81 research outputs found

    MEN1-associated primary hyperparathyroidism in the spanish registry: clinical characterictics and surgical outcomes

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1; MEN1 gene; Primary hyperparathyroidismNeoplasia endocrina múltiple tipo 1; Gen MEN1; Hiperparatiroidismo primarioNeoplàsia endocrina múltiple tipus 1; Gen MEN1; Hiperparatiroidisme primariPrimary hyperparathyroidism is the most frequent manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome. Bone and renal complications are common. Surgery is the treatment of choice, but the best timing for surgery is controversial and predictors of persistence and recurrence are not well known. Our study describes the clinical characteristics and the surgical outcomes, after surgery and in the long term, of the patients with MEN1 and primary hyperparathyroidism included in the Spanish Registry of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas (REGMEN). Eighty-nine patients (49 men and 40 women, 34.2 ± 13 years old) were included. Sixty-four out of the 89 underwent surgery: a total parathyroidectomy was done in 13 patients, a subtotal parathyroidectomy in 34 and a less than subtotal parathyroidectomy in 15. Remission rates were higher after a total or a subtotal parathyroidectomy than after a less than subtotal (3/4 and 20/22 vs 7/12, P < 0.05), without significant differences in permanent hypoparathyroidism (1/5, 9/23 and 0/11, N.S.). After a median follow-up of 111 months, 20 of the 41 operated patients with long-term follow-up had persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism. We did not find differences in disease-free survival rates between different techniques, patients with or without permanent hypoparathyroidism and patients with different mutated exons, but a second surgery was more frequent after a less than subtotal parathyroidectomy.The Spanish Registry of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Pheochromocytmas and Paragangliomas is supported by IPSEN Pharmaceutical. This work did not receive any other specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector

    Therapeutic Management and Long-Term Outcome of Hyperthyroidism in Patients with Antithyroid-Induced Agranulocytosis: A Retrospective, Multicenter Study

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    Agranulocitosis; Antitiroideos; CarbimazolAgranulocitosi; Antitiroïdals; CarbimazolAgranulocytosis; Antithyroid; CarbimazoleBackground: Antithyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis (AIA) (neutrophils <500/µL) is a rare but serious complication in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Methodology: Adult patients with AIA who were followed up at 12 hospitals in Spain were retrospectively studied. A total of 29 patients were studied. The etiology of hyperthyroidism was distributed as follows: Graves’ disease (n = 21), amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (n = 7), and hyperfunctioning multinodular goiter (n = 1). Twenty-one patients were treated with methimazole, as well as six patients with carbimazole and two patients with propylthiouracil. Results: The median (IQR) time to development of agranulocytosis was 6.0 (4.0–11.5) weeks. The most common presenting sign was fever accompanied by odynophagia. All of the patients required admission, reverse isolation, and broad-spectrum antibiotics; moreover, G-CSF was administered to 26 patients (89.7%). Twenty-one patients received definitive treatment, thirteen patients received surgery, nine patients received radioiodine, and one of the patients required both treatments. Spontaneous normalization of thyroid hormone values occurred in six patients (four patients with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis and two patients with Graves’ disease), and two patients died of septic shock secondary to AIA. Conclusions: AIA is a potentially lethal complication that usually appears around 6 weeks after the initiation of antithyroid therapy. Multiple drugs are required to control hyperthyroidism before definitive treatment; additionally, in a significant percentage of patients (mainly in those treated with amiodarone), hyperthyroidism resolved spontaneously

    Guideline to make up a social diagnosis in social report when joint custody is disputed

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    En este artículo se expone el resultado de la investigación en la que se han recopilado todos los factores que el ordenamiento jurídico, la jurisprudencia y la literatura científica consultada emplean en la definición del término abstracto “custodia compartida”. Una vez conocidos estos factores, se ha construido una tabla de indicadores, que pueden servir como instrumento guía para la elaboración de un diagnóstico social, requisito esencial en todo informe pericial. Por otra parte, los resultados pueden orientar futuras investigaciones orientadas a la definición y medición de cada uno de los factores que conforman el término custodia compartida.In this paper is explained the result of a research in which it has been collected all the factors that law, jurisprudence and scientific literature are using in case of joint custody. Once all the factors have been known a guideline has been built, as a resource in order to make a social diagnosis, a necessary requirement in social report in family court. Furthermore, the results could be used in future researchers focused in the assessments and measure of the factors that define the concept “joint custody”

    Learning Curve for Ultrasound Assessment of Myometrial Infiltration in Endometrial Cancer Visualizing Videoclips: Potential Implications for Training

