34 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Herbarium Pada Materi Organ Tumbuhan Di SMP N 5 Rambah Hilir

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    The purpose of the research to determine the feasibility of learning media at the herbarium material plants organ at grade VII SMPN 5 Rambah Hilir. This Research was done from June to August 2016. The type of the research was the development of research (Research and development) which developed by Dick and Carey and have been modified. The data collection was done by using the questionnaire and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the learning media herbarium material plants organ at grade VII SMPN 5 Rambah Hilir based on thevalidation of subject matter experts (81.24%) by the categorized as very feasible, validation media expert (72,91%) with feasible category, individual testing (95,7%) with the very feasible category, small group trial (94%) categorized as very feasible and field trials (95,78%) categorized as very feasible

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Herbarium Pada Materi Organ Tumbuhan Di SMP N 5 Rambah Hilir

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    The purpose of the research to determine the feasibility of learning media at the herbarium material plants organ at grade VII SMPN 5 Rambah Hilir. This Research was done from June to August 2016. The type of the research was the development of research (Research and development) which developed by Dick and Carey and have been modified. The data collection was done by using the questionnaire and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the learning media herbarium material plants organ at grade VII SMPN 5 Rambah Hilir based on thevalidation of subject matter experts (81.24%) by the categorized as very feasible, validation media expert (72,91%) with feasible category, individual testing (95,7%) with the very feasible category, small group trial (94%) categorized as very feasible and field trials (95,78%) categorized as very feasible

    Pengaruh Komitmen Profesional, Tingkat Keseriusan Kecurangan Dan Intensitas Moral Terhadap Intensi Untuk Melakukan Tindakan Whistleblowing (Studi Empiris Pada PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Area Lampung Kc Bandar Lampung Kedaton)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui apakah komitmen professional, tingkat keseriusan kecurangan, dan intensitas moral berpengaruh terhadap intensi untuk melakukan tindakan whistleblowing. Dengan pokok rumusan masalah bagaimana pengaruh komitmen professional, tingkat keseriusan kecurangan, dan intensitas moral terhadap intensi untuk melakukan tindakan whistleblowing di BSI. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bank Syariah Indonesia Area Lampung dan KC Bandar Lampung Kedatonyang terdapat di Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode kuantitaif. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dengan menggunakan 3 variabel independen yaitu komitmen professional, tingkat keseriusan kecurangan dan intensitas moral, dan intensi untuk melakukan tindakan whistleblowing sebagai variabel dependen. Dengan 70 sampel  karyawan Bank syariah Indonesia yang terdapat di Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menurunkan 4 hipotesis dengan menggunakan metode regresi liner berganda melalui aplikasi SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukana bahwa komitmen professional, tingkat keseriusan kecurangan, dan intensitas moral berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi untuk melakukan tindakan whistlebblowing

    Μελέτη περίπτωσης: Το Ψυχιατρικό Τμήμα Ενηλίκων του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Ασκληπιείου Βούλας. Μια ψυχοδυναμική προσέγγιση στα εμπόδια και στις αντιστάσεις της πορείας της ψυχιατρικής μεταρρύθμισης

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι να εξετάσει - μέσω της αναλυτικής παρουσίασης και μελέτης ενός ψυχιατρικού τμήματος σε Γενικό Νοσοκομείο - την έκβαση της ψυχιατρικής μεταρρύθμισης στο ελληνικό σύστημα υγείας κατά τις τρεις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, να εντοπίσει μέσα από μια ψυχοδυναμική προσέγγιση τις αδυναμίες και τα εμπόδια που ανέκυψαν κατά την εφαρμογή της και να αποτυπώσει τις προοπτικές του βιοψυχοκοινωνικού μοντέλου και του ψυχαναλυτικού πρίσματος ως τρόπους προσπέλασης των σκοπέλων που έχουν δημιουργηθεί. Η μελέτη μιας δομής έξω από το ψυχιατρείο, ως περίπτωση πεδίου έγκαιρης θεραπευτικής παρέμβασης, σκοπεύει να αναδείξει το ρόλο της πρωτοβάθμιας φροντίδας της ψυχικής υγείας και να υπογραμμίσει τη σημασία χάραξης πολιτικής και στρατηγικού σχεδιασμού σε μικρά πλαίσια και έξω από το όρια των μεγάλων οργανισμών. Τέλος, η παρουσίαση του Νοσοκομείου Ημέρας Παλαιού Φαλήρου αναδεικνύει τη σημασία που έχει στην καθημερινότητα των ατόμων με ψυχική ασθένεια η ύπαρξη δομών εντός της κοινότητας, ώστε να είναι σημείο αναφοράς στις υποτροπές της ασθένειάς τους και να αποτελούν γι’ αυτούς και τις οικογένειές τους έναν τόπο ψυχολογικής υποστήριξης και εκπαίδευσης καθώς και έναν συνδετικό κρίκο με τον κοινωνικό ιστό. Το παραπάνω υλικό αποδεικνύει πως, σε μια περίοδο όπου η οικονομική κρίση δεν επιτρέπει την ανάπτυξη νέων δομών, η οργάνωση, ο σχεδιασμός, η αξιολόγηση και η κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του πλαισίου, αποτελούν απαραίτητα βήματα για κάθε δομή ψυχικής υγείας. Με αυτό τον τρόπο αξιοποιούνται στο μέγιστο οι ανθρώπινοι πόροι και οι πολίτες έχουν όσο το δυνατό περισσότερες και ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες ψυχικής υγείας.The aim of the present study is to analyze the outcome of psychiatric reform in the Greek health system over the last three decades through a detailed presentation and study of a psychiatric department at a General Hospital, to identify through a psychodynamic approach the weaknesses and obstacles encountered in its implementation, and outline the perspectives of the biopsychosocial model and the psychoanalytic prism as ways of accessing the corpses that have been created. The study of a psychiatric structure, as a field of early therapeutic intervention ,aims to highlight the role of primary mental health care and to emphasize the importance of policy and strategic planning in addition to large organizations and in small contexts. Finally, the presentation of the Palaio Faliro Day Hospital, highlights the importance that has the presence of structures within the community, in the daily life of people with mental illness, as a reference point for individuals in the relapses of their disease. As a place, for them and their families, where can get psychological support and education and a link to the social fabric. The aforementioned facts indicate that in a period, during which the economic crisis does not allow the development of new structures, planning, scheduling, understanding of the operation of a unit, and evaluation, constitute fundamental elements of every mental health unit . In this way, human resources are deployed at maximum level and citizens have access to mental health services of the highest possible quality

