161 research outputs found

    Mensuração de eventos culturais : estudo aplicado na festa do divino em Pirenópolis – GO

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa Multi-institucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2015.Este trabalho tem por objetivo mensurar o valor da Festa do Divino, evento cultural de Pirenópolis – GO, além de explorar a influência da felicidade nos aspectos de valoração de eventos populares. A mensuração de heritageassetscomporta diversos problemas nas métricas de valoração, na interpretação e compreensão dos valores. Neste eixo, a contabilidade se posiciona como ferramenta capaz de produzir informações que tenham relevância para a gestão dos bens culturais. Em outros países, especialmente de origem anglo-saxônica, que se orientam pela norma IPAS 17, há a tendência do registro contábil destes bens para ganhos não só na decisão de políticas públicas, mas também por envolver liames axiológicos e deontológicos, ou seja, que superam aspectos monetários que tangem valores humanos que devem ser protegidos. Pautado por essas preocupações e pela compreensão de sistemas sociais, diversos de outros estudos paralelos, acrescentou-se às técnicas de valoração econômica, variáveis ligadas ao bem-estar subjetivo do indivíduoe percepções, nos processos de valoração. Para efeitos empíricos, foram aplicados questionários aos turistas, que forneciam subsídios para o uso da técnica de valoração Método dos Custos de Viagem (MCV) e também para Método de Valoração Contingente (MVC), além de outros dados marginais ligados à percepção dos entrevistados. Para a técnica do MCV pela abordagem individual foi encontrado o valor de R22.248,91porvisitanteepelateˊcnicadaDisposic\ca~oaPagar(DAP)foiapuradoovalordeR 22.248,91 por visitante e pela técnica da Disposição a Pagar (DAP) foi apurado o valor de R 31,17, após as correções estatísticas. Por derradeiro, há a análise dos resultados entendendo que os valores fornecidos pelas duas técnicas, além dos aspectos qualitativos depreendidos do questionário, robustecem o processo de gestão e compreensão dos valores de bens culturais. Assim, a relevância e interpretação de valores contábeis dependem de informações satélites como as de aspecto qualitativo, e tem utilidade vista sua aplicação prática.This paper aims to measure the value of the Divine Festival, a cultural event inPirenópolis - GO, and explore the influence of happiness on aspects of valuation of popular events. The measurement of heritage assets involves various problems in valuation metrics, in the interpretation and understanding of the values. In this axis, the accounting is positioned as a tool capable of producing information that has relevance for the management of cultural property. In other countries, especially of Anglo-Saxon origin, which are guided by the standard of IPAS 17, there is the tendency of the accounting records of these assets to gain not only in public policy decision, but also involve axiological and ethical bonds, that is, outweigh monetary aspects that concern human values that must be protected. Guided by these concerns and understanding of social systems, various other parallel studies, it was added to the techniques of economic valuation, variables related to subjective well-being of the individual and perceptions in the valuation process. For empirical effects, questionnaires were applied to tourists, which provided subsidies for the use of valuation techniques Travel Cost Method (TCM) and to Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), and other marginal data linked to the perception of respondents. For the TCM technique by individual approach it was found the value of R22,248.91pervisitorandbythetechniqueofWillingnesstoPay(WTP)itwascalculatedthevalueofR 22,248.91 per visitor and by the technique of Willingness to Pay (WTP) it was calculated the value of R 31.17, after statistical corrections. Finally, there is the analysis of the results considering that the figures provided by the two techniques, in addition to qualitative aspects gathered from the questionnaire, strengthen the process of managing and understanding cultural property values. Thus, the relevance and interpretation of accounting values depend on satellite information such as the qualitative aspect, and it has utility considering its practical application