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    Background: Diagnostic accuracy for estimating myometrial infiltration by ultrasound in endometrial cancer requires experience. The objective of this study is to determine the learning curve (LC) for assessing myometrial infiltration in cases of endometrial cancer using transvaginal ultrasound (TVS). Methods: Five trainees (one staff radiologist and four fourth-year OB/GYN residents) participated in this study. All trainees had experience in performing TVS, but none of them had specific training on the assessment of myometrial infiltration. Trainees were given one specific lecture about the topic, and then they observed videoclips from 10 cases explained by the trainer. After this, all trainees visualized 45 videoclips of uterine ultrasound scans of endometrial cancer cases. The assessment of myometrial infiltration was based on the subjective impression. Definitive histology was used as a reference standard. Trainees stated whether myometrial infiltration was ≥50% or &lt;50%. LC-CUSUM and standard CUSUM graphics were plotted to determine how many cases were needed to reach competence, allowing a mistake rate of 15%. Results: All trainees completed the study. LC-CUSUM graphics showed that three trainees reached competence at the 33rd, 35th and 36th case, respectively. All three of them kept the process under control after reaching competence. One trainee reached competence but did not maintain it in the cumulative analysis. One trainee did not reach competence. Conclusion: Our study suggests that 30-40 cases would be needed to be trained for assessing myometrial infiltration by TVS by visual interpretation of videoclips by most trainees

    Thyroid lobectomy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: an analysis of the clinical outcomes in a nationwide multicenter study

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    Cirugía de tiroides; Lobectomía; Recurrencia del tumorCirurgia de tiroides; Lobectomia; Recurrència del tumorThyroid surgery; Lobectomy; Tumor recurrenceBackground: Total thyroidectomy is the standard initial surgery for differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC), but the extent of the thyroidectomy remains controversial. Thyroid lobectomy (TL) has been widely used in eastern countries; however, its use has not been generalized in western countries, including Spain. Our aims were to analyse the clinical outcome of a multicentre nation-wide cohort of DTC patients treated by TL and to assess the proportion of patients who required completion of the thyroidectomy and who presented disease recurrence. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent TL for DTC and were followed-up for ≥12 months. We collected demographic, clinical, and histopathological data. Dynamic risk stratification (DRS) was performed at 12 months and at last visit. Results: One hundred and sixty-four patients (128 women, mean age 50.8 years, median follow-up 45.4 months) from 9 hospitals were included. There were 158 cases of papillary and 6 of follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC). Remission of the disease (excellent response) was shown in 71.6% of the patients at 12 months and in 74.4% at the end of follow-up. At that time, there were 34 patients (20.7%) with indeterminate response, 6 (3.7%) with biochemical incomplete response, and 2 (1.2%) with structural incomplete response. Completion of the thyroidectomy was necessary in 8 patients (4.9%), but only 3 of them (1.8%) had disease recurrence. Conclusions: These results, obtained in real clinical practice, suggest that TL is a safe operative option for selected patients with DTC and that the intensity of the treatment must be tailored according to the presurgical tumor-associated risk, in line with a personalized medicine

    Deep-diving beaked whales dive together but forage apart

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    Funding: Data collection and analysis were performed with funds from the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), the US National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), the US Strategic Environmental Research Development Program (SERDP) and the Spanish Government National Projects CETOBAPH (CGL2009-13112) and DEEPCOM (CTM2017-88686-P). J.A.T. is currently the recipient of a FPU Doctoral Scholarship (FPU16/00490) from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. M.J. is supported by the Aarhus University Research Foundation and the EU H2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant 754513. P.A. is funded by an Agustín de Bethencourt fellowship from the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and NAS by a Ramón y Cajal fellowship from the Spanish Government. V.E.W. is funded by a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship. C.J.P.G. is partially funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) of Spain under Grant PID2019-110442GB-I00. T.A.M. thanks partial support from CEAUL (funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, through the project UIDB/00006/2020).Echolocating animals that forage in social groups can potentially benefit from eavesdropping on other group members, cooperative foraging or social defence, but may also face problems of acoustic interference and intra-group competition for prey. Here, we investigate these potential trade-offs of sociality for extreme deep-diving Blainville′s and Cuvier's beaked whales. These species perform highly synchronous group dives as a presumed predator-avoidance behaviour, but the benefits and costs of this on foraging have not been investigated. We show that group members could hear their companions for a median of at least 91% of the vocal foraging phase of their dives. This enables whales to coordinate their mean travel direction despite differing individual headings as they pursue prey on a minute-by-minute basis. While beaked whales coordinate their echolocation-based foraging periods tightly, individual click and buzz rates are both independent of the number of whales in the group. Thus, their foraging performance is not affected by intra-group competition or interference from group members, and they do not seem to capitalize directly on eavesdropping on the echoes produced by the echolocation clicks of their companions. We conclude that the close diving and vocal synchronization of beaked whale groups that quantitatively reduces predation risk has little impact on foraging performance.PostprintPeer reviewe

