12 research outputs found

    Imagens sobre taxonomia e sistemática zoológica, análise nos livros didáticos de biologia do PNLD 2018-2021 / Images on taxonomy and zoo systematics, analysis on the 2018-2021 PNLD biology school books

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    As imagens presentes nos livros didáticos quando bem utilizadas os fundamentam, proporcionam uma maior qualidade ao material e tornam-se uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Nesse estudo, foram analisadas imagens relacionadas a taxonomia e sistemática zoológica encontradas nos livros didáticos de Biologia, considerou-se para a coleta de dados, as 10 coleções de livros didáticos de Biologia, ofertadas para o triênio de 2018-2021 pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD).  Realizou-se análise qualitativa por meio da leitura crítica, tendo como foco critérios avaliativos estabelecidos referentes ao uso de imagens. Após essa etapa as coleções foram classificadas como: Inexistente, insatisfatórias, regulares, boas e ótimas. Verificou-se que as imagens relacionadas a classificação zoológica não seguem um padrão para todas as coleções, sendo que cada autor define uma maneira para utilizá-las. Considera-se que pesquisas como esta são importantes e necessárias, pois contribuem como ferramentas para a escolha dos livros didáticos bem como na busca da melhoria da qualidade desse recurso pedagógico

    In vitro effect of seven essential oils on the reproduction of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus

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    AbstractThe acaricidal effect of seven essential oils was examined in vitro against the cattle tick (Rhipicephalus microplus). Engorged female ticks were manually collected in farms of Southern Brazil and placed into petri dishes (n=10) in order to test the following oils: juniper (Juniperus communis), palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), cedar (Cedrus atlantica), lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) and bergamot (Citrus aurantium var bergamia) at concentrations of 1%, 5%, and 10% each. A control group was used to validate the tests containing Triton X-100 only. Treatment effectiveness was measured considering inhibition of tick oviposition (partial or total), egg’s weight, and hatchability. C. martinii, C. citratus and C. atlantica essential oils showed efficacy higher than 99% at all concentrations tested. In addition, J. communis, Z. officinale, P. graveolens, and C. aurantium var bergamia oils showed efficiency ranging from 73% to 95%, depending on the concentration tested, where higher concentrations showed greater efficacy. It was concluded that essential oils can affect tick reproduction in vitro by inhibiting oviposition and hatchability

    Repellent Effects of Andiroba and Copaiba Oils against Musca domestica (Common House Fly) and Ecotoxicological Effects on the Environment

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    Background: The main challenge in raising cattle in Brazil is related to ectoparasites, that cause negative effects on milk and meat production, and in severe cases, animal death. Sheds known as crèches attracts large number insects mainly due to milk residues in the environment. The housefly is a major problem due to act as vectors of many other diseases, and so there is the possibility of control of infestations with natural products. Andiroba and copaiba oils may act as natural biocides, there are only a few studies on their effect on biological soil parameters. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the repellent effect of andiroba and copaiba oils against flies and on biological soil parameters.Materials, Methods & Results: The repellency effect of oils of andiroba and copaiba was tested at a concentration of 5% in lambs shed maternity, containing 64 bays (1.8 m2). It was sprayed 30 mL per pen, where they were housed five lambs each. Pre-treatment counts were taken before the treatment (mean 46 per pen after Musca domestica), and post-treatment count was made on 2, 24 and 48 h. The data collected at 2 and 24 h was evaluated and the number of flies was reduced significantly (P 0.05). Ecotoxicological test using increasing concentrations in the soil (0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg) regarding changes in basal respiration (C-CO2), and survival and reproduction of springtails (Folsomia candida). It was observed an increased amount of mineralized C-CO2 until the day 10 of incubation for both oils without inhibition of the microbial respiratory process in any dose. The copaiba oil showed higher amounts of accumulated C-CO2 compared to andiroba oil in all studied concentrations (P 0.05), the same was observed for the reproduction results, where there was no reduction in the number of juveniles (P > 0.05).Discussion: According literature, andiroba and copaiba oils have repellent effect against domestic fly when sprayed onto infected cow’s horn fly, similar results also were reported in vitro tests against M. domestica larvae using andiroba oil and noted 80% larval mortality. The use of natural products in disease control is growing, but its impacts on the environment are not known, so in addition to suggesting therapies it is important to be concerned with ecotoxicological tests. Researchers showed an effect of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil on F. candida and reported 76% reduction in its survival rate at concentration of 60 mg/kg soil.  Basal soil respiration is a sensitive indicator that quickly reveals changes in the environmental conditions that affect microbial activity, and the data presented herein reveal an increase in the respiration of microorganisms depending on the amount of oil added to the soil.  The essential oils of copaiba and andiroba have repellent effect against Musca domestica, and did not show any toxicity to inhibit microbial activity in the soil. In addition, the presence of the oils in the soil did not affect the survival and reproduction of springtails Folsomia candida

