649 research outputs found


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pembuatan bilayer anode NiO-CSZ- elektrolit CSZ dengan metode electrophoretic deposition (EPD). Substrat (anode) NiO-CSZ dibuat dengan metode pressing dan elektrolit CSZ ditumbuhkan di atas substrat NiO-CSZ dengan metode EPD. Elektrolit CSZ ditumbuhkan di atas substrat NiO-CSZ dengan variasi waktu deposisi masing-masing 10 menit, 20 menit, dan 30 menit dan disinter pada suhu 1250oC. Dari analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), diketahui terdapat 3 fase yakni CSZ, Ni, dan NiO pada bilayer NiO-CSZ/CSZ untuk waktu deposisi 30 menit. Pemeriksaan ketebalan lapisan CSZ dilakukan menggunakan mikroskop optik dengan perbesaran 5x. Data foto memperlihatkan bahwa ketebalan lapisan CSZ di atas substrat NiO-CSZ meningkat dengan meningkatnya waktu deposisi. Berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi sifat listrik lapisan CSZ menggunakan LCR meter diketahui bahwa peningkatan waktu deposisi menurunkan nilai konduktivitas ionik lapisan CSZ untuk masing-masing waktu deposisi 10 menit, 20 menit, dan 30 menit yakni 0,078 mS/cm, 0,062 mS/cm, dan 0,004 mS/cm pada suhu 300oC

    PENGARUH PROGRAM SALES PROMOTION MELALUI DISKON TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN MENGINAP DI GALERI CIUMBULEUIT HOTEL & APARTEMENT BANDUNG:(Survey terhadap tamu yang menggunakan diskon untuk menginap di Galeri Cimbuleuit Hotel & Apartement Bandung)

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    Sektor pariwisata di Indonesia telah tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi industri yang diperhitungkan untuk mendatangkan devisa lebih bagi negara, dan diperlukan perhatian dan perawatan khusus untuk lebih memajukan industri ini. Dari beberapa sektor pariwisata tersebut, sektor perhotelan merupakan sektor penting karena sebagai alat akomodasi para wisatawan. Kegiatan promosi dilakukan untuk menunjang kegiatan pemasaran maupun penjualan. Salah satu promosi yang dilakukan oleh Galeri Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Apartement adalah melalui sales promotion, dimana tujuannya agar dapat mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen untuk menginap agar dapat mencapai target yang diinginkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh program sales promotion terhadap keputusan tamu untuk menginap di Galeri Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Apartement. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Variabel yang digunakan adalah sales promotion sebagai variabel independen dan keputusan menginap sebagai variabel dependen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tamu Galeri Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Apartement Bandung dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampel secara acak sederhana (sampling random sederhana). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket atau kuesioner, observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif, analisis regresi linier sederhana dan pengujian signifikasi hipotesis. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa sales promotion mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan menginap. Kata Kunci : Sales Promotion, Keputusan Menginap Promotional activities conducted to support the marketing and sales activities. One of the campaign carried Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Apartement is through sales promotion. where the goal is to be able to influence the consumer's decision to stay in order to reach the desired target. The aim of this researsh was to determine the effect of sales promotion programs to the guest's decision to stay at Galeri Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Apartement. The method used in this research is to use descriptive research and verification with the research method used was survey method. Variables used are sales promotion as an independent variable and the decision to stay as the dependent variable. The population in this research were all guests Galeri Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Apartement with a sample size of 100 respondents. Sampling techniques in this research using a random sampling technique is simple (simple random sampling). The technique of collecting data using questionnaires or questionnaires, observation and study of literature. Analysis of the data used is descriptive data analysis, simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis significance testing. The research findings show that sales promotion has a significant influence on the decision to stay. Keywords: Sales Promotion, Decision to sta

