3,835 research outputs found

    Project of Study About the Prevalence of Ungueal and Dermatological Podiatric Pathologies in Shellfish Gatherers

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    [Resumo] O marisqueo a pé é unha actividade profesional por conta propia que consiste principalmente en capturar, sementar e comercializar moluscos e outros invertebrados mariños. O colectivo que a desempeña está sometido a condicións de traballo adversas, tales como humidade, golpes, cortes ou posturas forzadas, que supoñen un risco para a súa saúde e que favorecen o desenvolvemento de diversas patoloxías, e en concreto, patoloxías podolóxicas dérmicas e ungueais. A poboación obxecto de estudo serán as/os mariscadoras/es da ría de Muros e Noia. A mostra extraerase das 146 licenzas que conta na actualidade este municipio (Tamaño muestral: n = 129 (Seguridade = 95%, Precisión ± 3)). Incluiranse no estudo a aquelas persoas maiores de idade e en posesión de licenzas pertinentes, que accedan participar de maneira voluntaria e excluiranse as persoas que pola súa deterioración cogniva non poidan participar. O estudo realizarase entre xaneiro de 2018 e maio de 2019. Para obtermos información sobre variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas, laborais, o tipo de calzado usado e cuestións dermatolóxicas e ungueais do pe, recolleranse datos a través dun cuestionario que será entregado por unha das investigadoras do estudo.[Resumen] El marisqueo de a pie es una actividad profesional por cuenta propia que consiste principalmente en capturar, sembrar y comercializar moluscos y otros invertebrados marinos. El colectivo que va a desempeñar esta tarea está sometido a condiciones de trabajo adversas, tales como la humedad, golpes, cortes y posturas forzadas, que suponen un riesgo para la salud y que favorecen el desarrollo de diversas patologías, y en concreto, patologías podológicas dérmicas y ungueales. La población objeto de estudio serán las/los maricadoras/es de la ría de Muros y Noya. La muestra se extraerá de las 146 licencias que cuentan en la actualidad este municipio (Tamaño muestral: n = 129 (Seguridad = 95%, Precisión ± 3)). Se incluirá en el estudio a personas mayores de edad y en posesión de licencias pertinentes, que accedan a participar de manera voluntaria y se excluirán las personas que por su deterioro cognitivo no puedan participar. El estudio se realizará entre enero 2018 y mayo de 2019. Para obtener información sobre variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas, laborales, el tipo de calzado usado y cuestiones dermatológicas y ungueales del pie, se recogerán datos a través de un cuestionario que será entregado por una de las investigadoras del estudio.[Abstract] Shellfish gathering is a professional activity on its own that consists basically on capturing, sowing and marketing mollusks and other marine invertebrates. The group that will perform this task is submitted to adverse working conditions, such as humidity, hits, cuts and forced postures, that suppose a risk to health and it favors the development of diverse pathologies, in particular, dermatological and ungueal pathologies The population under study will be the shellfish gatherers from Muros and Noia estuary. The sample will be extracted from the 146 licenses that this location currently has (Sample size: n= 129 (Security = 95%, Accuracy ± 3)). They will be included in the study those people of legal age and in possession of pertinent licenses, who agree to participate in a voluntary way and will exclude people who, due to their cognitive impairment, cannot participate. The study will take place between January 2018 and May 2019. In order to obtain information about socio-demographic, anthropometric and labor variables, and the type of footwear used in dermatological and ungueal problems of the foot, data will be collected through a questionnaire that will be delivered by one of the researchers of this study.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2017/201

    Procesos educativos, socialización e teatro nas culturas sen tradición escrita. Algunhas consideracións para o seu estudio

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    [Resumo] Nesie traballo queremos realizar unha primeira aproximación ó que teñen sido as relacións entre teatro e educación nas culturas sen tradición escrita, procesos formati- vos tradicionalmente esquecidos nos manuais de historia da educación. Como iremos vendo, o teatro constitúe un ámbito privilexiado de creación, expresión e comunicación artística e cultural cunha indubidable dimensión educativa.[Abstract] Since the dawn of civilisation, theatre -considering the different ways of enac- ting a dramatic situation- has been a means of providing group cohesion, an exceptional tool to establish values, rules of conduct and social norms. For the early illiterate cultures, the stage -no maller how bare or informal we may imagine it to have been- became an educa- tional tool. The aim of this paper is to highlight the relevance of theatre in ritual and educa- lional processes

    Relación entre la percepción del estigma social y la participación social de usuarios de un hospital de día de psiquiatría

