25 research outputs found

    Parametric rolling in regular head waves of the Kriso container ship : numerical and experimental investigation in shallow water

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    The IMO Intact Stability Code considers the parametric rolling phenomenon as one of the stability failure modes because of the larger roll angles attained. This hazardous condition of roll resonance can lead to loss of cargo, passenger discomfort, and even (in the extreme cases) the ship's capsize. Studies as such are mostly conducted considering wave characteristics corresponding to wave lengths around one ship length (lambda approximate to L-PP) and wave amplitudes varying from moderate to rough values. These wave characteristics, recognised as main contributors to parametric rolling, are frequently encountered in deep water. Waves with lengths of such magnitudes are also met by modern container ships in areas in close proximity to ports, but with less significant wave amplitudes. In such areas, due to the limited water depth and the relatively large draft of the ships, shallow water effects influence the overall ship behaviour as well. Studies dedicated to parametric rolling occurrence in shallow water are scarce in literature. In spite of no accidents being yet reported in such scenarios, its occurrence and methods for its prediction require further attention; this in order to prevent any hazardous conditions. The present work investigates the parametric roll phenomenon numerically and experimentally in shallow water. The study is carried out with the KRISO container ship (KCS) hull. The numerical investigation uses methods available in literature to study the susceptibility and severity of parametric rolling. Their applicability to investigate this phenomenon in shallow water is also discussed. The experimental analysis was carried out at the Towing Tank for Manoeuvres in Confined Water at Flanders Hydraulics Research (in co-operation with Ghent University). Model tests comprised a variation of different forward speeds, wave amplitudes and wave lengths (around one L-PP). The water depth was fixed to a condition equivalent to a gross under keel clearance (UKC) of 100% of the ship's draft

    Wave effects on the turning ability of an ultra large container ship in shallow water

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    The influence of waves on ship behaviour can lead to hazardous scenarios which put at risk the ship, the crew and the surroundings. For this reason, investigating the effect of waves on manoeuvring is of relevant interest. Waves may impair the overall manoeuvring performance of ships hence increasing risks such as collisions, which are of critical importance when considering dense traffic around harbour entrances and in unsheltered access channels. These are conditions met by Ultra Large Container Ships (ULCS) when approaching a port, e.g. in the North Sea access channels to the main sea ports of Belgium. Note that due to the large draft of ULCS and the limited water depth, shallow water effects will also influenced the ship. Thus, in such scenarios the combined effects of shallow water and waves on the ship's manoeuvring need to be studied. The present work investigates the effect of waves on the turning ability of an ULCS in shallow water. Simulations are carried out using the two time scale approach. The restricted water depth corresponds to 50% Under Keel Clearance (UKC). To gain a better insight on the forces acting on the ship, the propulsion, and the rudder behaviour in waves experimental studies were conducted. These tests were carried out in the Towing Tank for Manoeuvres in Confined Water at Flanders Hydraulics Research (in co-operation with Ghent University) with a scale model of an ULCS. Different wave lengths, wave amplitudes, ships speeds, propeller rates, and rudder angles were tested. The turning ability characteristics obtained from simulations in waves and calm water are presented, and discussed

    Soluciones NFC para la Compra de Boletos de Transporte Público en la Terminal Terrestre de Babahoyo

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    Buying tickets at the Babahoyo terrestrial terminal can become a slow process, causing delays and costs for users to queue to be able to mobilize to the different destinations on o er. The objective of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of using the computer system that implements NFC technology through mobile phones and smart cards that allow to speed up the purchase process, all for frequent travelers who must use this service. The data presented in this article were obtained through an exploratory study of qualitative and quantitative nature. The people who participated in the study were the users of the Babahoyo terrestrial terminal transport, who answered questions to determine their level of acceptance to a computer system using NFC technologies and the results determined that a large majority were available to use telephones and smart card readers. About 90% of respondents believe that the software will have a positive impact on the ticketing process at the Babahoyo terrestrial terminal. Even in the country, the advantages of NFC have not been seen, however, it is expected that by 2018 will have a high impact by the use of applications that make use of the benefits provided by this technology. NFC technology emerged about 15 years ago, however, in Ecuador has not yet become popular the use of it.La compra de boletos en el terminal terrestre de Babahoyo puede convertirse en un proceso lento, que genera pérdidas de tiempos y molestias a los usuarios que diariamente deben realizar largas las para poderse movilizar hacia los diferentes destinos que se ofertan. El objetivo del proyecto es demostrar la factibilidad de usar un sistema informático que implemente la tecnología NFC a través de teléfonos móviles y tarjetas inteligentes que permita agilizar el proceso de compra, sobre todo para los viajeros frecuentes que diariamente deben usar este servicio. Los datos presentados en este artículo fueron obtenidos a través de un estudio exploratorio de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo. Las personas que participaron en el estudio fue una muestra de los usuarios de transporte del terminal terrestre de Babahoyo, los cuales respondieron preguntas para determinar su nivel de aceptación a un sistema informático que use tecnologías NFC y los resultados determinaron que una gran mayoría estaría dispuesto a usar teléfonos y lectores de tarjetas inteligentes. Alrededor de un 90% de los encuestados cree que la aplicación informática propuesta tendrá un impacto positivo en el proceso de compra de boletos en el terminal terrestre de Babahoyo. Aun en el país las ventajas de NFC no se han visto, sin embargo, se prevé que para el 2018 se tenga un alto impacto mediante el uso de aplicaciones que hagan uso de los beneficios que provee esta tecnología. La tecnología NFC apareció hace aproximadamente unos 15 años, sin embargo, en Ecuador aún no se ha popularizado el uso de la misma


