285 research outputs found

    Motivación y productividad de los trabajadores de la empresa Vilmar SAC Callao – 2017

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    La investigación denominada “Motivación y productividad de los trabajadores de la empresa Vilmar SAC Callao – 2017”. Fue planteada con el objetivo de determinar la relación que existe entre la motivación y la productividad de los trabajadores de la empresa Vilmar SAC. Esta investigación corresponde al tipo básico, con diseño no experimental, de nivel Correlacional y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 35 trabajadores de la empresa Vilmar SAC Callao. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios con aplicación de Escala de Likert validado por juicio de experto, la confiabilidad se obtuvo con el alfa de Crombach, los resultados fueron procesados mediante el software SPSS versión 23. Los resultados demuestran que existe relación entre la motivación y la productividad de los trabajadores de la empresa Vilmar SAC, al obtener un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman (rho=0,877) y un p-valor igual a 0,000. Interpretándose como: a mayor motivación, mayor será la productividad de los trabajadores de la empresa Vilmar SAC

    Percepción del usuario acerca de la calidad de atención del cuidado que brinda la enfermera en Centro Quirúrgico del Hospital de Ventanilla

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDeterminar la percepción del usuario acerca de la calidad de atención del cuidado que brinda la enfermera en Centro Quirúrgico del Hospital de Ventanilla 2017. El estudio fue de nivel aplicativo, tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo simple de corte transversal, la población estuvo conformada por 200 pacientes y la muestra fue obtenida mediante el muestreo probabilístico de proporciones para población finita quedando conformada por 49. La técnica fue la encuesta y el instrumento una escala de Likert modificada aplicado previo consentimiento informado. Del 100% (49), 88% (43) es mediamente favorable, 8% (4) desfavorable y 4% (2) favorable. En la dimensión interpersonal 84% (41) medianamente favorable, 14% (7) desfavorable y 2% (1) favorable; en la dimensión entorno 84% (41) medianamente favorable, 8% (4) desfavorable y 8% (4) favorable. Los ítems medianamente favorable en el componente interpersonal 35% (17) refieren que se muestra indiferente; y en el componente entorno 29% (14) los ambientes son cómodos y 33% (16) el servicio cuenta con materiales y equipos para la atención; los ítems favorables a nivel interpersonal 80% (39) expresan que la enfermera toma en cuenta sus opiniones, en el componente entorno 78% (38) los ambientes son adecuados y 76% (37) se preocupa por su comodidad y descanso; lo desfavorable en el componente interpersonal 8% (4) refiere que no atiende sus necesidades en forma amable y cortes, y en el componente entorno 2% (1) no ofrece las condiciones para proteger su privacidad. La mayoría refieren que es de medianamente favorable a favorable en el componente interpersonal porque manifiestan que la enfermera se muestra indiferente, lo atiende cuando tiene dolor; en el componente entorno los ambientes son cómodos y adecuados, cuentan con materiales y equipos necesarios; seguido por un mínimo porcentaje desfavorable en el componente interpersonal ya que no permite que exprese sus preocupaciones y temores, mientras que en el componente entorno no proteger su privacidad, ni cuando lo prepara para la cirugía.Trabajo académic

    The use of ecosystem-based adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America

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    There is growing interest in promoting the use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices to help smallholder farmers adapt to climate change, however there is limited information on how commonly these practices are used by smallholder farmers and what factors influence their use. Using participatory mapping and field surveys, we examined the prevalence and characteristics of EbA practices on 300 smallholder coffee and maize farmers in six landscapes in Central America and explored the socioeconomic and biophysical factors associated with their use. The prevalence of individual EbA practices varied across smallholder farms. Common EbA practices included live fences, home gardens, shade trees in coffee plantations, and dispersed trees in maize fields. We found a mean of 3.8 EbA practices per farm. Factors that were correlated with the total number of EbA practices on farms included the mean area of coffee plantations, farmer age, farmer experience, the farm type and the landscape in which farms were located. Factors associated with the presence or characteristics of individual EbA practices included the size of coffee plantations, farmer experience, farmer education, land tenure, landscape and farm type. Our analysis suggests that many smallholder farmers in Central America are already using certain EbA practices, but there is still scope for greater implementation. Policy makers, donors and technicians can encourage the broader use of EbA by smallholder farmers by facilitating farmer-to-farmer exchanges to share knowledge on EbA implementation, assessing the effectiveness of EbA practices in delivering adaptation benefits, and tailoring EbA policies and programs for smallholder farmers in different socioeconomic and biophysical contexts. (Résumé d'auteur