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    [Resumen] Introducción: A pesar de los grandes avances que se han producido en el conocimiento, manejo y tratamiento de las enfermedades mentales, éstas siguen estando ligadas al concepto de estigma social. Este hecho conlleva un rechazo por parte de la sociedad hacia las personas que las presentan, provocando muchas veces que éstas dejen de realizar y/o disfrutar de las ocupaciones que necesitan y/o desean. Objetivo: Partiendo de esta realidad, en este proyecto se pretende explorar la percepción del estigma social que se pueda generar en el entorno más cercano de los usuarios de un Hospital de Día de Psiquiatría, y si consideran que éste estigma influye en su participación social. Metodología: El presente proyecto se llevará a cabo mediante una metodología cualitativa de tipo fenomenológico, ya que se explorarán las vivencias, las experiencias, los sentimientos y las opiniones propias de los participantes en relación al objeto de estudio. Para ello, como herramienta de recogida de datos se utilizará una entrevista semiestructurada.[Abstract] Introduction: Despite the significant progress made in the knowledge, management and treatment of mental illnesses, these still remains linked to the concept of social stigma. This fact entails the society rejection towards people who show them and causes that many times they stop performing and / or enjoying the occupations they need and / or want. Objective: Given this reality, this project aims to explore the perception of the social stigma that can be generated in the immediate environment of the users of a Psychiatric Day Hospital, and if they feel that this stigma affects their social participation. Methodology: This project will be carried out with a qualitative methodology and a phenomenological orientation, as it will explore the experiences, feelings and opinions of the participants themselves in relation to the object of the study. To do so, a semi-structured interview will be used as a tool for data collection.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2014/2015

    As representacións da nación no teatro galego (A propósito de Alén, un texto inaugural de Xaime Quintanilla)

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    En este artículo queremos determinar algunas relaciones entre creación dramática y construcción nacional a través del estudio de las representaciones de la región y de la nación en Galicia en el primer cuarto del siglo XX, al tiempo que se consideran tentativas para crear una literatura nacional, en la que el discurso literario gana autonomía frente a la intrumentalización propia del regionalismo y del nacionalismo. En todos estos procesos destaca la obra singular e innovadora de Xaime Quintanilla.Neste artigo queremos determinar algunhas relacións entre creación dramática e contrucción nacional a través do estudio das representacións da rexión e da nación en Galicia no primeiro cuartel do século XX, do tempo que se consideran tentativas para crear unha literatura nacional, na que o discurso literario gaña autonomía fronte à intrumentalizaciòn propia do rexionalismo e do nacionalismo En todos estes procesos destaca a obra singular e anovadora de Xaime Quintanilla

    Subsidiariedad y proporcionalidad en el control parlamentario de la normativa europea

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    Este artículo describe y analiza el régimen jurídico de control de los principios de subsidiariedad y proporcionalidad de la normativa europea por el sistema parlamentario español, con los siguientes objetivos: Tratamiento, en primer lugar, de los aspectos generales del trabajo: qué es el principio de subsidiariedad, la regulación europea y la normativa contenida en los reglamentos parlamentarios, así como la experiencia parlamentaria estatal y autonómica. En segundo lugar, trataremos los aspectos relativos al principio de proporcionalidad en la regulación de la Unión Europea y su régimen de alerta temprana. Para finalizar, afrontaremos el funcionamiento de la cooperación interparlamentaria entre los distintos niveles parlamentarios en presencia.This work describes and analyzes the early warning system for monitoring the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality in the Spanish Par-liament, that is about both parliamen-tary control functions as the principle of subsidiarity. We address, in the first place, the general aspects of the work, which is the principle of subsidiarity, European regulation and standards con-tained in parliamentary regulations as well as state and regional parliamentary experience. We also discuss the relative proportionality principle that it is part-ner in the regulation of the European Union or the regime of early warning, vital for the right working of the subsidiariety or how general courts have a role within the framework of the Eu-ropean Union alongside the regional parliaments. Finally, we will analyze interparliamentary cooperation

