11 research outputs found

    Nonlinear structures of strongly coupled complex plasmas in the proximity of a presheath/sheath edge

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    The formation of a steady-state nonlinear potential structure of a double-layer type near the presheath/sheath edge of a plasma discharge is theoretically investigated in complex plasmas containing Boltzmann electrons, cold fluid ions and strongly coupled microparticles. Equilibrium of the particles is provided by the electrostatic force and an effective 'dust pressure' associated with electrostatic interactions between the highly charged grains. The results are of importance for complex plasma experiments in microgravity conditions, for thermophoretically levitated configurations and for processing plasmas loaded by nanometer-sized microparticles

    Frivilligarbetets inverkan på den äldres hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om vad som ger den äldre en meningsfull vardag

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    Detta examensarbete undersöker hurdana aspekter av begreppet hälsa som genom frivilligt arbete kan förstärkas hos äldre människor. Genom en hypotetiskt-deduktiv ansats väljs nyckelbegrepp (n=5) ut i den teoretiska bakgrunden. Begreppen värderas och utvidgas genom insamling av empiriska forskningsresultat (n=20) främst via databasen EBSCO. Utgående från innehållsanalys av forskningsartiklarna utkristalliseras centrala kategorier vilka står som utgångspunkt för uppgörandet av frågeställningar för kvalitativa intervjuer (n=4). I resultatdelen jämförs de befintliga forskningarnas centrala drag med respondenternas uppfattning av hur frivilligt arbete inverkar på deras hälsa. Samtliga nyckelbegrepp som valts ut visar sig ha potential att förbättra den äldres hälsa. Respondenterna i intervjuerna står dock för en förhållandevis ensidig förståelse av vad god hälsa är och hur sådan kan uppnås. Ur intervjusvaren kan man utläsa betydligt flera hälsofrämjande aspekter än respondenterna själva tycks vara medvetna om. Summan av god hälsa förefaller vara mer än delkomponenternas hälsobidrag. Frivilligt arbete får en allt mer framträdande samhällelig roll. Detta examensarbete ingår i ett av Svenska pensionärsförbundet initierat projekt vars syfte är att utreda hälsofrämjande aspekter inom frivilligarbetet. Därför utmynnar examensarbetet i en resultatsammanfattning i form av en broschyr, som Svenska pensionärsförbundet kan använda sig av då man funderar kring hur arbetet kan ge meningsfullhet och bättre hälsa åt den äldre mottagaren av det frivilliga arbetet.Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia näkökulmia terveyden käsitteessä voidaan iäkkäiden vapaaehtoistyön avulla vahvistaa. Hypoteettisella vähennyksellä valitaan avainkäsitteet (=5) teoreettisesta taustasta. Käsitteitä arvioidaan ja laajennetaan keräämällä empiirisiä tutkimustuloksia (n=20) pääasiassa EBSCO-tietokannasta. Keskeiset kategoriat tarkentuvat tutkimusartikkeleiden sisältöanalyysien perusteella laadullisten haastattelujen kysymysten lähtökohdiksi (n=4). Tulososiossa vertaillaan nykyisen tutkimuksen keskeisiä piirteitä vastaajien käsitykseen siitä, miten vapaaehtoistyö vaikuttaa heidän terveyteensä. Kaikilla valituilla keskeisillä käsitteillä vaikuttaa olevan potentiaalia parantaa vanhusten terveyttä. Haastatteluissa vastaajilla oli kuitenkin suhteellisen yksipuolinen käsitys siitä, mitä hyvä terveys on ja miten se voidaan saavuttaa. Vastauksista voidaan löytää enemmän terveyttä edistäviä näkökohtia kuin mistä vastaajat itse näyttävät olevan tietoisia. Hyvän terveyden summa näyttää olevan enemmän kuin alatekijöiden terveysvaikutukset. Vapaaehtoistyöllä on yhä näkyvämpi yhteiskunnallinen rooli. Tämä tutkintohanke on osa Svenska pensionärsförbundetin käynnistämää hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on tutkia terveyden edistämistä vapaaehtoistyön avulla. Opinnäytetyössä laaditaan esite, jota Svenska pensionärsförbundet voi käyttää kertoakseen miten työ voi tarjota tarkoituksenmukaisuutta ja parempaa terveyttä vapaaehtoistyön ikääntyneille vastaanottajille

