82 research outputs found

    The hidden side of the Allee effect: correlated demographic traits and extinction risk in experimental populations

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    Because Allee effects have major impacts on the dynamics of small populations, they are routinely included in demographic models for the evaluation of extinction risks. However, the structure of most common models implies that other demographic parameters (like the maximum growth rate) are modified by the inclusion of an Allee effect, which also affects in return the extinction risk of the population. Whether such correlations between demographic traits occur in natural populations or merely reflect a practical constraint related to model formalism is of primary importance to understand better the dynamics of small populations. We investigated this question using 20 populations of Trichogramma wasps raised under similar conditions, of which 3 were subject to an Allee effect. We showed that these 3 populations were also characterized by lower maximum growth rate and lower carrying capacity, and that their extinction probability was higher than for non-Allee populations. These results provide the first empirical demonstration of a correlation between the presence of positive density-dependence and impaired demographic performance, which increases the extinction risk of population, especially during the establishment phase

    Evidence for an optimal level of connectivity for establishment and colonisation

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    International audienceDispersal is usually associated with the spread of invasive species, but it also has two opposing effects, one decreasing and the other increasing the probability of establishment. Indeed, dispersal both slows population growth at the site of introduction and increases the likelihood of surrounding habitat being colonized. The connectivity of the introduction site is likely to affect dispersal, and, thus, establishment, according to the dispersal behaviour of individuals. Using individual-based models and microcosm experiments on minute wasps, we demonstrated the existence of a hump-shaped relationship between connectivity and establishment in situations in which individual dispersal resembled a diffusion process. These results suggest that there is an optimal level of connectivity for the establishment of introduced populations locally at the site of introduction, and regionally over the whole landscape

    Life-history traits, pace of life and dispersal among and within five species of Trichogramma wasps: a comparative analysis

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    Major traits defining the life history of organisms are often not independent from each other, with most of their variation aligning along key axes such as the pace-of-life axis. We can define a pace-of-life axis structuring reproduction and development time as a continuum from less-fecund, longer-developing ″slow″ types to more-fecund, shorter-developing ″fast″ types. Such axes, along with their potential associations or syndromes with other traits such as dispersal, are however not universal; in particular, support for their presence may be taxon and taxonomic scale-dependent. Knowing about such life-history strategies may be especially important for understanding eco-evolutionary dynamics, as these trait syndromes may constrain trait variation or be correlated with other traits. To understand how life-history traits and effective dispersal covary, we measured these traits in controlled conditions for 28 lines from five species of Trichogramma, which are small endoparasitoid wasps frequently used as a biological model in experimental evolution but also in biocontrol against Lepidoptera pests. We found partial evidence of a pace-of-life axis at the interspecific level: species with higher fecundity also had faster development time. However, faster-developing species also were more likely to delay egg-laying, a trait that is usually interpreted as ″slow″. There was no support for similar covariation patterns at the within-species line level. There was limited variation in effective dispersal between species and lines, and accordingly, we did not detect any correlation between effective dispersal probability and life-history traits. We discuss how expanding our experimental design by accounting for the density-dependence of both the pace of life and dispersal might improve our understanding of those traits and how they interact with each other. Overall, our results highlight the importance of exploring covariation at the ″right″ taxonomic scale, or multiple taxonomic scales, to understand the (co)evolution of life-history traits. They also suggest that optimizing both reproductive and development traits to maximize the efficiency of biocontrol may be difficult in programs using only one species