    Las relaciones interpersonales y la expresión oral en los niños de la Institución Educativa N° 10354 Cedro Pampa – La Capilla

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    El objetivo planteado para la ejecución de la investigación estuvo dirigido a determinar en qué medida la expresión oral se relaciona con las relaciones interpersonales en los estudiantes de 3er y 4to grado de Educación Primaria de la I.E. N° 10354 Cedro Pampa La Capilla. El estudio realizado se enmarcó en los estudios de tipo descriptivo correlacional; se usó el enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño no experimental. La recolección de datos fue posible mediante la elaboración y aplicación de instrumentos pertinentes, es decir, se suministró a las fuentes informantes dos instrumentos, una guía de observación para evaluar la expresión oral, y un cuestionario para evaluar las relaciones interpersonales, desde la percepción de los estudiantes. Los datos acopiados se procesaron a través de la técnica estadística tanto descriptiva como inferencial, la primera para identificar el nivel en que se ubica cada variable y la segunda para determinar el índice de correlación entre variables, proceso en el que fue necesario trabajar con los programas informáticos Excel y SPSS. Al término de la investigación se concluye que valor obtenido del estadístico Tau-b de Kendal adoptó el valor de 0,665, por lo que se asume que existe relación positiva moderada entre ambas variables, lo cual indica que si la expresión oral de los estudiantes mejora, también mejorarán las relaciones interpersonales entre ellos

    A double Seismic Array Experiment on Mt. Etna

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    On September 1999 two seismic antennas (array) and a profile of 3-D stations equipped with short period seismometers were installed on Mt. Etna; Aims of the experiment were to investigate the structure and the polarisation parameters of the volcanic tremor wavefield radiated in eruptive conditions, and to measure the seismic velocities and attenuation in the shallow structure beneath the arrays. The first array was installed close to Pizzi Deneri Volcanological Observatory, East of the crater area; the second array was located close to Torre del Filosofo site, south of the crater area. The profile was set up close to the Pizzi Deneri array. It had a length of 600 meters and consisted of 16 short period 3- component stations. In addition, a circular array of 8 short period seismometers was set up around the main crater area (Fig. 1). Several tremor samples and explosions quakes were recorded in 10 days of operation . Spectrograms show predominant energy into 1-4 Hz frequency band. Slowness spectra indicate a predominant source of the tremor located at surface and coincident with the crater area. Polarisation analysis show that the direction of predominant motion is transverse with respect to the direction pointing to the active craters.INGV - Osservatorio VesuvianoUnpublishedope

    Identification of the thistle milk component Silibinin(A) and Glutathione-disulphide as potential inhibitors of the pancreatic lipase: Potential implications on weight loss

