1,226 research outputs found

    Desarrollo vocacional y preparación para la carrera profesional en estudiantes universitarios.

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    La preparación para la carrera profesional surge como una variable de interés en el ámbito universitario en la medida que estos estudiantes persiguen ante todo su inserción en el ámbito laboral para el que se están formando. Por otra parte la investigación revela la importancia del desarrollo vocacional a la hora de conseguir satisfacción y logro en la toma de decisiones realizada. Ambas variables se configuran como aspectos destacados en los procesos de asesoramiento y orientación vocacional y profesional. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la relación existente entre la preparación para la carrera profesional y el desarrollo vocacional teniendo en cuenta como covariables el género y el grupo vocacional de pertenencia. Para ello se aplicaron los cuestionarios de Biodatos (Rocabert y Martínez Vicente, 2011) y de Preparación para la carrera profesional (Martínez-Vicente y Rocabert, 2011) a una muestra de 1111 sujetos de una edad media 21,9 años (Sd=3,87) de diferentes cursos y titulaciones universitarias distribuidas en cinco grupos pre-profesionales (Humanístico, Psicopedagógico, Biosanitario, Sociojuridico, Científico-Tecnológico). Los resultados obtenidos señalaron que el desarrollo vocacional quedó asociado a la preparación para la carrera profesional. Asi mismo se encontraron diferencias en algunos factores de los Biodatos en relación con el sexo y el grupo pre-profesional. También se encontraron diferencias en la preparación para la carrera profesional en relación con el sexo, el grupo pre-profesional y el tipo de desarrollo vocacional

    Students’ dedication in a cooperative, project-based learning context: measurements, analysis and implications

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    Discovering the effort students devote to their studies is of key importance for an appropriate design of courses and syllabus. Although over the last years many studies have been carried out in this respect, few of them have focused on the more complex cases of cooperative and project-based learning. The main contributions of our work are: (i) the investigation of the connection between students’ work habits and the learning methodologies being used; (ii) the usage of a web application to make easier data gathering and analysis; and (iii) the validation of students-provided data so that better conclusions can be derived

    Comunicar conocimientos vs. organizar el conocimiento: la gestión del gen-preneur en el aula.

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    Se han hecho innumerables pruebas para constatar que la creatividad es una habilidad crítica para los emprendedores y su formación emprendedora (Schmidt, J. et al. 2012), incluso se ha detectado que la práctica sobre el pensamiento divergente incrementa las habilidades emprendedoras de los estudiantes para generar un mayor número y rango de ideas, pero NO así, sus enfoques para la resolución creativa de problemas. Nuestro objetivo será mostrar que el emprendimiento es una faceta de la creatividad y que, el emprendedor"oculto" en el discente, necesitará observar y confirmar la existencia de condicionantes externos suficientes, para liberar su actitud emprendedora retenida, asimismo, será imprescindible la adopción, por parte del docente de una actitud innovadora que facilite un contexto propicio para que el alumno muestre comportamientos asociados con actitudes emprendedoras. Tras nuestro estudio, constatamos que la implementación de una actitud innovadora docente contribuye a facilitar la transmisión del espíritu emprendedor y a mejorar la gestión del gen-preneur en el aula

