103 research outputs found

    Experts react: Macron and Le Pen advance to the run-off in the French presidential election

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    France held the first round of its presidential election on 23 April, with Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen making it to the second round. The centrist Macron is projected to have won 23.8 percent of the vote, while the Front National’s leader Le Pen came second with 21.5 percent. For the first time since the 1970s, no candidate from either mainstream party has made it through to the run-off, pointing at the possibility of a radical realignment in French politics. Keep an eye on this page for more expert reactions coming in throughout the day. Marta Lorimer: “Macron is expected to win the election, but it is still unclear whether he will be able to govern” Thomas Vitiello: “The recomposition of the French left has started” David Lees: “It would be unwise to write off Le Pen just yet” Andrew Glencross: “Neither candidate would have made it this far if it was not for the confluence of short-term and long-term crises in French society” Nick Parsons: “The blurring of ideological divisions may make the run-off vote closer than expected

    Molecular collective response and dynamical symmetry properties in biopotentials of superior plants: Experimental observations and quantum field theory modeling

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    Trees employ impulses of electrical activity to coordinate actions of their bodies and long-distance communication. There are indications that the vascular system might act as a network of pathways for traveling electrical impulses. A question arises about the correlation and interplay between the molecular (microscopic) level and the macroscopic observable behavior of the system (the electrical impulses), for individual trees and as a component of the larger living ecosystem, the forest. Results from the “Cyberforest Experiment” in the Paneveggio forest (Valle di Fiemme, Trento, Italy) are presented. It is shown that: (i) biopotential features of xylem biomolecular activity can be correlated with the solar (and lunar) cycle, (ii) tree stubs show an electrical molecular activity that is correlated with that of neighboring trees, (iii) statistical features of spike-like peaks and entropy can be correlated with corresponding thermal entropy, and (iv) basic symmetries of the quantum field theory dynamics are responsible for the entanglement phenomenon in the molecular interactions resulting in the molecular collective behavior of the forest. Findings suggest implementing technology that goes in the direction of understanding the language of trees, eventually of fungi, which have created a universal living network perhaps using a common language

    Living plants ecosystem sensing: A quantum bridge between thermodynamics and bioelectricity

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    The in situ measurement of the bioelectric potential in xilematic and floematic superior plants reveals valuable insights into the biological activity of these organisms, including their responses to lunar and solar cycles and collective behaviour. This paper reports on the “Cyberforest Experiment” conducted in the open-air Paneveggio forest in Valle di Fiemme, Trento, Italy, where spruce (i.e., Picea abies) is cultivated. Our analysis of the bioelectric potentials reveals a strong correlation between higher-order complexity measurements and thermodynamic entropy and suggests that bioelectrical signals can reflect the metabolic activity of plants. Additionally, temporal correlations of bioelectric signals from different trees may be precisely synchronized or may lag behind. These correlations are further explored through the lens of quantum field theory, suggesting that the forest can be viewed as a collective array of in-phase elements whose correlation is naturally tuned depending on the environmental conditions. These results provide compelling evidence for the potential of living plant ecosystems as environmental sensors

    RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CHIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHS: Neck Manipulation & Vertebrobasilar Stroke

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    Although rare, vertebrobasilar stroke is the best known of the possible side effects of cervical manipulation. Due to the serious sequelae that may result from cervical manipulation, chiropractors and osteopaths must take the appropriate steps to ensure the risk is minimised. This article outlines how the astute practitioner can minimise this risk. Practitioners must decide on the options for treatment of a patient with neck problems. Practitioners must also advise the patient of these options as part of an appropriate informed consent

    Risk Management for Chiropractors and Osteopaths. Informed consent: A Common Law Requirement

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    Obtaining the informed consent of a patient before undertaking chiropractic or osteopathic treatment is a common law requirement in Australia. This paper outlines the essential elements of informed consent and provides some practice tips on streamlining the process

    RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CHIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHS: Imaging Guidelines for Conditions Commonly Seen in Practice

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    This article is the second in a series of articles dealing with risk management in the practise of chiropractic and osteopathy, prepared by the COCA Risk Management Subcommittee

    Multi-spectral terahertz sensing: proposal for a coupled-cavity quantum cascade laser based optical feedback interferometer

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    We propose a laser feedback interferometer operating at multiple terahertz (THz) frequency bands by using a pulsed coupled-cavity THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) under optical feedback. A theoretical model that contains multi-mode reduced rate equations and thermal equations is presented, which captures the interplay between electro-optical, thermal, and feedback effects. By using the self-heating effect in both active and passive cavities, self-mixing signal responses at three different THz frequency bands are predicted. A multi-spectral laser feedback interferometry system based on such a coupled-cavity THz QCL will permit ultra-high-speed sensing and spectroscopic applications including material identification