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    This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion de Espana (under project RTI2018101309BC21) , by the Fundacion Seneca del Centro de Coordinacion de la Investigacion de la Region de Murcia (under Project 20988/PI/18) and by a grant from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad de Espana (CTQ201787974R) . This research was partially supported by the supercomputing infrastructure of Poznan Supercomputing Centre, and by the einfrastructure program of the Research Council of Norway, and the supercomputer centre of UiTthe Arctic University of Norway. The authors also thankfully acknowledge the computer resources and the technical support provided by the Plataforma Andaluza de Bioinformatica of the University of Malaga. Powered@NLHPC: This research was partially supported by the supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC (ECM02)Peripheral targets like pancreatic-lipase appear to be the most suitable pharmacological alternative for obesity, as with orlistat, although its adverse effects limit its use. Therefore, the aim of this work was to identify new natural compounds able to inhibit pancreatic-lipase in an in vitro model. The DrugBank database was used to perform docking calculations. The best fitting-score compounds were further evaluated in vitro. Our data revealed that glutathione-disulphide (GSSG) and silibinin(A) inhibit pancreatic-lipase. This was confirmed by measuring hydrolysis in an emulsion model, obtaining that the suppression of lipid digestion by silibinin(A) was higher than that of GSSG and close to the effect of orlistat. Combined analysis established the existence of different inhibition mechanisms for each compound. In summary, silibinin(A) and GSSG inhibited pancreatic-lipase and, therefore, may be served as promise natural compounds to face with obesity. Further studies comprise the next step to fully validate the suitability of these compounds.Spanish Government RTI2018-101309-B-C21Fundacion Seneca 20988/PI/18Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad de Espana CTQ2017-87974-RSupercomputing infrastructure of Poznan Supercomputing CentreEinfrastructure program of the Research Council of NorwaySupercomputer centre of UiTthe Arctic University of NorwaySupercomputer centre of UiTthe Arctic University of Norwa

    Mapping the ionized gas of the metal-poor HII galaxy PHL 293B with MEGARA

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    Here we report the first spatially resolved spectroscopic study for the galaxy PHL293B using the high-resolution GTC/MEGARA IFU. PHL293B is a local, extremely metal-poor, high ionization galaxy. This makes PHL 293B an excellent analogue for galaxies in the early Universe. The MEGARA aperture (~12.5''x 11.3'') covers the entire PHL 293B main body and its far-reaching ionized gas. We created and discussed maps of all relevant emission lines, line ratios and physical-chemical properties of the ionized ISM. The narrow emission gas appears to be ionized mainly by massive stars according to the observed diganostic line ratios, regardless of the position across the MEGARA aperture. We detected low intensity broad emission components and blueshifted absorptions in the Balmer lines (Hα\alpha,Hβ\beta) which are located in the brightest zone of the galaxy ISM. A chemically homogeneity, across hundreds of parsecs, is observed in O/H. We take the oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H)=7.64 ±\pm 0.06 derived from the PHL293B integrated spectrum as the representative metallicity for the galaxy. Our IFU data reveal for the first time that the nebular HeII4686 emission from PHL 293B is spatially extended and coincident with the ionizing stellar cluster, and allow us to compute its absolute HeII ionizing photon flux. Wolf-Rayet bumps are not detected excluding therefore Wolf-Rayet stars as the main HeII excitation source. The origin of the nebular HeII4686 is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 9 Figures, 3 Tables; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Intestinal Epithelial Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Modulate Hepatic Injury via the Gut-Liver Axis During Acute Alcohol Injury.

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    Binge drinking, i.e., heavy episodic drinking in a short time, has recently become an alarming societal problem with negative health impact. However, the harmful effects of acute alcohol injury in the gut-liver axis remain elusive. Hence, we focused on the physiological and pathological changes and the underlying mechanisms of experimental binge drinking in the context of the gut-liver axis. Eight-week-old mice with a C57BL/6 background received a single dose (p.o.) of ethanol (EtOH) [6 g/kg b.w.] as a preclinical model of acute alcohol injury. Controls received a single dose of PBS. Mice were sacrificed 8 h later. In parallel, HepaRGs and Caco-2 cells, human cell lines of differentiated hepatocytes and intestinal epithelial cells intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), respectively, were challenged in the presence or absence of EtOH [0-100 mM]. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolated by ultracentrifugation from culture media of IECs were added to hepatocyte cell cultures. Increased intestinal permeability, loss of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) and MUCIN-2 expression, and alterations in microbiota-increased Lactobacillus and decreased Lachnospiraceae species-were found in the large intestine of mice exposed to EtOH. Increased TUNEL-positive cells, infiltration of CD11b-positive immune cells, pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., tlr4, tnf, il1β), and markers of lipid accumulation (Oil Red O, srbep1) were evident in livers of mice exposed to EtOH, particularly in females. In vitro experiments indicated that EVs released by IECs in response to ethanol exerted a deleterious effect on hepatocyte viability and lipid accumulation. Overall, our data identified a novel mechanism responsible for driving hepatic injury in the gut-liver axis, opening novel avenues for therapy.This work was supported by the MINECO Retos SAF2016-78711, SAF2017-87919-R, EXOHEP-CM S2017/BMD-3727, NanoLiver-CM Y2018/NMT-4949, ERAB Ref. EA 18/14, AMMF 2018/117, UCM-25-2019 and COST Action CA17112, the German Research Foundation (SFB/TRR57/P04, SFB 1382-403224013/A02, and DFG NE 2128/2-1). FC and YN are Ramón y Cajal Researchers RYC-2014-15242 and RYC-2015-17438. FC is a Gilead Liver Research 2018. KZ is a recipient of a Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC). BK20170127 from the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province to JP.S