    Explora cuestionario para la orientación vocacional y profesional

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    The guidance and career counseling are increasingly needed in our educational system to the extent that career decision making is seen as an increasingly complex process that is affected by personal factors ( questions , immaturity , indecision, preparation and information of our students ) and contextual factors ( situation of the labor market , globalization , increased specialization and elective subjects , modification training routes , creation of new degrees , ...). From this perspective it is necessary that professional counseling and educational and vocational guidance have the precise tools to stimulate the development of vocational maturity of our young people they can get to make effective decisions realistic and mature. The aim of this paper is to present the psychometric characteristics of the EXPLORA, Questionnaire for Vocational Guidance. The EXPLORA assesses six professional fields (Technical- Manual , Scientific - Investigative, Artistic , Creative , Social - Assistive, Persuasive Business - and Office- Management ), which correspond to the types and environmental models of the theory of Holland ( 1997) , taking into account the interests , skills and personal characteristics of the individuals . In order to assess its psychometric properties was applied to a sample of 3570 subjects from different educational levels. The reliability of the scales measured by Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficient ranged between 0.92 and 0.94 . The different procedures used to test its construct validity and criterial evidence the suitability of the instrument to the theoretical model on which it is based. The results allow us to conclude that this instrument has sufficient scientific and technical assurance processes for application in orientation and vocational counseling.La orientación y el asesoramiento vocacional se hacen cada vez más necesarios en nuestro sistema educativo en la medida que la toma de decisiones vocacionales se plantea como un proceso cada vez más complejo que se ve afectado tanto por factores personales (dudas, inmadurez, indecisión, falta de preparación y de información de nuestros estudiantes) como contextuales (situación del mercado de trabajo, globalización, incremento de la optatividad y de la especialización, modificación itinerarios formativos, creación de nuevas titulaciones,...). Desde esta perspectiva es preciso que los profesionales del asesoramiento y la orientación educativa y vocacional cuenten con los instrumentos y las herramientas precisas que les permitan estimular el desarrollo de la madurez vocacional de nuestros jóvenes de manera que éstos puedan llegar a tomar decisiones eficaces, realistas y maduras. El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar las características psicométricas del EXPLORA, Cuestionario para la Orientación Vocacional y Profesional. El EXPLORA evalúa seis campos profesionales (Técnico-Manual, Científico-Investigador, Artístico-Creativo, Social-Asistencial, Empresarial-Persuasivo y Oficina-Administración), que se corresponden con los tipos y modelos ambientales de la teoría de Holland (1997), teniendo en cuenta los intereses, las habilidades y las características personales de los evaluados. Con el fin de comprobar sus propiedades psicométricas se aplicó a una muestra de 3570 sujetos de diferentes niveles educativos. La fiabilidad de las escalas medida a través del Coeficiente alfa de Cronbach osciló entre 0.92 y 0.94. Los diferentes procedimientos utilizados para comprobar su validez de constructo y criterial evidencian la adecuación del instrumento al modelo teórico en el que se sustenta. Los resultados nos permiten concluir que este instrumento goza de la suficiente garantía científica y técnica para aplicarlo en procesos de orientación y de asesoramiento vocacional

    Personal data protection

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    Trabajo de Fin Máster del Título Propio de la USAL "Máster en acceso a la abogacía". Curso 2015-2017[ES] El presente trabajo tratará de forma eminentemente práctica la protección de datos de carácter personal, que como consecuencia de la reciente Sentencia el TJUE de 6 de Octubre de 2015, se ha visto en la necesidad de buscar alternativas con respecto a la situación anterior a la misma. Siendo esta Sentencia el punto de partida que viene a desvirtuar el concepto de Puerto Seguro o Safe Harbor, dicho de forma sencilla, que la transferencia de datos de carácter personal con Estados Unidos y su posterior tratamiento no es seguro para el ciudadano europeo, ya que las autoridades estadounidenses tienen acceso casi indiscriminado a los mismos. Analizando a fondo dicha sentencia y el marco en el cual se trabajaba antes de ella, haré una comparación de cómo ha quedado configurado el nuevo escenario para la protección de los datos personales y lo que como profesionales del derecho podemos hacer para proporcionar la debida y exigida seguridad en el tránsito y tratamiento de los datos, así como las nuevas posibilidades que van surgiendo para hacer efectiva la protección, las cuales cristalizaron en la Decisión 1250/2016.[EN] This work will deal in an eminently practical way with the protection of personal data, which as a consequence of the recent Judgment of the CJEU of October 6, 2015, has been in need of looking for alternatives with regard to the situation prior to it. This Judgment is the point of departure that is to detract from the concept of Safe Harbor, simply said that the transfer of personal data with the United States and its subsequent treatment is not safe for the European citizen, since The US authorities have almost indiscriminate access to them. Analyzing in depth this sentence and the framework in which it was worked before it, I will make a comparison of how the new scenario for the protection of personal data has been configured and what, as legal professionals, we can do to provide the due and required security in transit and data processing, as well as the new possibilities that are emerging to make effective the protection, which crystallized in Decision 1250/2016

    Static range of motion of the first metatarsal in the sagittal and frontal planes

