235 research outputs found

    On the energy dependence of K/πK/\pi fluctuations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    In this note we will discuss the energy dependence of particle ratio fluctuations in heavy ion collisions. We study how the inherent multiplicity dependence of ratio fluctuations is reflected in the excitation function of the dynamical fluctuations. Specifically, we will show that the observed excitation function of dynamical K/πK/\pi fluctuations is consistent with the expected dependence on the number of accepted pions and kaons in both the STAR and NA49 experiments

    Interface Identification constrained by Local-to-Nonlocal Coupling

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    Models of physical phenomena that use nonlocal operators are better suited for some applications than their classical counterparts that employ partial differential operators. However, the numerical solution of these nonlocal problems can be quite expensive. Therefore, Local-to-Nonlocal couplings have emerged that combine partial differential operators with nonlocal operators. In this work, we make use of an energy-based Local-to-Nonlocal coupling that serves as a constraint for an interface identification problem.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Inactivation of the Mouse L-Proline Transporter PROT Alters Glutamatergic Synapse Biochemistry and Perturbs Behaviors Required to Respond to Environmental Changes

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    The endogenous neutral amino acid L-proline exhibits a variety of physiological and behavioral actions in the nervous system, highlighting the importance of accurately regulating its extracellular abundance. The L-proline transporter PROT (Slc6A7) is believed to control the spatial and temporal distribution of L-proline at glutamatergic synapses by rapid uptake of this amino acid into presynaptic terminals. Despite the importance of members of the Slc6 transporter family regulating neurotransmitter signaling and homeostasis in brain, evidence that PROT dysfunction supports risk for mental illness is lacking. Here we report the disruption of the PROT gene by homologous recombination. Mice defective in PROT displayed altered expression of glutamate transmission-related synaptic proteins in cortex and thalamus. PROT deficiency perturbed mouse behavior, such as reduced locomotor activity, decreased approach motivation and impaired memory extinction. Thus, our study demonstrates that PROT regulates behaviors that are needed to respond to environmental changes in vivo and suggests that PROT dysfunctions might contribute to mental disorders showing altered response choice following task contingency changes

    Pfam: clans, web tools and services

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    Pfam is a database of protein families that currently contains 7973 entries (release 18.0). A recent development in Pfam has enabled the grouping of related families into clans. Pfam clans are described in detail, together with the new associated web pages. Improvements to the range of Pfam web tools and the first set of Pfam web services that allow programmatic access to the database and associated tools are also presented. Pfam is available on the web in the UK (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/), the USA (http://pfam.wustl.edu/), France (http://pfam.jouy.inra.fr/) and Sweden (http://pfam.cgb.ki.se/)

    Assessment and Diagnostic Classification Using DC:0-5 in Early Childhood Mental Health Clinics: The Protocol for the Developmental Psychiatry Diagnostic Challenges Study (DePsy)

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    Mental health problems in early childhood are common, but there is a lack of psychiatric research on this age group. DC:0-5 is a multiaxial classification system for mental disorders in early childhood, providing a framework for standardizing clinical practice and research. However, research on the validity of DC:0-5 is scarce. The Developmental Psychiatry Diagnostic Challenges Study (DePsy) is a multi-site, prospective clinical study including six German early childhood mental health (ECMH) clinics. The main objective of the study is to contribute to the validation of Axis I and Axis II of DC:0-5. A second aim of the study is to describe the population of the participating clinics regarding diagnoses, family context, and treatment outcomes. Additionally, the impact of environmental risk factors, including parental Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and media use, on child psychopathology and caregiver–child relationships will be examined. Over two years, patients aged 0.0–5.9 years old will be enrolled in the study. Assessments include ICD-10 and DC:0- 5 diagnoses, developmental tests, video-based observations of caregiver—child interactions, and questionnaires on child psychopathology, media use, parental stress, and treatment satisfaction. Study results will promote the standardization of assessment and treatment in ECMH clinics aiming to improve the development of patients and their families

    Injury Pattern and Current Early Clinical Care of Pediatric Polytrauma Comparing Different Age Groups in a Level I Trauma Center

