216 research outputs found

    Developing Aural Skills for Deaf and Hard of hearing (DHH) Students

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    La traducción del latín

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    Editor de la obra colectiva: Vitalino Valcárcel[ES] la filología latina tiene por objeto el estudio, el conocimiento y el entendimiento cabal de los textos latinos para mediante ello llegar a la cultura que representan. Pues bien, la traducción constituye tanto el método más habitual de acercamiento a esos fines (traducción pedagógica) como uno de los momentos cumbre de todo ese proceso (traducción destinada a la publicación). Por ello tiene su importancia que los filólogos latinos prestemos atención a los problemas que la traducción conlleva. Mi propósito en la presente ocasión es, pues, el de ofrecer algunas reflexiones sobre los problemas que plantea la traducción del latín. En ellas iré de lo general y teórico (concepto de traducción, ¿es posible la traducción?, etc.), a lo concreto y didáctico (la traducción del latín, fases en la operación de traducir, valor formativo de la traducción, etc.)

    A comparative analysis, under philological and literary point of view, of the account of Augustus’ funeral written by the biographer Suetonius (Aug.100) and by historian Tacitus (Ann.1.8-10)

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    Este trabajo se propone el análisis comparativo, bajo el punto de vista filológico y literario, del relato del funeral de Augusto en el biógrafo Suetonio (Aug.100) y en el historiador Tácito (Ann.1.8-10). En primer lugar se remarca la importancia política y social del funus publicum en Roma, objeto del relato. Sigue un detenido y minucioso análisis en el que se trata de poner de relieve las semejanzas y, sobre todo, las diferencias entre el relato de Suetonio y el de Tácito en cuanto a los datos aportados, la secuenciación de los mismos y, especialmente, en cuanto a la focalización que sobre ellos y sobre el conjunto del relato muestran uno y otro autor. Finalmente se trata de explicar las diferencias, importantes, entre ambos relatos en virtud del género literario (biografía-historia), de la intención y propósito concretos de cada una de las dos obras (Vita Augusti de Suetonio y Annales de Tácito) y de la distinta personalidad intelectual de cada uno de los dos autores.This paper aims to make a comparative analysis, under a philological and literary point of view, of the account of Augustus’ funeral written by the biographer Suetonius (Aug.100) and by historian Tacitus (Ann.1.8-10). Firstly, the political and social importance of the funus publicum, the subject of the account, is highlighted. Secondly, there is a very detailed analysis which tries to emphasize the similarities and, specially, the differences between both Suetonius’ and Tacitus’ account in relation to the provided data and its sequence and, particulary, in relation to focalization that each author proves concerning that data and the account as a whole. Finally, this paper tries to explain the significant differences between both accounts by reason of their literary gender (biography-history), the intention and specific purpose of each work (Suetonius’ Vita Augusti and Tacitus’ Annales) and the different intellectual personality of each author

    Perfil da população atendida por problemas dermatológicos no distrito docente assistencial UFSC - Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis, em maio de 1999.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Saúde Pública, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 199

    Los demonios en la hagiografía latina hispana: algunas calas

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    visigótica y medieval, centrándose para ello en la Vita Emiliani de Braulio de Zaragoza, en la Replicatio sermonum a prima conversione de Valerio de Bierzo y en la Vita Martini legionensis de Lucas de Tuy. Y, en apéndice final, se estudian las locuciones y términos latinos mediante los cuales Braulio de Zaragoza designa al diablo.In this work the autor examines the reason for the presence of the devil in the Latin hagiography of the Medieval and Visigothic Hispania. This analysis is carried out through the study of Vita Emiliani by Braulio de Zaragoza, the Replicatio Sermonum a Prima Conversione by Valerio de Bierzo and the Vita Martini Legionensis by Lucas de Tuy. In an appendix are studied the Latin expressions and terms used by Braulio de Zaragoza to designate the devil

