563 research outputs found

    Selection Process for Educational Leaders Does Make a Difference

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    Traditional principal preparation programs, those bound by a university degree, are sometimes viewed as theory-based and have little to do with the real world in which school leaders work. Even the licensing exam in some states, such as in Texas, asks the candidates to view each scenario as the ideal situation when selecting responses. Traditional preparation programs frequently meet the standards for national accreditation that indicates that the curriculum and assessments in these programs are subjected to rigorous scrutiny for quality control. The question remains, what should universities do to improve their programs or change the perception that the graduates of traditional graduate programs are ill-equipped to be effective leaders in today\u27s schools? A 2012 report from the Wallace Foundation, Districts Developing Leaders: Lessons on Consumer Actions and Program Approaches from Eight Urban Districts by Margaret Terry Orr, Cheryl King, and Michelle La Pointe, provides insight into the efforts of eight school districts partnered with selected universities to develop leadership programs centered on district needs and improved quality of candidates for leadership positions


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    This paper describes an innovative partnership between the largest school district in the State of Texas, Houston Independent School District, and the Schools of Business and Education at the University of St. Thomas. The program includes a 48-hour master’s degree, resulting in a Master’s of Business Administration with principal certification. Through this university–school district collaboration, students are taught to apply principles of business including finance and leadership to diverse, inner-city school communitie


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    This paper describes an innovative partnership between the largest school district in the State of Texas, Houston Independent School District, and the Schools of Business and Education at the University of St. Thomas. The program includes a 48-hour master’s degree, resulting in a Master’s of Business Administration with principal certification. Through this university–school district collaboration, students are taught to apply principles of business including finance and leadership to diverse, inner-city school communitie

    Ethics and Civil Drones: European Policies and Proposals for the Industry

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    This open access book disseminates some of the results of the European H2020 AiRT Project (Technology transfer of RPAs for the creative industry). In particular, it presents findings related to mitigating safety and security concerns when civil drones are piloted by the service sector (mainly, the creative industry). European policies regarding drones generally focus on outdoor drones, but they are also used indoors. Moreover, a number of European countries have fragmented regulations on drone use, and as a result, European institutions are attempting address these issues. This work is based on a detailed study of the European policies, a comparative analysis of the regulation in various European countries, an analysis of the drone sector in Europe, and primary data from members of the creative industry. The authors created focus groups in Spain, the UK and Belgium in order to discuss with the creative industry the concerns on safety and security when using civil drones for their work. Based on these results, the book offers advice to the European industry, as well as new insights for academics and policymakers

    Transtextuality showed on Credits and opening letters on «The Human Voice» (Pedro Almodóvar, 2020)

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    The human voice (Almodóvar, P. 2020) deals with human loneliness, specically the female one, through drama and woman's despair who gives everything she has to let her love relationship go on, but who also does not hesitate to change what remains. Premiered at the Venice Festival, it is perhaps best Pedro Almodóvar's work where a symbiotic relationship can be observed in which transtextuality (Genette's term and theory commonly used in the literary eld) transcends to generate a puzzle in which the opening curtain of credits titles, with a magnanimous identity charge, will dialogue under Stvdio Gatti's creativity, with the film of La Mancha's director, without qualifying or complementing it./nBoth works (titles and film) will converse in a playful and transversal way to lead the irremediable demonstration that the credits in Pedro Almodovar filmic projects have an unequivocal transtextual behavior.The human voice (Almodóvar, P. 2020) trata sobre la soledad humana, concretamente la femenina, a través del drama y desesperación de una mujer que da todo lo que tiene para mantener su relación amorosa, pero que tampoco duda en cambiar lo que le queda. Estrenada en el Festival de Venecia, es quizás la obra del Pedro Almodóvar donde mejor se puede observar una relación simbiótica en la que la transtextualidad (término y teoría de Gerard Genette comúnmente utilizado en el ámbito literario) trasciende para generar un puzzle en el que el telón de apertura de los títulos de crédito, con una carga identitaria magnánima, dialogará bajo la creatividad de Stvdio Gatti, sobre la cinta del director manchego, sin matizarla ni zcomplementarla./nAmbas partes (títulos y cinta) conversarán de manera lúdica y transversal para des- embocar en la irremediable demostración de que los títulos de crédito en la obra fílmica de Pedro Almodóvar tienen un comportamiento transtextual inequívoco

