199 research outputs found

    ENTRENA DURÁN, Francisco. Cambios en la construcción social de lo rural. De la autarquía a la globalización

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    Reseña de la obra de Francisco Entrena Durán aparecida en 1998, Cambios en la construcción social de lo rural. De la autarquía a la globalización. Madrid: Tecnos. ISBN: 84-309-3177-

    Cambios en la concepción y en los usos de la ruralidad: del antropocentrismo productivista al ecocentrismo naturalista

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    La ruralidad es concebida aquí como una construcción social, es decir, como un producto (no intencional ni previsto, en la mayoría de los casos) de la acción social humana. Los usos y la concepción de la ruralidad, que varían en función dei tiempo y la situación social en que se lleva a cabo su construcción social, han pasado. durante la segunda mitad dei siglo XX, de desarrollarse en un contexto que losautores califican como antropocentrismo productivista a hacerlo en otro de creciente preponderancia delo que ellos tipifican como ecocentrismo naturalista. Esto ha implicado cambios en la manera de entenderel papel de la agricultura y la relación de ésta con la naturaleza, a la vez que ha dado lugar a una nuevaconcepción de la ruralidad. Este artículo, que presta una especial atención a la evolución sociohistóricade la imagen y los usos de la ruralidad en Espana, concluye con un análisis de las posiciones y las actitudes manifestadas actualmente en este país con respecto a la nueva manera de entender la ruralidad y a la creciente incidencia en los efectos medioambientales de la agricultura que ello conlleva


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    El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar que no todas las teorías acerca de la forma lógica de las ascripciones de actitudes proposicionales reciben con igual fortuna las críticas de Wittgenstein a la concepción clásica de la intencionalidad. Analizaremos en la primera sección los argumentos de Wittgenstein y, a continuación, examinaremos los efectos de éstos para distintas teorías acerca de la adscripción de actitudes proposicionales. Concluiremos que las opciones no relacionales, como las propuestas por Urmson, Kiteley, Prior y Recanati, entre otros, no pueden ser acusadas de pertenecer al criticado paradigma signo-objeto

    A new model of the carbonator reactor in the Calcium Looping technology for post-combustion CO2 capture

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    The Ca-Looping (CaL) process is considered as a promising technology for CO2 post-combustion capture in power generation plants yielding a minor penalty on plant performance as compared with other capture technologies such as conventional amine-based capture systems. This manuscript presents a new carbonator reactor model based on lab-scale multicyclic CaO conversion results, which take into account realistic CaO regeneration conditions that necessarily involve calcination under high CO2 partial pressure and high temperature. Under these conditions, CaO conversion in the diffusion controlled stage is a relevant contribution to the carbonation degree in the typical residence times. The main novelty of the model proposed in the present work is the consideration of the capture efficiency in the diffusion controlled phase of carbonation. It is demonstrated that increasing the residence time by a few minutes in the carbonator yields a significant improvement of the capture efficiency. Model predictions are shown to agree with experimental results retrieved from pilot-scale tests. The new model allows a more accurate evaluation and prediction of carbonator’s performance over a wider range of residence times. The results obtained may be relevant for the optimization of CaL operation parameters to be integrated in real power plants

    La laminoartrectomía en el tratamiento de la estenosis de canal lumbar

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    Los autores presentan una revisión de 42 pacientes, 33 varones y 9 mujeres, con estenosis del canal lumbar, tratados quirúrgicamente y con un seguimiento medio de 3 años y 8 meses. El tratamiento quirúrgico empleado ha sido la laminoartrectomía a uno o varios niveles, combinada o no con artrodesis. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en los pacientes tratados con laminoartrectomía, artrodesis e instrumentación vertebral.The authors present a review of 42 patients, 33 male and 9 female, with lumbar spinal canal stenosis, treated surgically and with a mean follow-up of 3 years-8 months. The surgical treatment was wide laminoarthrectomy involving one o more levels, combined in some cases with spinal fusion. The best results were obtained in patients treated with laminoarthrectomy, arthrodesis and vertebral instrumentation

    Design of a predictive model of a rock breakage by blasting using artificial neural networks

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    Over the years, various models have been developed in the stages of the mining process that have allowed predicting and enhancing results, but it is the breakage, the variable that connects all the activities of the mining process from the point of view of costs (drilling, blasting, loading, hauling, crushing and grinding). To improve this process, we have designed and developed a computational model based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), the same that was built using the most representative variables such as the properties of explosives, the geomechanical parameters of the rock mass, and the design parameters of drill-blasting. For the training and validation of the model, we have taken the data from a copper mine as reference located in the north of Chile. The ANN architecture was of the supervised type containing: an input layer, a hidden layer with 13 neurons and an output layer that includes the sigmoid activation function with symmetrical properties for optimal model convergence. The ANN model was fed-back in its learning with training data until it becomes perfected, and due to the experimental results obtained, it is a valid prediction option that can be used in future blasting of ore deposits with similar characteristics using the same representative variables considered. Therefore, it constitutes a valid alternative for predicting rock breakage, given that it has been experimentally validated, with moderately reliable results, providing higher correlation coefficients than traditional models used, and with the additional advantage that an ANN model provides, due to its ability to learn and recognize collected data patterns. In this way, using this computer model we can obtain satisfactory results that allow us to predict breakage in similar scenarios, providing an alternative for evaluating the costs that this entails as a contribution to the work