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    Introduction: Pediatric polytrauma is a complex condition with unique characteristics and requirements for early clinical care. This study aimed to analyze the injury patterns, early clinical care, and outcomes of pediatric polytrauma patients in a Level I trauma center. The focus was on evaluation between different age groups and the recognition of injuries as potential factors influencing outcomes. Methods: A prospective cohort study model of pediatric polytrauma patients (ISS ≥ 16) was conducted over a 13-year period, stratified by age groups (Group A: 0–5 years; Group B: 6–10 years; Group C: 11–15 years; and Group D: 16–18 years). A comparison of the groups was conducted to examine variations in early clinical care, trauma mechanisms, distribution of affected body regions (as per AIS and ISS criteria), and trauma-related mortality. Additionally, factors contributing to mortality were evaluated. Results: The median age of patients was 16 years, with a male predominance (64.7%). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) varied across age groups, with no significant difference. The 30-day mortality rate was 19.0%, with no significant age-related differences. Trauma mechanisms varied across age groups, with motor vehicle accidents being the most common mechanism in all age groups except 0–5 years, where falls were prevalent. Analysis of injury patterns by AIS body regions indicated that head trauma was a significant predictor of mortality (Hazard Ratio 2.894, p < 0.001), while chest, abdominal, and extremity trauma showed no significant association with mortality. Multiple regression analysis identified the ISS and preclinical GCS as valid predictors of mortality (p < 0.001 and p = 0.006, respectively). Conclusions: While age-related differences in injury severity and clinical interventions were limited, head trauma emerged as a critical predictor of mortality. Early recognition and management of head injuries are crucial in improving outcomes. Additionally, the ISS and preclinical GCS were identified as valid predictors of mortality, emphasizing the importance of early assessment and resuscitation. A tailored approach to pediatric polytrauma care, considering both age and injury patterns, might contribute to survival benefits in this vulnerable populatio

    Distinct spatiotemporal patterns and PARP dependence of XRCC1 recruitment to single-strand break and base excision repair

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    Single-strand break repair (SSBR) and base excision repair (BER) of modified bases and abasic sites share several players. Among them is XRCC1, an essential scaffold protein with no enzymatic activity, required for the coordination of both pathways. XRCC1 is recruited to SSBR by PARP-1, responsible for the initial recognition of the break. The recruitment of XRCC1 to BER is still poorly understood. Here we show by using both local and global induction of oxidative DNA base damage that XRCC1 participation in BER complexes can be distinguished from that in SSBR by several criteria. We show first that XRCC1 recruitment to BER is independent of PARP. Second, unlike SSBR complexes that are assembled within minutes after global damage induction, XRCC1 is detected later in BER patches, with kinetics consistent with the repair of oxidized bases. Third, while XRCC1-containing foci associated with SSBR are formed both in eu- and heterochromatin domains, BER complexes are assembled in patches that are essentially excluded from heterochromatin and where the oxidized bases are detected

    A unique transcriptome: 1782 positions of RNA editing alter 1406 codon identities in mitochondrial mRNAs of the lycophyte Isoetes engelmannii

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    The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of Isoetes engelmannii as a first representative of the lycophytes recently revealed very small introns and indications for extremely frequent RNA editing. To analyze functionality of intron splicing and the extent of RNA editing in I. engelmannii, we performed a comprehensive analysis of its mitochondrial transcriptome. All 30 groups I and II introns were found to be correctly removed, showing that intron size reduction does not impede splicing. We find that mRNA editing affects 1782 sites, which lead to a total of 1406 changes in codon meanings. This includes the removal of stop codons from 23 of the 25 mitochondrial protein encoding genes. Comprehensive sequence analysis of multiple cDNAs per locus allowed classification of partially edited sites as either inefficiently edited but relevant or as non-specifically edited at mostly low frequencies. Abundant RNA editing was also found to affect tRNAs in hitherto unseen frequency, taking place at 41 positions in tRNA-precursors, including the first identification of U-to-C exchanges in two tRNA species. We finally investigated the four group II introns of the nad7 gene and could identify 27 sites of editing, most of which improve base pairing for proper secondary structure formation