213 research outputs found

    Si me permiten hablar: la subjetivación plural en el relato testimonial de Domitila Chungara

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    Este artículo aborda la cuestión de la subjetivación plural en el testimonio de Domitila Chungara Si me permiten hablar...¿Cómo se construye esa palabra que Domitila Chungara elabora como la voz de su pueblo? ¿Qué dice esta voz acerca del desencuentro discursivo que persiste entre, por un lado, quienes privilegian ciertas categorías subjetivas en nombre de la visibilidad de ciertas luchas y, por otro lado, quienes plantean un pensamiento interseccional del sujeto histórico oprimido? Palabras clave: testimonio, Domitila Chungara, subalternidad y autoría pluralThis paper deals with the issue on plural subjectivation on Domitila Chungara’s testimony Si me permiten hablar... How does Chungara elaborate her voice as the people’s voice? What does this voice reveal about the multiple dimensions of subject, specially about race, gender and class? Key words: Testimony, Domitila Chingara,Subalternity y Plural Author.

    Genome-wide CRISPR screen reveals novel host factors required for Staphylococcus aureus α-hemolysin-mediated toxicity

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    Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide variety of infections and antibiotic resistant strains are a major problem in hospitals. One of the best studied virulence factors of S. aureus is the pore-forming toxin alpha hemolysin (αHL) whose mechanism of action is incompletely understood. We performed a genome- wide loss-of-function screen using CRISPR/Cas9 technology to identify host targets required for αHL susceptibility in human myeloid cells. We found gRNAs for ten genes enriched after intoxication with αHL and focused on the top five hits. Besides a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 10 (ADAM10), the host receptor for αHL, we identified three proteins, Sys1 golgi trafficking protein (SYS1), ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARFRP1), and tetraspanin-14 (TSPAN14) which regulate the presentation of ADAM10 on the plasma membrane post-translationally. Interestingly, we also showed that cells lacking sphingomyelin synthase 1 (SGMS1) resist αHL intoxication, but have only a slightly reduced ADAM10 surface expression. SGMS1 regulates lipid raft formation, suggesting that αHL requires these membrane microdomains for attachment and cytotoxicity

    Hilda Mundy : guerre, après-guerre et modernité : écriture d’avant-garde dans la Bolivie des années 30

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    A Bolivian writer in the thirty's - forgotten until the 90's - Hilda Mundy became known especially at the end of the Chaco War (1932-1935) and in the immediate post-War period as a humouristic columnist in Oruro, the town where she was born. All her columns are instances of a literature of manners, on which she turns a critical and satirical eye. Her remarks on hypocritical and sanctimonious moral standards of her time are particularly scathing. Hilda Mundy's texts satirize the powerful and target the faults and scandals of political life, and the rise of militarism which was looming at the end of the war. This marked the destiny of the writer under the sign of censure. Her only book, Pirotecnia, ensayo miedoso de literatura ultraista, published in La Paz in 1936 remains loyal to this type of writing, favouring short texts and focused on deconsecration of power symbols. The themes of the modern city, of technology, games and gambling and the attack on tradition, which are also present in her press articles, made up the avant-Garde universe of Pirotecnia. Movement and mistrust are at the heart of this modern literature, which is written in the first person. The self of Hilda Mundy's writing is enriched by its heteronymy and continues a poetic project related to an aesthetics of scenic arts, where the most important mask is that of language.Ecrivaine bolivienne des années 30 - oubliée jusqu'aux années 90- Hilda Mundy s'est fait connaître notamment à la fin de la guerre du Chaco (1932-1935) et dans l'immédiat après-Guerre comme chroniqueuse humoristique à Oruro, sa ville natale. Ses chroniques sont autant d'exemples d'une écriture des moeurs, critique et satirique de la bonne société de son temps et notamment à l'égard d'une morale hypocrite et bigote. Satire des puissants, les écrits d'Hilda Mundy viseront également les travers et les scandales de la vie politique de l'époque ainsi que la montée du militarisme qui se profilait à la fin de la guerre ; ceci marquera le destin de l'écrivaine sous le signe de la censure. Son seul livre Pirotecnia, ensayo miedoso de literatura ultraista, publié à La Paz en 1936, est la suite de cette écriture des formes brèves, centrée sur la désacralisation des symboles du pouvoir. Les thèmes de la ville moderne, de la technique, du jeu et de l'attaque contre la tradition, présents aussi dans ses écrits parus dans la presse, constituent l'univers avant-Gardiste de Pirotecnia. Mouvement et méfiance sont au coeur de cette littérature moderne qui dit moi. Le moi de l'écriture mundyenne, riche de son hétéronymie, est porteur d'un projet poétique propre à une esthétique des arts scéniques où le masque dont on parle le plus est celui de la parole

    Estacionamiento vertical rotatorio

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    Proyecto Integrador (IM)--FCEFN-UNC, 2019Propone el diseño de un sistema de estacionamiento vertical rotatorio que solucione el problema de lugares de parqueo en Córdoba. Se diseña aprovechando espacio en altura y minimizando espacio horizontalFil: Avendaño Virreira, Ricardo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales; Argentina