    Efeito da desnutrição protéica pré e pós-natal sobre a morfologia, a diferenciação e o metabolismo do tecido muscular estriado esquelético em ratos

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    Objective: To study the contractile properties, metabolism and. morphological characteristics of muscles submitted to prenatal and postnatal protein malnutrition.Methods: Animals were distributed into two groups: Control, normoprotein diet (CG; n = 15; 5/5/5), and Malnourished, hypoprotein diet (MG; n = 15; 5/5/5), and examined on the 7th, 14th, and 28th days of the experiment. Total body mass, weight, and the contractile properties and morphology of the anterior tibial muscle were assessed. Several 8 mu m-thick tissue samples were taken from 7, 14, and 28 day old rats and stained with HE or subjected to NADH-TR or m-ATPase (pH = 4.4) techniques.Results: Body and muscle weight were lower in the malnourished group. On the 7th day of malnutrition, muscle samples exhibited fibers with smaller diameter, higher polymorphism and higher endomysial conjunctive tissue content. Histochemical methods were unable to precisely determine the types of fiber present, On the 14th day, there were smaller muscle fibers, more polymorphism, many of them with central nuclei and moderate endomysial conjunctive tissue content. With reference to contractile properties, the m-ATPase reaction identified both slow and fast fibers. the NADH-TR reaction revealed the following types of fiber: slow oxidative (SO), fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG) and fast glycolytic (FG). On the 28th day smaller, bunched muscle fibers varying shapes. All three types of fiber exhibited unclear recognition limits with respect to contraction and metabolism.Conclusion: Our experimental results suggest that, in addition to the reduction in numbers of fibers, malnutrition retards the differentiation of the morphological, metabolic, and contractile characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers in growing rats.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Ciencias Fisiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Ciencias Saude, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Oeste Paulista Unoeste, Dept Histol, Presidente Prudente, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Ciencias Fisiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Ciencias Saude, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Direito de exceção e pandemia – uma perspetiva constitucional

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    Direito de exceção e pandemia – uma perspetiva constituciona

    Proibição do Excesso, Proibição do Defeito e Garantia do Conteúdo Mínimo nas Colisões de Direitos Sociais

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    ABSTRACT: Global scholarship and court decisions have been gradually assuming that social rights structure does not differ radically from political and civil rights structure. This assumption drive us into the conclusion that social rights – meaning all different claims in which they unfold – might enter in several kinds of collision with other principles, rights, interests or values. After identifying all those possible kinds of collisions one can define what are the tools or standards suitable for the due substantive process to be performed for overcoming each of them. In this paper it is argued that the most suitable tools are classical proportionality (“proibição do excesso”), prohibition of the insufficient promotion of the social right (“proibição do defeito”) and the guarantee of the minimum core of the social right. At global level constitucional courts show considerable uniformity as far as the reactions against limitations to the negative dimensions of the social rights are concerned and also when it comes to the review of any eventual breach of the duties of promotion of the positive dimensions of the social rights.RESUMO: A doutrina e parte da jurisprudência universais têm assumido paulatinamente que a estrutura dos direitos sociais não difere significativamente da estrutura dos direitos de defesa. Isto leva a inferir que os direitos sociais – ou, mais propriamente, as diferentes situações jurídicas subjetivas em que se desdobram – entrem em vários tipos de colisão com outros bens, interesses ou valores. Identificados esses tipos de colisão, pode então definir-se quais os instrumentos adequados para cumprir as exigências de um processo substantivo devido na composição de cada um deles. Sustenta-se que os instrumentos mais adequados são, variando em função de cada colisão, a proibição do excesso, a proibição do defeito e a garantia do conteúdo mínimo do direito. As jurisdições constitucionais mostram inclinação para considerável uniformidade na reação às interferências em dimensões negativas, ou ao retrocesso na efetivação, de direitos sociais, bem como na situação de eventual incumprimento da dimensão positiva desses direitos