80 research outputs found

    Further results on elementary Lie algebras and Lie A-algebras.

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    A finite-dimensional Lie algebra L over a field F of characteristic zero is called elementary if each of its subalgebras has trivial Frattini ideal; it is an A-algebra if every nilpotent subalgebra is abelian. This paper is a continuation of the study of these algebras initiated by the authors in a previous paper. If we denote by A\mathcal{A}, G\mathcal{G}, E\mathcal{E}, L\mathcal{L}, Φ\Phi the classes of A-algebras, almost algebraic algebras, E-algebras, elementary algebras and ϕ\phi-free algebras respectively, then it is shown that: \mathcal{L} \subset \Phi \subset \mathcal{G} \mathcal{L} \subset \mathcal{A} \subset \mathcal{E} \mathcal{G} \cap \mathcal{A} = \mathcal{L}. It is also shown that if L is a semisimple Lie algebra all of whose minimal parabolic subalgebras are ϕ\phi-free then L is an A-algebra, and hence elementary. This requires a number of quite delicate properties of parabolic subalgebras. Finally characterisations are given of EE-algebras and of Lie algebras all of whose proper subalgebras are elementary

    Driving mechanisms and streamwise homogeneity in molecular dynamics simulations of nanochannel flows

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    In molecular dynamics simulations, nanochannel flows are usually driven by a constant force, that aims to represent a pressure difference between inlet and outlet, and periodic boundary conditions are applied in the streamwise direction resulting in an homogeneous flow. The homogeneity hypothesis can be eliminated adding reservoirs at the inlet and outlet of the channel which permits us to predict streamwise variation of flow properties. It also opens the door to drive the flow by applying a pressure gradient instead of a constant force. We analyze the impact of these modeling modifications in the prediction of the flow properties, and we show when they make a difference with respect to the standard approach. It turns out that both assumptions are irrelevant when low pressure differences are considered, but important differences are observed at high pressure differences. They include the density and velocity variation along the channel (the mass flow rate is constant) but, more importantly, the temperature increase and slip length decrease. Because viscous heating is important at high shear rates, these modeling issues are also linked to the use of thermostating procedures. Specifically, selecting the region where the thermostat is applied has a critical influence on the results. Whereas in the traditional homogeneous model the choices are limited to the fluid and/or the wall, in the inhomogeneous cases the reservoirs are also available, which permits us to leave the region of interest, the channel, unperturbed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Análisis dinámico de la invalidez. Aplicación a los seguros de riesgo

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    En los momentos actuales hay cierta preocupación por los problemas derivados del envejecimiento de la población que afectan tanto a los países desarrollados, como a los que están en vías de desarrollo, en cuanto la repercusión que tienen en los sistemas de previsión social. Paralelo a esta proceso está el de la incapacidad o invalidez considerada como la alteración de la salud del ser humano, creando estados de necesidad que se manifiestan en la alteración de la salud lo que requiere una asistencia médica curativa, con el consiguiente incremento de gastos, disminuyendo también la capacidad del individuo para conseguir las rentas que constituyen su medio habitual de vida. Es por ello que los Sistemas de Seguridad Social dentro de su acción protectora tienen definida la cobertura de estos riesgos. Los agentes sociales muestran una gran preocupación por los aspectos de la previsión social, por lo que es necesario el desarrollo de técnicas que permitan evaluar el costo futuro de las contingencias, entre las que se encuentra la invalidez o incapacidad para el trabajo. Este estudio se va a centrar en la repercusión que puede tener en un sistema de previsión social el hecho de que un individuo pueda ver anulada la su capacidad laboral en cuanto que implica la imposibilidad de conseguir las suficientes ganancias para supervivir. Se plantea un análisis biométrico de la prestación de invalidez definiendo un modelo que nos permita ver la incidencia que tiene la entrada al disfrute de esta prestación. El modelo se denomina práctico en cuanto que no contempla la “reactividad” es decir, el paso de inválido a activo nuevamente. Se hace una aplicación al colectivo de trabajadores por cuenta ajena o Régimen General del Sistema de Seguridad Social en España intentando el modelo explicar el comportamiento de las tasas reales de entrada en invalidez o incapacidad según los distintos grados, que dependen de la pérdida de capacidad de ganancia

    Semantic localization in the PCL library

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    The semantic localization problem in robotics consists in determining the place where a robot is located by means of semantic categories. The problem is usually addressed as a supervised classification process, where input data correspond to robot perceptions while classes to semantic categories, like kitchen or corridor. In this paper we propose a framework, implemented in the PCL library, which provides a set of valuable tools to easily develop and evaluate semantic localization systems. The implementation includes the generation of 3D global descriptors following a Bag-of-Words approach. This allows the generation of fixed-dimensionality descriptors from any type of keypoint detector and feature extractor combinations. The framework has been designed, structured and implemented to be easily extended with different keypoint detectors, feature extractors as well as classification models. The proposed framework has also been used to evaluate the performance of a set of already implemented descriptors, when used as input for a specific semantic localization system. The obtained results are discussed paying special attention to the internal parameters of the BoW descriptor generation process. Moreover, we also review the combination of some keypoint detectors with different 3D descriptor generation techniques.This work was supported by grant DPI2013-40534-R of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government, supported with Feder funds, and by Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes of the JCCM regional government through project PPII-2014-015-P. Jesus Martínez-Gómez was also funded by the JCCM grant POST2014/8171