    Electrostatic modes in dusty plasmas with continuous size distributions

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    When the dust plasma frequency, and hence the dust-acoustic velocity is computed for a dusty plasma containing charged grains with individual identities, three possibilities occur in a natural way. One form is based on the average over all dust grains of the ratio of the square of charge to mass, whereas a second one uses the average charge and the average mass. The difference between the two gives rise to a dust distribution mode. A third option is to describe dust grains of similar composition by a monodisperse model based on an average radius, that conserves overall charge density. The dust plasma frequency thus obtained is intermediate between those from the two other definitions, indicating that the use of a monodisperse description at this average size underestimates the mass effects of the distribution. These results are applied to power-law size distributions observed in planetary rings

    Dimensioneringsverktyg för batterilager

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    Sweden is a large country in terms of area with a relatively cold climate. In this area there are almost 3400 churches spread around the country where about 1700 of them are electrically heated, which makes battery storages suitable. The churches are heated depending on demand and opening hours, during the rest of the time, the temperature is kept low. The churches, like most buildings in Sweden, get electricity from the 50 Hz grid. Due to the intermittent heating, power spikes occur in the grid which are both ineffective and expensive for the owners of the buildings. The purpose of this work is to make the church’s heating more efficient with the help of a well-dimensioned battery storage that can assist during heating. This would result in a more stable heating process and also save a lot of money. During the project a dimensioning tool for battery storage was developed and when applied in a case study revealed that the battery storage would become profitable after 12-18 years, this is longer compared to the estimated battery lifetime which in this report was set to be around 10 years

    Dimensioneringsverktyg för batterilager

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    Sweden is a large country in terms of area with a relatively cold climate. In this area there are almost 3400 churches spread around the country where about 1700 of them are electrically heated, which makes battery storages suitable. The churches are heated depending on demand and opening hours, during the rest of the time, the temperature is kept low. The churches, like most buildings in Sweden, get electricity from the 50 Hz grid. Due to the intermittent heating, power spikes occur in the grid which are both ineffective and expensive for the owners of the buildings. The purpose of this work is to make the church’s heating more efficient with the help of a well-dimensioned battery storage that can assist during heating. This would result in a more stable heating process and also save a lot of money. During the project a dimensioning tool for battery storage was developed and when applied in a case study revealed that the battery storage would become profitable after 12-18 years, this is longer compared to the estimated battery lifetime which in this report was set to be around 10 years

    MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Festival 2018

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    Founded in 2009, MISS READ is Europe’s major Art Book Festival, dedicated to community-building and creating a public meeting place for discourse around artists’ books, conceptual publications and publishing as practice. The festival brings together the most interesting artists/authors, artist periodicals and art publishers and is accompanied by a series of lectures, discussions, book launches and workshops exploring the boundaries of contemporary publishing and the possibilities of the book. KHiO’s bookstand has been kindly supported by the Art and Craft department. Participants from KHiO: Beatrice Guttormsen, Elise Macmillan, Erika Reed, Jan Pettersson, Jeannette Christensen, Jessica Williams, Lea Josephine Tetrick, Liva Wraae Roth, Lucia Fiorani / Lechuck, Mattias Hellberg, Md Wahiduzzaman Bhuian, Nina Bjørkendal, Victoria Browne, Yichun Tang, Youngshin Jeon, Zoi Johansson

    MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Festival 2018

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    Poster, catalogue and photos from exhibitionFounded in 2009, MISS READ is Europe’s major Art Book Festival, dedicated to community-building and creating a public meeting place for discourse around artists’ books, conceptual publications and publishing as practice. The festival brings together the most interesting artists/authors, artist periodicals and art publishers and is accompanied by a series of lectures, discussions, book launches and workshops exploring the boundaries of contemporary publishing and the possibilities of the book. KHiO’s bookstand has been kindly supported by the Art and Craft department. Participants from KHiO: Beatrice Guttormsen, Elise Macmillan, Erika Reed, Jan Pettersson, Jeannette Christensen, Jessica Williams, Lea Josephine Tetrick, Liva Wraae Roth, Lucia Fiorani / Lechuck, Mattias Hellberg, Md Wahiduzzaman Bhuian, Nina Bjørkendal, Victoria Browne, Yichun Tang, Youngshin Jeon, Zoi Johansson