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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the disputes within the Conservative Party in Açu, based on the trajectory of the journalist Elias Souto. The goal is, on the one hand, to identify the networks of sociability present in the Conservative Party; and on the other hand to analyze how these networks were mobilized by two groups that disputed the local command of the Party. The study is anchored theoretically in the concepts of political culture (BERSTEIN, 1998) and action (SOUZA, 2008), as well as in the indicial method (GINZBURG, 1989). The main sources consulted were the newspapers Brado Conservador and Jornal de Açu. From the analysis of the party members' behavior, the study concluded, on the one hand, that the Conservative Party did not constitute a homogeneous bloc; and on the other, that political disputes within the Party were expressions of a broader political culture existing in society, which explains the strategies of struggle adopted by the groups from the mechanisms disposed in their daily lives.O objetivo do trabalho é analisar as disputas no seio do Partido Conservador, em Açu, a partir da trajetória do jornalista Elias Souto. A meta é, por um lado, identificar as redes de sociabilidade presentes no Partido Conservador; e, por outro, analisar como essas redes foram mobilizadas por dois grupos que disputavam o comando local do Partido. O estudo está ancorado teoricamente nos conceitos de cultura política (BERSTEIN, 1998) e de ação (SOUZA, 2008), bem como no método indiciário (GINZBURG, 1989). As principais fontes consultadas foram os jornais Brado Conservador e o Jornal de Açu. A partir da análise do comportamento dos membros do partido, o estudo concluiu, por um lado, que o Partido Conservador não constituía um bloco homogêneo; e, por outro, que as disputas políticas dentro do Partido eram expressões de uma cultura política mais ampla existente na sociedade, o que explica as estratégias de luta adotadas pelos grupos a partir dos mecanismos disposto no próprio cotidiano

    Herpetofauna of the Serra do Tombador Nature Reserve, State of Goiás, Central Brazil

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    Dados de ocorrência e riqueza de espécies são importantes para subsidiar ações de conservação em áreas estratégicas. Para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a herpetofauna do bioma Cerrado, apresentamos uma lista de espécies de anfíbios e répteis da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Serra do Tombador (RNST). O trabalho de campo foi realizado em novembro de 2016 e as coletas foram realizadas por meio de armadilhas de interceptação e queda, busca ativa, encontros ocasionais e registros de terceiros. Também consideramos as espécies registradas no Plano de Manejo da RNST. Registramos 34 anfíbios e 55 répteis, e expandimos a distribuição conhecida de algumas espécies. As curvas de espécies de anfíbios observadas e estimadas apresentaram tendência de estabilização, com a riqueza observada representando 89% do número de espécies esperadas. Por outro lado, as curvas das espécies de répteis observadas e estimadas não mostraram tendência de estabilização. Mesmo considerando o menor período amostral neste estudo, a riqueza de espécies de anfíbios e répteis foi semelhante ou maior à encontrada em áreas protegidas do Cerrado, próximas a RNST. A presença de espécies com endemismo restrito, recentemente descritas, e dados insuficientes destacam a importância da RNST para a conservação da herpetofauna do Cerrado.Data on species occurrence and richness are important to support conservation actions for strategic areas. To increase knowledge about the herpetofauna of the Cerrado biome, we present a list of amphibians and reptiles' species from the Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Serra do Tombador (RNST). The fieldwork was performed in November 2016 and the samplings were carried out through pitfall traps, active search, occasional encounters, and third-party records. We also consider the species recorded in the RNST Management Plan. We recorded 34 amphibians and 55 reptiles, and expanded the known distribution of some species. The observed and estimated amphibian species curves showed a tendency to stabilize, with the observed richness representing 89% of the number of species expected. On the other hand, observed and estimated reptile species curves did not show a stabilization trend. Even considering the smallest sample period in this study, the richness of amphibian and reptile species was similar or greater to those found in protected areas in the Cerrado, close to the RNST. The presence of species with restricted endemism, recently described, and data deficient highlights the importance of the RNST for the conservation of the Cerrado herpetofauna

    Entre boemia, imprensa e militânica revolucionária : a trajetória de Rubens Manoel Lemos (1956 - 1973)