    Ammonia assimilation in 'Saccharomyces cerevisiae' under chemostatic growth

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    In order to investigate the effect of the elimination of GOGAT activity in S. cerevisiae, the pool sizes of ammonia, glutamate and glutamine plus the specific activities of the enzymes involved in ammonia assimilation were determined for two genetically engineered strains (AR2 and AR5) and an haploid wild type ( Sigma 1278b). AR2 and AR5 strains carry the plasmid pCYG4 which directs about 5 fold more NADPH-GDH activity than wild type cells. AR5 strain is a double mutant, which lacks GOGAT activity. The studies were carried out using a microprocessor-controlled fermenter (PCS) which has the following features: 3 Main Boards (Central Processor Board, Memory Board and Analog/Digital - ON/OFF Switch Board). 4 Auxiliary Boards (pH, Oxygen, Temperature and Biomass Interface Boards). A connection block to link the PCS with the video terminal, with sensors from the fermenter, with a control box and with other microcomputer. AR2 and AR5 showed lower values of maximum specific growth rates than the wild type, determined either by batch mode or by washout kinetics. The reduction in the growth rate for AR2 and AR5 can be related to the added metabolic loads due to the plasmid encoded genes. Under carbon limitation there were no remarkable differences between the NADPH-GDH activities of AR2 (GOGAT+) and AR5 (GOGAT-). However, the concentrations of glutamate and glutamine for AR2 were higher (from 20 to 40 %) than those of AR5. The lack of the GOGAT activity also resulted in a decrease in the biomass concentration for AR5 compared to the GOGAT+ strains. Under nitrogen limitation NADPH-GDH activities were higher and intracellular ammonia concentrations lower than under carbon limited conditions. The intracellular concentrations of glutamate and glutamine were higher for the GOGAT+ strain than for the GOGAT- one. Although the biomass level was the same for the three strains, AR5 (GOGAT") cells changed from rounded to ellipsoidal form under nitrogen limited conditions. Oscillations were present in the NADPH-GDH activities of AR2 and AR5 strains growing under carbon and nitrogen limited media. They are probably due to segregational instability of the plasmid pCYG4 in these microorganisms

    Gestión educativa y la práctica docente en las Instituciones Educativas de la Red 15, UGEL 04, Lima-2018

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    En la investigación gestión educativa y práctica docente en las instituciones educativas de la RED 15, UGEL 04, Lima- 2018; el objetivo general de este trabajo es determinar la relación entre las variables: gestión educativa y la práctica docente; planteándose como objetivos específicos, el establecer la relación entre la variable gestión educativa y las dimensiones de la variable práctica docente, identificando previamente las características de las variables; el estudio se concretó en cuatro instituciones educativas de la UGEL 04. Se presenta como un estudio realizado bajo el paradigma positivista, con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transversal; el tipo de investigación es básica, sustantiva y de nivel correlacional, se empleó el método hipotético deductivo. La población considerada en este estudio fue de 108 docentes, a los que se aplicaron dos escalas, como instrumentos, obteniéndose los datos que se analizaron y se sometieron a la prueba Rho de Spearman para establecer el grado de relación. Se halló que un 89% de los docentes consideraron a la gestión educativa como adecuada y que el 98,1% alcanzó el nivel de logro esperado en su práctica docente. Se concluyó que de acuerdo con el valor 0,640 coeficiente Rho de Spearman la gestión educativa y la práctica docente se relacionaron en forma directa y fuerte al 99.5 de confianza y con una significancia de 0,000, por lo cual se rechazó la hipótesis nula. En consecuencia, las evidencias estadísticas son significativas que permiten afirmar la existencia de la relación positiva entre las variables de estudio, ratificándose la validez de la hipótesis de investigación planteada

    Estrutura populacional de Podocnemis erythrocephala (Testudines, Podocnemididae) no rio Unini, Amazonas, Brasil.