    How satellites can enrich river geomorphic characterization

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    openSatellite images-derived data can change the way geomorphology describes patterns and processes of extremely dynamic systems such as rivers. This study focuses on how Sentinel-2 image data can be implemented in traditional classification, to obtain new hints on fluvial dynamics of Po River, in northern Italy. A traditional classification of the River has been performed, based on orthophotos with centimetric resolution, collected in 2020. The classification for Po River has been done following the guidelines of IDRAIM handbook, and calculating three fundamental indexes: anabranching, braiding and sinuosity, for the distinction of morphological characteristics. Secondly the normalized drainage area (W*) and slope has been calculated. The subdivision of Po River into fundamental units called reaches, and the identification of the most representative of them has been performed. For each reach identified, Sentinel-2 images, with a maximum resolution of 10 meters, has been downloaded for the period between January 2018 to December 2022. On those, a fuzzy classification has been performed, assigning to each pixel a percentage value of membership to one of the three semantic classes analyzed, which are: water, sediment and vegetation. The results of traditional classification have been interesting, showing distinctive features of each river morphology defined. W* has shown to be able to distinguish among different morphology even if it was not used in their definition, proving its value as river attribute and its functional links with other river morphological features. Transitional and anabranching patterns are easily distinguishable from straight, sinuous and meandering, due to their high sediment content (considering the same drained area). On the other hand sinuosity, braiding and anabranching indexes are able to distinguish among all the morphologies. From Sentinel-2 classification more specific trend emerged, that highlight a general decrease of water throughout the 5 years analyzed, and more specific seasonal trends, pretty evident for vegetation. Moreover has been possible to see the vegetation recover time after a flood event verified in December 2019. Riparian vegetation restore the habitat at the end of summer season, with a strong grew around August-September. For this classification the comparison between water and sediment is very representative of the morphology. Anabranching and transitional reaches are characterized by high amount of sediment and less water, that corresponds with a higher distribution of exposed sediment considered as a morphological unit. Therefore the process that leads to such a distribution is different from the one that creates a single channel, with few exposed sediment, characteristic of straight, meandering and sinuous patterns. A further consideration can be linked with the anthropization of the area, fostering riverbed mining in the past, and channel confinement nowadays, creates an almost sharp distinction between single-channel and multiple-channels morphologies. The results of the two classifications helped for a deeper understanding of the system. On one hand traditional classifications provide accurate information on the morphology, allowing to have centimetric resolutions. On the other hand satellite-image classification helps with the understanding of the processes that occur in a river system, thanks to their temporal resolution. Both classifications provide valuable information, that allow a deep understanding of the system, and may help with the creation of models that will try to predict future trends


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Free Cash Flow, Firm Size, Return On Asset dan Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap harga saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan objek pada perusahaan Food and Beverages yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada periode 2014-2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah dengan metode purposive sampling, berdasarkan dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan maka diperoleh sebanyak 11 perusahaan yang akan dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil dari teknik analisis data menunjukkan bahwa analisis regresi berganda memiliki hubungan positif antara FCF, FS dan ROA terhadap harga saham, sedangkan DER memiliki hubungan negative terhadap harga saham; uji asumsi klasik yang digunakan telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan; uji kelayakan model menunjukkan model ini layak digunakan; uji t menunjukkan FCF dan DER berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap harga saham, Sedangkan FS dan ROA berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham. Kata Kunci: Harga Saham, Free Cash Flow, Firm Size, Return On Asset, Debt to Equity Rati

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Hasil Audit Di Lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Inspektorat Tingkat Kota Dan Kabupaten Pekalongan)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh pengalaman kerja, independensi, obyektivitas, integritas, dan kompetensi auditor terhadap kualitas hasil audit di lingkungan pemerintah daerah. Variabel Independennya adalah pengalaman kerja, independensi, obyektivitas, integritas, dan kompetensi auditor dan variabel dependennya adalah kualitas hasil audit. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan karyawan yang bekerja dan terlibat langsung dalam proses audit pada Inspektorat tingkat Kota dan Kabupaten Pekalongan yang berjumlah 50 orang, diperoleh dengan metode sampel jenuh. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 41. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji tingkat validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, uji t, uji F, uji koefisien determinasi, dan uji asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, terdapat hubungan yang berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan antara pengalaman kerja terhadap kualitas hasil audit dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,084. Kedua, terdapat hubungan yang berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan antara independensi terhadap kualitas hasil audit dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,630. Ketiga, terdapat hubungan yang berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan antara obyektivitas terhadap kualitas hasil audit dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,233. Ke empat terdapat hubungan yang berpengaruh positif signifikan antara integritas terhadap kualitas hasil audit dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,039. Ke lima terdapat hubungan yang berpengaruh positif signifikan antara kompetensi terhadap kualitas hasil audit dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,025