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611703301El deterioro del ambiente es una característica comun en todo el planeta, pero sus efectosparecen ser más severos en los países en desarrollo. De manera paradojica, los países endesarrollo son mas ricos en términos de biodiversidad, así como en el tamaño y densidad devariados recursos naturales, pero el poder econômico de los países desarrollados ejerce unaenorme presion para obtener provecho de esos recursos en benefício propio. Los ejemplos tantohistóricos como actuales para suportar esta afirmación no escasean. No obstante, los académicosen instituciones de enseñanza en todos el mundo comparten una preocupación por laconservación de la biodiversidad y de la sustentabilidad. Por ello, se propone que mediante unaasociación académica adecuada entre diversas instituciones de enseñanza e investigación, esposible crear conciencia sobre la irreversibilidad del daño ecológico, la importancia de promover lasustentabilidad influir en la normatividad y reglamentación internacional relativa.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611703301Deterioração do meio ambiente é agora uma característica comum em todo o planeta, mas seus efeitos parecem ser mais grave nos países em desenvolvimento. Paradoxalmente, os países em desenvolvimento são mais ricos em termos de diversidade biológica, bem como em tamanho e densidade dos vários recursos naturais, mas o poder econômico dos países desenvolvidos, colocou uma enorme pressão para tirar proveito desses recursos em benefício próprio. Exemplos históricos não faltam e atuais para suportar esta afirmação. No entanto, estudiosos de instituições de ensino em todos os lugares compartilham uma preocupação com a preservação da biodiversidade e de sustentabilidade. Por isso, defendemos que através de uma parceria adequada entre as instituições de ensino e pesquisa, é possível criar uma consciência sobre a irreversibilidade do dano ecológico, a relevância de promover a sustentabilidade ea necessidade de impor mandatos e regulamentos internacionais

    An overview on the modulation of the intestinal barrier and immune response by membrane vesicles secreted by the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/128014Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) is a good colonizer of the human gut and its efficacy in the inflammatory process undergone in ulcerative colitis has been demonstrated. The probiotic action is mainly through the modulation of intestinal epithelial tight junctions and immune system. Here we review the role of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) released by this probiotic strain on the modulation of intestinal homeostasis. EcN OMVs enter into host epithelial cells via clathrin-mediated endocytosis and are sorted to lysosomes via endocytic compartments. In cellular models of intestinal barrier, EcN OMVs stimulate the underlying immune system through the intestinal epithelium, triggering immune and defense responses. Thus, the use of probiotic derived OMVs could be a safe probiotic-derived strategy targeting intestinal inflammatory processes

    The secreted autotransporter toxin (Sat) does not act as a virulence factor in the probiotic Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917

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    BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) is a probiotic used in the treatment of intestinal diseases. Although it is considered safe, EcN is closely related to the uropathogenic E. coli strain CFT073 and contains many of its predicted virulence elements. Thus, it is relevant to assess whether virulence-associated genes are functional in EcN. One of these genes encodes the secreted autotransporter toxin (Sat), a member of the serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) that are secreted following the type V autotransporter pathway. Sat is highly prevalent in certain E. coli pathogenic groups responsible for urinary and intestinal infections. In these pathogens Sat promotes cytotoxic effects in several lines of undifferentiated epithelial cells, but not in differentiated Caco-2 cells. RESULTS: Here we provide evidence that sat is expressed by EcN during the colonization of mouse intestine. The EcN protein is secreted as an active serine protease, with its 107 kDa-passenger domain released into the medium as a soluble protein. Expression of recombinant EcN Sat protein in strain HB101 increases paracellular permeability to mannitol in polarized Caco-2 monolayers. This effect, also reported for the Sat protein of diffusely adherent E. coli, is not observed when this protein is expressed in the EcN background. In addition, we show that EcN supernatants confer protection against Sat-mediated effects on paracellular permeability, thus indicating that other secreted EcN factors are able to prevent barrier disruption caused by pathogen-related factors. Sat is not required for intestinal colonization, but the EcNsat::cat mutant outcompetes wild-type EcN in the streptomycin-treated mouse model. Analysis of the presence of sat in 29 strains of the ECOR collection isolated from stools of healthy humans shows 34.8 % positives, with high prevalence of strains of the phylogenetic groups D and B2, related with extra-intestinal infections. CONCLUSIONS: Sat does not act as a virulence factor in EcN. The role of Sat in intestinal pathogenesis relies on other genetic determinants responsible for the bacterial pathotype

    Angiosarcoma of the nasal cavity: a case report

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    Angiosarcomas are malignant neoplasias of rapid growth that develop from endothelial cells. They represent 2% of all sarcomas and only 1–4% are located in the aerodigestive tract. Since 1977, only 16 cases have been reported

    "Suspender el procedimiento mercantil vía incidental, por falta de personalidad durante la tramitación del jucio".

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto estudiar, exponer e ilustrar de manera breve pero clara, la ciencia del Derecho, entrando de fondo al estudio de una de sus ramas denominada Derecho Mercantil, abordando sus inicios, desarrollo y principales conceptos; así como algunas de sus disposiciones aplicables en nuestro país y su procedimiento, todo ello con la finalidad de entender de una manera clara la propuesta que presento, la cual consiste en una serie de reformas a la parte procesal de nuestro Código de Comercio; relacionadas a suspender los procedimientos mercantiles incidentalmente ante la ausencia de un requisito procesal denominado personalidad, durante el trámite del juicio. El método utilizado para la elaboración del presente trabajo de investigación fue principalmente el documental, puesto que se revisaron diversas fuentes de derecho procesal, la comparación de las legislaciones procesales federales, así como en la legislación local procesal