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    The first metatarsal and medial cuneiform form an important functional unit in the foot, called “first ray”. The first ray normal range of motion (ROM) is difficult to quantify due to the number of joints that are involved. Several methods have previously been proposed. Controversy exists related to normal movement of the first ray frontal plane accompanying that in the sagittal plane. The objective of this study was to investigate the ROM of the first ray in the sagittal and frontal planes in normal feet. Anterior-posterior radiographs were done of the feet of 40 healthy participants with the first ray in a neutral position, maximally dorsiflexed and maximally plantarflexed. They were digitalized and the distance between the tibial malleolus and the intersesamoid crest in the three positions mentioned was measured. The rotation of the first ray in these three positions was measured. A polynomic function that fits a curve describing the movement observed in the first ray was obtained using the least squares method. ROM of the first ray in the sagittal plane was 6.47 (SD 2.59) mm of dorsiflexion and 6.12 (SD 2.55) mm of plantarflexion. ROM in the frontal plane was 2.69 (SD 4.03) degrees of inversion during the dorsiflexion and 2.97 (SD 2.72) degrees during the plantarflexion. A second-degree equation was obtained, which represents the movement of the first ray. Passive dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the first ray were accompanied by movements in the frontal plane: 0.45 degrees of movement were produced in the frontal plane for each millimeter of displacement in the sagittal plane. These findings might be useful for the future design of instruments for clinically quantifying first ray mobility

    Multivariate statistical modelling of future marine storms

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    Extreme events, such as wave-storms, need to be characterized for coastal infrastructure design purposes. Such description should contain information on both the univariate behaviour and the joint-dependence of storm-variables. These two aspects have been here addressed through generalized Pareto distributions and hierarchical Archimedean copulas. A non-stationary model has been used to highlight the relationship between these extreme events and non-stationary climate. It has been applied to a Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 Climate-Change scenario, for a fetch-limited environment (Catalan Coast). In the non-stationary model, all considered variables decrease in time, except for storm-duration at the northern part of the Catalan Coast. The joint distribution of storm variables presents cyclical fluctuations, with a stronger influence of climate dynamics than of climate itself.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Knowledge network dynamics in clusters: past performance and absorptive capacity

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the degree to which absorptive capacity and previous innovative performance affect network dynamics, specifically in the creation or destruction of inter-business relationships. Design/methodology/approach - The empirical study has drawn on the data collected in an industrial cluster located in the Valencian Community in Spain. This population of firms allowed us to test various roles played by network endogenous forces, absorptive capacity and former performance in the creation and dissolution of inter-organisational linkages. The authors followed an evolutionary approach and applied network analysis techniques. Findings - Empirical evidences suggest that absorptive capacity and previous innovative performance are predictors of inter-business relationships. Absorptive capacity affects the emergence of linkages in the technological network, due to the tacit nature of technological knowledge. On the other hand, previous innovative performance is an indicator to identify leaders companies. These companies tend to increase the reception of request for advice from local firms. Moreover, prestigious companies tend to be more selective in choosing collaborators. Practical implications - This study helps researchers and managers better understand network dynamics. The generation of inter-organisational relationships in clusters can be determined by cognitive proximity and prestigious status in the network. These evidences are relevant in a mature cluster where knowledge is asymmetrically distributed. Originality/value - Over the last few decades, studies on industrial clusters have evolved from the "canonical" standpoint. Nowadays, researchers usually take a more sophisticated and richer view of this reality, mainly as a consequence of the inclusion the proximity concept, intra-cluster heterogeneity and advanced analysis of overlapping between networks and territory. Thus, the authors try to add some empirical evidence along these lines.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (ECO2015-67122-R) and the Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2015/079) is gratefully acknowledged.Belso Martínez, JA.; Expósito Langa, M.; Tomas Miquel, JV. (2016). Knowledge network dynamics in clusters: past performance and absorptive capacity. Baltic Journal of Management. 11(3):310-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/BJM-02-2015-0044S31032711

    Bio-inspired broad-class phonetic labelling

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    Recent studies have shown that the correct labeling of phonetic classes may help current Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) when combined with classical parsing automata based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM).Through the present paper a method for Phonetic Class Labeling (PCL) based on bio-inspired speech processing is described. The methodology is based in the automatic detection of formants and formant trajectories after a careful separation of the vocal and glottal components of speech and in the operation of CF (Characteristic Frequency) neurons in the cochlear nucleus and cortical complex of the human auditory apparatus. Examples of phonetic class labeling are given and the applicability of the method to Speech Processing is discussed