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji bentuk gerakan perlawanan serikat pekerja/buruh SPAI-FSPMI yang menuntut penghapusan sistem kerja outsourching  dianggap buruh adalah sistem perbudakan. Serta menuntut sistem pengupahan yang sesuai ketentuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Antonio Gramsci dalam teori intelektual organik dan hegemoni. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian adalah Untuk menjelaskan bentuk gerakan serikat buruh SPAI-FSPMI dalam menuntut sistem outsourcing dan sistem pengupahan di PT JAPFA COMFEED. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan in-depth interview. Teknik analisis data dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini terhadap SPAI yang melakukan gerakan perlawanan didasarkan atas adanya diskriminasi dari pihak perusahaan terhadap buruh  ditandai dengan sistem kerja outsourching dan sistem upah rendah. Selanjutnya bentuk perlawanan yang dilakukan melalui diskusi, pendidikan tentang hukum perburuhan, selebaran, aksi demonstrasi, dan diplomasi. Terakhir adalah adanya upaya pelemahan gerakan perlawanan yang dilakukan perusahaan dengan melakukan tindakan represif yang dilakukan oleh kepolisian, dan berupaya melakukan PHK. Kata Kunci: Serikat buruh dan perlawanan.                  Abstract This study examines the shape of the resistance of trade unions / labor SPAI-FSPMI who demanded the abolition of the system considered outsourcing labor is slavery system and requires an appropriate wage system provisions. This study uses the theory of Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony and organic intellectuals. This study used a qualitative research method. The purpose of this research is to describe the shape of the trade union movement SPAI-FSPMI in demanding systems outsourcing and wage system in PT JAPFA COMFEED. Data collection techniques using observation and in-depth interview. Data analysis techniques with a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this penelitihan against SPAI a resistance movement that is based on the existence of discrimination against workers of the company is characterized by a system of outsourching labor and low wages system. The next form of resistance that is done through discussion, education about labor  law, leaflets, demonstrations, and diplomacy. Last is the effort to weaken the resistance movement of the company by taking repressive measures carried out by the police, and attempting to make layoffs. Keywords: Trade Unions and Resistanc


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    This journal investigates how Forrest Gump's portrayal of disability in romantic relationships. To investigate how the main character, Forrest Gump, and his partner, Jenny, encountered difficulties in forging a love relationship because of Forrest's disabilities, the researcher employed a qualitative technique with a narrative analytic method. The study sought to investigate how the movie deals with disability difficulties while presenting the ideal romance formula. The study also discovered that the Forrest Gump movie adheres to Janice Radway's ideal romance formula while adapting it to the disability setting. The individuals' personalities are given more depth by this extra complexity, which also advances the story as a whole. The Forrest Gump movie accurately, tenderly, and meaningfully shows romantic connections between individuals with impairments, according to the study. Forrest's intellectual impairment isn't the main focus of his persona; rather, it's only one facet of who he is. The movie demonstrates that Forrest is a loving, kind, and sympathetic individual who is able to develop lasting connections despite his impairment. Jenny's reaction to Forrest's impairment is honestly portrayed in the movie, and she first has second thoughts about dating him. She comes to see, nevertheless, that Forrest's impairment is only one aspect of him and does not characterize him as a person as their relationship progresses

    Suggestopedia: Answering English Collaborative Learning Concept in Disruptive Era 4.0

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    Suggestopedia: Answering English Collaborative Learning Concept in Disruptive Era 4.0 Suggestopedia is a representation of a teaching method that is integrated with students' learning preferences and is used as a collaborative learning method to achieve quality education that is in line with the rapid development of technology and it is answering the English collaborative learning concept in disruptive era 4.0. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of suggestopedia in the teaching of English. This study is also supported by the results of students’ statement about suggestopedia for their English learning and its contribution to collaborative learning concept in industrial revolution 4.0. The method used was pre-experimental design of one group pre-test and post-test. The instruments were a multiple choice English test and questionnaire to gain the students’ perspective on the implementation of suggestopedia. The results revealed that the students performed better in the post-test of English skill than in the pre-test.Keywords: Suggestopedia, collaborative learning, method, digitalization

    Sustainable Efficiency: Companies That Integrate the Corporate Sustainability Index

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    This study analyzes the sustainable efficiency of companies that are part of the Corporate Sustainability Index ISE and that publish their sustainability reports following the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative GRI In the quest to understand how sustainable organizations are several indexes were developed one of which is the ISE This is a quantitative study based on Data Envelopment Analysis DEA with the aid of the DEA-SAED software covering data for the year 2016 of thirteen companies that were present on the ISE list in the 2015-2017 period The results indicate that four companies have achieved sustainable efficiency two in the energy sector one in the communications segment and one in cellulose paper It is concluded that the efficient companies participating in the study are heterogeneous belonging to different sectors It is also concluded that participating in the ISE and publishing its reports in the GRI format is no guarantee of achieving sustainable efficienc

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dosen Tetap Studi pada Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom Bandung

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of non-physical work environment on job satisfaction lecturer of the Faculty of Communication and Business at the University of Telkom Bandung. The independentvariable X of the study is non-physical work environment while the dependent variable Y is job satisfaction. The data are obtained by distributing questionnaires, sampling technique uses the saturation. The analytical method used is a simple linear regression analysis method.The research results prove that the non-physical work environment by 38.8% have influence on job satisfaction lecturer of the Faculty of Communication and Business, University of Telkom Bandung and theremaining 61.2% is influenced by other factors that are not observed in this study. In other words, there is a partial effect of non-physical work environment on permanent lecturers’ job satisfaction on the Faculty ofCommunication and Business, University of Telkom Bandung
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