    Physiological potential of maize seeds submitted to different treatments and storage periods

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    Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate seed germination and vigor of maize subjected to different products and storage periods. The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot on time. In the plots were distributed nine treatments: an untreated control, one treatment called “standard treatment”, with addition of fungicide (fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M) and insecticide (thiamethoxam). From the standard treatment, six treatments with combinations of inoculant (Azospirillum brasilense), micronutrients (nitrogen + potassium + zinc + boron + copper + iron + manganese + molibdenium) and bioregulator. Lastly, a treatment called “complete treatment” including all products. In subplots the storage periods of zero, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days were evaluated. Seed vigour of maize was reduced by seed treatments and storage. Micronutrients addition resulted in higher fitotoxicity in comparison to the addition of other products, regardless of storage period. The treatment with the combination of fungicide, insecticide and inoculant proved to be feasible, and was the most promising seed treatments. None of the studied treatments affected the germination in up to 45 days of storage, however the complete treatment with 3200 mL .100 kg-1 reduced seed vigour

    Physiological potential of maize seeds submitted to different treatments and storage periods

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    <div><p>Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate seed germination and vigor of maize subjected to different products and storage periods. The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot on time. In the plots were distributed nine treatments: an untreated control, one treatment called “standard treatment”, with addition of fungicide (fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M) and insecticide (thiamethoxam). From the standard treatment, six treatments with combinations of inoculant (Azospirillum brasilense), micronutrients (nitrogen + potassium + zinc + boron + copper + iron + manganese + molibdenium) and bioregulator. Lastly, a treatment called “complete treatment” including all products. In subplots the storage periods of zero, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days were evaluated. Seed vigour of maize was reduced by seed treatments and storage. Micronutrients addition resulted in higher fitotoxicity in comparison to the addition of other products, regardless of storage period. The treatment with the combination of fungicide, insecticide and inoculant proved to be feasible, and was the most promising seed treatments. None of the studied treatments affected the germination in up to 45 days of storage, however the complete treatment with 3200 mL .100 kg-1 reduced seed vigour.</p></div

    Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats from the Western Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    This study aims to investigate the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats from the Western Santa Catarina, Brazil. Twenty four farms were analyzed in 17 different municipalities. Animals (n=217) from different production purposes (milk and meat) and age were randomly chosen. Fecal samples were collected from the rectum stored in plastic bottles and transported to the laboratory in portable coolers at 10 °C. The technique of centrifugal flotation with saturated sugar solution was carried out in order to investigate the presence of eggs, cysts, and oocysts of gastrointestinal parasites. In 88.9% of the investigated animals, it was observed that the presence of nematode eggs which belongs to the Strongylida order, after cultivation and larvae identification were identified as Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Teladorsagia spp., Cooperia spp., and Oesophagostomum spp. Eggs of Thysanosoma, Trichuris, Moniezia, and Neoascaris genus were also observed. Additionally, the presence of oocysts of Eimeria spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. as well as cysts of Giardia spp., and Entamoeba spp. were verified. In all the farms evaluated, the animals showed a single or mixed infection, with the highest occurrence of helminths belonging to the Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus genus, as well as the protozoan Eimeria

    Resumos em andamento - Educação

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    Resumos em andamento - Educaçã