    Utilization of microcosms to test invasion biology hypotheses

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    Comprendre les facteurs déterminant le succès ou l’échec des processus invasifs est un objectif majeur en biologie de l’invasion. De nombreux travaux théoriques se sont intéressés aux composantes écologiques et évolutives de ces facteurs. Cependant, les tests d’hypothèses associés à une démarche expérimentale restent rares. La plupart des résultats empiriques sont issus de l’analyse a posteriori d’invasions fortuites et ne permettent donc, au mieux, que des approches corrélatives. Dans cet article, nous discutons de la pertinence des microcosmes, i.e. des environnements simplifiés, contrôlés et reproductibles, comme alternatives aux introductions expérimentales en milieu naturel. En nous basant sur une synthèse de la littérature, nous présentons les avantages et limites des approches en microcosmes pour l'étude des invasions biologiques. Notre analyse se concentre sur les publications impliquant des populations en dynamique transitoire après un goulot d’étranglement et/ou soumises à un challenge adaptatif, deux caractéristiques clés des processus invasifs. Malgré le nombre encore réduit de telles études, leur intérêt a été montré pour explorer les influences des caractéristiques de l’aire envahie (les conditions environnementales ainsi que leur hétérogénéité spatiale ou temporelle). Dans une moindre mesure, les microcosmes ont également permis de tester l’influence des caractéristiques des populations introduites et de la communauté envahie. Cependant, ils doivent être utilisés avec précaution car ils ne permettent pas de reproduire la complexité des milieux naturels. Les expériences en microcosmes sont donc complémentaires aux études théoriques et à celles menées en populations naturelles et contribuent à renforcer la valeur prédictive de la biologie de l’invasion en liant théorie et expérimentation.Understanding the factors underlying establishment and spread of exotic species in order to predict invasion risks is a major goal in invasion biology. Many theoretical studies investigated the ecological and evolutionary components of these factors and their impact on the invasive process. Yet, hypothesis tests through experimental approaches are still scarce because of the practical and ethical difficulties associated with the introduction of exotic species in nature. Thus, most empirical results come from a posteriori analyses of fortuitous invasions, which allow correlative approaches at best and give no information about invasion failures. In this paper, we propose microcosms, i.e. reproducible controlled simplified environments, as an alternative to experimental introductions in natura. From a review of the literature, we discuss the distinctive features of microcosms to test theoretical predictions about invasion. Our analysis focuses on studies involving populations in transitory dynamics after a demographic bottleneck and/or subject to an adaptive challenge, two key characteristics of invasive processes. Despite their small number, these studies have been used successfully to explore the influences of various factors, mainly related to the introduction site characteristics (its abiotic conditions and their spatial and temporal heterogeneity), and to a lesser extent to the introduced individuals themselves (propagule pressure, genetic diversity and adaptations in the introduced population) or the invaded community. We argue that microcosms, as model systems, can be powerful tools to test theoretical hypotheses. They must however be used with care, as they do not account for the same complexity as natural systems. They are thus complementary to theoretical studies and field surveys, and contribute to reinforce the predictive value of invasion biology by linking theory and experimentation

    Don't Fall Off the Adaptation Cliff: When Asymmetrical Fitness Selects for Suboptimal Traits

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    The cliff-edge hypothesis introduces the counterintuitive idea that the trait value associated with the maximum of an asymmetrical fitness function is not necessarily the value that is selected for if the trait shows variability in its phenotypic expression. We develop a model of population dynamics to show that, in such a system, the evolutionary stable strategy depends on both the shape of the fitness function around its maximum and the amount of phenotypic variance. The model provides quantitative predictions of the expected trait value distribution and provides an alternative quantity that should be maximized (“genotype fitness”) instead of the classical fitness function (“phenotype fitness”). We test the model's predictions on three examples: (1) litter size in guinea pigs, (2) sexual selection in damselflies, and (3) the geometry of the human lung. In all three cases, the model's predictions give a closer match to empirical data than traditional optimization theory models. Our model can be extended to most ecological situations, and the evolutionary conditions for its application are expected to be common in nature

    Glacial Refugia in Pathogens: European Genetic Structure of Anther Smut Pathogens on Silene latifolia and Silene dioica

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    Climate warming is predicted to increase the frequency of invasions by pathogens and to cause the large-scale redistribution of native host species, with dramatic consequences on the health of domesticated and wild populations of plants and animals. The study of historic range shifts in response to climate change, such as during interglacial cycles, can help in the prediction of the routes and dynamics of infectious diseases during the impending ecosystem changes. Here we studied the population structure in Europe of two Microbotryum species causing anther smut disease on the plants Silene latifolia and Silene dioica. Clustering analyses revealed the existence of genetically distinct groups for the pathogen on S. latifolia, providing a clear-cut example of European phylogeography reflecting recolonization from southern refugia after glaciation. The pathogen genetic structure was congruent with the genetic structure of its host species S. latifolia, suggesting dependence of the migration pathway of the anther smut fungus on its host. The fungus, however, appeared to have persisted in more numerous and smaller refugia than its host and to have experienced fewer events of large-scale dispersal. The anther smut pathogen on S. dioica also showed a strong phylogeographic structure that might be related to more northern glacial refugia. Differences in host ecology probably played a role in these differences in the pathogen population structure. Very high selfing rates were inferred in both fungal species, explaining the low levels of admixture between the genetic clusters. The systems studied here indicate that migration patterns caused by climate change can be expected to include pathogen invasions that follow the redistribution of their host species at continental scales, but also that the recolonization by pathogens is not simply a mirror of their hosts, even for obligate biotrophs, and that the ecology of hosts and pathogen mating systems likely affects recolonization patterns