71 research outputs found

    A bound on Grassmannian codes

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    We give a new asymptotic upper bound on the size of a code in the Grassmannian space. The bound is better than the upper bounds known previously in the entire range of distances except very large values.Comment: 5 pages, submitte

    Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till preoperativ hudförberedelse: en litteraturöversikt.

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    Enligt World Health Organisation [WHO] förekommer postoperativ sårinfektion hos 0,5 till 15 % av opererade patienter vilket orsakar lidande. Sjuksköterskor har ansvar för preoperativ hudförberedelse som har till uppgift att förebygga postoperativ sårinfektion. Syftet med denna studie var att med vetenskaplig litteratur undersöka sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till preoperativ hudförberedelse. Nio artiklar inkluderades i studien. Överlag hade sjuksköterskor positiv attityd till preoperativ hudförberedelse men olika grad av kunskap och erfarenhet. Patientsäkerhet värderades högt. Följsamhet till WHOs riktlinjer var hög gällande huddesinfektion men varierade gällande preoperativa duschar. Litteratur i ämnet förekom sparsamt. Den positiva attityden till hudförberedelse hos sjuksköterskor kan vara kopplat till patienters lidande vid infektion. Riktlinjer varierade i olika länder. Sjuksköterskor har olika förhållningssätt till preoperativ hudförberedelse men gemensamma drag finns

    Conformal Partial Waves and the Operator Product Expansion

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    By solving the two variable differential equations which arise from finding the eigenfunctions for the Casimir operator for O(d,2)O(d,2) succinct expressions are found for the functions, conformal partial waves, representing the contribution of an operator of arbitrary scale dimension Δ\Delta and spin \ell together with its descendants to conformal four point functions for d=4d=4, recovering old results, and also for d=6d=6. The results are expressed in terms of ordinary hypergeometric functions of variables x,zx,z which are simply related to the usual conformal invariants. An expression for the conformal partial wave amplitude valid for any dimension is also found in terms of a sum over two variable symmetric Jack polynomials which is used to derive relations for the conformal partial waves.Comment: 17 pages, uses harvmac, v2 correction to eq. 2.2

    The Paley-Wiener Theorem and the Local Huygens' Principle for Compact Symmetric Spaces

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    We prove a Paley-Wiener Theorem for a class of symmetric spaces of the compact type, in which all root multiplicities are even. This theorem characterizes functions of small support in terms of holomorphic extendability and exponential type of their (discrete) Fourier transforms. We also provide three independent new proofs of the strong Huygens' principle for a suitable constant shift of the wave equation on odd-dimensional spaces from our class.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Explicit solution of the quantum three-body Calogero-Sutherland model

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    Quantum integrable systems generalizing Calogero-Sutherland systems were introduced by Olshanetsky and Perelomov (1977). Recently, it was proved that for systems with trigonometric potential, the series in the product of two wave functions is a deformation of the Clebsch-Gordan series. This yields recursion relations for the wave functions of those systems. In this note, this approach is used to compute the explicit expressions for the three-body Calogero-Sutherland wave functions, which are the Jack polynomials. We conjecture that similar results are also valid for the more general two-parameters deformation introduced by Macdonald.Comment: 10 page

    Stein's Method and Characters of Compact Lie Groups

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    Stein's method is used to study the trace of a random element from a compact Lie group or symmetric space. Central limit theorems are proved using very little information: character values on a single element and the decomposition of the square of the trace into irreducible components. This is illustrated for Lie groups of classical type and Dyson's circular ensembles. The approach in this paper will be useful for the study of higher dimensional characters, where normal approximations need not hold.Comment: 22 pages; same results, but more efficient exposition in Section 3.

    Superconformal Ward Identities and their Solution

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    Superconformal Ward identities are derived for the the four point functions of chiral primary BPS operators for N=2,4\N=2,4 superconformal symmetry in four dimensions. Manipulations of arbitrary tensorial fields are simplified by introducing a null vector so that the four point functions depend on two internal RR-symmetry invariants as well as two conformal invariants. The solutions of these identities are interpreted in terms of the operator product expansion and are shown to accommodate long supermultiplets with free scale dimensions and also short and semi-short multiplets with protected dimensions. The decomposition into RR-symmetry representations is achieved by an expansion in terms of two variable harmonic polynomials which can be expressed also in terms of Legendre polynomials. Crossing symmetry conditions on the four point functions are also discussed.Comment: 73 pages, plain Tex, uses harvmac, version 2, extra reference

    An elementary construction of lowering and raising operators for the trigonometric Calogero–Sutherland model

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    Preprint[EN]Quantum Calogero-Sutherland model of A_n type is completely integrable. Using this fact, we give an elementary construction of lowering an raising operators for the trigonometric case. This is similar, but more complicated (due to the fact that the energy spectrum is not equidistant) than the construction for the rational case. [ES]El modelo Cuántico Calogero-Sutherland de tipo A_n es completamente integrable. Usando este hecho, damos una construcción elemental de descenso en operadores de crecimiento para el caso trigonométrico. Esto es similar, pero más complicado (debido al hecho de que el espectro de energía no es equidistante) de la construcción para el caso racional

    Matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials related to (SU(2)\times SU(2),diag), II

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    In a previous paper we have introduced matrix-valued analogues of the Chebyshev polynomials by studying matrix-valued spherical functions on SU(2)\times SU(2). In particular the matrix-size of the polynomials is arbitrarily large. The matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials and the corresponding weight function are studied. In particular, we calculate the LDU-decomposition of the weight where the matrix entries of L are given in terms of Gegenbauer polynomials. The monic matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials P_n are expressed in terms of Tirao's matrix-valued hypergeometric function using the matrix-valued differential operator of first and second order to which the P_n's are eigenfunctions. From this result we obtain an explicit formula for coefficients in the three-term recurrence relation satisfied by the polynomials P_n. These differential operators are also crucial in expressing the matrix entries of P_nL as a product of a Racah and a Gegenbauer polynomial. We also present a group theoretic derivation of the matrix-valued differential operators by considering the Casimir operators corresponding to SU(2)\times SU(2).Comment: 35 pages, sequel to arXiv:1012.2719, incorporating referee's comments (including change in title