38 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Tests and their Application in the Management of Soil- and Water-borne Oomycete Pathogen Species

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    Oomycete diseases cause significant losses across a broad range of crop and aquaculture commodities worldwide. These losses can be greatly reduced by disease management practices steered by accurate and early diagnoses of pathogen presence. Determinations of disease potential can help guide optimal crop rotation regimes, varietal selections, targeted control measures, harvest timings and crop post-harvest handling. Pathogen detection prior to infection can also reduce the incidence of disease epidemics. Classical methods for the isolation of oomycete pathogens are normally deployed only after disease symptom appearance. These processes are often-time consuming, relying on culturing the putative pathogen(s) and the availability of expert taxonomic skills for accurate identification; a situation that frequently results in either delayed application, or routine ‘blanket’ over-application of control measures. Increasing concerns about pesticides in the environment and the food chain, removal or restriction of their usage combined with rising costs have focussed interest in the development and improvement of disease management systems. To be effective, these require timely, accurate and preferably quantitatve diagnoses. A wide range of rapid diagnostic tools, from point of care immunodiagnostic kits to next generation nucleotide sequencing have potential application in oomycete disease management. Here we review currently-available as well as promising new technologies in the context of commercial agricultural production systems, considering the impacts of specific biotic and abiotic and other important factors such as speed and ease of access to information and cost effectivenes

    EnquĂȘte satisfaction auprĂšs d'usagers des Services d'Urgences des dĂ©partements 04 et 05 (intĂ©rĂȘt d'une enquĂȘte multicentrique)

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    NICE-BU MĂ©decine Odontologie (060882102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Influence of stress and sexual experience in the response to the ram effect

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    Influence of stress and sexual experience in the response to the ram effect. 18. International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR

    A method for estimating dry forage intake by sheep using polyethylene glycol as a faecal marker measured with NIRS

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    In experiments based on ruminants’ individual dry matter intake (DMI) assessment, several external markers can be used to estimate faecal output when total faeces collection is not possible. However, preparation of the markers to be administered and analytical procedures used for marker content determination are time-consuming thus strongly limiting the number of animals involved in the experiments. In this paper, polyethylene glycol (PEG, molecular weight 6000 da) was tested as a faecal marker. Four trials were conducted on dry, non-lactating ewes kept in digestibility crates that allowed individual measurements. The overall experiment was designed to assess the major factors that could lessen the effectiveness of this method, assuming that the use of grab samples of faeces is sufficient. Trial 1 was designed to test two levels of PEG (20 and 40 g/day) administered in two equal amounts. Trial 2 was designed to test the effect of either a single morning (0800 h) dose (20 g/day) or a twice daily administration (0800 and 1600 h) of the same fractionated dose. Trial 3 was designed to test a 20 g/day dose of PEG administered once daily to ewes fed with hays of different qualities: medium (MH) and low (LH). In trial 4, a lower dose of PEG (10 g/day) was administered once a day to ewes fed with fresh oat–vetch forage. It was demonstrated that PEG could be precisely estimated (average prediction error53.47 g/kg) with near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). On the basis of the four trials, it has been proved that PEG administration (20 and 40 g/day) did not significantly affect the DMI of ewes fed dry diets (trials 1, 2 and 3), whereas there was an unexpected increase of DMI for ewes fed exclusively with green feed (trial 4) without DM digestibility modification. Providing PEG as a single dose (0800 h) or split into two equal parts (0800 and 1600 h) did not alter the estimated DMI. Considering the interest of grab sampling, there were clear variations of PEG in faeces with higher concentrations observed at 0800 and 1600 h and lower concentrations at 1400 h. Consequently, with PEG (measured with NIRS) administered once and using the grab sampling procedure (morning collection), it is possible to estimate the DMI of dry feeds with good accuracy. For green feeds, more research is needed as the estimated results are still highly variable

    Les applications de l’identification Ă©lectronique des petits ruminants au service de l’élevage biologique

