531 research outputs found

    Increasing Therapy Related Myeloid Neoplasms in Multiple Myeloma

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    © 2018 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc /4.0/ This document is the submitted version of a published work that appeared in final form in European Journal of Clinical Investigation.Background: Despite the longer survival achieved in multiple myeloma (MM) patients due to new therapy strategies, a concern is emerging regarding an increased risk of secondary primary malignancies (SPMs) and how to characterize those patients at risk. We performed a retrospective study covering a 28‐year follow‐ up period (1991‐2018) in a tertiary single institution. Material and Methods: Data of 403 MM patients were recorded and compared with the epidemiologic register of the population area covered by our centre, calculating the standardize incidence ratio (SIR) for the different types of SPMs diagnosed in the MM cohort. Fine and Gray regression models were used to identify risk factors for SPMs. Results: Out of the 403 MM patients, 23 (5.7%) developed SPMs: 13 therapyrelated myeloid (TRM) malignancies (10 of them (77%) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 1 acute lymphoid leukaemia and 9 solid neoplasms. In the MM cohort, the relative risk of MDS was significantly higher than in the general population. Survival of patients with TRM malignancies was poor with a median of 4 months from the diagnosis, and most of them showed complex karyotype. Within the MM subset, multivariable analysis showed a higher risk of TRM malignancies in patients that previously received prolonged treatment with lenalidomide (>18 months). Conclusions: Though the improvement in MM outcome during the last decades is an unprecedented achievement, it has been accompanied by the rise in TRM malignancies with complex cytogenetic profile and poor prognosis that are in the need of an improved biologic and therapeutic approach

    Local Competition Between Foraging Relatives: Growth and Survival of Bruchid Beetle Larvae

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    Kin selection theory states that when resources are limited and all else is equal, individuals will direct competition away from kin. However, when competition between relatives is completely local, as is the case in granivorous insects whose larval stages spend their lives within a single seed, this can reduce or even negate the kin-selected benefits. Instead, an increase in competition may have the same detrimental effects on individuals that forage with kin as those that forage with non-kin. In a factorial experiment we assessed the effects of relatedness and competition over food on the survival and on fitness-related traits of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. Relatedness of competitors did not affect the survival of larvae. Larval survival substantially decreased with increasing larval density, and we found evidence that beetles maturing at a larger size were more adversely affected by competition, resulting in lower survival rates. Furthermore, females showed a reduction in their growth rate with increasing larval density, emerging smaller after the same development time. Males increased their growth rate, emerging earlier but at a similar size when food was more limited. Our results add to the growing number of studies that fail to show a relationship between relatedness and a reduction in competition between relatives in closed systems, and emphasize the importance of the scale at which competition between relatives occurs

    Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering: An Overview, II

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    We survey agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms and discuss efficient implementations that are available in R and other software environments. We look at hierarchical self-organizing maps, and mixture models. We review grid-based clustering, focusing on hierarchical density-based approaches. Finally we describe a recently developed very efficient (linear time) hierarchical clustering algorithm, which can also be viewed as a hierarchical grid-based algorithm. This review adds to the earlier version, Murtagh and Contreras (2012)

    Persistence of anticancer activity in berry extracts after simulated gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation

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    Fruit and vegetable consumption is associated at the population level with a protective effect against colorectal cancer. Phenolic compounds, especially abundant in berries, are of interest due to their putative anticancer activity. After consumption, however, phenolic compounds are subject to digestive conditions within the gastrointestinal tract that alter their structures and potentially their function. However, the majority of phenolic compounds are not efficiently absorbed in the small intestine and a substantial portion pass into the colon. We characterized berry extracts (raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants) produced by in vitro-simulated upper intestinal tract digestion and subsequent fecal fermentation. These extracts and selected individual colonic metabolites were then evaluated for their putative anticancer activities using in vitro models of colorectal cancer, representing the key stages of initiation, promotion and invasion. Over a physiologically-relevant dose range (0–50 µg/ml gallic acid equivalents), the digested and fermented extracts demonstrated significant anti-genotoxic, anti-mutagenic and anti-invasive activity on colonocytes. This work indicates that phenolic compounds from berries undergo considerable structural modifications during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract but their breakdown products and metabolites retain biological activity and can modulate cellular processes associated with colon cancer