    ViDRILO: The Visual and Depth Robot Indoor Localization with Objects information dataset

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    In this article we describe a semantic localization dataset for indoor environments named ViDRILO. The dataset provides five sequences of frames acquired with a mobile robot in two similar office buildings under different lighting conditions. Each frame consists of a point cloud representation of the scene and a perspective image. The frames in the dataset are annotated with the semantic category of the scene, but also with the presence or absence of a list of predefined objects appearing in the scene. In addition to the frames and annotations, the dataset is distributed with a set of tools for its use in both place classification and object recognition tasks. The large number of labeled frames in conjunction with the annotation scheme make this dataset different from existing ones. The ViDRILO dataset is released for use as a benchmark for different problems such as multimodal place classification and object recognition, 3D reconstruction or point cloud data compression.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government, and by Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes of the JCCM regional government through project PPII-2014-015-P (grant number DPI2013-40534-R). Jesus Martínez-Gómez is also funded by the JCCM (grant number POST2014/8171)

    Presencia de Helicobacter Pylori en la placa bacteriana dental

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    El Helicobacter Pylori (HP) es el microorganismo causal más importante relacionado con la gastritis crónica del tipo B del antro gástrico y el principal factor asociado a la recidiva de la úlcera duodenal. Probablemente también esté asociado a la presencia de ulceración gástrica y al cáncer gástrico. Desde el año 1989 diversos estudios han planteado la posibilidad de que el germen tuviera como reservorio la placa bacteriana dental (PB). Esta podría ser la causa de la recolonización del estómago tras el tratamiento de la infección y por tanto responsable de las recidivas. La relevancia del hallazgo del HP en la PB, es aún poco clara ya que se precisan estudios de alta especificidad y sensibilidad como para asegurar que el germen detectado como HP lo sea en realidad. En este artículo revisamos la bibliografía sobre este controvertido tema

    Using genetic algorithms for real-time object detection

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    P. 1-12This article presents a new approach to mobile robot vision systems based on genetic algorithms. The major contribution of the proposal is the real-time adaptation of genetic algorithms, which are generally used offline. In order to achieve this goal, the execution time must be as short as possible. The scope of the System is the robotic football competition Robocup whitin the Standard Platform category. The system developed detects and estimates distance and orientation to key elements on a football field, such as the ball and goals. Different experiments have been carried out whitin an official Robocup environmentS

    Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Prebiotic Enriched Infant Formula—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Eficàcia; Fórmula infantil; PrebiòticEficacia; Fórmula infantil; PrebióticoEfficacy; Infant formula; PrebioticThe present study aims to evaluate the effects of an infant formula supplemented with a mixture of prebiotic short and long chain inulin-type oligosaccharides on health outcomes, safety and tolerance, as well as on fecal microbiota composition during the first year of life. In a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study, n = 160 healthy term infants under 4 months of age were randomized to receive either an infant formula enriched with 0.8 g/dL of Orafti®Synergy1 or an unsupplemented control formula until the age of 12 months. Growth, fever (>38 °C) and infections were regularly followed up by a pediatrician. Digestive symptoms, stool consistency as well as crying and sleeping patterns were recorded during one week each study month. Fecal microbiota and immunological biomarkers were determined from a subgroup of infants after 2, 6 and 12 months of life. The intention to treat (ITT) population consisted of n = 149 infants. Both formulae were well tolerated. Mean duration of infections was significantly lower in the prebiotic fed infants (p < 0.05). The prebiotic group showed higher Bifidobacterium counts at month 6 (p = 0.006), and higher proportions of Bifidobacterium in relation to total bacteria at month 2 and 6 (p = 0.042 and p = 0.013, respectively). Stools of infants receiving the prebiotic formula were softer (p < 0.05). Orafti®Synergy1 tended to beneficially impact total daily amount of crying (p = 0.0594). Supplementation with inulin-type prebiotic oligosaccharides during the first year of life beneficially modulates the infant gut microbiota towards higher Bifidobacterium levels at the first 6 months of life, and is associated with reduced duration of infections.The clinical study was part of the EARNEST project (EARly Nutrition programming-long term follow up of Efficacy and Safety Trials and integrated epidemiological, genetic, animal, consumer and economic research), an EU-funded integrated project within the 6th Framework Programme (FOOD-CT-2005-007036). Within this project, Laboratorios Ordesa, Barcelona, Spain and BENEO-Orafti, Tienen, Belgium contributed to the overall funding of the SYNERGY-1 study

    Micro-generador termoeléctrico basado en contactos eléctricos pasantes

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    Micro-generador termoeléctrico que comprende porciones (P, N) de material semiconductor alternadas entre sí, que definen filas (3) de material semiconductor agrupadas formando al menos dos capas horizontales (4) de material semiconductor, estando dichas filas separadas verticalmente entre sí por láminas (1) de sustrato eléctricamente aislante y térmicamente conductor provistas de orificios pasantes (5) que conectan eléctricamente las porciones (P, N) de material semiconductor de una capa (4), con las porciones (N, P) de material semiconductor de la capa (4) inmediatamente superior, creando columnas (8) verticales de termopares (7)Peer reviewedUniversidad Politécnica de Valencia, Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasB1 Patente sin examen previ