    Kandungan Lemak, Total Bahan Kering dan Bahan Kering tanpa Lemak Susu Sapi Perah Akibat Interval Pemerahan Berbeda

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    This study aimed to compare the milking interval on milk fat content, Total Solid and Solid Non Fat (SNF). The dairy cattle used was 16 Frisien Holstein cows at the second and third milking periods and at fourth and fifth months of lactation. The average of body weight and milk production were 373.27 ± 27.32 kg (CV 7.32%) and 12.50 ± 0.06 liters (CV 0.46%). The experimental design used was Crossover Design. The treatment was T1 (milking interval 12:12 hours) and T2 (milking interval 16:8 hours). The parameters observed were milk fat, total solid and solid non fat. The data were analysed by F test. The results showed that milk fat content was 0.56 and 0.50 kg/head/day (P<0.05), total solid content was 1.80 and 1.56 kg/head/day (P<0.05), Solid non fat on milk was 19.76 and 17.34 kg/ head/day (P<0.05 ) for P1 and P2, respectively. In conclusion, the milking interval used by 12:12 hours was better than 16:8 hours to increase milk quality

    Reformasi Hukum Tanah Desa Dalam Kepungan Kapitalisme Global

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Keadaan Desa Dalam Kepungan Kapitalisme Global dan Bagaimanakah Posisi Reforma Agraria Yang Dikatakan  Sebuah Agenda Politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan hukum normatif, Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan (the statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perkembangan kapitalisme yang dituntut selfregulating, yang pada gilirannya menuntut pemisahan ekonomi dari politik, seperti didukung kuat oleh para ekonom klasik maupun neoklasik. Dari segi itu, maka reforma agraria harus dilakukan oleh sebuah otoritas politik yang mendominasi bangsa, yaitu Negara. Negara harus menjadi alat dari rakyat untuk memonopoli tanah (secara kepemilikan langsung maupun penguasaan tidak langsung), menasionalisir dan membagi secara cuma-cuma kepada kaum tani. Dua aspek pentingnya adalah menyita dan membagi hak atas tanah. Aspek pembagian ini adalah tugas negara yang harus hati-hati dijalankan karena memerlukan kegiatan penyadaran (baik secara politik, ekonomi, maupun teknis pertanian)

    GEOLAB - Transnational Access project HSRTSUB - Resilient behaviour of stabilized and conventional high-speed's rail track subgrades under different drainage conditions and seat loads

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    In this study, the shear strength of track ballast material is evaluated by testing different types of track ballast specimens, which was conducted in a Large-scale Triaxial Apparatus at ZAG ) that has a shear area of 40 cm x 40 cm and can accommodate specimens up to 80 cm high. It enable loading of specimens in simple shear mode. The tests, which were conducted within HSRTSUB project, include two different types of ballast, the fouled ballast samples and the clean ballast samples, and two different specimen preparation techniques (with and without compaction). The normal stresses used cover a wide range from 50 to 400 kPa. The European standard EN13450 "Aggregates for railway ballast" was used. This standard specifies the properties of aggregates obtained by processing natural, manufactured or recycled crushed unbound aggregates for use in the construction of the upper layer of railway track. For the purposes of this standard, the aggregate is referred to as track ballast. Tests were conducted under unsaturated conditions with two types of lightweight materials: - fouled ballast aggregates and - clean ballast aggregate


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    The purpose of the  research  to determine the properness of biology learning media in specimen form on plant organ material in state high school junior 5 Rambah Hilir. This Research was done from June to August 2016. The type of the research was the development of research (Research and development) which developed by Dick and Carey and have been modified. The data collection was done by using the questionnaire and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the learning media specimen material plants organ at grade VII SMPN 5  Rambah Hilir based on the validation of subject matter experts (81.24%) by the categorized as very proper, validation media expert (72,91%) with feasible category, individual testing (95,7%) with the very feasible category, small group trial (94%) categorized as very feasible and field trials (95,78%) categorized as very feasible.Key Words: Specimen, Plants Organ, Learning Medi


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    ANALISA STRATEGI BISNIS DAN PERANCAGAN E-MARKETING PADA PT. THREE CHORDS SYSTEMINDO - E-marketing, Pemasaran, Porter, SWOT, tujuh tahap internet marketin