    Phenotypic redshifts with self-organizing maps: A novel method to characterize redshift distributions of source galaxies for weak lensing

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    Wide-field imaging surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey (DES) rely on coarse measurements of spectral energy distributions in a few filters to estimate the redshift distribution of source galaxies. In this regime, sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects limit the attainable accuracy of redshift calibration and thus of cosmological constraints. We present a new method to combine wide-field, few-filter measurements with catalogs from deep fields with additional filters and sufficiently low photometric noise to break degeneracies in photometric redshifts. The multi-band deep field is used as an intermediary between wide-field observations and accurate redshifts, greatly reducing sample variance, shot noise, and selection effects. Our implementation of the method uses self-organizing maps to group galaxies into phenotypes based on their observed fluxes, and is tested using a mock DES catalog created from N-body simulations. It yields a typical uncertainty on the mean redshift in each of five tomographic bins for an idealized simulation of the DES Year 3 weak-lensing tomographic analysis of σΔz=0.007\sigma_{\Delta z} = 0.007, which is a 60% improvement compared to the Year 1 analysis. Although the implementation of the method is tailored to DES, its formalism can be applied to other large photometric surveys with a similar observing strategy.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; matches version accepted to MNRA

    Seeing the woods for the trees: the problem of information inefficiency and information overload on operator performance

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    One of the recurring questions in designing dynamic control environments is whether providing more information leads to better operational decisions. The idea of having every piece of information is increasingly tempting (and in safety critical domains often mandatory) but has become a potential obstacle for designers and operators. The present research study examined this challenge of appropriate information design and usability within a railway control setting. A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the presentation of different levels of information (taken from data processing framework, Dadashi et al., 2014) and the association with, and potential prediction of, the performance of a human operator when completing a cognitively demanding problem solving scenario within railways. Results indicated that presenting users only with information corresponding to their cognitive task, and in the absence of other, non task-relevant information, improves the performance of their problem solving/alarm handling. Knowing the key features of interest to various agents (machine or human) and using the data processing framework to guide the optimal level of information required by each of these agents could potentially lead to safer and more usable designs

    The Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey: narrow-band image photometry

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    PAUCam is an innovative optical narrow-band imager mounted at the William Herschel Telescope built for the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS). Its set of 40 filters results in images that are complex to calibrate, with specific instrumental signatures that cannot be processed with traditional data reduction techniques. In this paper, we present two pipelines developed by the PAUS data management team with the objective of producing science-ready catalogues from the uncalibrated raw images. The NIGHTLY pipeline takes care of entire image processing, with bespoke algorithms for photometric calibration and scatter-light correction. The Multi-Epoch and Multi-Band Analysis pipeline performs forced photometry over a reference catalogue to optimize the photometric redshift (photo-z) performance. We verify against spectroscopic observations that the current approach delivers an inter-band photometric calibration of 0.8 per cent across the 40 narrow-band set. The large volume of data produced every night and the rapid survey strategy feedback constraints require operating both pipelines in the Port d’Informació Cientifica data centre with intense parallelization. While alternative algorithms for further improvements in photo-z performance are under investigation, the image calibration and photometry presented in this work already enable state-of-the-art photo-z down to iAB = 23.0

    Bovine Tuberculosis in Doñana Biosphere Reserve: The Role of Wild Ungulates as Disease Reservoirs in the Last Iberian Lynx Strongholds