    Localización de falsos amigos en la propuesta de traducción del español al francés de la “Epístola de Amarilis a Belardo”

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    Los falsos amigos son términos similares en lenguas diferentes, pero que, a pesar de su similitud, no coinciden en la semántica. Autores como Hurtado, García Yebra y Torre los han estudiado a detenimiento dentro del campo de la traducción de textos literarios. Este trabajo se orienta a realizar una propuesta de traducción del español al francés de la “Epístola de Amarilis a Belardo” y a detectar los falsos amigos que se presenten en el proceso traductor

    MaxQuant. Live Enables Global Targeting of More Than 25,000 Peptides

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    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics is often performed in a shotgun format, in which as many peptide precursors as possible are selected from full or MS1 scans so that their fragment spectra can be recorded in MS2 scans. Although achieving great proteome depths, shotgun proteomics cannot guarantee that each precursor will be fragmented in each run. In contrast, targeted proteomics aims to reproducibly and sensitively record a restricted number of precursor/ fragment combinations in each run, based on prescheduled mass-to-charge and retention time windows. Here we set out to unify these two concepts by a global targeting approach in which an arbitrary number of precursors of interest are detected in real-time, followed by standard fragmentation or advanced peptide-specific analyses. We made use of a fast application programming interface to a quadrupole Orbitrap instrument and real-time recalibration in mass, retention time and intensity dimensions to predict precursor identity. MaxQuant. Live is freely available (www. maxquant. live) and has a graphical user interface to specify many predefined data acquisition strategies. Acquisition speed is as fast as with the vendor software and the power of our approach is demonstrated with the acquisition of breakdown curves for hundreds of precursors of interest. We also uncover precursors that are not even visible in MS1 scans, using elution time prediction based on the auto-adjusted retention time alone. Finally, we successfully recognized and targeted more than 25,000 peptides in single LC-MS runs. Global targeting combines the advantages of two classical approaches in MS-based proteomics, whereas greatly expanding the analytical toolbox. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 18: 982-994, 2019. DOI: 10.1074/ mcp. TIR118.001131

    Human GBP1 does not localize to pathogen vacuoles but restricts Toxoplasma gondii

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    Guanylate binding proteins (GBPs) are a family of large interferon‐inducible GTPases that are transcriptionally upregulated upon infection with intracellular pathogens. Murine GBPs (mGBPs) including mGBP1 and 2 localize to and disrupt pathogen‐containing vacuoles (PVs) resulting in the cell‐autonomous clearing or innate immune detection of PV‐resident pathogens. Human GBPs (hGBPs) are known to exert antiviral host defense and activate the NLRP3 inflammasome, but it is unclear whether hGBPs can directly recognize and control intravacuolar pathogens. Here, we report that endogenous or ectopically expressed hGBP1 fails to associate with PVs formed in human cells by the bacterial pathogens Chlamydia trachomatis or Salmonella typhimurium or the protozoan pathogen Toxoplasma gondii. While we find that hGBP1 expression has no discernible effect on intracellular replication of C. trachomatis and S. typhimurium, we observed enhanced early Toxoplasma replication in CRISPR hGBP1‐deleted human epithelial cells. We thus identified a novel role for hGBP1 in cell‐autonomous immunity that is independent of PV translocation, as observed for mGBPs. This study highlights fundamental differences between human and murine GBPs and underlines the need to study the functions of GBPs at cellular locations away from PVs

    Urinary proteome profiling for stratifying patients with familial Parkinson's disease

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    The prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) is increasing but the development of novel treatment strategies and therapeutics altering the course of the disease would benefit from specific, sensitive, and non-invasive biomarkers to detect PD early. Here, we describe a scalable and sensitive mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomic workflow for urinary proteome profiling. Our workflow enabled the reproducible quantification of more than 2,000 proteins in more than 200 urine samples using minimal volumes from two independent patient cohorts. The urinary proteome was significantly different between PD patients and healthy controls, as well as between LRRK2 G2019S carriers and non-carriers in both cohorts. Interestingly, our data revealed lysosomal dysregulation in individuals with the LRRK2 G2019S mutation. When combined with machine learning, the urinary proteome data alone were sufficient to classify mutation status and disease manifestation in mutation carriers remarkably well, identifying VGF, ENPEP, and other PD-associated proteins as the most discriminating features. Taken together, our results validate urinary proteomics as a valuable strategy for biomarker discovery and patient stratification in PD

    Rapid hierarchical assembly of medium-size DNA cassettes

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    Synthetic biology applications call for efficient methods to generate large gene cassettes that encode complex gene circuits in order to avoid simultaneous delivery of multiple plasmids encoding individual genes. Multiple methods have been proposed to achieve this goal. Here, we describe a novel protocol that allows one-step cloning of up to four gene-size DNA fragments, followed by a second assembly of these concatenated sequences into large circular DNA. The protocols described here comprise a simple, cheap and fast solution for routine construction of cassettes with up to 10 gene-size components