to the different owners that they are; the green house naturist center who attended me was Dr. Camilo Andrés Nunez naturopathic doctor, Mrs. Ana Lucia Cardona of the naturist center and Mr. Jorge Bermudez of the JOBER naturist center. It was learned that the people who buy in these health food stores are of limited resources where they take the first step for natural treatments for diseases that can be treated with knowledge of plants. The plants found in the different stores are the most requested in the municipality of San Pablo Bolívar in total are 20 the most used by the population where they emphasize that the most common way to consume these treatments is infusion. For many years these stores have been offering these products since it is evidenced that the treated people have had good results, these plants are brought from the city of Bucaramanga where they are subsequently marketed in the municipality since there are few that are in the zone, its commercialization is based on bundles as a unit of measure that has a value of 1000 onwards for the public sale. The information obtained from the interviewed persons was confirmed by internet and third parties which was authentic

    New approaches to indirect demand response management in smart grids

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    La respuesta de la demanda ha surgido como una solución para dar forma a la curva de la demanda y balancear la red eléctrica. Particularmente, la gestión de la respuesta de la demanda indirecta se refiere a programas basados en la modificación de la carga y del comportamiento del consumidor a través de señales de precios o pagos de incentivos. En esta tesis, modelos son propuestos para analizar e integrar sistemas de respuesta de la demanda en redes eléctricas inteligentes. El trabajo es abordado en cuatro partes. Primero, el comportamiento racional de un consumidor bajo incertidumbre es cuantificado en programa de incentivos para horas picos. Segundo, un nuevo contrato de respuesta de la demanda entre un usuario y un agregador es propuesto para enfrentar problemas en los programas tradicionales. Este contracto es basado en la probabilidad de llamado, el cuál es el chance de un consumidor para ser seleccionado por un agregador, para servir como un recurso de respuesta de la demanda durante cierto periodo. Luego, otro contracto para vehículos eléctricos es presentado como una solución de respuesta de la demanda indirecta. Un modelo basado en precios es propuesto para gestionar el proceso de carga. Finalmente, a nivel de mercado, competencia entre generadores con presencia de respuesta de la demanda es propuesto. Una función inversa de demanda suave es diseñada para modelar preferencias del consumidor para respuesta de la demanda basada en incentivos.Demand response has emerged as a solution to shape the load curve and balance the grid. Particularly, indirect demand response management refers to programs based on the load modification of consumer behavior through price signals or incentive payments. In this dissertation, models are proposed to analyze and integrate DR systems in smart grids. The work is addressed in four parts. First, a rational behavior of a consumer under uncertainty is quantified in Peak Time Rebate programs. Second, a novel demand response contract between a user and an aggregator is proposed to face gaming concerns. This contract is based on the probability of call, which is the chance of a consumer to be selected by the aggregator to serve as demand response resource at a given period. Next, another contract for electric vehicles is presented as a solution in the indirect demand response management. A price-based model is proposed to schedule the charging process. Finally, at the market level, a competition between generators with the presence of demand response is proposed. A smooth inverse demand function is designed for modeling the consumer preferences under incentive-based demand response program.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctorad

    Historiografía de la trayectoria intelectual de Vicente Riva Palacio

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    Vicente Riva Palacio is considered by Mexican historiography as one of the most important intellectuals in the construction of the nation’s project of the modern Mexican Republic. He was a social actor with diverse profiles: military, humanist, writer and politician, an also an intellectual paradigm. In addition, the understanding of his life and work has also generated different definitions of the intellectual in Mexico. Thus, the historiography of such studies would allow us to establish a general definition of the liberal Mexican intellectual of the late nineteenth century.Vicente Riva Palacio es considerado por la historiografía mexicana como uno de los intelectuales más importantes en la construcción del proyecto de nación de la República Mexicana moderna. Riva Palacio fue un actor social con diversos perfiles: militar, humanista, escritor y político, que lo sitúan como un paradigma. Además, la comprensión de su vida y obra también ha generado distintas definiciones del intelectual en México. Así, la historiografía sobre dichos estudios nos permitiría establecer una definición general del intelectual liberal mexicano de fines del siglo xix