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    Doñana National Park (DNP) in southern Spain is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve where commercial hunting and wildlife artificial feeding do not take place and traditional cattle husbandry still exists. Herein, we hypothesized that Mycobacterium bovis infection prevalence in wild ungulates will depend on host ecology and that variation in prevalence will reflect variation in the interaction between hosts and environmental risk factors. Cattle bTB reactor rates increased in DNP despite compulsory testing and culling of infected animals. In this study, 124 European wild boar, 95 red deer, and 97 fallow deer were sampled from April 2006 to April 2007 and analyzed for M. bovis infection. Modelling and GIS were used to identify risk factors and intra and inter-species relationships. Infection with M. bovis was confirmed in 65 (52.4%) wild boar, 26 (27.4%) red deer and 18 (18.5%) fallow deer. In the absence of cattle, wild boar M. bovis prevalence reached 92.3% in the northern third of DNP. Wild boar showed more than twice prevalence than that in deer (p<0.001). Modelling revealed that M. bovis prevalence decreased from North to South in wild boar (p<0.001) and red deer (p<0.01), whereas no spatial pattern was evidenced for fallow deer. Infection risk in wild boar was dependent on wild boar M. bovis prevalence in the buffer area containing interacting individuals (p<0.01). The prevalence recorded in this study is among the highest reported in wildlife. Remarkably, this high prevalence occurs in the absence of wildlife artificial feeding, suggesting that a feeding ban alone would have a limited effect on wildlife M. bovis prevalence. In DNP, M. bovis transmission may occur predominantly at the intra-species level due to ecological, behavioural and epidemiological factors. The results of this study allow inferring conclusions on epidemiological bTB risk factors in Mediterranean habitats that are not managed for hunting purposes. Our results support the need to consider wildlife species for the control of bTB in cattle and strongly suggest that bTB may affect animal welfare and conservation

    CD40 signaling predicts response to preoperative trastuzumab and concomitant paclitaxel followed by 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide in HER-2-overexpressing breast cancer

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    Introduction We performed gene expression analysis to identify molecular predictors of resistance to preoperative concomitant trastuzumab and paclitaxel followed by 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (T/FEC). Methods Pretreatment fine-needle aspiration specimens from 45 patients with HER-2-overexpressing stage II to IIIA breast cancer were subjected to transcriptional profiling and examined for differential expression of various genes and gene sets. The primary endpoint for tumor response was pathologic complete response (pCR). Correlations between pCR and gene expression were sought. Results The overall pCR rate was 64%. Age, nuclear grade, tumor size, nodal status, quantitative expression of estrogen and HER-2 receptor mRNA, and HER-2 gene copy number showed no correlation with pCR. Results of gene set enrichment analysis suggested that the lower expression of genes involved with CD40 signaling is associated with a greater risk of residual cancer after the preoperative chemotherapy that includes trastuzumab. Conclusion CD40 signaling may play a role in determining response to trastuzumab-plus-T/FEC therapy in patients with HER-2-overexpressing breast cancer.PubMedWoSScopu

    Acute and Reproductive Effects of Align®, an Insecticide Containing Azadirachtin, on the Grape Berry Moth, Lobesia botrana

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    Azadirachtin, derived from the neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Sapindales: Meliaceae), seems promising for use in integrated pest management programs to control a variety of pest species. A commercial formulation of azadirachtin, Align®, has been evaluated against different developmental stages of the European grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana Denis and Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). When administered orally, Align reduced the fecundity and fertility of adults treated with 1, 5, and 10 mg litre-1. At the highest doses, fecundity and fertility were zero, but longevity was not affected. An LC50 of 231.5 mg litre-1 was obtained when Align was sprayed on eggs less than 1 day old. Hatching of all egg classes was significantly reduced, and this reduction was more pronounced for eggs less than 24 h old. LC50 values of 2.1 mg litre-1 for first instars and 18.7 mg litre-1 for third instars were obtained when Align was present in the diet. Larvae reared on a diet containing different concentrations of Align did not molt into adults at the highest concentrations (0.3, 0.6, 1.2), and 50% molted at the lowest concentration (0.15). Phenotypic effects included inability to molt properly and deformities. The combination of acute toxicity and low, effective concentrations of Align observed in this study could lead to the inclusion of insecticides containing azadirachtin in integrated management programs against this pest