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    The species Podocnemis erythrocephala, the red headed river turtle, is the smallest of the genus, inhabiting rivers and lakes of black water and clear, being distributed by the basins of the Rio Negro, Tapajós and Trumpets, Brazil, Colombia and the Amazon of Venezuela. As with all species of the family Podocnemididae, individuals and eggs are caught by indigenous and riverine and has caused a rapid decline of most populations. Fact that contributed heavily to the current classification of the species as vulnerable by IUCN, studies with respect to sex ratio, reproductive success and population dynamics, among others, are of atmost importance for conservation of this species, considering that it suffers human pressure on the river Unini, as elsewhere in the basin of Rio Negro and its distribution area. Since there, is no rule or recommendation for use species-specific irapuca (P. erythrocephala) in the document Use Plan RESEX Unini River. The objective of this study was to characterize the population structure of P. erythrocephala in three riverine communities in the Unini River, the Lower Rio Negro. Turtles were marked and recaptured throughout the year in both rainy and dry seasons. The size of sexual maturity for males and females based on this study was 161 and 218 mm in length straight carapace, respectively. During the study, 352 individuals were marked, 162 males, 150 females and 40 immatures. The sex ratio of adults was 1,05 males per female, not significantly different from 1:1. The males captured had a straight line carapace length mean of 210 ± 14,02 mm (163-262) and females mean of 251 ± 17, 75 mm (221-303). The population structure showed in females the distribution was bimodal, with the most common sizes between 230 and 270 mm. Most individuals are in the intermediate, and few appear in the smallest and largest size classes in both sexes: males (200-210 mm) and females and (230-270 mm). All the sizes (carapace length, carapace width, plastron length and plastron width) and weight were significantly larger in females than in males. Catches of individuals occurred mainly when the water level was decreasing: ebb and dry (spawning period) and when the flood level was increasing. The turtles were recaptured just one time, five males, five females and two immatures. The population showed recruitment and the adults are in equilibrium.A espécie Podocnemis erythrocephala, a irapuca, a menor do gênero, habita rios e lagos de águas preta e clara, distribuindo-se pelas bacias do Rio Negro, Tapajós e Trombetas, no Brasil, na Colômbia e na Amazônia da Venezuela. Como acontece com todas as espécies da família Podocnemididae, em maior ou menor intensidade, os indivíduos e ovos capturados por indígenas e ribeirinhos vêm causando um rápido declínio na maior parte das populações. Tal fato contribuiu fortemente para a atual classificação da espécie como vulnerável pela IUCN. Estudos com relação à proporção sexual, ao sucesso na reprodução e à dinâmica populacional, entre outros, são de suma importância para conservação dessa espécie, tendo em vista que ela sofre pressão antrópica não só no rio Unini, como em toda a bacia do Rio Negro e em sua área de distribuição. Não há, porém, nenhuma recomendação ou regra de uso específico para esta espécie no Plano de Uso da RESEX do rio Unini. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a estrutura populacional da espécie Podocnemis erythrocephala em três comunidades ribeirinhas do Rio Unini, região do Baixo Rio Negro, no estado do Amazonas. Para determinar a estrutura populacional, a razão sexual e a proporção de juvenis, bem como analisar a abundância relativa de P. erythrocephala no rio Unini, as tartarugas foram capturadas com malhadeiras do tipo trammel nets, marcadas e recapturadas ao longo do ano. Durante o estudo, foram marcados 352 indivíduos de P. erythrocephala, sendo 162 machos, 150 fêmeas e 40 juvenis de 2009 a 2010 em três áreas amostrais do rio Unini. A razão sexual encontrada no rio Unini de 1,05♂:1,00♀, não significativamente diferente de 1:1. Os indivíduos capturados apresentaram um comprimento retilíneo da carapaça médio de 210 ± 14,02 mm (max= 262; min= 163) para machos e de 251 ± 17,75 mm (max= 303; min= 221) para as fêmeas. Quanto à estrutura populacional, a curva de distribuição de classes de tamanho por CMRC de machos apresentou uma distribuição normal de classes, sendo a classe modal com o intervalo de 200-210 mm. Entre as fêmeas, a distribuição foi bimodal, apresentando os tamanhos mais frequentes entre 230 e 270 mm. Todas as medidas morfométricas (CMRC, LMRC, CMRP, LP) e peso foram significativamente maiores nas fêmeas em relação aos indivíduos machos. As capturas dos indivíduos ocorreram principalmente quando o nível da água estava diminuindo: vazante e seca (período de desova) e quando nível estava aumentando na enchente. Cinco machos, cinco fêmeas e dois imaturos foram recapturados apenas uma vez. A população mostrou recrutamento e a proporção de adultos está em equilíbrio

    Comida y mundo virtual. Internet, redes sociales y representaciones visuales

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    La vida pública del acto alimentario en el internet es, de manera general, el motivoque impulsa a los autores del texto Comida y mundo virtual. Internet, redes sociales y representaciones visuales, a reflexionar sobre las complejas dinámicas que esa vida pública adopta en los escenarios de lo que conocemos comúnmente como mundo virtual. El texto fue publicado por la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), que ha dedicado esfuerzos muy destacables en los últimos años a la investigación sobre las implicaciones sociales que el internet tiene en las sociedades contemporáneas


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    El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de conocer y analizar la relación existente entre el clima social familiar y la depresión en adultos mayores del Centro Integral de Atención al adulto mayor de la Municipalidad Distrital de Amarilis – 2019. La tesis pertenece al método correlacional, diseño descriptivo; tipo de investigación sustantiva explicativa y con nivel de investigación descriptiva; el estudio tuvo una muestra total de 68 adultos mayores de 65 a 89 años; para recolectar los datos usó la Escala de Clima Social Familiar y la Escala de Autoedición Zung para detectar la depresión. Los resultados señalan que el porcentaje promedio general de 51.5% de adultos mayores presentaron adecuado clima social familiar y el 48.5% inadecuado; de los cuales, el 51.5% presentaron depresión moderada y 35.3% depresión leve, el resultado de la contrastación de hipótesis (X2 c=0.05<x2=0.09). En conclusión, el Clima Social Familiar tiene relación con la depresión en adultos mayores del CIAM de la Municipalidad Distrital de Amarilis.Tesi