    Microbiological water quality of the river Mero

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2016/2017[Resumen] Los ríos son la fuente de agua dulce más importante para los seres humanos, por lo que es necesario conocer su estado y evitar la contaminación asociada al rápido desarrollo de la población, que conlleva un continuo desgaste del medio natural. Por este motivo, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre la calidad del agua del río Mero a partir de distintos puntos de su curso para conocer cómo las actividades humanas afectan a sus aguas. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis microbiológico de coliformes totales, coliformes fecales, enterococos y Pseudomonas, encontrando un aumento progresivo de coliformes fecales desde el nacimiento del río hasta su desembocadura. También se ha realizado un estudio sobre el desarrollo de la microalga Chlamydomonas moewusii, utilizando el agua muestreada para preparar el medio de cultivo necesario. Tras el análisis, se concluye que, aunque la calidad del agua es buena tanto para el desarrollo de las plantas como de los animales acuáticos asociados al río, el aumento de coliformes fecales en las zonas urbanas así como el aumento del crecimiento de C. moewusii en estos últimos puntos, evidencian una alta descarga de aguas residuales domésticas portadoras de materia orgánica y contaminación fecal, por lo que se hace necesario controlar los vertidos a las aguas naturales para evitar los problemas de salud que podrían provocar las bacterias asociadas a la presencia de contaminación fecal en las aguas.[Resumo] Os ríos son a fonte de auga doce máis importante para os seres humanos, polo que é necesario coñecer o seu estado e evitar a contaminación asociada ó rápido desenvolvemento da poboación, que supón un continuo desgaste do medio natural. Por este motivo levouse a cabo un estudo sobre a calidade da auga do río Mero a partir de distintos puntos do seu curso para coñecer cómo as actividades humanas afectan as súas augas. Para isto realizouse unha análise microbiolóxica de coliformes totales, coliformes fecais, enterococos e Pseudomonas, encontrando un aumento progresivo de coliformes fecais dende o nacemento do río ata a súa desembocadura. Realizouse tamén un estudo sobre o desenvolvemento da microalga Chlamydomonas moewusii, empregando a auga recollida para preparar o medio de cultivo necesario. Tras a análise, conclúese que, aínda que a calidade da auga é boa tanto para o desenvolvemento das plantas como dos animais acuáticos asociados ó río, o aumento de coliformes fecais nas zonas urbanas así como o aumento do crecemento de C. moewusii nestes últimos puntos, evidencian una alta descarga de augas residuais domésticas portadoras de materia orgánica e contaminación fecal, polo que se fai necesario controlar os vertidos ás augas naturais para evitar os problemas de saúde que poderían provocar as bacterias asociadas á presenza de contaminación fecal nas augas.[Abstract] Rivers are the most important source of fresh water for humans, so it´s necessary to know their condition and avoid contamination associated with the fast increasment of the population, which entails a continuous wastage of the natural environment. For this reason, a study has been conducted on the water quality of the river Mero from different points of its course to know how human activities affect its waters. Because of this, a microbiological analysis of total coliforms, faecal coliforms, enterococci and Pseudomonas has been carried out, finding a progressive increase of faecal coliforms from the source of the river to its mouth. Another study has been made on the microalgae Chlamydomonas moewusii growth, using the sampled water to prepare the necessary culture medium. After the analysis, it is concluded that, although the water quality is good for the development of the plants and the aquatic animals associated to the river, the increase of faecal coliforms in urban areas as well as the growth of C. moewusii in the last points, evidences a high discharge of domestic wastewaters bearing organic matter and faecal contamination, reason why it is necessary to control the discharges to the natural waters to avoid the health problems that the bacteria associated to the presence of faecal contamination in the waters could provoke

    For a History of Theatre Education in Galicia. Basic features.

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    [Resumo] Na construción e configuración de calquera sistema do campo cultural, faise necesario, entre outras cousas, o desenvolvemento de institucións que o estruturen e nutran. No caso do teatral, son especialmente importantes aquelas nas que se forman os axentes do sistema, e, entre elas, destacan as escolas de teatro, centros de formación que poden desenvolver procesos educativos diversos, con maior ou menor grao de formalización, aínda que o ámbito da educación teatral é maior, como queremos mostrar. Neste traballo, que situamos ao abeiro da Historia da educación teatral, queremos ofrecer unha panorámica xeral do que teñen sido as liñas de traballo máis importantes no ámbito da formación teatral en Galicia, e que, no seu conxunto, configuran un campo de estudo e investigación emerxente.[Abstract] In the making and development of any of the systems of the cultural field, there are institutions which are very relevant, as far as the whole process depends on them. In the case of the theatre system, those institutions oriented to the training of the agents of the system are especially important, and among them we must consider the theatre schools which offer different types of courses and qualifications, with a different degree of formalization, although the field that theatre education covers is much broader. This paper, which has been written under the framework of the History of Theatre Education, offers a general view of what have been the most popular issues in theatre education in Galicia in the past and at present, and at the same time shows the richness and possibilities of this new area of studies

    Study of the B0→ρ(770)0K*(892)0 decay with an amplitude analysis of B0→(π+π−)(K+π−) decays

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    This thesis is devoted to the study of the B0 → ρ(770)0K∗(892)0 decay mode for which 3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV were analysed. The details of an amplitude analysis of B0 → (π+π−)(K+π−) decays performed in the two-body invariant mass regions corresponding to 300 < m(π+π−) < 1100 MeV/c2 and 750 < m(K+π−) < 1200 MeV/c2 are documented and the full set of results from the am- plitude analysis is discussed. These correspond to the CP averages and asymmetries for the magnitudes and phase differences of the contributing amplitudes. The results presented in this work correspond to the first measurements of most of these observables. In particular, the CP-averaged longitudinal polarisation fractions of the vector-vector modes are found to be f ̃0(ρK*)= 0.164 ± 0.015 ± 0.022 and f ̃0(ωK*) = 0.68 ± 0.17 ± 0.16, and their CP asymmetries, A0ρK∗ = −0.62 ± 0.09 ± 0.09 and A0ωK∗ = −0.13 ± 0.27 ± 0.13, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. As a result from this work, the first observation of direct CP violation in amplitude analyses of vector-vector decays was achieved

