286 research outputs found

    Reframing talent identification as a status-organising process:Examining talent hierarchies through data mining

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    We examine how peers form talent appraisals of team members, reframing talent identification as a status-organising social process. Using decision trees, we modelled configurations of characteristics and behaviours that predicted dominant versus parallel routes to achieving the status of most talented team member. Across 44 multidisciplinary teams, talent status was most often granted to peers perceived as having both leadership and analytic talent; a STEM degree served a dominant signalling function. Where previous studies assumed that degree operates as a specific status characteristic, we show that a STEM degree operates as a diffuse status characteristic, which predicts status in general. We thus discovered that status hierarchies in teams are also based on the type of talent—and not just the level of talent—members are perceived to possess. In so doing, we offer a proof of concept of what we call ‘talent hierarchies’ in teams, for future research to build on

    Apprentissage de la langue, espace intercuItureI et renforcement de la cultme première

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    Ⅱ ne Si agit pas ici, eulement, de parler ct' apprentissge de la langue, de définir les notions de culture, de culturel, de multiculturel; il s'agit surtout, à partir de tout cela de vous présenter le concept d'interculturel; c'est aussi par rétroaction, par rapport à ce Qualitatif dynamique d'interculturel. de vous faire réfléchir sur les fins, sur les buts de notre enseignement, qui est un enseignement essentiellement non positiviste; Cf est enfin de montrer l'intérêt fécondant de l'interculture1 sur la prise de conscience de la culture de départ. Tout d'abord. deux rappels. Et pour conunencer une première question. Pourquoi parler de culture à des personnes intéressées à la langue? Vous le savez aussi bien Que moi: parce Que la langue est l'un des axes dynamiques de la culture. La culture, elle, recouvre, reflète, pour ensuite décoder. tout ce Qui est original, singulier, propre à une ethnie, à une nation et qui. en plus de l'univers de la parole, de la communication. qui intéressent particulièrement les professeurs de langue, comprend aussi ceux du mythe, de 1 r idée, de la raison, de la conscience, des rites et des croyances même

    Osnove problematike audio-vizualne globalno-strukturalne metode

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    • »La langue individuelle est la seule et unique langue réelle«. R. Jakobson • »Nur Peripherische«. R. Jakobson • »L\u27activité de l\u27homme qui s\u27est fait un tableau du monde, change la réalite« Lénine • »On fait toujours de la philosophie quand on parle du langage« P. Guberina Dédié au Professeur Petar Guberina à l\u27occasion de son soixante-quinzième anniversaire L\u27auteur étudie la problématique du SGAV (Méthodologie audio-visuelle structuro-globale) du point de vue historique et épistémologique. Il considère que la méthodologie est antipositiviste et qu\u27elle offre les possibilités d\u27acquisition des savoirs sans recettes en se basant sur les capacités créatrices de l\u27élève. L\u27auteur avance l\u27idée que la théorie du SGAV---qui fait partie de la théorie verbotonale -est en résonance avec certaines idées de Hegel, les prémisses linguistiques de Bailly et de Jakobson, et que la linguistique pragmatique actuelle contient des éléments importants de la théorie du SGAV -verbotonale.Autor proučava problematiku SGAV-a (Audio-vizualna globalno-strukturalna metoda) s historijskog i epistemološkog stanovišta. To je vrlo originalna analiza AVGS - verbotonalne metode - jer uz iznošenje ovisnih principa proučava u teoriji i sljedeće: 1) Teorija je anti-pozitivistička; 2) Postoji puna veza između primjene i teorije; 3) Ta metoda i ta teorija pružaju mogućnosti znanja, učenja, saznavanja bez recepata; 4) Teorija istovremeno ima svoje veze s teorijama Hegela, Saussure-a, Bailly-a i Jakobsona, a najnovija fenomenologija i lingvistička pragmatika imaju mnogo dodirnih točaka s AVGS - verbotonalnom teorijom; 5) Ova teorija - primjena daje djeci veliku mogućnost kreativnosti. Ona je uvijek široka i slobodna lepeza koja dodiruje individuum i socijalno-kulturnu okolinu

