2,099 research outputs found

    Ferramentas de marketing: utilização das ferramentas no segmento autoserviçona Cia. Brasileira de Bebidas — AmBev, Centro de Dist ribuição de Florianópolis

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.Pretende-se com o referido trabalho apresentar as ferramentas de marketing citadas pela teoria, apontadas sob o ponto de vistas de alguns autores naáreado marketing. Ainda apontar as ferramentas de marketing utilizadas pela Cia Brasileira de Bebidas — AmBev, no segmento auto serviço no Centro de Distribuição de Florianópolis, aplicadas pela empresa com base no referencial teórico. Fica exposto o histórico da empresa e ainda abordagens sobre seu principal produto de produção, a cerveja. Por fim mostrar a contribuição das ferramentas preço e praça/ponto, na alavancagem de volume de vendas de cerveja no primeiro semestre de 2004, no Centro de Distribuição de Florianópolis. Oreferido trabalho trata-se de um estudo de caso, com dados qualitativos

    The Garda Area (Italy) Earthquake of 24 November 2004: a Field Report

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    On November 24 2004 an earthquake hit the area of the Garda Lake, part of the Lombardia region in Italy. This report presents the evidence collected in the investigation trip. The historical seismicity is provided. The behaviour of different categories of buildings is analysed and discussed, and the an overview of the procedures used to deal with the emergency is carried out.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Periodontal disease severity is associated to pathogenic consortia comprising putative and candidate periodontal pathogens

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    Based on a holistic concept of polymicrobial etiology, we have hypothesized that putative and candidate periodontal pathogens are more frequently detected in consortia than alone in advanced forms of periodontal diseases (PD). Objective: To correlate specific consortia of periodontal pathogens with clinical periodontal status and severity of periodontitis. Methodology: Subgingival biofilm was obtained from individuals with periodontal health (113, PH), gingivitis (91, G), and periodontitis (209, P). Genomic DNA was purified and the species Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Aa JP2-like strain, Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Dialister pneumosintes (Dp), and Filifactor alocis (Fa) were detected by PCR. Configural frequency and logistic regression analyses were performed to correlate microbial consortia and PD. Results:  Aa + Pg in the presence of Dp (phi=0.240; χ2=11.9, p<0.01), as well as Aa JP2 + Dp + Fa (phi=0.186, χ2=4.6, p<0.05) were significantly more associated in advanced stages of P. The consortium Aa + Fa + Dp was strongly associated with deep pocketing and inflammation (p<0.001). The best predictors of disease severity (80% accuracy) included older age (OR 1.11 [95% CI 1.07 – 1.15], p<0.001), Black/African-American ancestry (OR 1.89 [95% CI 1.19 – 2.99], p=0.007), and high frequency of Aa + Pg + Dp (OR 3.04 [95% CI 1.49 – 6.22], p=0.002). Conclusion; Specific microbial consortia of putative and novel periodontal pathogens, associated with demographic parameters, correlate with severe periodontitis, supporting the multifactorial nature of PD

    Reconhecimento de oficinas regionais e atribuição de autoria: limites e contribuições para o estudo da escultura religiosa em Minas Gerais

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    Resumo: O presente artigo aborda a prática do reconhecimento e agrupamento de imagens religiosas, a partir de análises formais, para fins de identificação e estudo da produção de oficinas regionais, prática corriqueira nos estudos de História da Arte religiosa em Minas Gerais, assim como a prática de atribuição de autoria. Para tanto, serão exploradas as experiências dos autores, problematizando os limites, assim como aventando as suas contribuições deste procedimento para o estudo da escultura religiosa mineira. Palavras-chave: Minas Gerais, Imaginária sacra, oficinas regionais. Regional workshops recognition and attribution of authorship: limits and contributions to the studies of religious sculptures in Minas Gerais Abstract: This paper addresses the practice of recognition and grouping of religious images from formal analysis for the purpose of identifying and studying the regional workshop production, a common routine in the studies of Religious Art History in Minas Gerais, as well as the authorship attribution practice. For such, it will proceed by exploring the author’s experiences, questioning its limits and envisioning such procedures contributions to the study of religious sculptures in Minas Gerais. Keywords: Minas Gerais, Sacred Imagery, Regional workshop