    Escoliosis congénitas causadas por hemivertebras

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    Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de 26 pacientes diagnosticados de escoliosis congénitas causadas por hemivertebras, liemos analizado la evolución de las curvas según el tipo de hemivértebra, su localización y el tratamiento recibido. Se han obtenido los peores resultados en las niñas, cuando el diagnóstico se realizó después de los 10 años de edad, en las curvas localizadas en la región toracolumbar, en las hemivértebras múltiples y, dentro de ellas, en las unilaterales segmentadas no adyacentes y en los pacientes tratados ortopédicamente.A retrospective study of 26 patients with congenital scoliosis due to hemivertebra was conducted. Curve progression was analysed regarding the type of hemivertebra, its localization, and the applied treatment. The worst results were found in girls, in cases who were diagnosed with more than to years of age, in thoraco-lumbar curves, in multiple hemivertebra, especially in non-adjacent segmented unilateral hemivertebra and, finally, in patients treated with orthopaedic methods

    Optimizing strategies for meningococcal C disease vaccination in Valencia (Spain)

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    BackgroundMeningococcal C (MenC) conjugate vaccines have controlled invasive diseases associated with this serogroup in countries where they are included in National Immunization Programs and also in an extensive catch-up program involving subjects up to 20 years of age. Catch-up was important, not only because it prevented disease in adolescents and young adults at risk, but also because it decreased transmission of the bacteria, since it was in this age group where the organism was circulating. Our objective is to develop a new vaccination schedule to achieve maximum seroprotection in these groups.MethodsA recent study has provided detailed age-structured information on the seroprotection levels against MenC in Valencia (Spain), where vaccination is routinely scheduled at 2 months and 6 months, with a booster dose at 18 months of age. A complementary catch-up campaign was also carried out in n for children from 12 months to 19 years of age. Statistical analyses of these data have provided an accurate picture on the evolution of seroprotection in the last few years.ResultsAn agent-based model has been developed to study the future evolution of the seroprotection histogram. We have shown that the optimum strategy for achieving high protection levels in all infants, toddlers and adolescents is a change to a 2 months, 12 months and 12 years of age vaccination pattern. If the new schedule were implemented in January 2014, high-risk subjects between 15-19 years of age would have very low seroprotection for the next 6 years, thereby threatening the program.ConclusionsHigh protection levels and a low incidence of meningococcal C disease can be achieved in the future by means of a cost-free change in vaccination program. However, we recommend a new catch-up program simultaneous to the change in regular vaccination program

    Analysis of burnout syndrome and resilience in nurses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the occurrence of work-related stress on nursing staff. Being resilience an essential element to countering adversity. The aim of the study was to assess burnout syndrome as well as resilience in hospital-care nurses during the first outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of burnout syndrome and resilience of 101 nurses during the first COVID-19 outbreak. The Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Scale of Resilience of Connor-Davidson were used. Results: The burnout average score was 74.35 ± 12.78 points, and resilience was 27.94 ± 5.84. Temporary nurses reached a lower average score for the emotional fatigue dimension (23.80 ± 10.39 points) p < 0.05. The emotional fatigue dimension correlated adversely with the average score of resilience (r = −0.271; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The level of burnout in nurses was high, being higher on those who took care of COVID-19 patients. Resilient nurses were able to better cope with stressful situations

    Ultimos avances en el tratamiento especializado de dolor neuropático

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    El dolor neuropático es un grupo heterogéneo de condiciones dolorosas causadas por lesión o enfermedad del sistema nervioso central o periférico. La Asociación Internacional de Estudio del Dolor (IASP) lo definió como “el dolor que sigue a una lesión primaria o disfunción del sistema nervioso central o periférico”. Recientemente, esta misma asociación lo ha redefinido como "aquel que se presenta como consecuencia directa de lesión o enfermedad y que afecta al sistema somatosensorial". A menudo tiene un impacto negativo sobre la salud mental y sobre la calidad de vida. Existen varias líneas farmacológicas para el tratamiento del dolor neuropático: antidepresivos, antiepilépticos y opioides conforman el tratamiento clásico. También disponemos de técnicas intervencionistas que habitualmente se aplican en pacientes con dolor neuropático rebelde a tratamiento farmacológico (bloqueos nerviosos periféricos, radiofrecuencia, toxina botulínica, etc.). Debido a que muchos de los pacientes están tratados con un único tratamiento pero no llegan a obtener alivio satisfactorio del dolor, las guías clínicas enfatizan que se pueden beneficiar del uso de combinaciones de medicaciones eficaces. Sin embargo, a pesar de estas estrategias, en ocasiones ni la combinación de tratamientos farmacológicos orales ni el uso de técnicas intervencionistas es totalmente eficaz