    TP-Compilation for inference in probabilistic logic programs

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    We propose TP -compilation, a new inference technique for probabilistic logic programs that is based on forward reasoning. TP -compilation proceeds incrementally in that it interleaves the knowledge compilation step for weighted model counting with forward reasoning on the logic program. This leads to a novel anytime algorithm that provides hard bounds on the inferred probabilities. The main difference with existing inference techniques for probabilistic logic programs is that these are a sequence of isolated transformations. Typically, these transformations include conversion of the ground program into an equivalent propositional formula and compilation of this formula into a more tractable target representation for weighted model counting. An empirical evaluation shows that TP -compilation effectively handles larger instances of complex or cyclic real-world problems than current sequential approaches, both for exact and anytime approximate inference. Furthermore, we show that TP -compilation is conducive to inference in dynamic domains as it supports efficient updates to the compiled model

    BEHAVE - Behavioral analysis of visual events for assisted living scenarios

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    International audienceThis paper proposes BEHAVE, a person-centered pipeline for probabilistic event recognition. The proposed pipeline firstly detects the set of people in a video frame, then it searches for correspondences between people in the current and previous frames (i.e., people tracking). Finally, event recognition is carried for each person using proba-bilistic logic models (PLMs, ProbLog2 language). PLMs represent interactions among people, home appliances and semantic regions. They also enable one to assess the probability of an event given noisy observations of the real world. BEHAVE was evaluated on the task of online (non-clipped videos) and open-set event recognition (e.g., target events plus none class) on video recordings of seniors carrying out daily tasks. Results have shown that BEHAVE improves event recognition accuracy by handling missed and partially satisfied logic models. Future work will investigate how to extend PLMs to represent temporal relations among events

    Further Characterization of Activin A-induced IgA Response in Murine B Lymphocytes

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    We have recently shown that activin A, a member of TGF-β superfamily, stimulates mouse B cells to express IgA isotype but other isotypes. In the present study, we further characterized effects of activin A on B cell growth and IgA expression. We found that activin A did not have effect on LPS-stimulated cell viability. In parallel, CFSE staining analysis revealed that activin A did not alter cell division. An increase of IgA secretion by activin A was completely abrogated by anti-activin A Ab but not by anti-TGFβ1 Ab. In the same conditions, no other isotypes are significantly affected by each antibody treatment. Finally, activin A, as similar to TGF-β1, increased IgA secretion by mesenteric lymph node cells. These results suggest that activin A can specifically stimulate IgA response, independent of TGF-β in the gut

    End-to-end neural network architecture for fraud scoring in card payments

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    [EN] Millions of euros are lost every year due to fraudulent card transactions. The design and implementation of efficient fraud detection methods is mandatory to minimize such losses. In this paper, we present a neural network based system for fraud detection in banking systems. We use a real world dataset, and describe an end-to-end solution from the practitioner's perspective, by focusing on the following crucial aspects: unbalancedness, data processing and cost metric evaluation. Our analysis shows that the proposed solution achieves comparable performance values with state-of-the-art proprietary and costly solutions. (c) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Gomez, J.; Arévalo, J.; Paredes Palacios, R.; Nin, J. (2018). End-to-end neural network architecture for fraud scoring in card payments. Pattern Recognition Letters. 105:175-181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2017.08.024S17518110

    Exploiting local and repeated structure in Dynamic Bayesian Networks

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    We introduce the structural interface algorithm for exact probabilistic inference in Dynamic Bayesian Networks. It unifies state-of-the-art techniques for inference in static and dynamic networks, by combining principles of knowledge compilation with the interface algorithm. The resulting algorithm not only exploits the repeated structure in the network, but also the local structure, including determinism, parameter equality and context-specific independence. Empirically, we show that the structural interface algorithm speeds up inference in the presence of local structure, and scales to larger and more complex networks