    Medium- and large-sized mammal composition in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park and adjacent areas, state of Goiás, Brazil

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    The Cerrado is the second largest Brazilian biome and only 2.8% is represented by protected areas. Considering the relevance of the Cerrado and Conservation Units in preserving the mammalian diversity, we provided the first assessment of the diversity of medium- and large-sized mammal species in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park (CVNP) and surroundings. We tested the effectiveness of the CVNP by assessing the difference in species composition within the park and its surroundings. We sampled CVNP in the rainy (October-December 2013) and dry seasons (March-June 2014) in order to characterize the seasonality within the community. We selected 36 sampling sites to evaluate the composition of the medium and large mammals in the CVNP and its surroundings, 18 in the CVNP and 18 in the park surroundings. We ordered mammalian composition and frequency of individuals data by using a Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling analysis (NMDS). We assessed the effect of season (dry and rainy seasons) and locality (within the CVNP and surroundings) on mammalian species richness with a two-way analysis of variance (Two-way ANOVA). We recorded 23 species, 13 within the CVNP and 17 species in its surroundings. Composition and frequency of records differed between dry and rainy seasons, with higher richness in the rainy season. Species’ composition and the frequency of records were also different between within the CVNP and its surroundings, with higher richness in the surroundings. These results provide information for the increase of the knowledge of mammalian ecology but also is useful as a tool for future strategies to the conservation of these species. More attention should be given to the monitoring of these species in the long term because this area still harbor some viable populations

    Colonization dynamics of subgingival microbiota in recently installed dental implants compared to healthy teeth in the same individual: a 6-month prospective observational study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the colonization dynamics of subgingival microbiota established over six months around newly installed dental implants in periodontally healthy individuals, compared with their corresponding teeth. Methodology: Seventeen healthy individuals assigned to receive single dental implants participated in the study. Subgingival biofilm was sampled from all implant sites and contralateral/ antagonist teeth on days 7, 30, 90, and 180 after implant installation. Microbiological analysis was performed using the Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique for detection of classical oral taxa and non-oral microorganisms. Significant differences were estimated by Mann-Whitney and Friedman tests, while associations between implants/teeth and target species levels were assessed by linear regression analysis (LRA). Significance level was set at 5%. Results: Levels of some species were significantly higher in teeth compared to implants, respectively, at day 7 ( V.parvula , 6 × 105 vs 3 × 105 ; Milleri streptococci , 2 × 106 vs 6 × 105 ; Capnocytophaga spp., 2 × 106 vs 9 × 105 ; E.corrodens , 2 × 106 vs 5 × 105 ; N. mucosa , 2 × 106 vs 5 × 105 ; S.noxia , 2 × 106 vs 3 × 105 ; T.socranskii , 2 × 106 vs 5 × 105 ; H.alvei , 4 × 105 vs 2 × 105 ; and Neisseria spp., 6 × 105 vs 4 × 104 ), day 30 ( V.parvula , 5 × 105 vs 105 ; Capnocytophaga spp., 1.3 × 106 vs 6.8 × 104 ; F.periodonticum , 2 × 106 vs 106 ; S.noxia , 6 × 105 vs 2 × 105 ; H.alvei , 8 × 105 vs 9 × 104 ; and Neisseria spp., 2 × 105 vs 106 ), day 120 ( V.parvula , 8 × 105 vs 3 × 105 ; S.noxia , 2 × 106 vs 0; and T.socranskii , 3 × 105 vs 8 × 104 ), and day 180 ( S.enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi, 8 × 106 vs 2 × 106 ) (p<0.05). Implants showed significant increases over time in the levels of F.nucleatum , Gemella spp., H.pylori , P.micra , S.aureus , S.liquefaciens , and T.forsythia (p<0.05). LRA found that dental implants were negatively correlated with high levels of S. noxia and V. parvula (β=-0.5 to -0.3; p<0.05). Conclusions: Early submucosal microbiota is diverse and only a few species differ between teeth and implants in the same individual. Only 7 days after implant installation, a rich microbiota can be found in the peri-implant site. After six months of evaluation, teeth and implants show similar prevalence and levels of the target species, including known and new periodontopathic species