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    Esse trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a trajetória de Rubens Manoel Lemos, entre os anos de 1940 e 1972. As balizas temporais compreendem o nascimento do personagem, a sua formação escolar, o ingresso na profissão de jornalista e na militância política, a sua vida na clandestinidade e, por fim, sua experiência no exílio chileno. Até sua morte, em 1999, Rubens se manteve ativo politicamente e profissionalmente. Durante os anos 1980, por exemplo, ele participou da organização do Partido dos Trabalhadores, chegando a ser o primeiro candidato do partido a governador, nas eleições de 1982. Buscou-se compreender, especificamente, como esse personagem se constituiu como militante revolucionário e jornalista durante as ditaduras militares do Cone Sul. Do ponto de vista teórico, reflexões sobre as relações entre indivíduo e sociedade (ELIAS, 1994), biografia histórica (LORIGA, 1998; LEVI, 2006) e memória (POLLAK, 1989) foram fundamentais. No que se refere à metodologia, mobilizou-se principalmente os aportes da História Oral (PORTELI, 1997) e da micro-história italiana (GINZBURG, 1989; GINZBURG; PONI, 1989). O escopo documental do estudo é constituído principalmente por jornais, entrevistas e textos autobiográficos, documentos do aparato repressivo e documentos pessoais do biografado. O trabalho aponta para três conclusões principais: 1) a formação religiosa e escolar usufruída por Rubens possibilitou a ele desenvolver habilidades de leitura e escrita, as quais foram fundamentais para a sua constituição como jornalista e militante político; 2) o campo de possibilidades a partir do qual Rubens Lemos ingressou na atividade jornalística contribuiu decisivamente para a sua participação em movimentos políticos durante a Quarta República; 3) as relações do personagem com o protestantismo, com a boemia e a sua conturbada vida familiar impactam até os dias atuais as memórias produzidas sobre ele.This thesis aims to investigate the trajectory of Rubens Manoel Lemos between the years of 1940 and 1972. The temporal cut regards this character’s birth, his schooling, the beginning of his career as a professional journalist and political militant, his clandestine life and, lastly, his time spent exiled in Chile. Until his death in 1999, Rubens remained politically and professionally active. During the 80’s he participated in the foundation of the Workers’ Party, becoming the party’s first candidate for governorship of a state in the 1982 elections. Unfortunately, this political experience was not included in this thesis, because of the limits imposed by deadlines. We sought to understand, specifically, how this character made his career as a journalist and a revolutionary during military dictatorships in Southern Cone. From a theoretical point of view, reflections on the relationship between individual and society (ELIAS, 1994), historical biography (LORIGA, 1998; LEVI, 2006) and memory (POLLAK, 1989) were fundamental. Regarding the methodology, contributions from Oral History (PORTELI, 1997) and from Italian micro-history (GINZBURG, 1989; GINZBURG; PONI, 1989) were mobilized. The documentary scope of the study consists mainly of newspapers, interviews and autobiographical texts, documents from the repressive apparatus and personal documents. The thesis points to three main conclusions: 1) Ruben’s religious and scholar formation enabled him to develop reading and writing skills which were fundamental for his constitution as a journalist and political activist; 2) the field of possibilities where Rubens Lemos entered the journalistic activity contributed decisively to his participation in political movements during the Fourth Republic; 3) the character's relationships with Protestantism, with the bohemian lifestyle and his troubled family history impact the memories produced about him until the present day

    Uma analise critica de alguns processos empiricos de dimensionamento de pavimentos flexiveis