    Remuneration Sensitivity Analysis in Prosumer and Aggregator Strategies by Controlling Electric Vehicle Chargers

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    The efficient use of energy resources is profoundly changing power grid regulation and policy. New forms of power generation coupled with storage and the presence of new, increasingly flexible loads such as electric vehicles enable the development of multi-agent planning systems based on new forms of interaction. For instance, consumers can take advantage of flexibility by interacting directly with the grid or through aggregators that bridge the gap between these end-users and traditional centralised markets. This paper aims to provide insight into the benefits for aggregators and end-users from a financial perspective by proposing a methodology that can be applied to different scenarios. End-users may provide flexibility services related to private vehicle charging stations or battery storage systems. The paper will analyse different remuneration levels for end-users by highlighting the most beneficial scenarios for aggregators and end-users and providing evidence on potential conflict of interests. The numerical results show that some consumers may benefit more from aggregation. This is because if taken individually, consumption habits do not allow the same flexibility when considering clusters of consumers with different behaviour. It is also shown that there are cases in which consumers do not seem to benefit from the presence of intermediate parties. We provide extensive numerical results to gain insight for better decision making


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    La hepatitis C es una infección en el hígado causada por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) con alto tropismo a hepatocitos permisibles y susceptibles. El cuadro clínico en general es el de pacientes con postración, adinámicas, astenia e ictericia generalizada; sin embargo, los síntomas son inespecíficos y raramente diagnosticados. La confirmación del diagnóstico es mediante pruebas serológicas y moleculares. La existencia de la enfermedad se comprueba con la detección del antígeno, anticuerpos ARN viral (ARN-VHC) adicional a la determinación de transaminasas, albúmina, tiempo de protrombina, plaquetas, marcadores tumorales y específicos de función hepática como pruebas de elección de laboratorio clínico Objetivo: Analizar los resultados de pruebas de laboratorio clínico de pacientes que resultaron positivos a la prueba confirmatoria de VHC en el Centro Oncológico Estatal (COE) del Instituto de Seguridad Social del Estado de México y Municipios (ISEMMYM) en el periodo de enero 2008 a diciembre del 2017. Material y Métodos: Se realizará un estudio retrospectivo longitudinal de 43 casos, analizando los resultados de pruebas de laboratorio clínico (pruebas de funcionamiento hepático, de hemostasia, marcadores tumorales y específicos de función bioquímica) que resultaron positivas a la prueba confirmatoria de VHC. Los datos serán obtenidos a través de la base de datos del Laboratorio Clínico del Centro Oncológico Estatal comprendiendo del periodo enero del 2008 a diciembre del 2017. Se realizará un análisis estadístico descriptivo y de relación o asociación de acuerdo al comportamiento paramétrico o no de los datos. Para el estudio estadístico se utilizará la prueba de Mann.Whitney. Discusión de resultados: Para los resultados obtenidos con base a los niveles de albumina se tienen un total de 25 casos de los cuales el 52% le pertenece al intervalo de niveles normales y el resto 48% corresponde al rango niveles bajos en este caso a hipoalbuminemia del cual el 33.3% le pertenece al grupo de edad AM y el 66.7% al grupo de edad AMy. En los resultados de PLTS observamos que un 72% de la población tienen trombocitopenia, del cual el 4.3% pertenece al grupo de edad AJ, 43.5% al grupo AM y el 52.2% al grupo AMy, el resto de la población 18% pertenece al rango de niveles normales. Conclusiones: La relación a la infección 10 de VHC y de estos padecimientos sí se pueden relacionar a pesar que en el caso de hipoalbuminemia no se llega al 50% de los casos las cifras son significativas y ya representan un nivel alarmante, y para el caso de la trombocitopenia casi tres cuartos de la población total padecen esta patología


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    The title compound, C25H23NO, consists of a biphenyl-4-carbonyl unit attached to an exocyclic double bond group at position 2 of an indole unit, which presents methyl groups as substituents at positions 1 and 3. The mol­ecular conformation is s-cis with an E configuration, supported by weak intra­molecular C—H⋯O contacts involving the methyl groups and the carbonyl function. The rings of the biphenyl group are twisted by 37.13 (5)°. In the crystal, C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions link the molecules