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     Colloque Dinabio mai 2008 Ă  MontpellierNational audienceTechnical constraints of livestock production in organic farming systems are numerous and require more attention than in conventional systems. The implementation of individual electronic identification that is planned in Europe offers the possibility of developing automated devices that may be well adapted to the practices of organic breeders. We developed an automated mounting detector, carried by a male, which makes it possible to detect any female in oestrus. Hence, this device is the unique solution for inseminating females when they are fertile, thus ensuring links with selection programmes. The second device developed is a dynamic sorting door based on respect for animal behaviour, preventing stress by allowing animals not to be unnecessarily confined. When associated with an electronic weighing device, it offers the possibility of adapting health treatments to the appropriate animals, in agreement with organic breeding specifications. Finally, electronic identification combined with GPS offers the breeder the possibility of simplifying the certification of animals in areas converted to organic farming. We believe that these technologies may greatly reduce the workload of breeders while improving animal welfare.Les trois principales contraintes de l’élevage biologique, que sont la maĂźtrise de la reproduction sans hormones, les opĂ©rations de tri associĂ©es aux stratĂ©gies de traitements sanitaires et la certification gĂ©olocalisĂ©e des animaux peuvent ĂȘtre allĂ©gĂ©es par des automates qui s’appuient sur l’identification Ă©lectronique individuelle. Nous prĂ©sentons respectivement un dĂ©tecteur de chaleur, un couloir de tri dynamique qui permet entre autres d’ajuster les traitements antiparasitaires et un moyen de simplifier la certification des animaux sur des territoires convertis au BIO

    DĂ©tection automatisĂ©e des chaleurs chez des brebis MĂ©rinos d’Arles pendant 4 cycles successifs

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    En Ă©levage ovin, l’IA a Ă©tĂ© rendue possible par la synchronisation de la survenue des chaleurs. Cependant, tout en confĂ©rant une bonne rĂ©ussite moyenne Ă  l’IA, l’utilisation successive de traitements et une insĂ©mination unique Ă  heure fixe ont fait apparaitre des problĂšmes de subfertilitĂ©. L’opportunitĂ© de dĂ©tecter en temps rĂ©el les brebis en chaleur offre de nouvelles perspectives : pour identifier les causes de sub-fertilitĂ© sur IA et, en BIO, pour rĂ©aliser des IA sur des brebis naturellement synchronisĂ©es par un effet mĂąle. Un dĂ©tecteur Ă©lectronique de chevauchement (ALPHA, Wallace), basĂ© sur un lecteur RFID autonome portĂ© par un bĂ©lier, identifie chaque brebis chevauchĂ©e par lecture de son identifiant (Bocquier et al., 2006 ; Maton et al., 2010). L’objectif de l’étude est d’évaluer l’ALPHA sur des effectifs importants de brebis synchronisĂ©es tels que ceux rencontrĂ©s sur le Rayon de Roquefort et de l’utiliser sur des cycles successifs afin de dĂ©tecter les brebis non gestantes

    Use of the OSCOUR network data to describe low back pain attendances in French ED