    MEN1-associated primary hyperparathyroidism in the Spanish Registry: Clinical characterictics and surgical outcomes

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most frequent manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome. Bone and renal complications are common. Surgery is the treatment of choice, but the best timing for surgery is controversial and predictors of persistence and recurrence are not well known. Our study describes the clinical characteristics and the surgical outcomes, after surgery and in the long term, of the patients with MEN1 and primary hyperparathyroidism included in the Spanish Registry of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas (REGMEN). Eighty-nine patients (49 men and 40 women, 34.2 ± 13 years old) were included. Sixtyfour out of the 89 underwent surgery: a total parathyroidectomy was done in 13 patients, a subtotal parathyroidectomy in 34 and a less than subtotal parathyroidectomy in 15. Remission rates were higher after a total or a subtotal parathyroidectomy than after a less than subtotal (3/4 and 20/22 vs 7/12, P < 0.05), without significant differences in permanent hypoparathyroidism (1/5, 9/23 and 0/11, N.S.). After a median follow-up of 111 months, 20 of the 41 operated patients with long-term follow-up had persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism. We did not find differences in disease-free survival rates between different techniques, patients with or without permanent hypopar athyroidism and patients with different mutated exons, but a second surgery was more freq uent after a less than subtotal parathyroidectomyThe Spanish Registry of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Pheochromocytmas and Paragangliomas is supported by IPSEN Pharmaceutical

    MEN1-associated primary hyperparathyroidism in the Spanish Registry: clinical characterictics and surgical outcomes

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most frequent manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome. Bone and renal complications are common. Surgery is the treatment of choice, but the best timing for surgery is controversial and predictors of persistence and recurrence are not well known. Our study describes the clinical characteristics and the surgical outcomes, after surgery and in the long term, of the patients with MEN1 and primary hyperparathyroidism included in the Spanish Registry of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas (REGMEN). Eighty-nine patients (49 men and 40 women, 34.2 ± 13 years old) were included. Sixty-four out of the 89 underwent surgery: a total parathyroidectomy was done in 13 patients, a subtotal parathyroidectomy in 34 and a less than subtotal parathyroidectomy in 15. Remission rates were higher after a total or a subtotal parathyroidectomy than after a less than subtotal (3/4 and 20/22 vs 7/12, P < 0.05), without significant differences in permanent hypoparathyroidism (1/5, 9/23 and 0/11, N.S.). After a median follow-up of 111 months, 20 of the 41 operated patients with long-term follow-up had persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism. We did not find differences in disease-free survival rates between different techniques, patients with or without permanent hypoparathyroidism and patients with different mutated exons, but a second surgery was more frequent after a less than subtotal parathyroidectom

    Photoinduced Palladium Negishi Cross-Coupling Through Visible Light Absorption of Palladium-Zinc Complexes

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    A visible light-induced Negishi cross-coupling, through activation of a Pd(0)-zinc complex, is reported. This new photocatalytic process allows the expansion of the scope of zinc enolates in the Negishi coupling reaction with deactivated aryl halides. NMR experiments in the presence and absence of light confirmed that the formation of the palladium-zinc complex is key for accelerating the oxidative addition step

    Clinical and ultrasound thyroid nodule characteristics and their association with cytological and histopathological outcomes: A retrospective multicenter study in high-resolution thyroid nodule clinics

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    Introduction: Thyroid nodules are a common finding. A high-resolution thyroid nodule clinic (HR-TNC) condenses all tests required for the evaluation of thyroid nodules into a single appointment. We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes at HR-TNCs. Design and Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional multicenter study including data from four HR-TNCs in Spain. We evaluated fine-needle aspiration (FNA) indications and the association between clinical and ultrasound characteristics with cytological and histopathological outcomes. Results: A total of 2809 thyroid nodules were included; FNA was performed in 82.1%. Thyroid nodules that underwent FNA were more likely larger, isoechoic, with microcalcifications, and in younger subjects. The rate of nondiagnostic FNA was 4.3%. A solid component, irregular margins or microcalcifications, significantly increased the odds of Bethesda IV-V-VI (vs. Bethesda II). Irregular margins and a solid component were independently associated with increased odds of malignancy. Thyroid nodules <20 mm and ≥20–<40 mm had a 6.5-fold and 3.3-fold increased risk for malignancy respectively in comparison with those ≥40 mm. Conclusion: In this large multicenter study, we found that the presence of a solid component and irregular margins are factors independently related to malignancy in thyroid nodules. Since nodule size ≥40 mm was associated with the lowest odds of malignancy, this cut-off should not be a factor leading to indicate thyroid surgery. HR-TNCs were associated with a low rate of nondiagnostic FNA