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    Orientador: Araken SilveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia CivilResumo: Nesta pesquisa é realizado um estudo comparativo entre três processos empíricos de dimensionamento de pavimentos flexíveis, todos, com bases conceituais substanciadas pelo método do CBR. São comparados os processos do Corps ofEngineers (1962), da AASHTO (1972) e do DNER (1966), com o objetivo de analisar a tendência de comportamento deste último, em relação aos dois primeiros. Primeiramente, serão estudados os procedimentos de cálculo de cada um dos processos mencionados e, posteriormente, estes, serão submetidos a uma comparação entre si. Esta comparação terá como parâmetro de observação, as espessuras de pavimentos obtidas para cada processo, quando submetidos à composições de tráfegos iguais e às mesmas condições de subleito. Com esta comparação serão evidenciadas, quais as influências, em termos de procedimento de cálculo, que realmente ocorrem no processo do DNER, por parte dos processos do Corps of Engineers e da AASHTO. Desta forma, serão salientados todos os aspectos que podem ser desconsiderados no processo do DNER, para dimensionar pavimentos flexíveis, a fim de melhor adequá-Io às condições brasileiras e respaldá-lo cientificamente, sem comprometer entretanto, a validade de seus resultados. ...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: In this research is accomplished a comparative study between three empirical processes of flexible pavements design, alI, with conceptual bases substantiated by the CBR method.The processes of the Corps of Engineers (1962), the AASHTO (1972) and the DNER (1966) are compared, with the objective to analyze the trend of behavior of these last, in relation to the two first mentioned. Primarily, will be studied the methodologies of each one processes and, hereafter, they will be submitted to a comparison between themselves. This comparison will have as comment parameter, the obtained thicknesses of pavements for each process, when submitted to the compositions of equal traffics and to the same subgrade conditions. With this comparison will be evidenced, which the methodologics influences that really occur in DNER process, by the Corps of Engineers and the AASHTO processes. Thus, will be pointed out the aspects that can be disconsiderated in the methodology adopted for the DNER, to flexible pavements design, in order to adjust it to the brazilian conditions with scientific endorse, however without compromising, the validity of its results. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertationsMestradoTransportesMestre em Engenharia Civi

    Developing a Cohort Web Application: Real-time Monitoring of Breastfeeding Indicators

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    Investing in the development of methodologies for timely intervention in breastfeeding practices that provide improved indicators and prolong breastfeeding duration positively impacts the health of women and children. Aim: To develop children cohort data capture interface of a national reference institution for high foetal, neonatal and child risk from birth, covering all hospitalisation up to the second year of life for real-time monitoring of breastfeeding indicators and prevalence. Methods: Four primary criteria were considered: data security (specific permissions for different profiles and encryption of sensitive data), researcher time streamlining, data quality and construction of data export auxiliary tools. Results: A web-based tool for data collection using a mobile device or computer was developed. The tool successfully allowed the ongoing collection for a defined population cohort of measures related to breastfeeding: maternal factors, child-related factors, health service issues, nipple use, introduction of fluids and other processed foods, as well as breastfeeding practice. Conclusion: The developed product enables the validated extraction and collation of data from existing electronic records and other sources for the monitoring of breastfeeding practices. Such data can be used to refine guidelines and individual behaviour to maximise the benefits of breastfeeding and  avoid early weaning


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    Os peixes da família Trichomycteridae são amplamente distribuídos na América do Sul, mas existem lacunas de conhecimento sobre a distribuição de algumas espécies, principalmente no oeste da Amazônia brasileira. Aqui, apresentamos novos registros de Pseudostegophilus nemurus no Estado do Acre, Brasil, e fornecemos informações sobre crescimento e dieta. Os espécimes foram coletados entre agosto e setembro de 2017 em 12 praias ao longo do rio Acre. Foram analisados 20 indivíduos, com tamanho total e comprimento total de 105,28 ± 27,82 mm e 5,89 ± 1,01 g, respectivamente. Foram identificados cinco itens alimentares, sendo escamas de peixes (60%) o mais representativo e areia (65%) o item acessório. A espécie apresentou crescimento alométrico negativo (b = 2,56). O conhecimento sobre a diversidade de muitas áreas da Amazônia são incipientes, e informações sobre a extensão de distribuição e a história natural das espécies são importantes para estudos futuros neste bioma.Palavras-chave: Rio Acre, ictiofauna, lepidofagia, região Neotropical, relação peso-comprimento.Fishes of the family Trichomycteridae are widely distributed in South America, but there are knowledge gaps in the distribution range of some species, mainly in the western of the Brazilian Amazon. Here, we present new records of Pseudostegophilus nemurus in the Acre State, Brazil, and provide information on growth and diet. Specimens were collected from August to September 2017 in 12 beaches along the Acre River. Twenty individuals were analyzed, with total length and total weight of 105.28 ± 27.82 mm and 5.89 ± 1.01 g, respectively. Five food items were identified, with fish scales (60%) being the most representative and sand (65%) the accessory item. The specie showed negative allometric growth (b = 2.56). Knowledge about the diversity of many areas of the Amazon is still incipient, and information about the distribution extension and natural history of the species are important for future studies in this biome.Keywords: Acre River; ichthyofauna; lepidophagus; neotropical region; weight-length relationship