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    ObjectiveThe study describes the characteristics of attendances for low back pain (LBP) in the French emergency departments (ED) network OscourÂź, in order to give an overview of this disease before launching a prevention campaign.IntroductionLBP is one of the leading contributors to disease burden worldwide [1]. In France, LBP is a frequent reason of general practice consultations. According to a study published in 2017 and based on 2014 data issued of the National Health Insurance Cross-Schemes Information System (Sniiram) [2], this pathology stands for 30% of thickness leave and 4 of 5 people will suffer of low back pain during their own life. Most often, LBP is a chronic pathology with acute episodes which most often require emergency care.In order to prevent chronicity, French health care insurance launched into a mainstream national prevention campaign during spring 2018. This campaign was also targeted for health professional to inform them of the best recommendations to provide to their patients. Then the French society of emergency medicine (SFMU) has been asked to relay this campaign to emergency departments (ED) where LBP is a frequent reason of attendance.Since 2004, the French syndromic surveillance system SurSaUDÂź [3] coordinated by the French Public Health Agency (SantĂ© publique France) daily collects morbidity data from the emergency departments (ED) network OscourÂź. Almost 92% of the French ED attendances were recorded by the system in 2017.The availability of this large ED dataset on the whole territory since several years gives the opportunity to describe LBP attendances before the potential fallout of the national prevention campaign.MethodsFor each ED attendance, the SurSaUDÂź system daily collects individual data containing demographic (age, gender, zip code), administrative (ED unit, date of attendance, transport
) and medical information (medical diagnosis (ICD10), chief complaint, severity, hospit.). These data are routinely analyzed to detect and follow-up various expected or unusual public health events all over the territory [3] and also constitute a large database to perform in-depth studies on specific public health issues.ED attendances with a medical diagnosis of LBP have been identified using at least one of the following ICD10 codes “M545”, “M5450”, “M5456”, “M5457”, “M5458”, “M5459”. Those data have been analyzed from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2017 (504 ED) for the following age groups; less than 18 years old (yo), 18 to 34 yo, 35 to 49 yo, 50 to 64 yo, 65 to 84 yo and 85 yo and over, at national and regional levels. ED attendances have been also described by month, day of week and hour of day. Hospitalizations after discharge, stay duration in ED services, transport and associated diagnoses were also analyzed.ResultsFrom 2014 to 2017, 481,291 ED attendances for LBP were recorded corresponding to 1.12% of the total number of ED attendances with a coded diagnosis. 60% of annual ED attendances for LBP concern 18 to 50 years old adults. The proportion of LBP attendances among the all-cause activity remains stable between 2014 and 2017.At the regional level, LBP proportion among the all-cause activity is similar to the national value in metropolitan regions (0.8% in Brittany to 1.6% in Corsica) and is lower than the national value in overseas regions (0.4% in Mayotte to 0.8% in Guyane) except for Saint-BarthĂ©lĂ©my (1.8%).At the national level, almost 10% of ED attendances for LBP are hospitalized after discharge. This proportion increases with age to reach 43% for the 85 years old and more. Proportion of hospitalization ranges between 5.6% (in Paris area) and 17.1% (in Brittany) in metropolitan regions and between 2.8% (Guyane) and 9.3% (Reunion island) in overseas regions.From 2014 to 2017, ED attendances for LBP remain stable by month. However, we observed a slight decrease along the week with more attendances on Monday (17.8% of LBP attendances) than the other days. The attendances are more frequent in the morning (between 6 and 12 AM).At the national level, mean stay duration for LBP attendances in ED is almost 5 hours whereas median stay duration is 2 hours and 45 minutes. Stay duration is longer for patient arrived during night hours (from midnight to 6 AM) and for those hospitalized after discharge. Stay duration is also increasing with age. At the regional level, mean stay duration varies from 3 to more than 6 hours.ConclusionsThe broad coverage of the French ED network on the whole territory since several years enables to give an overview of ED attendances for acute LBP and their characteristics.One strength of the system is its strong partnership between epidemiologists and the ED physicians. It enables to verify that the results of the study are consistent with their perception on the field.The results of this study will be used as reference to evaluate potential benefits of this campaign.Finally, this study is a good illustration of how the syndromic surveillance system in collaboration with ED physicians, can quickly provide valuable data to support political strategies.References[1] Maher et al, Non-specific low back pain Lancet 2017; 389: 736–47 Published Online October 10, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S0140-6736(16)30970-9[2] Assurance Maladie, Le patient adulte atteint de lombalgie commune; Livret d’information Octobre 2017 donnĂ©es SNIRAAM 2014, https://www.ameli.fr/sites/default/files/Documents/346618/document/lombalgie-professionnels-de-sante_assurance-maladie.pdf[3] Caserio-Schönemann C, Bousquet V, Fouillet A, Henry V, pour l’équipe projet SurSaUDÂź. Le systĂšme de surveillance syndromique SurSaUDÂź. Bull EpidĂ©miol Hebd. 2014;(3-4):38-44.