    Nested filtering methods for Bayesian inference in state space models

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorA common feature to many problems in some of the most active fields of science is the need to calibrate (i.e., estimate the parameters) and then forecast the time evolution of high-dimensional dynamical systems using sequentially collected data. In this dissertation we introduce a generalised nested filtering methodology that is structured in (two or more) intertwined layers in order to estimate the static parameters and the dynamic state variables of nonlinear dynamical systems. This methodology is essentially probabilistic. It aims at recursively computing the sequence of posterior probability distributions of the unknown model parameters and its (time-varying) state variables conditional on the available observations. To be specific, in the first layer of the filter we approximate the posterior probability distribution of the static parameters and in the consecutive layers we employ filtering (or data assimilation) techniques to track and predict different conditional probability distributions of the state variables. We have investigated the use of different Monte Carlo-based methods and Gaussian filtering techniques in each of the layers, leading to a wealth of algorithms. In a first approach, we have introduced a nested filtering methodology of two layers that aims at recursively estimating the static parameters and the dynamical state variables of a state space model. This probabilistic scheme uses Monte Carlo-based methods in the first layer of the filter, combined with the use of Gaussian filters in the second layer. Different from the nested particle filter (NPF) of [25], the use of Gaussian filtering techniques in the second layer allows for fast implementations, leading to algorithms that are better suited to high-dimensional systems. As each layer uses different types of methods, we refer to the proposed methodology as nested hybrid filtering. We specifically explore the combination of Monte Carlo and quasi–Monte Carlo approximations in the first layer, including sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) and sequential quasi-Monte Carlo (SQMC), with standard Gaussian filtering methods in the second layer, such as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and the extended Kalman filter (EKF). However, other algorithms can fit naturally within the framework. Additionally, we prove a general convergence result for a class of procedures that use SMC in the first layer and we show numerical results for a stochastic two-scale Lorenz 96 system, a model commonly used to assess data assimilation (filtering) procedures in Geophysics. We apply and compare different implementations of the methodology to the tracking of the state and the estimation of the fixed parameters. We show estimation and forecasting results, obtained with a desktop computer, for up to 5000 dynamic state variables. As an extension of the nested hybrid filtering methodology, we have introduced a class of schemes that can incorporate deterministic sampling techniques (such as the cubature Kalman filter (CKF) or the unscented Kalman filter (UKF)) in the first layer of the algorithm, instead of the Monte Carlo-based methods employed in the original procedure. As all the methods used in this scheme are Gaussian, we refer to this class of algorithms as nested Gaussian filters. One more time, we reduce the computational cost with the proposed scheme, making the resulting algorithms potentially better-suited for high-dimensional state and parameter spaces. In the numerical results, we describe and implement a specific instance of the new method (a UKF-EKF algorithm) and evaluate its average performance in terms of estimation errors and running times for nonlinear stochastic models. Specifically, we present numerical results for a stochastic Lorenz 63 model using synthetic data, as well as for a stochastic volatility model with real-world data. Finally, we have extended the proposed methodology in order to estimate the static parameters and the dynamical variables of a class of heterogeneous multi-scale state-space models [1]. This scheme combines three or more layers of filters, one inside the other. Each of the layers corresponds to the different time scales that are relevant to the dynamics of this kind of state-space models, allocating the variables with the greatest time scales (the slowest ones) in the outer-most layer and the variables with the smallest time scales (the fastest ones) to the inner-most layer. In particular, we describe a three-layer filter that approximates the posterior probability distribution of the parameters in a first layer of computation, in a second layer we approximate the posterior probability distribution of the slow state variables, and the posterior probability distribution of the fast state variables is approximated in a third layer. To be specific, we describe two possible algorithms that derive from this scheme, combining Monte Carlo methods and Gaussian filters at different layers. The first method uses SMC methods in both first and second layers, together with a bank of UKFs in the third layer (i.e., a SMC-SMC-UKF algorithm). The second method employs a SMC in the first layer, EnKFs at the second layer and introduces the use of a bank of EKFs in the third layer (i.e., a SMC-EnKF-EKF algorithm). We present numerical results for a two-scale stochastic Lorenz 96 model with synthetic data.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Víctor Elvira Arregui.- Secretario: Stefano Cabras.- Vocal: David Luengo Garcí