    ACE2 diversity in placental mammals reveals the evolutionary strategy of SARS-CoV-2

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    The recent emergence of SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the current pandemic of COVID-19, which uses the human membrane protein ACE2 as a gateway to the host-cell infection. We perform comparative genomic analysis of 70 ACE2 placental mammal orthologues to identify variations and contribute to the understanding of evolutionary dynamics behind this successful adaptation to infect humans. Our results reveal that 4% of the ACE2 sites are under positive selection, all located in the catalytic domain, suggesting possibly taxon-specific adaptations related to the ACE2 function, such as cardiovascular physiology. Considering all variable sites, we selected 30 of them located at the critical ACE2 binding sites to the SARS-CoV-like viruses to analyze in more detail. Our results reveal a relatively high diversity of ACE2 between placental mammal species while showing no polymorphism within human populations, at least considering the 30 inter-species variable sites. A perfect scenario for natural selection favored this opportunistic new coronavirus in its trajectory of infecting humans. We suggest that SARS-CoV-2 became a specialist coronavirus for human hosts. Differences in the rate of infection and mortality could be related to the innate immune responses, other unknown genetic factors, as well as non-biological factors

    Herpetofauna of Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco: one of the last remnants of seasonal forest in the core region of the Brazilian Cerrado

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    Studies in remnants of semi-deciduous seasonal forest of the Cerrado are needed to fill sampling gaps and improve basic knowledge of biodiversity. This study presents data on the herpetofauna of Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco, one of the last protected areas of seasonal forest in the core region of the Brazilian Cerrado. Fourteen sites were sampled between March 2007 and April 2008 using pitfall traps and active searches. A total of 35 anuran species were recorded, most of which were found in hygrophilous environments near forest fragments, open areas and riparian or gallery forest. A total of 29 reptile species were recorded, most of which were found in semi-deciduous forest and riparian or gallery forest. Fourteen of the amphibians and five of the reptiles are endemic to the Cerrado. The richness of amphibians and reptiles found in Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco is regionally representative, with communities typical of forest environments

    ACE2 diversity in placental mammals reveals the evolutionary strategy of SARS-CoV-2

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    The recent emergence of SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the current pandemic of COVID-19, which uses the human membrane protein ACE2 as a gateway to host-cell infection. We performed a comparative genomic analysis of 70 ACE2 placental mammal orthologues to identify variations and contribute to the understanding of evolutionary dynamics behind this successful adaptation to infect humans. Our results reveal that 4% of the ACE2 sites are under positive selection, all located in the catalytic domain, suggesting possibly taxon-specific adaptations related to the ACE2 function, such as cardiovascular physiology. Considering all variable sites, we selected 30 of them located at the critical ACE2 binding sites to the SARS-CoV-like viruses for analysis in more detail. Our results reveal a relatively high diversity of ACE2 between placental mammal species, while showing no polymorphism within human populations, at least considering the 30 inter-species variable sites. A perfect scenario for natural selection favored this opportunistic new coronavirus in its trajectory of infecting humans. We suggest that SARS-CoV-2 became a specialist coronavirus for human hosts. Differences in the rate of infection and mortality could be related to the innate immune responses, other unknown genetic factors, as well as non-biological factors