    Fecal microbiota composition is related to brown adipose tissue F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in young adults

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    Objective Human brown adipose tissue (BAT) has gained considerable attention as a potential therapeutic target for obesity and its related cardiometabolic diseases; however, whether the gut microbiota might be an efficient stimulus to activate BAT metabolism remains to be ascertained. We aimed to investigate the association of fecal microbiota composition with BAT volume and activity and mean radiodensity in young adults. Methods 82 young adults (58 women, 21.8 +/- 2.2 years old) participated in this cross-sectional study. DNA was extracted from fecal samples and 16S rRNA sequencing was performed to analyse the fecal microbiota composition. BAT was determined via a static F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18-FDG) positron emission tomography-computed tomography scan (PET/CT) after a 2 h personalized cooling protocol. F-18-FDG uptake was also quantified in white adipose tissue (WAT) and skeletal muscles. Results The relative abundance of Akkermansia, Lachnospiraceae sp. and Ruminococcus genera was negatively correlated with BAT volume, BAT SUVmean and BAT SUVpeak (all rho = 0.262, P = 0.213, P Conclusion Our results suggest that fecal microbiota composition is involved in the regulation of BAT and glucose uptake by other tissues in young adults. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.</p

    Dystrophinopathy Phenotypes and Modifying Factors in Exon 45-55 Deletion

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) exon 45-55 deletion (del45-55) has been postulated as a model that could treat up to 60% of DMD patients, but the associated clinical variability and complications require clarification. We aimed to understand the phenotypes and potential modifying factors of this dystrophinopathy subset. This cross-sectional, multicenter cohort study applied clinical and functional evaluation. Next generation sequencing was employed to identify intronic breakpoints and their impact on the Dp140 promotor, intronic long noncoding RNA, and regulatory splicing sequences. DMD modifiers (SPP1, LTBP4, ACTN3) and concomitant mutations were also assessed. Haplotypes were built using DMD single nucleotide polymorphisms. Dystrophin expression was evaluated via immunostaining, Western blotting, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and droplet digital PCR in 9 muscle biopsies. The series comprised 57 subjects (23 index) expressing Becker phenotype (28%), isolated cardiopathy (19%), and asymptomatic features (53%). Cognitive impairment occurred in 90% of children. Patients were classified according to 10 distinct index-case breakpoints; 4 of them were recurrent due to founder events. A specific breakpoint (D5) was associated with severity, but no significant effect was appreciated due to the changes in intronic sequences. All biopsies showed dystrophin expression of >67% and traces of alternative del45-57 transcript that were not deemed pathogenically relevant. Only the LTBP4 haplotype appeared associated the presence of cardiopathy among the explored extragenic factors. We confirmed that del45-55 segregates a high proportion of benign phenotypes, severe cases, and isolated cardiac and cognitive presentations. Although some influence of the intronic breakpoint position and the LTBP4 modifier may exist, the pathomechanisms responsible for the phenotypic variability remain largely unresolved. ANN NEUROL 2022;92:793-80