    Paracoccidioidomycosis in Amerindian populations of the Brazilian Suruí tribe: a clinical and laboratory study of two cases

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis has been considered the most frequent endemic systemic mycosis in Latin America. Although most cases of paracoccidioidomycosis involve rural workers, this systemic fungal disease has been scarcely reported among Amerindian populations from Brazil. We report two cases of paracoccidioidomycosis in Tupi-Mondé Amerindians from Cacoal, state of Rondônia, Brazil. Both cases exhibited positive serological results by a specific immunodiffusion test only when the assay was performed with antigens obtained from the mycelial form of P. brasiliensis. The authors present a literature review of paracoccidioidomycosis in Brazilian Amerindians and discuss the need for further investigations about the impact of the antigenic diversity of P. brasiliensis from different geographic areas on the serological diagnosis of PCM.Paracoccidioidomicose é considerada a micose sistêmica endêmica mais prevalente na América Latina. Apesar da maior parte da casuística de paracoccidioidomicose ocorrer entre trabalhadores rurais, há poucos casos documentados de ocorrência dessa micose entre índios brasileiros. São apresentados 2 casos de paracoccidioidomicose em índios Suruí, família linguística Tupi-Mondé, procedentes de Cacoal, Rondônia. Ambos apresentaram sorologia positiva à imunodifusão apenas com antígenos da fase miceliana do P. brasiliensis. Os autores apresentam revisão de literatura sobre a ocorrência dessa micose entre índios brasileiros e discutem a necessidade de futuras investigações buscando caracterizar as diferenças regionais de cepas de P. brasiliensis e seu impacto no diagnóstico sorológico dessa micose.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Molecular clouds in M51 from high-resolution extinction mapping

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    Here we present the cloud population extracted from M51, following the application of our new high-resolution dust extinction technique to the galaxy (Faustino Vieira et al. 2023). With this technique, we are able to image the gas content of the entire disc of M51 down to 5 pc (0.14"), which allows us to perform a statistical characterisation of well-resolved molecular cloud properties across different large-scale dynamical environments and with galactocentric distance. We find that cloud growth is promoted in regions in the galaxy where shear is minimised; i.e. clouds can grow into higher masses (and surface densities) inside the spiral arms and molecular ring. We do not detect any enhancement of high-mass star formation towards regions favourable to cloud growth, indicating that massive and/or dense clouds are not the sole ingredient for high-mass star formation. We find that in the spiral arms there is a significant decline of cloud surface densities with increasing galactocentric radius, whilst in the inter-arm regions they remain relatively constant. We also find that the surface density distribution for spiral arm clouds has two distinct behaviours in the inner and outer galaxy, with average cloud surface densities at larger galactocentric radii becoming similar to inter-arm clouds. We propose that the tidal interaction between M51 and its companion (NGC 5195) - which heavily affects the nature of the spiral structure - might be the main factor behind this.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 20 pages, 16 figure

    A high-resolution extinction mapping technique for face-on disc galaxies

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    We present a new dust extinction technique with which we are able to retrieve parsec-scale gas surface density maps for entire nearby galaxies. The method measures the dust attenuation in optical bands on a pixel-by-pixel basis against a smoothed, reconstructed stellar distribution. The contribution of foreground light along the line-of-sight is calibrated using dust emission observations, assuming that the dust sits in a layer close to the mid-plane of the face-on galaxy. Here, we apply this technique to M51 (NGC 5194) as a proof-of-concept, obtaining a resolution of 0.14" (5 pc). Our dust (and gas) surface density map is consistent with independent dust- and CO-based studies at lower resolution. We find that discrepancies between our estimates of surface density and other studies stem primarily from the choice of dust model (i.e. different dust absorption coefficients). When assuming the same dust opacity law, our technique produces surface densities that are consistent with independent studies. This dust extinction technique provides us with gas surface density maps at an unprecedented resolution for full disc coverage studies of nearby galaxies. The resulting well-resolved spatial information opens the possibility for more in-depth examination of the influence of large-scale dynamics (and also stellar feedback mechanisms) on the interstellar medium at parsec-scales, and consequently star formation in nearby galaxies.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 15 pages, 12 figure