99 research outputs found

    Étude du rĂŽle de la membrane basale spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans la maturation de l'Ă©mail

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    Les cellules Ă©pithĂ©liales qui produisent l’émail, les amĂ©loblastes, sont sĂ©parĂ©es de l'Ă©mail au niveau de la zone de maturation par une membrane basale spĂ©cialisĂ©e (MBS) enrichie en laminine 332 (LM-332). Cette protĂ©ine hĂ©tĂ©rotrimĂ©rique (composĂ©e des chaĂźnes α3, ß3 et Îł2) assure l'intĂ©gritĂ© structurelle des membranes basales (MB) et influence divers processus cellulaires Ă©pithĂ©liaux tels que l'adhĂ©sion et la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire. Des modĂšles de souris « knockout » (KO), oĂč les gĂšnes codant pour LM-332 ont Ă©tĂ© supprimĂ©s, meurent peu aprĂšs la naissance. NĂ©anmoins, ce phĂ©notype lĂ©tal peut ĂȘtre contournĂ© en substituant chez la souris le gĂšne produisant la chaĂźne Îł2 de la laminine (LAMC2) par sa forme humaine, sous le contrĂŽle de l’expression du promoteur-rtTA, de la cytokĂ©ratine 14, inductible par la prise de doxycycline (Dox) - (Tet-on). Le but de ce projet est d’examiner si l’utilisation de cette protĂ©ine humaine chez la souris a un effet sur la structuration de la MBS ainsi que sur la maturation de l'Ă©mail. La phase de maturation de l’organe de l’émail chez la souris transgĂ©nique a Ă©tĂ© sĂ©vĂšrement altĂ©rĂ©e par rapport Ă  une souris normale (WT). La MBS n’est plus visible, une matrice dystrophique s’est formĂ©e dans la couche d'Ă©mail dans la phase de maturation, et la prĂ©sence d’une matrice rĂ©siduelle de l'Ă©mail est observĂ©e durant la phase tardive de maturation. Des micro-analyses tomographiques ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une usure excessive des surfaces occlusales des molaires, un Ă©croulement de l'Ă©mail sur les pointes des incisives et une hypominĂ©ralisation de l'Ă©mail. Cependant, aucune altĂ©ration structurale due Ă  cette recombinaison transgĂ©nique n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans d'autres sites Ă©pithĂ©liaux, tels que la peau, le palais et la langue. Ces rĂ©sultats indiquent que, bien que ce modĂšle de souris humanisĂ©e soit capable de rĂ©tablir ses fonctions dans divers tissus Ă©pithĂ©liaux, il est incapable de soutenir la structuration d'une MBS Ă  l'interface entre les amĂ©loblastes et l’émail en maturation. Cet Ă©chec peut ĂȘtre liĂ© Ă  la composition spĂ©cifique de la MBS dans la phase de maturation et supporte l’hypothĂšse que la MBS est essentielle pour la maturation adĂ©quate de l'Ă©mail.The epithelial ameloblasts are separated from the maturing enamel by an atypical basement membrane (BM) that is enriched in laminin 332 (LM-332). This heterotrimeric protein (α3, ß3 and Îł2 chains) provides structural integrity to BMs and influences various epithelial cell processes including cell adhesion and differentiation. Mouse models that lack expression of individual LM-332 chains die shortly after birth. The lethal phenotype of laminin Îł2 knockout mice can be rescued by human laminin Îł2 (LAMC2) expressed using a doxycycline-inducible (Tet-on) cytokeratin 14 promoter-rtTA. These otherwise normal-looking rescued mice exhibit white spot lesions on incisors. We therefore investigated the effect of rescue with human LAMC2 on enamel maturation and structuring of the atypical BM. The maturation stage enamel organ in transgenic mice was severely altered as compared to wild type controls, a structured BM was no longer discernible, dystrophic matrix appeared in the maturing enamel layer, and there was residual enamel matrix late into the maturation stage. Microtomographic scans revealed excessive wear of occlusal surfaces on molars, chipping of enamel on incisor tips, and hypomineralization of the enamel layer. No structural alterations were observed at other epithelial sites, such as skin, palate and tongue. These results indicate that while this humanized mouse model is capable of rescue in various epithelial tissues, it is unable to sustain structuring of a proper BM at the interface between ameloblasts and maturing enamel. This failure may be related to the atypical composition of the BM in the maturation stage and reaffirms that the atypical BM is essential for enamel maturation

    Tactile myography: an off-line assessment on intact subjects and one upper-limb disabled

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    Castellini C, KÔiva R, Pasluosta C, Viegas C, Eskofier BM. Tactile myography: an off-line assessment on intact subjects and one upper-limb disabled. Technologies / SI: Assistive Robotics. 2018;6(2): 38.Human-machine interfaces to control prosthetic devices still suffer from scarce dexterity and low reliability; for this reason, the community of assistive robotics is exploring novel solutions to the problem of myocontrol. In this work, we present experimental results pointing in the direction that one such method, namely Tactile Myography (TMG), can improve the situation. In particular, we use a shape-conformable high-resolution tactile bracelet wrapped around the forearm/residual limb to discriminate several wrist and finger activations performed by able-bodied subjects and a trans-radial amputee. Several combinations of features/classifiers were tested to discriminate among the activations. The balanced accuracy obtained by the best classifier/feature combination was on average 89.15% (able-bodied subjects) and 88.72% (amputated subject); when considering wrist activations only, the results were on average 98.44% for the able-bodied subjects and 98.72% for the amputee. The results obtained from the amputee were comparable to those obtained by the able-bodied subjects. This suggests that TMG is a viable technique for myoprosthetic control, either as a replacement of or as a companion to traditional surface electromyography

    In vivo dosimetry of thyroid doses from different irradiated sites in children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Scattered radiation can be assessed by in vivo dosimetry. Thyroid tissue is sensitive to radiation, even at doses <10 cGy. This study compared the scattered dose to the thyroid measured by thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and the estimated one by treatment planning system (TPS). Methods: During radiotherapy to sites other than the thyroid of 16 children and adolescents, seventy-two TLD measurements at the thyroid were compared with TPS estimation. Results: The overall TPS/TLD bias was 1.02 (95% LA 0.05 to 21.09). When bias was stratified by treatment field, the TPS overestimated TLD values at doses <1 cGy and underestimated them at doses >10 cGy. The greatest bias was found in pelvis and abdomen: 15.01 (95% LA 9.16 to 24.61) and 5.12 (95% LA 3.04 to 8.63) respectively. There was good agreement in orbit, head, and spine: bias 1.52 (95% LA 0.48 to 4.79), 0.44 (95% LA 0.11 to 1.82) and 0.83 (0.39 to 1.76) respectively. There was small agreement with broad limits for lung and mediastinum: 1.13 (95% LA 0.03 to 40.90) and 0.39 (95% LA 0.02 to 7.14) respectively. Conclusions: The scattered dose can be measured with TLDs, and TPS algorithms for outside structures should be improved

    Primary Malignant Mucosal Melanoma of the Esophagus. A Case Report

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    Primary malignant melanoma isa rare lesion, that accounts for only 0.1 % of primary esophageal malignant neoplasms. The tumor is polypoid, pedunculated and sometimes ulcerated. Symptoms are similar to those of squamous cell carcinoma and the preoperative differential diagnosis is important. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice. In tracavitary radiotherapy may be a useful form of adjuvant therapy in selected patients. Here we record the case of a 67 years old man with a primary malignant melanama of the esophagus. He underwent an esophagectomy, and is stili alive 5 months aftnr lhe procedure

    The Genus Caesalpinia L. (Caesalpiniaceae): Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characteristics

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    The genus Caesalpinia (Caesalpiniaceae) has more than 500 species, many of which have not yet been investigated for potential pharmacological activity. Several classes of chemical compounds, such as flavonoids, diterpenes, and steroids, have been isolated from various species of the genus Caesalpinia. It has been reported in the literature that these species exhibit a wide range of pharmacological properties, including antiulcer, anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antirheumatic activities that have proven to be efficacious in ethnomedicinal practices. in this review we present chemical and pharmacological data from recent phytochemical studies on various plants of the genus Caesalpinia.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Univ Fed Alfenas, Inst Chem, BR-37130000 Alfenas, MG, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, BR-09972 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, BR-09972 Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Teoria Materialista do Estado e da Forma PolĂ­tica como Vetor EpistemolĂłgico para AnĂĄlise da ViolĂȘncia DomĂ©stica e Familiar

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    This article seeks to highlight the relevance of the dialectical epistemological vector developed by the Materialist Theory of the State for the study of domestic and family violence against women, contributing to the reelaboration of a critical epistemology that is attentive to the contradictions of the State in its relationship with society. Thus, the objectives of this article are: a) to express briefly the main contours of the Materialist Theory of the State and Political Form; b) to verify if there is coherence between the epistemological vector discussed, which is Marxist in nature, and the commitment to the Democratic State of Law; c) to substantiate the relevance of the category Political Form within gender studies. To achieve these goals, the research was based on a dialectical approach and on bibliographic and documental research techniques. The scientific path followed culminated in the confirmation of the initial hypothesis: the epistemological vector of the theoretical framework studied corresponds to a coherent epistemological path for understanding the dynamics between the State and domestic and family violence. Keywords: Materialist State Theory; Political Form; Epistemological Vector; Domestic and Family Violence.O presente artigo busca destacar a relevĂąncia do vetor epistemolĂłgico dialĂ©tico elaborado a partir da Teoria Materialista do Estado para a compreensĂŁo da violĂȘncia domĂ©stica e familiar contra a mulher, contribuindo para reelaboração de uma epistemologia crĂ­tica e atenta as contradiçÔes internas entre o Estado e suas relaçÔes com a sociedade. Assim, sĂŁo objetivos deste artigo: a) sistematizar os principais elementos da Teoria Materialista do Estado e da Forma PolĂ­tica; b) verificar se hĂĄ coerĂȘncia entre o vetor epistemolĂłgico discutido, de cunho marxista, e o compromisso com o Estado DemocrĂĄtico de Direito; c) fundamentar a pertinĂȘncia da categoria Forma PolĂ­tica dentro dos estudos de gĂȘnero. Para concretizar tais fins, a elaboração da pesquisa pautou-se na abordagem dialĂ©tica e em tĂ©cnicas de pesquisa de natureza bibliogrĂĄfica e documental. O caminho cientĂ­fico traçado culminou na confirmação da hipĂłtese inicial: o vetor epistemolĂłgico do marco teĂłrico estudado corresponde a um caminho epistemolĂłgico coerente para compreensĂŁo das dinĂąmicas entre o Estado e a violĂȘncia domĂ©stica e familiar
